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海上钢琴师 Legend of 1900 全部台词 中英文对照文档格式.docx

1、但是总会有一个人一眼就看到她的单身汉。Maybe he was just sitting there, eating or walking on the deck.deck: 甲板或许他只是坐在那吃东西或是在甲板上散步,Maybe he was just fixing his pants. Hed look up for a second,fix: 修理pants: 裤子或许他正在缝补裤子。他抬起头,a quick glance out to sea and hed see her.glance: 一瞥很快地向海上望去,便看到了她。Then hed just stand there roote

2、d to the spot, his heart racing.root: 生根,扎根spot: 地点race: 疾行【这里指心脏快速跳动】他的脚像生了根,心也悸动不安。And every time every damn time, I swear hed turn to us, towards the ship towards everybody and scream.”damn: 该死的【表强调】swear: 发誓scream: 大喊每次,每一次,我发誓,他转向我冲着船朝着每个人大喊-Man: America!美国! New York, The one who sees America f

3、irst .Theres one on every ship.纽约,先看到美国的人每个船上都有一个。And dont be thinking its an accident or some optical illusion, its destiny.accident: 意外的事optical: 视觉的illusion: 幻觉destiny: 命运不要以为这是偶然,或是视觉幻想,那是命运。Those are people who always have that precise instant stamped on their life.precise: 精确的,准确的instant: 瞬间st

4、amp: 使被铭记这些人他们的生命中总是有准确的被打上烙印的时刻。And when they were kids you could look into their eyes and if you looked carefully enough youd already see herAmerica.当他们是孩子的时候你看他们眼睛,如果你仔细观察你就会看到她美国。And Ive seen a few Americans. Six years on that ship five crossings a year.crossing: 横渡我没见过多少美国人,呆在那船上六年,一年横跨五次欧洲和美国。

5、When you stepped on land you couldnt even piss straight in the john.step on: 踩,踏piss: 撒尿straight: 笔直地john: 厕所当你踏上大陆,你在上厕所的时候都会感觉晃。It was steady. The john, I mean. But youd keep bobbing like an idiot.steady: 固定的bob: 上下跳动idiot: 白痴我的意思是,厕所是不动的,你却像个白痴一样不停的晃。You can get off a ship all right but off the o

6、cean”get off: 从上下来but: 除以外你可以安然无恙的离开船,但是却不可能离开大海。-Pops: I was just closing. What can I do for you?马上要关门了。需要点什么? when I boarded, I was 24 years old and I only cared about one thing in lifeplaying the trumpet. Im selling it.board: 登(飞机,车,船)care about: 关心trumpet: 小号当我登上这船的时候才24岁,一生中我只在乎一件事,演奏小号。我要卖这个。

7、Conn, not bad.康恩,不错。 Best brass money can buy.brass: 黄铜,铜管(乐器)黄铜是最好的。 Six pounds, ten shillings. Best I can dopound: 英镑shilling: 先令,面值5便士的硬币最高出六磅七先令。 That horns my whole life, mister. Even being nobody has got to be worth more than twenty lousy buckshorn: 喇叭mister: 先生lousy: 美国俚语低贱的buck: 钱先生,这是我的全部。即

8、使我不是什么名人,至少也值20美元。 It thats how things are, I suppose its barely worth half a crown. Shut the door when you leave pleasesuppose: 认为barely: 几乎不crown: (英国旧币制的)五先令硬币事情就是这样,我认为连二先令都不值。走后请关门。 Okay, pops you win. You just bought yourself a piece of musical history好吧,老爹,你赢了。你刚买了一部分音乐史。 Now if you want my a

9、dvice. Go out, treat yourself to a decent mealadvice: 建议decent: 得体的,相当好的如果你想要我的建议去吃顿好的。 At least let me play it one last time至少让我在吹一次。 Young man I dont have time to waste. All right. Hurry up, then. Im closingwaste: 浪费hurry up: 赶快我没有时间。好吧,那就快点。要关门了。 Thank you谢谢! Two peas in a pod, wouldnt you say? I

10、ts the music you were just playing. What is it?pea: 豌豆pod: 豆荚two peas in a pod: 一模一样【这里指胶片上的钢琴声跟铜管生配合起来是完美的乐章,如同一颗豆芽上的双生豆瓣是天作之合】这样才完美,你说呢?这是你刚才吹的那段音乐,叫什么? It doesnt have a name. Just a handful of people have had the privilege of hearing ita handful of: 少量的privilege: 特权没有名字,只有少数人听过。 That style. I was

11、 wondering since this morning, but. I cant work out who this amazing piano player is.wonder: 想知道work out: 找到的答案,知道amazing: 令人惊奇的这种曲风,今天早上我就在想。我不认识这个出神入化的钢琴师。 I dont think you ever heard of him我想你从来没听说过他。 Who is he?他是谁? If I told you this pianist never existed. I wouldnt be lyingpianist: 钢琴师如果我告诉你这个钢

12、琴师从来不存在,我没说谎。t like secrets. Come on now, Yank. Who the devil is playing?Yank: 美国人the devil: 究竟,到底我不喜欢秘密。快点,美国佬,这人是谁? Thats my secret. It was the first year of this frigging century as defined by an unknown colored coal stoker on the Virginianfrigging: 受诅咒的,可恨的colored: 有色的coal: 煤炭stoker: 锅炉工那是我的秘密。那

13、是这个该死的世纪的第一年,被一个弗吉尼亚不知名的黑人煤矿工命名的。-Danny: Fucking rich-ass bastards cant lose nothing but cigarette butts and dirty-ass handkerchiefs.fucking: 他妈的(粗鄙语) -ass: 表示“十分,透顶”的意思【rich-ass和dirty-ass分别是及其有钱、脏极了的意思】 bastard: 美国俚语、口语混蛋cigarette: 香烟butt: 烟头handkerchief: 手帕该死的有钱人,什么都没留下,除了烟头和脏兮兮的手帕。Cant lose no wa

14、tch not even a beat-up Elgin or a sorry-ass cufflinknot even: 甚至beat-up: 破旧的Elgin: 大理石雕sorry-ass: 【sorry是破破烂烂的意思,与-ass连用就是十分破旧的意思】cufflink: 男子衬衫袖的链扣就不能丢块手表或是旧的大理石或手链。What am I talking about? Not even a fake fucking ring. Look here. A whole cigar.fake: 假的我在说什么,连假戒指都没有。看看这,一根烟。Must have been somebody

15、poor at the party. Look at this shit. Nasty fucker.nasty: 污秽的,下流的 fucker: 傻瓜,笨蛋一定是某个可怜人的。看看这垃圾,肮脏的白痴。Damn rich. Dont forget nothing unless they owe you some money.owe: 欠该死的有钱人,除非他们欠你钱,否则不会给你留下什么。What in the scuts you doing here? T.D. Lemons. Howdy do there, Lemon.scut: 美国口语 单调粗鄙的话语 howdy: 您好(招呼用语,方言

16、)你这小家伙在这干嘛,T.D. Lemon。你好,Lemon。-Coal Stoker A: Immigrant bastard. You said it thats the way the immigrants do it移民的混蛋。你说对了,这就是移民应该做的。-Coal Stoker B: Have a baby on the ship and then leave on board another mouth to feed.feed: 喂养on board: 在船上生了个婴儿在船上,留下了一个活口需要喂养。-Coal Stoker C: And, like that, avoid t

17、rouble with the immigration office.avoid: 避免immigration office: 移民局这样可以避免移民局找麻烦。-Coal Stoker D: Whats a boy like him going to be when he grows up?这样的孩子长大了会干什么。-Coal Stoker E: Another immigrant.成为另一个移民。 Dont pay those bastards no mind Lemon. Go on, lap it up, no mind: 不理会lap up: 舔舐(流质食品)不用理这些

18、混蛋,Lemon。来吧!喝吧! This one they left in first class on top the piano.first class: 头等舱这个孩子被遗弃在头等舱的钢琴上。 They are hoping some rich guy will come and stick a silver spoon in his mouth.stick: 插spoon: 勺子【a silver spoon常常用来形容生在富贵之家,常用的形式是born with a silver spoon】他们希望有钱人能来给他喂个金勺子,And who does the little ape g

19、et instead? A poor coal stoker.ape: 大猩猩【这里指代小孩】instead: 却然而谁捡到了这个孩子呢?一个穷煤矿工。 Someone is taking you for a sucker, Dannytake for: 把当作sucker: 吸管【这里指代喂奶的人也就是奶妈】有人把你当奶妈了,Danny。 They have the fun. You have the 乐趣misery: 痛苦他们快乐了,你却痛苦了。 Fuck poverty. You stinking sewer rats. T.D. was written on

20、that box. Any of you shitheads know what that means?poverty: 贫穷stinking: 俚语令人讨厌的sewer: 下水道rat: 鼠shitheads: 粗白痴,笨蛋该死的穷人,你们这些讨厌的褐家鼠。T.D 写在那个盒子上,你们这帮白痴知道那是什么意思嘛?I forgot. You all cant read. It means, Thanks, Danny. Thanks, Danny我忘了,你们都不识字。意思就是:“谢谢Danny,谢谢Danny。”They left him for me and Im gonna keep hi

21、m. Rest of you all can go fuck yourselveskeep: 照顾,养活他们是给我留着的,我要把他养大。你们去死吧! Danny, what are you going to call the nino?Danny,你打算给他叫他什么? Hell, I aint thinking about that. To start off Im going to name him after me. Danny Boodman.aint: 口=am not/ are not/ is not/have not/has notstart off: 开始该死,我没想到这个。我打

22、算以我的名字命名,Danny Boodman。Then Ill put T.D. in the middle as rich folks put that in the middle, dont you think?folk: 人们T.D.是中间名,就像富人放在中间一样,你们说呢?That give it class, to put that in the middle, donclass: 社会地位把名字放在中间他就是个富人了,你们觉的怎么样? All fucking lawyers got initials in the middle of their 律师in

23、itial: 大写首字母所有的律师都有中间名字。 Well, my lawyer was Jonathan PTK Wonder我的律师叫Jonathan PTK Wonder。 My son grows up to be a lawyer I swear Ill kill him myself. But the boys name is still going to be Danny Boodman T.D. Lemon. 发誓如果我的孩子长大了是个律师我发誓我会亲手杀了他,但是孩子的名字还是会叫Danny Boodman T.DLemon。 He aint the son of no fu

24、cking duke, Danny. You found him on a Tuesday ,call him Tuesday.他不是没爹的孩子,Danny,你在星期二发现他的就应该叫他星期二。 You aint as dumb as you look, colored boy. I found him the first month of the first year of this frigging new century.dumb: 美国口语愚蠢的 (加强语气用的)该死的,他妈的你不像看起来那么笨。我在这个该死的新世纪的第一年第一个月里发现了他,So I call him Ninetee

25、n Hundred所以我叫他1900。 Nineteen Hundred? But thats a number1900? 但那是个数字。 It was a number, now its a name. Danny Boodman T.D. Lemon Nineteen Hundred曾经是数字,但现在是个名字。Danny Boodman T.DLemon 1900。 Danny, your little bambino is not so happy. Come on, hurry. Hurry up Dont worry, your mamas here.bambino: 意大利语小孩

26、赶紧Danny,你的婴儿不高兴了。快点,快点,别怕,你妈妈来了。 Damn. How can something that small shit so much?shit: 拉屎该死,这么个小东西怎么拉这么多。 “And thats how little Nineteen Hundred grew up inside that cradle as big as a ship.cradle: 摇篮这就是1900怎么样长大的,在一个像船一样大的摇篮里,But since Danny was afraid theyd take him away on account of some business concerning documents

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