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2、我向-问候:myregardsRemember12带-逛一逛:showsbaround sp.13下决心做-:makeuponesmindsth.determined decide to do 14盼望:lookforwardsth./doingsth.15感激-:gratefulappreciatehelpcantthankenough16对-感兴趣:have/takeinterestin=be /get /become interested in17能胜任:fitforthepost18有句俗语说得好:oldsayinggoes,常用谚语Knowledgepower知识就是力量Wheret

3、herewill,way.有志者事竟成AllroadsleadRome.条条大路通罗马Practicemakesperfect.孰能生巧,实践出真知/Failuremothersuccess.失败是成功之母Nopains,nogains.一分耕耘,一分收获/Healthbetterthanwhealth. 健康胜于财富19认为-好极了,thinkhighlybetter20为-树立了榜样setgoodexample21突然想出了好主意Aideasuddenlystrikesflashedinto22拜访,参观visitcallat23不能-,有困难做-faildifficulty(in)doi

4、ng24同意,与-一致agreewith-linewith25利用-useadvantage26事物具有双面性。Everycoinhastwosides.swordedges.27对-有影响(bad)effecton28与-有关系something(much,nothing29进展,发展progressgetalongwith30处理,应付dealsee31努力去做takemeasures/stepsefforts32.确信-Theredoubt33.只有这样才能-Onlythiswaycanyou/we34.许多-hugenumber35.帮助去做-givesb.hand-help sb(t

5、o )do sth offerWith36.变化大,焕然一新onnewlook37.花费-去做takes/took38.浪费时间/金钱wastetime/money doing39.不得不去做-choicebut40.需要-needof41.毫无疑问 there is no doubt that41.直到。才。notuntil42.只要。as long as43.我认为。很有必要,I find It (is) necessary/important for me to do 44. 我很高兴。Im glad/pleased to do45.占地面积-coverareasquarekilomet

6、ers/squaremeters46.自来发生了巨大的变化Great changes have taken place since.1. Its time to go home./to play computer games./ for school. 是回家/玩电子游戏/上学的时候了。2. Its bad(manners)for you to spit on the ground. 随地吐痰不好。 Smoking is bad for your health. 抽烟不利于你的健康。 To walk is good for your health. 散步有益健康。英语议论文句型荟萃1、 常用开

7、头的短语、句式1 Nowadays many people preferbecause it plays an important role in our daily life. Generally speaking, its advantages can be seen as follows2 As everybody knows, with the (rapidly)growing popularityof (computers/private cars) in China, the quality of peoples lives has been greatly improved.Re

8、cently there is a widespread/serious concern over (graduates employment/students health.)Nowadays, a heated debate/discussion about whether students should go abroad for further education is under way in our class. Some students hold the view that; whereas others argue thatThere are some reasons for

9、 owning personal cars. To begin with, Next, Last, There are, on the other hand, many reasons against it. FirstSecondFinallyAs for students owning mobile phones, different people have different opinions.Smoking should be banned from campuses for two reasons. The first reason isthat The second is that

10、/On the one hand,On the other hand/For one thing For another thingAs the saying goes, “Time and tide wait for no one.”2、 常用正文的词语、句式(1)引述段落提出问题时常用的句式、词语:in fact, there are advantages and disadvantages in Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows Just as a

11、 popular saying goes, “Every coin has two sides.” is no exception, and in other words, it still has negative aspects.The reasons why are as follows My opinion is that (2)展开段落论证时常用的句式、词语:第一层次(首先) in the first place/ in the beginning/ first(firstly)/ first of all/ to beginning with/ for one thing/ I w

12、ant to begin by saying/ My first reason is that/ The main factor is 第二层次(其次)second(secondly)/ in the second place/ next/ for another/ The second solution is that 第三层次(第三点)third(thirdly)/ besides/ in addition/ furthermore (3)将事物的正反、好坏两方面,或者将两种不同事物进行比较、对比时常用的句式、短语: 然而 while, whereas, but, however, nev

13、ertheless 尽管如此 in spite of that, despite all this/ the fact that, even so 但在另一方面 but on the other hand 与相比 in/ by comparison with , as compared with 对比之下by/ in contrast 与相反 as opposed to,instead of 相反 on the contrary, instead 事实上as a matter of fact, as the matter stands, in fact 任何事物都是一分为二的。Every co

14、in has two sides. 他们的区别如下:The differences are as follows: A与B的不同在于 A is different from B in The difference between A and B is / lies in / exists in / consists in3、 常用结尾的短语、句式:1 It is hoped that we should place much emphasis on/play more attention to2 To sum up,we should try to bring the advantages o

15、finto fullplay,and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time.In the case,we will definitely make a better use of the 3 Above all,to solve the problem of,we should find various ways.But as far as I am concerned,I would prefer to solve the problem in this way,that is to say,It is (high)

16、time for us to take action.Let us work hard in hand in order to (solve these social problems).Hence,we can conclude thatTherefore,no one can deny thatThrough the above analysis,I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones.Therefore,I would like toFrom the comparison between these

17、positive effects of,we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in.写作系列指导材料(一)词汇和句型汇编路线图、位置图1.opposite to sp. is sp. 在的对面是 (not)far away from 离很远,不远3.take you straight to sp. (汽车)把你直接带到4.west of the village is 村子西边是5.a main road leading straight to 直接通到的一条主干道6.on

18、 the left/right 在左边,在右边7.on one side,on the other side 在一边,在另一边8.Behind/In front of sp. is sp. 在后面是,在前面是e out of your home and go straight ahead along 走出家门沿着路径直向前走10.turn left/right at the second crossing 在第二个十字路口向左/右转11.It is an hours ride from your home to our school. 从你家到我们学校乘车是一小时的路程 It is an ho

19、urs ride/walk away to sp. 到某地去乘车/走路是一小时的路程远12.walk ahead until you reach 一直向前走直到你到达13.on the third floor 在第三层14.a building of three storeys/a three-storey building 一幢三层的大楼 located in/be situated in 位于 in the north (south,west,east)of 位于的北部讨论、图表数据类1、The way sb. do(es) sth. changed a lot

20、 from(年)to(年) 从年到年人们做事的方式改变了很多。2、The number/The rate of(年)doubled that of(年) 年的数字是年数字数字的双倍The number/ The rate of whodropped/fell/reduced by (下降了)/to(下降到)人的数字下降了/下降到 grew/increased/rose by(上升了)to(上升到) 人的数字增长了/增长到The number/The amount ofhas dropped from 的数字已从1990年的下降到1999年的(数字)in 1990 to(数字)in 1990to

21、(数字)in 19993、A spend twice as much time/money on sth. as B A花在上的时间/金钱是B的两倍The number of the people whowas ten times 人的数目是年的十倍。as large as in(年) 4、The figures show that 这些数字显示5、generally speaking 一般说来,大体说来6、on the whole 从整体来看7、the most striking contrast 最鲜明的对比8、on the contrary 相反的是9、A would like to d

22、o sth.while B wants to do sth. A想而B想10、take up15% of ones time/30 minutes 占用某人15%的时间/30分钟11、Chart 1 shows that 表1显示As is shown on Chart 2, 正如表2所显示的那样12、As is shown in the above diagram/table/picture 正如上面的表格/图片所展示的那样13、Its(high)time that sb.did sth. 该是干的时候了Its (high)time that sb.should do sth.14、讨论类书面表达常用的的三段论模式:议题:Recently we have discussed whetherhad a heated discussion about whether Or:Yesterday we made a survey about观点: Some people think it is right t do /agree with this idea70% of the students /people自己的看法:In my opi

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