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1、 Fine, thank you. Welcome to the Fair. Anythinq particular you are interestedin or Did you find anythinq interesting Of course,interested in vour electrical appliances. Thank you. Compared with competing products, ours is smaller and lighter. Take this walkman for example Yes, I can feel that. Well,

2、 I also notice the look of the Walkman is different from the other products Yes. We believe the hiqh (. excellent, superior)quality will keep the customers happy, and the new look will make them notice them more. So you ere uery con fide nt about the quality of your products? You are right. We alway

3、s pay attention to improving our quality. I can assure you that these products stand competition well.二实用表达练习Whafs the English for the following products? Write them down.1.视听产品2.电子玩具3.服装4.苏绣5.医疗设备6.化妆品7.电器设备8.瓷器Whats the English for the following products?1 audio-visual products2.electronic toys3.g

4、arments4.Suzhou embroidery5.medical instruments6.cosmetics7.electrical appliances8.ceramics三翻译练习Translate the following dialog.多么漂亮的纺织品展览啊! (display textiles)本省的丝绸工业有很长的历史了。其湘绣产品在世界上享有了好的声誉。 (embroidery, well established)我知道。我从事湘绣的进口业务已有十几年了。(specializing in, embroidery)哦!我们有许多品种供您选择。请看这边,这儿有些流行款式。(

5、wide varieties, fashionable patterns)如果你们的价格有有竞争力,贸易条件优惠的话,我可以考虑向你们购买。 (competitive, favorable)太好了!我希望我们之间能做很多生意。(business, be conducted) What a beautiful display of textiles! Thank you. The silk industry in this province has a long history, and Hunan embroidery has been well established in the worl

6、d. So I *ve heard. I have been specializing in exporting Hunan embroidery for more than ten years Oh! We have wide varieties for you to choose from Look here, please, There are some fashi on able patter ns. I could consider buying from you if your price is competitive and the trade terms are favorab

7、le.B: Thats great. I hope a lot of business will be conducted through between us.四听力练习Part A Focus ListeningDirections: You will hear some Email addresses from the tape. Please write themdown:1. 2. 3. 4. 1 Ramblepublic. netchina. com. cn2.jay 1 B

8、 Dialog How many people are there in dialogue C FACE TO FACE? Who makeseach of the following remarks? Please complete the following:There are people at the meeting. They are: , and SPEAKERREMARK1T. WangPm here to2I have an appointment3Rec.Your name please?4Ill tell Mr. Wright that5Mr. Wright will be

9、 out to meet you6C. WrightYou must be7Please call me8Tom Wang9WrightLet*s have10WangThat sounds fine答案:three Receptionist Charles TomPm here to see Charles WrightI have an appointment for 10 oclockIll tell Mr. Wright that you are here.Mr. Wright will be out to meet you in a few minutesYou must be To

10、m WangYou can call me CharlesPlease call me TomLets have some coffee in my reception officeThat sounds fine.Part C PassageC1. Directions: Listen to the passage, and decide whether the following statementsare true or false .1.Business communication is an important part in conducting atrade ( )2.Busin

11、ess communications are carried out by money.( )3.Business communications are either by writing or verbally.( )4.When it is done verbally, the usual means are by letters, cablesand telexes. ( )5.Through verbal communications trading transactions arecon eluded in large amounts at Fairs in Guangzho u.

12、( )1-T 2-F 3-T 4-T 5-TC2. Directions: Listen to the passage again, complete the following sentences.1.It is the dealing between the seller and the buyer in order to reach agreement on and other terms orthe , , _1 2 3conditions of a sale.3.In order to come to an agreement during a business communicat

13、ion the following terms are talked over, such as the description of the goods , their quality,quantity, , , , payment, inspection, claims disputes9 10 11 12and arbitration.I the price 2. quantity 3. quality 4. payme nt 5. in ter national fairs6.negotiate with 7.export 8. import 9.packing lO.priceII

14、shipment 12.insura neeUnit Two InquiryComplete the following dialog: WeYe quite your Drawn Works. How about the supply position?我们对你们的抽纱制品很有兴趣。供应情况怎么样? For most of the articles in the catalogue, we have good .目录中的大部分商品的货源都很充足。 Heres our . Youll find the required all here.这是我们的询价单。所需要的品种、规格和数量都在上面。 T

15、hanks门I it and let you have our tomorrow.谢谢!我把这询价单研究一下,明天报实盘给你。 I dont n eed to remi nd you that the market has become very . 我不需要提醒你市场的竞争很剧烈。 Youll find our prices very .你会发现我们的价格非常优惠。 Thafs fine. By the way, ?那很好。顺便问一下,你们是报离岸价还是到岸价? Either can be done, though we usually quote 报哪种都行,不过我们一般是报到岸价。 Th

16、en would you please ?那请你报包括百分之五佣金在内的到岸价行吗? Certainly. We can .行,我们可以替你把这价格算出来。 Were quite interested in your Drawn Works. How about the supply position? For most of the articles in the catalogue, we have good supply.s our inquiry list. Youll find the required items, specifications and quantities all

17、 here. Thanks.门I look into it and let you have our firm offers tomorrow.t need to remi nd you that the market has become very competitive. Youll find our prices very favorable. Thats fine. By the way, do you quote FOB or C/F? Either can be done, though we usually quote on CIF basis. Then would you p

18、lease make your prices CIF5%2 Certainly. We can work them out.二 术语和实用表达练习Please write down the full name and its Chinese equivalent of each international trade term.EXWFCAFASFOBCFRCIFCPTCIPDAFDESDEQDDUDDPEXW: Ex Works工厂交货FCA: Free Carrier货交承运人FAS: Free Alongside Ship 船边交货FOB:CFR:Free On Board 船上交货Co

19、st and Freight成本加运费CIF:CPT:CIP: DAF:Cost, Insurance and Freight 成本、保险费加运费Carriage Paid To 运费付至Carriage and Insurance Paid To 运费、保险费付至 Delivered At Frontier 边境交货DES:Delivered Ex Ship目的港船上交货DEQ:Delivered Ex Quay目的港码头交货DDU:DDP:Delivered Duty Unpaid 未完税交货Delivered Duty Paid 完税后交货Translate the following

20、sentences into English1.这种商品型号很多,你们要哪一种? (particular product, model)2.如果需要的话,我们可以按你们的要求,接受特殊订货。(special orders)3.我对你们的化工产品很感兴趣,请你是否能就下列产品报给我纽约港的到岸价。(to be interested in, quote)4.这是我们的报价单,单上详列了全部销售条件。(sales terms and conditions.)5贵省所产的台布在我国市场上十分畅销。(have a ready market)1 For this particular product, t

21、here are many different models Which model do you want?2.If you want / If necessary, we accept / take special orders according to your requirement.3.Im very interested in your chemical products. Could you quote us CIF New York on the following products?4.Here is my quotation sheet with all the sales

22、 terms and conditions.5.The tablecloths made in your provinee have a ready market in our country.Part A: Focus Listening You will hear 10 sentences. Please fill the missing parts in the blank spaces in the following form according to what you hear. Listen to the part again when it is necessary.A lis

23、t of countries and their ports, capitals and languages:No.Name of theCountryCapitalLanguageMain Port(s)CanadaOttawaEnglish( )Halifax哈利法克斯St. John 圣约翰温哥华魁北克市The peoples Republic ofBan gladeshDacca 达卡孟加拉语( ) 吉大港Brussels 布鲁塞尔Flemish 佛拉艺语 French( ) 安特卫普( ) 根特Brasilia 巴西利亚Portuguese( ) 勒西腓Rio de Janeiro

24、里约热内卢( ) 桑托斯( ) 圣地亚哥SpanishValparaiso 瓦尔帕莱索 ( ) 阿里卡An tofagasta 安托法加斯塔ChinaBeijingChin eseDalianTianjinShanghaiQin gdaoHuangpuGuangzhouCuba( ) 哈瓦娜Havana哈瓦那西思富戈斯EgyptCairo开罗( ) 亚力山大Port Said赛徳港( ) 苏伊士( ) 格达Arabic( ) 巴士拉New DelhiHindi 印地语( ) 孟买Calcutta加尔各答( ) 马徳拉斯English (French)Halifax 哈利法克斯St. John 圣约翰 (Vancouver) 温哥华 (Quebec city) 魁北克市Ban gladesh 孟加拉国(Bengali) 孟加拉语 (English)(Chittagong) 吉大港(Belgium) 比利时Antwerp) 安特卫普 (Ghent) 根特Brazil) 巴西(Recife) 勒西腓Rio de Janeiro 里约热内卢 (Santos )桑托斯(Chile) 智利(Santiago) 圣地亚哥Valparaiso 瓦尔帕莱索 Arica) 阿里卡Dalian大连 (Xingang)新港 Tianjin 天津 Shanghai 上海 Qingdao

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