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1、s a summer that youll never forget!Science Explorer:Students will uses simple machines to invent Rube Goldberg challenges. Weekly creations will provide students chances to work together and think creativity with others. This course is our most popular,apply early to reserve your space!Reading & Wri

2、ting:Get occupied with non-fictional text that describes some of the greatest inventors of all time. Create digital text that is both interactive and animated (交互的和动态的).History in Action:Recreate some of the most influential architectural features from the early civilizations by using everyday mater

3、ials. Let your imagination head to another world with hands-on activities on a daily basis.Music:You can use our digital keyboarding software to make a variety of music Are there chances toplay instruments in space? How does it sound and What are the challenges? Learn about how music plays a role in

4、 space.Middle School Academic Enrichment.Camp FeesTuition(学费): For one two-week session:$ 645For both two-week sessions: $1180Personal account: $565Notes:*There are four periods each day and each course runs for two periods. Students can only choose one or two topics for the summer.*All courses are

5、for enrichment only. This is a learning enrichment camp, not a summer school program. Students cannot take these courses to make up for courses failed during the normal school year.* Tuition does not include the cost of meals or uniforms. Personal account covers board, uniforms and trips.21 What do

6、the courses focus on for students?A. Their teamwork. B. Their creativity. C. Their failed courses. D. Their school grades.22. How much will Steven pay for both History in Action and Music in total?A. $1180. B. $1210. C. $1290. D. $1745.23. What will students have the chance to do at the Summer Camp?

7、A .Play various musical instruments. B. Turn ancient materials into products.C. Invent some stories about great scientists.D. Explore some simple machines for challenges.B Eleven-year-old Ruby Kate Chitsey loves asking the question”If you could have any three things, what would you want? at nursing

8、homes in Harrison. Even more amazing, she then sets out to make the residents who live in the nursing home realize their dreams.Last May, Ruby Kate noticed a resident named Pearl staring out a window. She seemed sad. What are you looking at? Ruby Kate asked. Pearl said her dog was led away by his ne

9、w owner because she couldnt afford to raise it. Ruby Kate and her mother, Amanda, asked around and discovered that many nursing home residents are unable to afford even the smallest luxuries. So Ruby Kate decided to do something about it.She started by asking residents what three things they wanted

10、most in the world. Amanda worried that people would ask for cars and other things an 11-year-old wouldnt be able to provide . Instead, they asked for chocolate bars, McDonald fries, pants that ft properly and even just prayer. Using heir own money, the Chitseys granted the wishes of about 100 people

11、 in three months. Then they started asking for donations.The good people of Harrison responded enthusiastically, so much so hat Amanda set up a GoFundMe page, Three Wishes for Rubys Residents, hoping to collect %5,000. They hit their goal in a month. After GoFundMe named Ruby Kate a Kid Hero and pro

12、moted her story internationally this past January, Three Wishes raised $20,000 in 24 hours and more than $250,000 in five months.Earlier this year, Three Wishes for Rubys Residents became a nonprofit and launched its first nationwide chapters. Ruby Kate doesnt plan to stop there. “I consider kindnes

13、s to be my hobby,she says,“and Im very good at it.24. What inspired Ruby Kate to help residents at nursing homes?A. Pearls sadness for missing her dog. B. The kindness of residents at nursing homes.C. Many nursing home residents lack of luxuries.D. Her experience of working in a nursing home.25. Wha

14、t can we learn from the passage?A. Three Wishes has set up its worldwide branches.B. The Chitseys helped satisfy the residents wishes.C.The nursing home introduced Rubys story around the world.D. The Chitseys are wealthy enough to afford all residents26. What do the numbers listed in Paragraph 4 ind

15、icate?A. People were supportive. B.Ruby Kate was generous. C Raising money was quite easy. D.The programme was profitable.27. Which of the following can best describe Ruby Kate?A .Proud and enthusiastic. B.Creative and imaginative.C. Warm-hearted and selfless. D.Ambitious and modest.CNew South Wales

16、, Australia, is setting up cameras as part of an effort to reduce the number ofpeople preoccupied with wireless devices while they drive. It will be the first area in the world to use the technology to punish drivers distracted (分心) with telephone calls, social media or text messages. Road Safety ex

17、perts are concerned about the growing number of accidents involving drivers using smart phones on the states roads. They say drivers who use phones while driving greatlyincrease their chances of being involved in an accident.The New South Wales government plans to place 45 Mobile Phone Detection Cam

18、eras acrossthe state by December. Each phone detection unit contains two cameras. One camera takes pictures of a vehicles registration plate (牌照). A second camera looks through the front windrow of a car or truck to see what drivers are doing with their hands.The units use artificial intelligence to

19、 set aside drivers who are not touching their phones. Human beings then confirm if the pictures show illegal behavior before notice is sent to the vehicles registered owner. A violation(违 反) carries fine of $232. Some cameras will be permanently set up on roadsides. Others will be moved, from time t

20、o time, around the state.Two fixed cameras took photographs of 8.5 million vehicles as part of a six-month test earlier this year. The cameras took photos of more than 100,000 drivers with their hands on phones. One driver was using a phone and another electronic device, an Apple iPad, at the same t

21、ime. Another driver had a passenger guide the vehicle while they both held phones, the state government said.28. What is the real purpose to set up cameras in New South Wale?A. To keep records of the accidents. B.To promote the latest technology.C. To find illegal behavior of the drivers. D. To forc

22、e drivers to focus more on driving.29. What can we infer from the road safety experts?A. Smart-phones are main killers on the road.B. All accidents result from drivers using cell-phones.C. Measures are badly needed to ban using phones while driving.D. Carrying a smart-phone while driving will cause

23、an accident.30. How does the phone detection unit function effectively? A. It corrects the drivers wrong behavior.B. It has two cameras to record the plates.C.It sends a notice to the legal diver autonomously.D.It combines artificial intelligence with humans efforts.31. What did a six-month test sho

24、w?A. Electronic devices could help divers indeed.B. Mary passenger helped operate the vehicles.C. Many drivers used electronic devices while driving.D. It was common to be busy with two wireless devices.DBEIJING/SAO PAULO-Chinese traditions like cockfighting, like-flying and fireworks have been quit

25、e common in Brazil for many years.Despite the thousands of kilometers between them, Chinas historical and artistic mark on Brazil has existed for about 300 years, said Brazilian sinologist (汉学家) Jose Roberto Teixeira Leite in his book China in Brazil. Influences from China can date from the colonial

26、 period, even up to the time after after Brazils independence.The commercial relationship between the two countries has existed for a long time, he noted, adding that incoming ships would fill up Brazilian cities like Salvador, Rio de Janeiro and Recife with Chinese products like porcelain(瓷器), silk

27、 and fans He also found Chinese influence not only in the arts and architecture of Brazil but also in the most diverse areas of Brazilian society, like the economy, medicine and popular culture. At the end of the 19th century, in Pernambuco, (a state in northeastern Brazil), there was a custom that

28、children slept with clothes decorated with Chinese dragons. Teixeira added.The book took him about 15 years to finish. The impact of the book surprised me, though itwas published by a university publisher and it had a print run of just 1,000 copies, he said.“Somehave said that the book represents a

29、turning point in Chinese studies in Brazil.Besides, the sinologist did research on the mark and presence of China in the architecture andarts of Brazil.“It was through art that China awoke in me, first, curiosity, after that, interest, andfinally, passion, Teixeira said.In 1992, the sinologist visit

30、ed Macao to do research for his doctoral thesis about the marks and presence of China in Brazil, and that trip impressed him a lot. In 2013, Teixeira had a chance to visit the Chinese cities of Bejing, Shenzhen and Shanghai, and got to know“the past and present of the great country culturally, as well as its incredible material development.32. What does the underlined sentence imply?A Brazilian childrens love for dragons as Chinese children.B. The development of China-Brazil frequent trade cooperation.C. A further understanding of the cultures of the two countries.D. Chinas influence on most

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