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1、7. 遇有点播应及时广播,通知旅客相关信息。8. 乘务长应监听客舱广播,以保证服务质量9. 紧急情况时,由乘务长负责广播。10. 广播次序:国内航班:中文 英文国际航班:中文 相应语种 英文Unit one announcement for Boarding 登机广播一Vocabulary:Passenger 乘客 Flight 航班 Gate 登机口 Approximately 大约Compartment 行李架 Baggage行李Aisle 通道 Emergency 紧急情况Proceed前进 Aircraft 飞机二Read it right (1)女士们,先生们: 乘坐上海吉祥航空公司

2、HO1111次航班的乘客大约一小时之后出发,请本次航班的所有乘客前往14号登机口。上海吉祥航空祝您飞行愉快。谢谢!Ladies and gentlemen: Passengers for flight HO1111will be departing in approximately one hour. Will all passengers for this flight please make their way to Gate 14 . We hope you will enjoy flight with shanghai juneyao airlines.Thank you!(2) 乘坐

3、上海吉祥航空公司1111次航班,飞往北京的乘客,请注意了,本次航班将在十五分钟后开始登机。为了加快登机速度,请您准备好登机牌! Attention please. Passengers bound for Beijing on flight HO1111.your flight will be boarding in 15 minutes .In order to speed up boarding. Please have your tickets ready.Thank you for you cooperation!(3)欢迎乘坐上海吉祥航空公司班机,请您对号入座,您的座位号码位于行李架

4、下方。请将您的行李放在行李架上,请不要放在客舱通道和紧急出口处。如有不易摆放行李,我们稍后会协助您,请您先入座,方便后面旅客登机!谢谢您的合作! Welcome aboard shanghai juneyao airlines. Please take you seat according to your seat number .Your seat number is on the overhead compartment. Please make sure your hand baggage is stored in the overhand compartment. This is to

5、 keep the aisles and emergency exits clear. Please take your assigned seats as quickly as possible, and keep the aisles clear for others to be seated.Thank you for you cooperation!Unit two Announcement for Electronic Devices Restriction 禁止使用的电子设备Vocabulary:Note 注意 Electronic 电子的Device 设备 Switch 转换 开

6、关Pre-flight 航前的,飞行前的 Remote 遥远的Portable 手提式 Lap/Desktop手提电脑(台式)Read it right 感谢您的耐心等候!请您配合我们做好起飞前的各项安全准备工作。现在客舱乘务员将进行安全检查,请您系好安全带,打开遮光板,收起小桌板,并确认所有电子设备已关闭。 We are sorry to keep you waiting. Now the cabin crew will make pre-flight safety check. Please fasten your seat belt .open the window shade ,tab

7、le lap and make sure all electronic devices have been switched off. Thank you! (2)感谢您在这段旅途中对我们工作的支持和配合。愿我们再次想见在吉祥航空的航班上。现在飞机已经开始下降,请系好安全带并协助我们做好下降前的各项安全准备工作,倾国比所有电子用品的电源! Thank you for your support and cooperation during this flight. The plane is now descending. Please fasten your seat belt and make

8、 safety check .Please make sure all switches of electronic devices are in the off position. Thank you! (3) 为了防止干扰飞行通讯和导航系统,请您正在飞行全程中不要使用一下电子设备:移动电话,调频/调幅收音机,便携式电视机以及遥控装置。其他电子设备如手提电脑等在航班起飞15分钟后使用, 但必须在“系好安全带”灯亮后关闭,以便飞机安全下降,使用手提电脑室请您关闭无线网卡功能。 Please not that certain electronic devices including mobile

9、 phones. AM/FM radio. And remote control toys must not be used on board at all time .All other portable electronic devices including laptop computers can be used fifteen minutes after take-off, and must be switched of when the seat-belt signs come on for landing .WI-FI wireless card must be switched

10、 off in using laptop computer. Thank you for your cooperation!Unit three announcement for safety Demonstration 客舱安全演示Oxygen mask 氧气面罩 Life vest 救生衣Compartment 行李架 Automatically 自动地Slip 滑向 Elastic band 橡皮圈Taxi 滑行 Encounter 遭遇Air turbulence 空气湍流 Buckle 搭扣Strap 带子 Inflation tab 充气管Mouth piece人工充气管 Batt

11、ery pin 电池销In addition to 除了。以外 Track light 应急路径灯Install 安装 Illuminate 照亮Indicate 指示 Leaflet 小册子Read it right:()现在由客舱乘务员向大家介绍氧气面罩,安全带,救生衣的使用方法和紧急出口的位置。氧气面罩储藏在您的座椅上方。发生紧急情况时氧气面罩会自动脱落。氧气面罩脱落后,请用力向下拉面罩,将面罩罩在口鼻处,把带子套在头上进行正常呼吸。座位上的安全带使用时,请将连接片插入锁扣内,当飞机起飞,着陆和飞行中遇到颠簸以及“系好安全带”指示灯亮时,请您将安全带扣系好。解开时,先将锁扣打开,然后拉出

12、连接片。救生衣储藏在您座椅下方,使用时取出,经头部穿好,将带子扣好系紧,然后打开充气阀门,但在客舱内请不要充气。充气不足时,请将救生衣上部的两个人工充气管拉出,用嘴向里充气。请拔出电池销。本架飞机除正常出口外,在客舱左右侧还有紧急出口,分别标有紧急出口的明显标志。如电源失效,安装在地板上的应急路径灯将发出亮光,蓝色为撤离路径灯,红色为出口等。在您前面座椅背后的口袋里有本架飞机的安全须知卡,请您仔细阅读。(鞠躬)Ladies an gentlemen: Now we will explain the use of the oxygen mask, seat belt, life vest and

13、 location of the exits .Your oxygen mask is in the compartment over your head .It will drop in front of you automatically when needed. If you see the mask, pull the mask toward you .Please the mask over your nose and mouth and slip the elastic band over your head. Within a few seconds the Oxygen flo

14、w will begin. Please make sure you seat belt is securely fastened during taxiing, take-off, landing and encounter air turbulence or whenever the fasten Seat Belt Signs are ON. Your life vest is in the compartment under your seat you head. To put the vest on ,slip it over your head. Then fasten the b

15、uckles and pull the straps tight around your waist. Then pull the inflation tab. Please do not inflate it while you are in the cabin. If your vest is not inflated enough, you can also inflate it by blowing into the mouth-pieces. Pull out the battery pin once you leave the plane. There are emergency

16、exits on both sides of the aircraft in addition to the main entrance doors. and all exits are clearly marked. If there is a loss of electrical power, emergency track lights in stalled near the floor will illuminate. Blue lights lead to red lights. Which indicate the exits, For further information, you will find a leaflet of safety instructions in the seat pocket in front of you. Thank you!

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