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1、s got the name recognition and donor base 同时拥有知名度和金主捐款to start a campaign from scratch just seven weeks out. 能够在七周内从零开始发起竞选Let me think. 让我想想Everything hinges on the next few minutes. 接下来的几分钟将决定一切all my months of planning, every move Ive made. 我数月来的谋划 我走的每一步- There is one person. - Who? -有一个人选 -谁You

2、, Mr. Vice President. 你 副总统先生If you ran to reclaim your seat, 如果你重新竞选州长I think youd win by a landslide. 一定能获得压倒性胜利Resign the vice presidency. 辞去副总统职务Only if you win. 赢了的话Walker needs me for 2016. 沃克2016年的大选需要我Are you entirely certain hes gonna keep you on the ticket? 你敢打包票他还会留着你吗I mean, its no secre

3、t the two of you dont exactly get along. 你们二人的不和已不是秘密What has he said? 他说什么了Oh, youre putting me in a very awkward position, Mr. Vice President. 你这不是让我难办吗 副总统先生Has he been bad-mouthing me? 他有说我坏话吗Well, the exact phrase he used was 他的原话是Pain in the ass. 讨厌鬼That fucker. 那个混蛋s got no idea how to lead,

4、他缺乏领导力no sense of respect. 不懂尊重- Oh, is this his idea? - No. -是他的主意吗 -不- His way of getting rid of me? - No. It struck me yesterday, -他想借机摆脱我 -不 是我昨天想到的and I just thought it was worth suggesting. 我觉得值得商榷But, no, I havent discussed this with anyone. 但我还没和其他人讨论过And you shouldnt. 那就好People dont leave t

5、he White House to become a governor. 没有人会傻到离开白宫去当州长May I ask you a personal question, sir? 我能问你个私人问题吗 先生Do you want to be the Vice President? 你真的想做副总统吗Peter said that when you were out on that campaign trail, 彼得说 你在帮他竞选拉票时you had so much enthusiasm and energy 充满激情与活力that he thought you maybe missed

6、being the Governor. 他以为你也许怀念做州长的日子I do miss it. 的确Then why not go back? 那为什么不回去呢You could be the hero of this election 你会成为这次竞选的英雄and secure Pennsylvania for the Democrats in 2016. 在2016年大选中保住民主党在宾州的胜利Garrett would never go along with something like this, 加勒特不可能同意的even if he hates my guts. 就算他恨我入骨It

7、 would make him look weak, 这会让他显得无力like hes lost control of the administration. 好像他控制不住自己的政府Not if it was a mutual decision. 如果这是双方的决定呢Look, let me talk to Garrett. 让我去找加勒特I wont mention that weve spoken. 我不会提及我们今天的谈话I suppose theres no harm in finding out what he thinks. 知道他怎么想也算有益无害Thank you, Mr.

8、Vice President. 谢谢 副总统先生- Slogans for 400. - 1976. Hes making us proud again. -四百分口号 -1976年 他再次让我们骄傲- D.J. - Who is Carter. -D.J. -卡特- No. John. - Who is Ford. -错 约翰 -福特Peter? 彼得Slogans for 600. 六百分口号Peter, are you here? 彼得 在吗1888. Grandfathers hat fits Ben. 1888年 爷爷的帽子很适合本- Claudia. - Who is Benjam

9、in Harrison. -克劳迪娅 -本杰明哈里森- Yes. - Presidential slogans for 800. -正确 -八百分总统竞选口号1900. The full dinner pail 1990年 晚餐吃得饱On the train ride down, 在火车上I almost called the police to have them break in 我差点就要叫警察闯进来and make sure you hadnt hurt yourself. 看看你有没有伤害自己Im not gonna even ask you what happened. 我不想问你

10、发生了什么It doesnt matter right now. 现在无关紧要了t matter right now. 1964年 你心里知道他是对的What matters right now. 现在要紧的是.- What matters. - Who is Goldwater. -要紧的. -戈德华特- Claudia - Who is Goldwater. -克劳迪娅 -戈德华特Barry Goldwater. Yes. 巴里戈德华特 正确Oh, come on. Hey, Im watching that. 拜托 我正在看呢What matters is the 50 reporter

11、s in front of your building 要紧的是公寓外面的50个记者and the 150 campaign staffers 还有150名竞选工作人员who dont know if they still have a job. 还不知道自己是否已经失业s over. 都结束了I know. 我知道So, tell them to go away. 让他们都走吧What, are you just gonna hole yourself up in here 怎么 你打算就这么窝在这儿and hope it all goes away? 希望一切都消失吗Yeah, thats

12、 pretty much the plan. 差不多就是这样了Well, I wont let you. 我不能让你这样Hey, put that down. Hey. 放下- Hey, put that down! - Peter. -给我放下 -彼得We need to put out a statement. 我们得发表个声明Call me when youre prepared to do that. 准备好了打电话给我ll be at the headquarters in Philly. 我会在费城的总部I was scared that I was starting to fee

13、l too much for you. 我怕我对你的感情变得太深I think thats why I ended it. 所以我才做了了断And you have no room for fear? 你不允许自己害怕吗No. Being afraid doesnt accomplish anything. 不 害怕成不了事Thats not true. When Im overseas, 不对 我在海外时rational fear. disease or violence. 合理的恐惧 像对疾病 暴力that sort of fear keeps you alive. 这种恐惧让你生存下去B

14、ack here, God, 回到这儿 老天I find myself afraid of things 我感觉自己害怕些that I cant name or point to. 虚无缥缈的东西s like, uh, how little am I seeing? 就比如 我有多渺小Or have I wasted this day or this moment? 或者我是不是浪费了此时此日Yeah, I think that sometimes. 是啊 我有时也会想whether my life will add up. 我的人生到底有没有意义Francis would roll his

15、eyes 弗兰西斯听到我说这些if he heard me talking like this. 一定会翻白眼Does he know where you are? 他知道你在哪吗No, he doesnt. 不知道If hes looking for you, thats where you are. 如果他在找你 你就在那儿Over there. 那里Before you met Frank. 你遇见弗兰克之前Alone. 独自一人Curious. 充满好奇Absorbing everything. 接纳一切事物You have no idea what I was like when I

16、 was a girl. 你才不知道我年轻时是什么样的Did he ever know that side of you? 他知道你的那一面吗He wasnt interested in that girl. 他对那女孩不感兴趣And neither was I. 我也是What were you interested in? 那你对什么感兴趣Being more than an observer. 不仅是观察别人You wanted to be seen. 你想受人瞩目Not just seen. 不只是受到瞩目I wanted to be significant. 我要举足轻重Theres

17、 no historical precedent. 历史上没有先例Aaron Burr ran for Governor, 阿伦伯尔就曾竞选过州长Calhoun for the Senate. 卡尔霍恩也曾竞选过参议员200 years ago. 那都是两百年前的事了One shot a man in a duel, the other believed in slavery. 一个曾在决斗中杀人 另一个支持奴隶制卡尔霍恩主张奴隶制度是完美的制度 阿伦伯尔在决斗中杀死了亚历山大哈密尔顿Is that really the sort of company we wanna share, Fran

18、k? 我们真要跟这种人相比吗 弗兰克Mr. President, we stand losing 总统先生 我们可能要control of an important swing state, 失去一个重要的摇摆州our majority in the house, 和议会多数党席位and quite possibly your second term in office. 甚至是您的连任Preventing all of that may require unconventional measures. 要扭转局势就得采取非常手段It would look like Im pushing hi

19、m out. 别人会以为是我容不下他Or worse. that hes abandoning the administration. 或者更糟 以为他是抛弃了我们You make a joint statement. 你们可以发布一份联合声明You say he wont resign unless he wins. 就说 除非竞选获胜 否则他不会辞职If he loses, he stays on as Vice President. 而如果他输掉选举 就继续任副总统No one could accuse either of you of disloyalty to the other.

20、这样就没人会指责你们背叛彼此了Did Jim come to you with this? 这是吉姆的主意吗No. Its entirely my idea. 不 这完全是我的想法I wouldnt dream of speaking to 在得到您的首肯之前the Vice President without passing it by you first. 我绝不会向副总统提及此事I think hed take it as an affront, 我想他会很受冒犯like Im trying to get rid of him. 好像我想摆脱他似的Honestly, sir, I thi

21、nk 老实说 先生 我倒觉得he might be more interested than you imagine. 他对这事会比您想的感兴趣得多- Why is that? - Well, I hesitate to bring this up, -为什么 -我本来不想提的but when he was campaigning for Russo, 但在帮罗素宣传期间he spoke quite freely about you, sir. 他曾对您颇有微词 先生Tell me. 说说看Of course, Im getting this secondhand from Peter, 当然

22、 我是听彼得转述的but the gist of it is that. 但大概是说that you lack entirely in leadership, 说您完全没有领导力and that you have no sense of respect. 还不懂得尊重人And he wants more responsibility. 他还想承担更多责任呢And how do I give him that when he shows 这么口无遮拦 毫无自律absolutely no discretion, no discipline? 我怎么能给他重任呢Well, that is entir

23、ely my point. Now, look, 这正是我想说的I take full responsibility for backing Russo, 我为支持罗素竞选的事负全责but there could be a silver lining in all this. 但塞翁失马焉知非福You could accomplish two goals: 也许您能一箭双雕Secure Pennsylvania for the Democrats 为民主党保住宾州and find an honorable way to replace Matthews. 又能名正言顺地换掉马修斯What do

24、 you think? 你怎么看I think it is a very big decision, 我觉得事关重大and we do not want to make it impulsively. 最好三思而后行I agree. Id like to put some more thought into it. 我同意 我要再考虑考虑Well, that is very prudent, sir. Just bear in mind, 这很谨慎 先生 不过别忘了seven weeks out, that every day counts. 还有七周时间 我们得分秒必争- Hi, sir.

25、- How much is it? -你好 先生 -多少钱Oh, I got your receipt right here. 发票在我这儿No, no, no. It was. it was just $40. 不不不 只要40美金Yeah. Dont tell anyone, all right? 拿着吧 别告诉别人 行吗No. I. I never say anything about our tenants. 我不会泄露住户的隐私- The press still outside? - Yeah. -记者还守在外面吗 -是的I told them you werent here, li

26、ke you said. 我照你的吩咐 告诉他们你不在Most of them left. Theres still, you know, a few, though. 多数都走了 但有几个还在外面If I wanted to leave, 有没有能让我is there a place I could do it without being seen? 不声不响离开这儿的路Yeah. The freight elevator down to the garage. 有 可以坐货梯直达车库I could call you a cab or. 我可以叫辆出租车或是All right. Thanks

27、. Ill let you know. 好吧 谢谢 再说吧Mr. Russo, uh. 罗素先生sir, its none of my business,but, uh, 算我多管闲事吧 不过my uncle. he fell off the wagon a few times. 我叔叔也曾经酒瘾复发过When he did, the best thing for him was just not to be alone. 那时候最好的解决办法就是找个人陪着ll give you this money back, Ill take that bag off your hands, 我把钱还你

28、把酒拿走come in here, keep you company. 进去陪陪你I appreciate it. Ill let you know if I change my mind. 谢谢你 如果我改变主意会叫你的ll let you know if I change my mind. 弗兰西斯安德伍德 能过来一趟吗 我们得谈谈Sit down. 坐吧Wheres Claire? 克莱尔在哪Not here. 不在这儿So what is this, tying up loose ends? 这是什么意思 除后患吗t presume. 我可不敢People like you cant be neatly tied up. 你这样的人怎么可能除干净呢But I thought perhaps we could start. 我想或许我们可以.s very tasteful. 真有品味This is the dress she wore

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