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1、-这位是 -德希蕾 - This is - Desiree.-德希蕾 对 抱歉 -你好啊 - Desiree, right. Sorry. - Oh, hi.-德希蕾刚搬过来 -赞啊 哪户 - Desiree just moved in down the block. - Fun. Where?-314 -是嘛 - 314. - Oh!就那栋双卧室别墅 室内外兼配家庭活动室 The two-bedroom cottage with the indoor-outdoor family room.真厉害 你怎么 Very good. How did you-你肯定很喜欢那个蒸气浴 Bet your

2、e lovin that steam shower.菲尔 别吓到人家 Phil, thats creepy.哦 抱歉 我是 我是个房产大亨 0h, sorry. Im a- Im a real estate mogul.什么! 不 我是个房产中介 What? No, Im a- I am a real estate agent.我们展览过那个房子 装饰很好 We caravanned that house. Great, uh, deck.谢谢 我离婚手续办好就搬走了 Thanks. Im just there till my divorce is final.怎么会 谁傻到想要跟你离婚 No

3、, who is coconuts enough to divorce you?我们该走了 再见了 We gotta go, but well see you around.有时间请你过来玩 Well have to have you over sometime.-我很愿意 -好啊 - Id love it. - All right.-拜拜 -拜拜 - Bye. - Bye.-她真不错 -滚 我们不可能请她做客 - Shes awesome. - No, we are never having her over.听说她已经勾引过两个孩子的爸爸了 Heard she already slept

4、with two dads from the school.-什么 -就是 - What? - Mm-hmm.品行不端啊 Thats horrible.-爸爸 小心 -小心点呀 伙计 - Dad, watch out! - Whoa! Watch it, buddy!-老太太 -抱歉 - Grandma. - Im sorry.那车看起来还是像个女孩车 That still looks like a girls bike.我们再绑点黑胶带 Well add more black tape.我儿子一直在骑他姐姐的旧车 My son has been riding his sisters old

5、bike.他现在还没能力照料好一辆新车 Until hes responsible enough to take care of his own bike.他把一瓶苏打水倒在我的电脑上 Look, he spilled a soda on my computer,他还把家里的数码相机弄坏了 he ruined our digital camera就因为他要给自己拍水下相片 taking pictures of himself underwater.那是辆女车 我也想给他些教训 Its a girls bike. Im all for teaching him a lesson.可我担心大嘴巴的

6、小混混们因此嘲笑他 But I worry about the ridicule he might get from some loudmouth bully.嘿嘿嘿 车很漂亮啊 小姑娘 Hey, hey, hey. Nice bike, Sally.老爸 Dad!拜托 他骑女式车 像洋娃娃一样 Come on. He looks like Little Bo Peep on that thing.不会再这样了 他下午就会有辆新车 Actually, not for long. Hes getting a new bike this afternoon.-真的吗 -没错 - I am?是吗 H

7、e is?有时候做男人就应该一往无前 Sometimes a mans gotta put his foot down勇敢踏出自己的脚步 and do what a mans gotta do.如果那个死老太婆不满意 And if the old lady dont like it-亲爱的 Honey?让她自己气死算了 Thats too damn bad.没错 激不激动 Yes. Whos excited, huh?小卡 快点 要迟到了 Cam, come on. Hurry up. Were gonna be late.只是亲子课而已 又不是要飞到卡波去 Its a toddler pla

8、y class, not a flight to Cabo.作为唯一的同性恋夫夫 我们已经赚够口水了 Were gonna be judged enough as the only gay parents there.我不想再给人迟到的坏印象 I dont wanna be the late ones too.天呐 又是旋花呢又是粉色 Wow! Paisley and pink.网眼套头衫为什么不穿了 Was there something wrong with the fishnet tank top?穿啊 穿在里面了 Obviously not. Im wearing it underne

9、ath.开玩笑的 放松 给你 Kidding. Just chill, please. Here.抱歉 我只是想留下良好的第一印象 Im sorry. I just wanna make a good first impression.你是想既融入大家又不吓到他们吗 You wanna fit in and not terrify the villagers?嘿 别闹了 Hey, come on.今天莉莉才是主角 好不好 Today is about Lily, all right?那个班上可能就有她以后最要好的朋友 Her future best friend might be in tha

10、t class,我可不想一开始就惹谁不高兴 and I dont wanna rub anyone the wrong way.能换件衬衫吗 Can you please just change your shirt?好吧 你猜怎么着 Fine. You know what?我这就去换上一条卡其布裤子 Ill just go put on a pair of khakis,高尔夫衬衫 让每个人都以为 maybe a polo shirt, and everybody will think我们只是一对直男高尔夫球友 were a couple straight golfin buddies.碰巧

11、决定一起养个娃 who just decided to have a kid together.我给纳巴那边打电话了 Hey, I called that place in Napa and把房间升级成带温泉浴缸的套房 got us upgraded to a villa with a hot tub.所以准备点泡温泉的衣服吧 So pack whatever you wear in a hot tub.我通常泡温泉都不穿衣服的 I usually wear nothing when Im in a hot tub.那我同事的老婆就得做个屁股整形了 And my college roommat

12、es wife just had to get a new hip.弱死了 Sucker.曼尼的爸爸带他去迪斯尼玩了 Mannys father is taking him for a couple of days to Disneyland,所以我们就脱身去葡萄酒园 so were gonna go to the wine country.去喝点小酒 吃些美食 Were gonna drink some wine, eat some good food.原本我们可以经常组织此类小资活动 You know, we would do something like this但是 因为曼尼 就少了很

13、多 a lot more often if it wasnt for, you know, Manny.-他很好 他让我们过着朴实的生活 -是啊 - Hes good. He keep us grounded. - Yeah.就像机场起雾 飞机停飞 Like fog at an airport.豪华轿车4点到 Limo gets here at 4:00.早上嘛 我想去俱乐部打会球 This morning, I thought Id go to the club, hit a few balls.不行 曼尼房间的风扇怎么办 No! What about the fan in Mannys r

14、oom?那个 叫个人修吧 0h, yeah. Call a guy.不行 你该跟他一起修 No! Youre supposed to do it with him.我们得学着教他做些事情 Its important that we teach him how to do things for himself.在我的家乡 男人以干体力活为荣 In my culture, men take great pride in doing physical labor.我知道 所以我才雇你们那儿的人给我干活 I know. Thats why I hire people from your culture

15、.你真搞笑呀 Youre too funny.我跟我下个老公狂花你的钱的时候 Im gonna share that one with my next husband我就给他讲这个笑话 when were spending all your money.-爸爸 这是全世界最酷的车 -必须的 - Dad, this is the coolest bike ever. - Awesome.听着 伙计 So, listen, buddy.家里有些人 Certain members of this family认为你照料不好这辆车 dont think you can take care of thi

16、s bad boy.-你是说妈妈吗 -你说的 我可没说 - You mean Mom? - Your words, not mine.你妈妈和我是一个整体 Look, uh, your mom and I are a team,而她 我们 觉得这是个好机会 and she- we feel like this is a chance让你学会负起责任 for you to show some responsibility.别让我们失望 Dont make us look like jerks here.-不会的 -很好 - I wont. - Okay.-最后一点要求 -什么 - One mor

17、e rule. - What?给我 玩得超级无敌开心 Have, like, three butt-loads of fun.谢谢爸爸 Thanks, Dad.-我们开始吧 -先说好3点前要弄完 - So lets do this. - 0kay, but I need to be done by 3:我爸爸3点来接我 Thats when my dads picking me up.如果3点还搞不定 Hey, if were not done by 3:00,我就直接吊死 Im gonna tie a noose on this thing.在哥伦比亚有句谚语 In Colombia the

18、res a saying:如果两头犟驴合不来 If you have two stubborn burros that dont like each other,就把它们绑在一辆车上 you tie them to the same cart.吊扇就是那辆车 The ceiling fan is the cart.我爸爸要带我去玩太空过山车 My dads taking me on Space Mountain.那东西超快 不过我爸爸什么都不怕 Its supposed to be really fast, but hes not scared of anything.他玩的时候甚至都不系安全

19、带 He doesnt even wear a seat belt when he drives.哇噢 也太厉害了吧 Wow. How bout that?-他还杀过熊 -真的假的 - Killed a bear once. - Really?熊也坐在过山车上吗 Was the bear sittin in the passenger seat?给我念下说明书 Read me the instructions.安全须知 警告:为避免遭受电击 Safety tips. Warning: To reduce the risk of electrical shock-跳过那段废话吧 We can s

20、kip that.若不听从警告 Uh, Failure to heed these warnings可导致重伤 甚至死亡 can lead to serious injury or death.你总是瞎担心 你自己知道 You know, you worry too much. You know that.不会有人被电到的 Nobodys gonna get shocked.有一次我爸爸被雷劈了 One time my dad was struck by lightning.所以他现在喝多少酒都不醉 Thats why he can drink as much as he wants.曼尼觉得

21、他爸爸是个超人 Manny thinks his dad is like Superman.可真相呢 他根本不值一提 The truth? Hes a total flake.事实上 他唯一像超人的方面 In fact, the only way hes like Superman.就是他们都是非法移民 is that they both landed in this country illegally.我怎么这么紧张呀 I cant believe Im so nervous.他们会喜欢我们的 我们就表现真我就行了 Theyre gonna love us. Lets just be our

22、selves.或者稍微低调一些 0r a slightly toned-down version of ourselves.我只是不想这又变成小卡秀 I just dont want this to become an episode of The Cam Show.-天呐 大家都喜欢 -我知道 - 0h, my gosh. People love - Yes, I know.-你也看 -我确实看 - You watch - I do watch it.-是提前预约才能看到 -好吧 - Its appointment viewing. - Okay.-你好 -你们好 是参加亲子课的吗 - Hi

23、! - Hi! Are you here for Toddler Time?是的 我是米奇尔 这是卡梅隆 Yes. I-Im Mitchell. This is Cameron.-还有我们的女儿莉莉 -你好 - And this here is Lily. - Hello.真好 欢迎呀 0h, well! Welcome.我们在这儿轮流吹气球呢 Were all over here taking turns blowing bubbles.多好玩啊 对小孩子而言 Well, how nice for. the babies.是啊 Mm-hmm.恐怕我会招架不住啊 This is gonna b

24、e really difficult.才跟我保证 过了不到10分钟 Ten minutes after making a promise to me,他就把车不上锁扔在这里 he leaves his bike unlocked.我现在满脑子都是克莱尔的河东狮吼 All I can hear is Claires voice in my head-他不知道负责任 Hes not responsible.你根本不该给他买车 You never should have given him a bike.我知道 我模仿克莱尔超像的 I know. I do a pretty good Claire.

25、所以我决定给他个教训 So I decided to teach him a lesson.让他以为自己的车被偷了 and let him think his bike was stolen.我知道这手段有点恶劣 And I know that sounds kind of rough,但有时候做爹的就要狠一些 but sometimes its a dads job to be the tough guy.不好意思 谢谢 Excuse me! Thank you.左边 我的左边 你右边 On your left! My left. Your right!大家好 今天有个新家庭加入我们 Eve

26、ryone, we have a new family joining us today.大家好 我是米奇尔 一名律师 Hi. Im, uh, Mitchell, and I am a lawyer.我是卡梅隆 暂时待业 I- Im Cameron, and Im currently not working,所以我有很多时间烹饪 打篮球 还有 which gives me more time to grill and shoot baskets and-还有这是莉莉 And this is Lily.好 我们以问候舞作为开场舞 Okay, were gonna start with the H

27、ello Dance,然后玩积木 手指画 and then were gonna move on to blocks, then finger painting,最后跳家庭之舞 and then were gonna do our Family Dance.好了 谁想先开始 All right. Who wants to start us off?P.J小朋友先来 Dance us in, P. J.!-她真可爱 -谢谢夸奖 - Shes adorable. - Oh, thank you.-7个月大吗 -8个月 - Seven months? - Uh, eight.噢 会抓东西了吗 会走路

28、了吗 0h! Is she grabbing or scooting yet?是的 都会呢 Yes. Absolutely.我是说 她不是手在乱抓 就是脚在乱走 I mean, when shes not grabbin, she is- she is scootin.泰勒 进来跳吧 Dance us in, Tyler!准备好了吗 好的 来吧 Are you ready? Okay. Here we go.小卡 莉莉还不会抓不会走呢 Cam, Lily is not grabbing or scooting yet.现在还不会 以后会的 Well, shes not doing it yet, but she will eventually.不 你看 那么多小孩 No, but, see, a lot of these other kids,他们都在抓东西 theyre- theyre grabbing.我只是 给 拿着 I-I just- Here. Come-莉莉 你看积木 Lily. Look at the block, huh?把积木拿起来 莉莉 Grab the block, Lily.-抓着H -该你上场了莉莉 - Grab the H. - Dance

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