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1、第四节. 形容词副词第五节. 动词第六节. 简单句复合句第四章.阅读理解,(按解题技巧方法分类)一 说明文二 应用文三 故事四 回答问题第五章补全对话和书面表1选择句子补全对话2,根据首字母完成句子第六章. 完形填空 第一章 语音 听力 变化趋势2000年以前,未进行口试或听力的县、市,对语音的考查,主要采用单词辨音题型。还有根据所给音标写出该单词(2001,昆明)等题型。加试听力或口试后,不再考查该种题型。听力测试在各地中考中占30分,是今后的大趋势,在未测试听力的县份加试语言语用题,含根据首写字母完成句子属权宜之计,今后可能不再单独考查,而将知识点归并入选择填空题型中。一单词辨音题一般从一

2、组四个所给词中找出划线部分读音与其它三个读音不同的单词。主要涉及元音(及组合)和辅音(及组合)的辨音,其中元音考查占一半以上。有些是同一字母(组合)发音的辨别。如:(2000,昆明)Aname Bbag Cradio Dgame有的则是不同字母(组合)发音的辨别,(1999,昆明)A. food B. blue C. cut D. move后一种题型难度稍大。二、根据所给音标,写出含有该音标的单词,这种题型比单词辨音又难一些,不仅要求学生掌握该音标而且要能运用它,又要知道哪些字母或组合在单词中发这个音,并且还要把该单词拼写正确,考查学生对音标的运用能力和单词的正确拼写能力。外地还对上述两种题进

3、行更深层次的考查,单词辨音不仅是要求找出发音与其于三个不同的,而是找出有几种发音。在所给的510组单词中,有可能有一至四种发音。1. A. keep B. jeep C. cheap D. sea2. A. food B. understood C. look D. book 3. A. hat B. what C. want D. map4. A. fet B. be C. blue D. vegetable1题1种 i:,2题是2种u:、u,3题3种 、 、a:,4题4种e、i:、x 、i 。单词辨音和写出含该音标的单词的题型,从99年以来分别考过一两次。加试听力或口语后虽然已不再考查了,

4、但却融入了听力测试中的句子辨音题中。如在2003年玉溪市听力测试的A部分,有5个小题,每个小题中含有所给的四个选项中的一个词或词组,这些词或词组在发音或词形拼写上有相似之处,需要考生结合所听到的句子意义来选择恰当的词或词组,如:1. 录音 Mr. Smith was angry at the bad news. A. angry B. hungry C. hurry D. worry2. 录音 Water the young trees often to make them grow well. A. wait B. wet C. what D. water3. 录音 Marry wants

5、to know whether it will rain tomorrow.A. weather B. whether C. where D. while4. 录音 You should be quiet while you are in the reading-room. A. be quick B. be polite C. be quiet D. talk about 5. 录音 The students took out their text-books and started reading. A. went out B. take out C. took out D. talk a

6、bout解析:对于这样的考题,考生在看准四个选项的细微差别的基础上,认真听懂句子,尤其在听第二遍时,细心听准所含单词或词组,是不难做出选择的。如上述第1小题所给四个选项后半截发音相似,特别是A、B项更接近,但如能把握句子后半句听到坏消息,就不会选B项。2、3小题中有两个发音非常相近甚至相同的选项:2. C. what D. water 3. A. weather B. whether 。只有考听懂句子意义来做出正确选择。2句意义是:“常给小树浇水以便它们能长得健壮。”所以该选water(浇水)而不是what什么。题中包含着对发音 和 的考查。3句的句意是:“玛丽想知道明天是否会下雨?”句中“是

7、否”应是whether而不是天气(weather)。发音相同,主要根据句意来确定。同理第4、5小题对词组的选择也必须结合所听到的句子意义作出正确选择。正确答案4题C, 5题C。根据首字母完成句子和选择句子补全对话题型已属于运用范畴,在以后的专门章节中讨论。单词辨音题型虽然不再单独考了,但对于提高学生的语音辨别能力,加强语音基础知识练习,提高听力测试中在句中辨音的能力是大有好处的。在中考复习的基础复习(第一轮复习)阶段适当做一些此类练习是大有裨益的。对于听力测试来说,近年各地中考主要涉及以下类型:A.听5个句子,选择合适的答语。主要考查学生对日常交际用语的掌握和熟练运用。B.听5个句子,从四个选

8、项中选出你所听到的句中的单词或词组。主要考查相似词语、词组在句中的辨析。C.听5个句子,从所给选项中选出与所听内容意义相符和同义句的辨析。属句子理解范畴,还对学生的日常交际用语运用能力进行考查,涉及一句多译或不同句式表达同一意义以及多种表达手段的掌握和运用。2003,玉溪,I,B(题中采用原题序号)(录音)6.Can I help you?A. what shall I do? B. Can you help you? C. What can I do for you?(解析)本题考查购物时营业员对顾客的交际用语。Can I help you?和What can I do for you? 意

9、义相同,故选C。( 句子录音)7.Mr.Green goes to work on foot at times.A. MrGreen often walks to work. B. MrGreen sometimes walks to work. C. MrGreen sometimes rides to work解析听懂原句句意:格林先生有时走路去上班。仔细观察三个选项发现,at times=sometimes。 Goes to work on foot=walks to work.于是可知B为正确选项。(录音)8.My father is coming here.A. My father

10、will be here soon.B. Ill come to late.C. My father has been here. 解析录音中所提到is coming here系用现在时表将来,意为“将要来”=will be here。所以选A项。(录音)9.Im afraid I may come a little late.A. Ill not be able to come on time.B. Ill come too late.C. Ill come a little earlier.解析句中听到:“恐怕我可能会晚一会儿来”,关键词“a little late”,可排除B “太晚”

11、。C“有点早”。故答案是A“我不能准时来。” 9.(录音)She stopped to listen, but heared nothing.A:She stopped listening, so he heard nothing.B:She stopped to listen, but she she didnt hear anything.C:She didnt listen and heard nothing. 解析:句中听到:“他停下来听(停下别的事,为了专注地听),但没有听见什么。”关键词是“stopped to listen”和“hear nothing”。选项中A项stopped

12、 listening表示:“停止听,不听”,C项didnt listen ”表示:“没听”。正确选项是B项,“didnt hear anything=heard nothing ”。D.对话理解:一般录音中给出10段对话,每一段对话后附有一个问题,试卷上有三个备选项。对话分男女角,听23遍,然后选出正确答案。这种题型在设题时主要涉及“六个w”, 即:人物who,事件what,时间when或what time,地点where,方式how,原因why等。下面举2003年玉溪听力测试C部分为例,逐一进行解体思路分析。10.(录音)F: What subject do you like, John?

13、M: I like English, maths and history, but chemistry is my favourite.(选项)A: Maths B. History C. Chemistry(问题)What subject does John like best?(解析)本题属于对事件的提问。录音中可听到John喜欢英语、数学、历史和化学等科目,问题是“John最喜欢的科目。”应选C项, 因favourite =like best,本题还简接考查词义的转换和favourite的意义理解和运用。11.(录音)F: Shall we meet at 8:30? Im afraid

14、 its too late, well lets make it half an hour earlier. F: Ok. See you then. See you. At 8:00 B:30 C: At 9:00 (问题)What time will they meet?(解析) 本题属于考查时间的题型。录音中有8:30,易错选B项,但文中还有“too late, half an hour earlier”等关键词,所以选A项。12.(录音)F: How are we going to the train station? By taxi or by bus ? Wed better ta

15、ke No.7 bus. Good idea. (选项)A: By train B: By taxi C: By bus (问题)How are they going to the train station ? (解析) 本题考查方式,录音中by taxi 、by bus,然后有提到“我们最好乘路车”,且还有“Good idea”表示“同意、赞成”,所以应该选C, by bus(乘公共汽车)。13. (录音)M: Mum, I cant find my ruler. Is it in your pencile-box on the table? No,it ist.Oh its on the

16、 the chair. (选项)A. In his pencil-box B. On the chair C. On the table (问题)Where did the boy find his ruler? (解析) 本题考查地点,录音中提到“on the table 、 on the chair 、 in your pencil-box on the chair ” 首先,文中No, it isnt否定了在桌上的文具盒中,所以应选B:on the chair。 14. (录音)M: Is your uncle living in New York? No he lived there

17、years ago .Last year he went to Toronto. But now he is in Beijing. Beijing B: New York C: Toronto.(问题)Which city is Lucys uncle living in now. (解析)录音中提到三个地方(城市)。问题是“现在的叔叔住在哪个城市?”文中“几年前的叔叔在New York,去年去过Toronto,现在他在Beijing” 所以选A。E:短文理解:该部分一般有一段200多字的短文,其后附有五个正误判断题。要求考生在听三遍的过程中边听边记录要点,然后作出判断。这种题型综合性较强,

18、难度大,考查细节、重要信息和全文理解,还包括听写综合技能等。(2003、玉溪、题中采用原题序号)Last Saturday afternoon Li Ping had no class. She wanted to buy a new dress. Her mother was at work, so she went to the shop with her father.They went there by bus. Her father waited for her outside because he didnt like shopping. The shop was very cro

19、wed. Li Ping looked at the clothes carefully. Her father waited for her for about an hour. Li Ping was still inside. Her father was worried. Just then a woman came up to him,“Excuse me, are you Li Ping s father?”“ Yes”. “Li Ping is waiting for you in the shop. She hasnt enough money.” “Oh I see. Tha

20、nk you.” Then he followed the woman into the shop.Li Ping was very happy to see her father. She bought a pretty yellow dress for herself and a T-shit for her father. Her father paid the money. Then they went back home.21.Li Ping did not go to school last Saturday afternoon.22.Li Ping went to the sho

21、p with her parents.23 The shop was very crowded, so Li Ping stayed there for about an hour.24.Li Ping s father did not go into the shop because he wanted to talk to a woman.25. Li Ping s father went into the shop to pay the money.(解析):21、李平上星期六下午没有上学。Didnt go to school=文中第一句had no class,所以21题正确。22、李

22、平和父亲去购物。录音中提到“Her mother was at work, so she went to the shop with her father.”(母亲在上班,所以她和父亲去购物),据此判断22题不正确。23、商店很拥挤,所以他待在那儿大约一个小时。录音中提到“The shop was very crowded. Her father waited for her about an hour.”(商店里很拥挤,她父亲等他一个小时)。但不能判断该题正确。因为后文还有“She was still inside. Her father was worried”她仍然在商店里,她父亲有些着

23、急。以及下文一位女士对他父亲所说的话“Li Ping is waiting for you in the shopThen they went back home”李平在商店里等你。直到父亲付完钱,然后他们才回家。所以李萍在店中一个小时。因此23题不正确。24、李萍的父亲因为要和一位女士谈话而没有进商店。根据文中一位女士出来告诉他:“李萍在商店中等你,她没有钱。”以及“Then he followed the woman into the shop.”他跟着这位女士走进商店里。可知该题不正确。25、李萍的父亲走进商店去付钱。由录音中女士说“She hasnt enough moneyThen

24、he went into the shop Her father paid the money. ” 等句可知该句正确。全文正确答案是:21.T 22.F 23.F 24.F 25.T。从解题思路和技巧来说,短文判断正误题需要听力理解和笔头记录及短时记忆短文内容等综合能力。听第一遍之前要快速浏览题目的基本含义,通过听第一遍把握全文大义;听第二遍时要对一些重要信息作必要的记录;听第三遍时对所给句子作出判断,对具体细节和做题时所需要的信息进行核对校正,最后作出判断。F 听录音,选择正确应答:原题可以是简单的问句,可以是陈述句。根据所听到的句子作出反应,选择可回答和对应的句子。例1、(录音):You

25、 are a student,arent you?(选项)A:Yes, I am. B:No, Im not. C. We arent.(解析)考生听到一个反意疑问句,要求根据考生是激情况作应答。B项不符合实际情况,C项不符合反意疑问句的应答习惯,所以选A。例2、(录音):We are going to see a film this weekend. Id love to B: Do you have a ticket for me? Would you like top come?(解析)考生听到一个陈述句:“本周末我们要去看电影。”“您有票给我吗?”选B才合适。A,C有较强的干扰性语境。

26、一 单词辨音(99、2000昆明市,其余以听音辨词代替)1. Aname B. bag C. radio D. game2. Aball B. half C. walk D. small3. Awe B. let C. jeep D. sea4.A. keep B. ease C. east D. real5.Arise B. busy C. give D. tidy6.Afood B. blue C. cut D. move7Adown B. how C. brown D. row8.Adaughter B. floor C. boy D. walk9.Atouch B. enough C.

27、 cloud D. country10.Ason B. car C. glass D. March11.AMonday B. family C. stay D. lift12.Ayet B. only C. yellow D. year13.Aschool B. cheap C. catch D. reach14.Ahelp B. hour C. hat D. who15.Aquietly B. what C. wall D. when16.Awake B. where C. wrong D. what17.Avillage B. get C. dog D. girl18.Awith B. t

28、hese C. that D. three19.Ariver B. doctor C. ago D. skirt20.Awanted B. turned C. called D. joined二 听音辨词(98,云南)21.Awhat B. water C. want D. wash22. A. clear B. dear C. near D. ear23.A.skirt B, shirt C. skate B. grass C. guess D.class25.A.wife B.five C. lift D. knife(99云南) B.

29、best C.west D.next27.A.mine B.nine C.line D.fine28.A.fall B.fell C.feel D.fail29,A.please B.polite C.produce D.perhaps30.A.letter B.ladder C.matter D.later(2000,云南)31A.fought B.bought C.brought D.thought32.A.sock C.soft D.sorry33.A.each C.east D.easy34.A.hold B.cold C.sold D.told35.A.three B.throw C.through D.thrown三 听录音,选择你听到的词组或句子。(2001,云南,I.A)36.A.turn off B.turn down C.turn on D.turn up37.A.all kinds of B.all ones life C.all the the same D.all the time38.A.give him a hand B.give hime a message C.give him a call D.give him a coat39.A.Its a quarter to

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