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高考英语四海八荒易错集专题04 动词及动词短语Word格式.docx

1、5.(2015湖北,26)Dont worry.Im sure your missing glasses will turn sooner or later.别担心。我相信你丢失的眼镜迟早会找到的。turn up出现;发生;开大;发现。答案up6.(2015陕西,25)Peter will take his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month.彼得将会于下个月底就任他旅游公司负责人的职位。考查动词短语搭配。take up开始从事。7.(2015天津,10)Tom had to turn the invit

2、ation to the party last weekend because he was too busy.因为太忙了,上周末汤姆不得不拒绝聚会的邀请。turn down拒绝,符合语境。答案down8.(2015浙江,7)Body language can give a lot about your mood,so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive.答案away9.(2015江苏,27)The university started some new langua

3、ge programs to cater the countrys Silk Road Economic Belt.大学开始开设一些新的语言项目,以迎合中国的丝绸之路经济带。cater for 迎合,满足所需。答案for10.(2015江苏,29)The whole team count Cristiano Ronaldo, and he seldom lets them down.整个团队依靠Cristians Donald,他很少让他们失望。count on依靠,指望。答案on易错起源1、考查动词辨析 例1 Try not to cough more than you can _ sinc

4、e it may cause problems to your lungs. A. check Ballow Cstop Dhelp 解析:D 考查动词辨析。考生需掌握短语more than one can help的意思 “尽量不”,故正确答案是D项。尽量不要咳嗽,因为这会给你的肺带来问题。【名师点睛】高考常考的几组动词词义辨析1injure,hurt,wound,destroyinjure一般指在意外事故中受伤hurt是表示“伤害”的一般用法,既可指对肉体的伤害,也可指对情感的伤害wound常指外伤,尤指在战争、战斗中造成的伤害destroy一般指彻底损坏,常译成“毁坏,损坏”I didn

5、t want to hurt his feelings.我不想伤害他的感情。He was wounded in the battle.他在战斗中负过伤。2beat,hit,strike,defeat,winbeat表示“(尤指用棍或其他硬物)接连地打,击”,还可表示“打败,胜过”hit表示对准目标打一下,强调击中strike表示突然性或一次性的击打defeat(beat)是指“击败,战胜”,宾语通常是人或集体win是“(在中)获胜”或“赢”的意思,宾语通常为war,match,game,prize,medal,respect,battle等名词Our team beat the America

6、n team by eight.我们队以超过美国队八分的成绩战胜了。She hit him out of anger.她生气地打了他一下。The tower was struck by lightning.该塔被闪电击中了。He defeated all the other participants and won the prize.他击败了其他参赛者,获了奖。【锦囊妙计,战胜自我】adopt,attach,adapt,adjust的区别adoptvt. 采取,采纳;收养,领养attachvt. 把附(在上);重视attach much importance to. 非常重视adaptvt.

7、 适应;adapt oneself to 适应于adjustvt. 适应,调整;adjust oneself to 适应于This kind of desk can be adjusted to the height you need; besides, it is not expensive at all.这个桌子可以根据你需要的高度而调整,而且一点也不贵。Recently, to maintain national balance, the Chinese government has adopted a policy of encouraging college graduates to

8、 take positions in rural areas.为了保持平衡,中国政府最近通过了一项鼓励大学毕业生去农村就业的政策。Parents attach much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.父母亲都非常重视教育。他们会尽自己最大的努力给予孩子们无价的馈赠易错起源2、考查动词短语的用法和意义 例2 We thought of selling this old furniture ,but weved ecided to it.It m

9、ight be valuable. A.hold on to B.keep up with C.turn to D.look after【错误解答】 D【正确解答】 A 多记一些常见动词及短语的含义和用法并学会在特定语境中灵活运用。以下为常见短语动词 :一、动词 + 介词/副词 短语 例句Act on照行事He acts on principles.answer for对负责You will answer for what youve done.Arm.against带武器以防He armed himself against wild animals.agree with同意(某人)I agr

10、ee with her.agree to同意(建议等)They agreed to the proposal.apree on(in)同意商定(问题,条件等)They agreed on the question.arrive atin到达(某地)He arrived in Nanjing at five oclock yesterday mornring.Atm at 瞄准He aimed the gun at the bird.Ask after 问候My fater asked after you.Ask for 请求The boy asked for more food.borrowf

11、rom从借来He borrowed a like from Mary.believe in 信任We all believe in her.belong to 属于The house belongs to me.burst into突然起来She burst into tears at the news.begin at从(页)开始Today we shall begin at page 40.Babe.on 根据he based the conclusion on experiments.beat about the bush绕弯子Tell me the truth. Dont beat a

12、bout the bush.Consist of由组成The society consists of five members.congratulateon祝贺We congratulated her on winning the e to an end 结束The talk come to an end at pareto 把比作He compared the young to the rising parewith同相比She compared the blue pen with the red pen.carebr喜欢;照料He doesnt care for playing footb

13、all.Changefor用交换He changed his radio for a recorder.ChanSe fromto从转到She changed from team A to team B.clear up 放晴The weather cleared up in the e across偶然碰到I came across an old friend in the e into想出;进入An idea suddenly came into my mind.ca11 up 打电话I shall call her up soon.Csll for 叫(人)He will call fo

14、r you in the for 为叫喊He heard someone calling for help.cdll on 访问(某人)She will call on a friend on Sunday.cdll on 号召The Party called on us to study hard.Cure.of 治愈Fhe medicine cured him of his pain.depend on 依靠He depended on his mother in life.disagree with与意见不同He disagreed with her over

15、the plan.Die of 因病、饥饿等而死The man died of cancer.Die from 因伤、意外等而死The died man died from a serious wound.Die for 为而死He died for the people.devote to把用于she devoted all her money to huvine books.enged in 从事,忙于He is engaged in writing new book.End with以结束The party ended with in在失败She failed

16、in winning the game.find out查明He has not found out the trouble yet.give up 放弃Never give up hope.give over克服,渡过Youll soon get over your shyness.Get on(off) 上车(下车)She got on the bus at Gulou Square.Get on进展He is getting on well in the work.Get ready for准备好He has got ready for the journey.Get in 收进The

17、peasants got in the wheat in May.grow up 长大,发展The children have already grown up.give in 投降(让步)They gave in at last.Get up 起床She gets up early every morning.Go on 继续The meeting went on deep into the night.go all out 竭尽全力They went all out to build the airport.So through通过;细察She went through the book

18、before buying it.go over复习,看一遍She went over the lessons for three times.go down (日,月)落下,下沉The moon has gone down.go without 放弃,没有也行He had to go without food.Hand in交进来They handed in their papeps.Have nothing to do with 与无关He has nothing to do with the matter.Have some thing to do with 与无关Does she ha

19、ve anything to do with the case?Head for 朝去The ship is heading for the nearest port.Help with 帮助He helped her with her English.Help.in在帮助He helped her in study in English.Hope for 希望(得到)She hoped for Mary to come.introduceto介绍She introduced me to her father.inspirewith以激发He inspired them with courag

20、e.insist on坚持She insisted on doing it that way.interfere with(in) 妨碍;干涉Dont interfere With his work.join in 参加(活动)she also joined in the dancing.join sb. in 加入某人从事He joined us in watering the tees.keep on 继续She kept on making experinents.Knock at敲(门等)Someone is knocking at the door.loog for渴望Im long

21、ing for a letter from him.look up查寻;向上看He is looking up a new word in the dictionary.look uponas把看作Do you look upon him as a good friend?learnby heart 背会She has learnt it by heart.Leave for动身去He is leaving for Nanjing next week.look for寻找The police are looking for the lost car.Lie in 位于The town lies

22、 in the on 靠生活,以为主食Sheep live on grass.laugh at 对笑,嘲笑Dont laugh at others.look throut 翻阅;浏览The boy looked through the picture book.Mixwith 同混合Oil and water cant mix with each other.meetwith 遇到She met with some difficulties.make up ones mind 决定He has made up his mind what to say.Owe to 归功于

23、He owed all his success to his parents.Operate on为手术He operated on the wounded soldier.Putinto 把放入She put the book into the with 玩The boy played with a toy tank.Put up 举起They put up their hands.Put up挂起She put up a picture on the wall.Put off 推达The match is put off owing to the rain.Point o

24、ut 指出The teacher pointed out his mistakes.preside over 主持(会议)Who is to preside over the meeting?present.with 赠送He presented her with a gold watch.Putacross 使理解(相信)She didnt put the meaning across very well.Preventfrom 阻止The snow prevented him from coming.persist in 坚持He persisted in doing that.Put.i

25、nto practice实施We shall put the plan into practice.quarrel over 为争吵They quarrelled over the property.quarrel with 同争吵She quanelled with her mother.Reply to 答复He hasnt replied to me yet.recover from 恢复She has recovered from her illness.Rely on 依靠He relied on his daughter in the past.refrain from 设法不,忍

26、住Please refrain from smoking.Rob.of.抢走The pain robbed him of sleep.Run over 辗过去The bus run over his legs.result from 由引起His illness results from overeating.result in 导致Overeating results in his illness.Remember sb.to代问好Please remember me to your mother.Set about 着手干They set about the work at once.Set out 出发They set out at dawn.succeed in 成功He succeeded in passing the exam.Speak off 说到She once spoke of the book to me.Supply.with提供They supplied the soldiers with weapons.share in分担(享)He shared in her joys and sorrows.share sth wit

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