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1、6名词化的介词作主语。The ups and downs of life must be taken as they come. 我们必须承受人生之沉浮。7不定式用作主语。To find your way can be a problem.你能否找到路可能是一个问题。It is impossible to defeat a person who never gives up.要打败一个永不放弃的人是不可能的。8 动名词用作主语。Smoking is bad for you. 吸烟对你有害。Watching a film is pleasure, while making one is hard

2、 work. 看电影是乐事,制作影片则是苦事. 9 名词化的过去分词用作主语。The disabled are to receive more money. 残疾人将得到更多的救济金。 The unemployed got much help from the government.10. 介词短语用作主语。To Beijing is not very far. 到北京不很远。From Yenan to Nanniwan was a three-hour ride on horseback.从延安到南泥湾骑马要三个小时。11. 从句用作主语。如:That he finished writing

3、 the composition in such a short time surprised us all. Whether we will go for an outing tomorrow remains unknown.Who will be our monitor hasnt been decided yet. What caused the accident has been found out. Whatever you did is right. What we need is time.为了防止句子头重脚轻,通常把形式主语it放在主语位置,真正主语(从句)搁置于句末 It i

4、s certain that he will win the match. It is strange that he should do that. It is important that we all should attend the meeting. It is still a mystery what caused the accident. It is said that he has gone to shanghai.It is known to all that the gun powder was first invented by the Chinese.It is su

5、ggested that the work should be done with great care.It seems that he has seen the film.It happened that the two cheats were there.12.句子用作主语。“How do you do ?” is a greeting.“你好”是一句问候语。二谓语谓语(predicate) 或谓语动词(predicate verb)是对主语加以陈述,表示主语的行为或状态,其位置一般在主语之后。谓语由简单动词或动词短语(助动词或情态动词主要动词)构成。1由简单的动词构成。(1). Wha

6、t happened? 发生了什么事?(2). He worked hard all day today. 他今天苦干了一天。(3). The plane took off at ten oclock. 飞机是十点起飞的。2由动词短语构成的谓语。(1). I am reading. 我在看书。(2). You can do it if you try hard. 你努力就可以做到。(3). Tom, you are too lazy. The work should have been finished yesterday. 汤姆,你太懒惰了,这项工作本来应该昨天就做完的。3英语常用某些动作名

7、词代替表动态的谓语动词,表生动。这种动作名词之前常用没有多大意义的动词have, get, take, give 等。(1). I had a swim yesterday. 我昨天游了一次水(had a swim 代替了swam) (2). Take a look at that! 你看看那个!(take a look 代替了 look) (3). He gave a sigh. 他叹了口气。(gave a sigh 代替了sighed) (4). I got a good shake-up.我受到了很大的震动。(a good shake-up 代替了was shaken up thorou

8、ghly(充分,彻底的) 谓语是句子的灵魂,谓语的变化可以反映:时态、语态、语气、主谓一致等,这也是高中语法最重要的内容。三表语 表语的功能是表述主语的特征、状态、身份等。它也可以说是一种主语补语。它位于联系动词之后,与之构成所谓的系表结构。在系表结构钟,联系动词只是形式上的谓语,二真正起谓语作用的则是表语。可以作表语的词有:名词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、不定式、动名词、分词、介词短语、从句等。1The wedding was that Sunday. 婚礼是在那个星期天举行的。(名词) 2So thats that. 就是这样。(代词) 3We are seven. 我们一共7人。(数词)

9、 4Are you busy? 你有空吗?(形容词) 5Are you there? 你在听吗?(电话用语)(副词) Is anybody in? 里面有人吗? (副词) 6All I could do was to wait. 我只能等待。(不定式) My answer to his threat was to hit him on the nose. 我对他的威胁的回答是照他的鼻子打去。7Seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见 /眼见为实(动名词) 8I was so much surprised at it. 我对此事感到很惊讶。(过去分词) Im very please

10、d with what he has done. 我对他所做的很满意。9She is in good health. 她很健康。(介词短语) The show is from seven till ten. 演出时间为7点至10点。10Is that why you were angry? 这就是你发怒的原因吗?(从句) 11This is where I first met her. 这就是我初次与她会面的地方。12. The reason why he didnt come to school is that he got ill. 他没有来上学的原因是他生病了。13. What I wa

11、nt is what he has got.补充:除了系动词be外,还有些能做系动词的实义动词,也称为半系动词,其后也要接形容词做表语: come , go , run, turn ,get , become , keep , stay , make (表变化的动词) fell,sound ,smell , look , taste (感观动词) seem, appear (似乎,好像) 例如:1Our dream has come true. 我的梦想实现了。(Come后常加 easy , loose, natural 等) 2. He fell sick. 他病了。3. Keep fit.

12、保重。 Keep作为系动词还常接quiet ,calm ,cool,warm ,silent,clean,dry 3The well ran dry. 这口井干枯了。(short , loose , wild , cold 等) 4A thin person always seems to be taller than he really is. 一个瘦个子似乎比他的实际高度要高些。四宾语 宾语(object)在句中主要充当动作、行为、活动的对象、接受者或受影响者。因此一般皆置于及物动词之后。Our team beat all the others. 我们的球队打败了所有其他球队。可以用作宾语

13、的有:名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词、副词、不定式、动名词、名词化的分词、从句等。1Do you fancy a drink? 你想喝一杯吗?2They wont hurt us. 他们不会伤害我们。3If you add 5 to 5, you get 10. 5加5等于10。(数词)。4I shall do my possible. 我将尽力而为。(名词化形容词) 5He left there last week. 他上个星期离开了那里。(副词) 6Does she really want to leave home? 她真的要离开家吗?7. We do not allow / perm

14、it smoking in the kitchen. 我们不允许在厨房里吸烟。(动名词)8He never did the unexpected. 他从不做使人感到意外的事。(名词化的分词) 9Do you understand what I mean? 你明白我的意思吗?(从句)10. He told me that he would go to the college the next year. 他告诉我他明年上大学11. I dont know if there will be a bus any more. 我不知道是否还会有公交车.12. Nobody knew whether h

15、e could pass the exam.没人知道他是否会通过考试. 13. Do you know who has won Red Alert game? 你知道是谁赢得了红色警报的游戏?14. Have you determined whichever you should buy ,a Motorola or Nokia cell phone?你决定好是买诺基亚还是摩托罗拉的电话了吗?15. He didnt tell me when we should meet again. 他没有告诉我什么时候我们能再见面扩展 + 归纳:一、宾语中有些动词需要两个同等的宾语,即直接宾语(direc

16、t object)与间接宾语(indirect object)。直接宾语一般指动作的承受者,间接宾语指动作所向的或所为的人和物(多指人),具有这种双宾语的及物动词叫做与格动词(dative verb), 常用的有:answer, bring, buy, do, find, get, give, hand, keep, leave, lend, make, offer, owe, pass, pay, play, promise, read, save, sell, send, show, sing, take 等,了一个职位。动词后面跟双宾语时可以采用两种结构: A、 动词+间接宾语(人)+直

17、接宾语(物)。Please show me your passport.B、 动词+直接宾语+介词+间接宾语。注意,一般情况介词用to, 如:Please show your passport to me.但动词是make, buy, get, cook, borrow, sing时,介词用for.如: Please make me a kite. = Please make a kite for me.C、还有少数动词+sb.+ of + sth。 inform sbof sth remind sbof sth rid sbof sth warn sbof sth rob sbof sth

18、cheat sbof sth cure sbof sth accuse/charge sbof sth二、以下是需要强化记忆的:A:习惯上要接不定式作宾语且不能接动名词作宾语的动词有:afford 付得起 agree 同意 apply 申请 arrange 安排 ask 要求care 想要 choose 决定 decide 决定 demand 要求 desire 请求determine 决心 expect 期待 help 帮助 hope 希望 intend 打算manage 设法 offer 主动提出 plan 计划 prepare 准备 pretend 假装promise 答应 refuse

19、 拒绝 want 想要 wish 希望 fail 失败B:习惯上要接动名词作宾语且不能接不定式作宾语的动词有:admit 承认 advise 建议 allow 允许 appreciate 感激 suggest 建议 avoid 避免 consider 考虑 delay 推迟 deny 否认 stop 停止discuss 讨论 dislike 不喜欢 enjoy 喜爱 escape 逃脱 risk 冒险 excuse 原谅 fancy 设想 finish 完成 forbid 禁止 report 报告forgive 原谅 give up 放弃 imagine 想像 keep 保持 put off

20、推迟mention 提及 mind 介意 miss 没赶上 pardon 原谅permit允许 practise 练习 prevent 阻止 prohibit 禁止请看以下典型用例:I admit breaking the window. 我承认窗子是我打破的。I appreciate being given this opportunity. 非常感谢给了我这个机会。I avoided mentioning the subject in case he should be offended. 我回避提及这个问题,以免触犯他。He suggested taking the children t

21、o the zoo. 他提议带孩子们去动物园。【说明】advise, allow, forbid, permit等动词之后,虽然不能直接跟不定式作宾语,但可接不定式作宾语补足语。The doctor advised me to stay in for a few days. 医生嘱我在家休息几天。The nurse allowed him to remain there, though it was not permitted. 护士让他留在那儿,而按规定那是不许可的。而有些动词(如consider, understand, discuss)则可接“疑问词+不定式”作宾语。五补语 补语(com

22、plement)是一种补足主语和宾语的意义的句子成分。补足主语意义的句子成分叫做主语补语(subject complement),补足宾语意义的句子成分叫做宾语补语(object complement). 在英语中有些及物动词,接了宾语意义仍不完整,还需要有一个其他的句子成分,来补充说明宾语的意义、状态或者说补充说明宾语是什么、怎么样或做什么等,称为宾语补足语,简称宾补。 (1).形容词用作主语补语是常置于主语之前,后有逗号。 Tired and sleepy, I went to bed. 我又累又困,就去睡了。 有时可以置于主语之后,前后都有逗号,与非限定性定语相似。 The man, c

23、ruel beyond belief, didnt listen to their pleadings. 那人不可置疑地残酷,不听取他们的恳求。 (2).可以用做宾语补语的有名词、形容词、不定式、动名词、分词、介词短语等 1.They named the child Jimmy. 他们将孩子命名为吉米。(名词用作宾补) 2.My mother looks so young that you would think her my sister. 我的母亲面很嫩,你会以为她是我的姐姐(名词短语作宾补) 3. He boiled the egg hard. 她将鸡蛋煮老了。(形容词用作宾语补语) 4

24、.I found the book very interesting.我发现那本书很有趣。(形容词短语用作宾补) 5. We found the old lady in good health. (介词短语作宾补) 6.The comrades wanted Dr. Bethune to take cover. 同志们要白求恩大夫隐蔽一下。(不定式用作宾语补语) 7. I heard Jean singing this morning.(现在分词作宾补) 8. He had his wallet stolen yesterday. (过去分词作宾补) 注:A、当感官动词和使役动词,接宾补时,不

25、定式的符号to必须省略。 see hear notice watch hear feel observe(感官动词) make have let(使役动词) 在help后,不定式可以带to,也可不带。 B、主动语态中的宾补,在被动语态中则成了主语补语了。 (1) I saw him playing basketball yesterday. (2) He was seen playing basketball yesterday. 六定语 定语是用来修饰、限定、说明名词或代词的品质与特征的。 主要有形容词此外还有名词、代词、数词、介词短语、动词不定式(短语)、分词、定语从句或相当于形容词的词、

26、短语或句子都可以作定语。 1形容词用作定语是大量的。 (1). She is a natural musician. 她是一位天生的音乐家。 (2). He must be the best violinist alive.他一定是最好的在世的小提琴手了。(后置定语) 2. 名词用作定语。如 (1). A baby girl 女婴 (2). well water 井水 (3). Sports car 双座轻型汽车 (4). A fools paradise 梦幻的天堂 3代词作定语。 (1). Your hair needs cutting. 你该理发了。(物主代词用作定语) (2). Eve

27、rybodys business is nobodys business. 人人负责就是无人负责。 (不定代词所有格作定语) 4数词作定语 (1). Theres only one way to do it. 做此事只有一法。 (2). Do it now, you may not get a second chance. 现在就干吧,你可能再没有机会了。 基数词用作后置定语: page 24 Room 201 the year 1949 5. 副词充当定语时常后置,如: the room above 楼上的房间 the world today 今日世界 the way out 出路 a da

28、y off 休息日 6不定式用作定语,后置。 (1). Her promise to write was forgotten.她忘记了答应写信的事。 (2). Thats the way to do it.那正是做此事的方法。 7动名词用作定语. A walking stick 拐杖sleeping pills 安眠药 eating implements 吃饭用具learning method 学习方法 8分词充当定语 a sleeping child 正在睡中的小孩 a drinking man 嗜酒者 a retired worker 一个退休工人 a faded flower 一朵谢了的

29、花 9介词短语用作定语。 This is a map of China. 这是一幅中国地图。 The wild look in his eyes spoke plainer than words. 他那凶暴的目光说明得再清楚不过了。 10从句用作定语,即定语从句 The car that is parked outside is mine. 停在外面的车是我的。 Your car, which I noticed outside, has been hit by another one. 我在外面看见你的汽车了,它给另一辆车撞了。 七同位语 当两个指同一事物的句子成分放在同等位置时,一个句子成分可被用来说明或解释另一个句子成分,前者就叫做后者的同位语(appositive).这两个句子成分多由名词(代词)担任,同位语通常皆放在其说明的名词(代词)之后。 1名词用作同位语是大量的。 (1). We have two children, a boy and a girl.我们有两个孩子,一男一女。 (2)We, the Chinese people, are determined to

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