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1、旅途中如果您有什么需要,我们将为您提供热情、周到的服务。 After going aboard, please watch for the safety, adults should take care of your children. There are beverages and drinks to supply on the ship, and you are welcome to choose. Please keep clean and neat on ship. If you have any requirements or need, please tell us, and w

2、e will provide enthusiastic, thoughtful service for you. 珠江日夜游是我公司首创的水上游览业务,具有浓郁的南国特色,于1961年四十多年来已先后接待了国内外游客数百万人次,深受各界人士喜爱。 现在,随着游船的缓缓开动,拉开了“珠江游”的序幕。此刻我们的游船正驶在珠江的前航道,珠江广州河段风光旖旎,两岸的名胜古迹和特色建筑物很多。下面,我将和大家一道,沿着“珠江走廊”,去追寻广州那辉煌的古代文明及其发展轨迹,领略广州那富有特色的风土人情。 The “cruise on the Pearl River” is the featured ser

3、vice among all services Guangzhou Ferry Company provides to its customers. It is a tour to particular Chinese Southland. Since the year 1961, the “Pearl River night/day cruise” has already received millions of visitors and tourists from all over the world. It is undeniably popular in all walks of li

4、fe. Now, with the yacht edging away gradually from the wharf, the curtain has been drawn for the fascinating “Pearl River cruise”. Now our yacht is sailing in the front waterway of the Pearl River. This section of the river running across Guangzhou is very charming and gentle, with many historical r

5、elics, famous places of interests and unique structures of Guangzhou along the riverbanks. In the coming hours we are going to trace back to the magnificent historic civilization and its development course of Guangzhou along the Pearl River corridor, and we are going to appreciate the unique local c

6、ustoms in person. 2.珠江简介 下面,请让我借用这个机会简单介绍一下珠江。 珠江全长2224公里,是我国第三大河,是广东最大的河流。珠江名来自“海珠石”。当千里珠江流经广州城下时,江中有一巨大的石岛,石岛长期被江水冲刷,变得圆滑光润,形如珍珠,称“海珠石”。由此,坐落该石的河流便称之为“珠江”。 珠江是西江、北江、东江、流溪河和潭江等五大河系的总称。主流西江,源于云南省曲靖市马雄山东里的石灰岩出水洞,流经云南、贵州、广西、广东等省区境,分流于虎门、蕉门、洪奇沥、横门、磨刀门、鸡啼门、虎跳门、崖门等八大门入海。发源地至磨刀门全长2214公里,流域面积仅次于长江、黄河、黑龙江。年

7、径流模数居全国各大河流之冠。 2. A brief introduction to the Pearl River Now please allow me to give a brief introduction of the Pearl River to you. The Pearl River is 2124 kilometers long and it is the largest river in Guangzhou and the third largest river in China. In its course running across Guangzhou, there i

8、s a huge stone island standing in the way of flowing water. The island has been washed by the river water for thousands of years and polished to resemble a big shiny pearl. And it is called “the pearl stone in the sea” by the local. Therefore, the river where the “pearl stone” positioned is called t

9、he Pearl River. The Pearl River is the joint name of five river systems including Xijiang (the West River), Beijiang(the North River), Dongjiang (the East River), Liuxihe (the Liuxi River) and Xunjiang (the Xun River). The main stream Xijiang (the West River) originates from a Caster water cave at M

10、ahongshan, Qujing city, Yunnan province. It runs across Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, and Guangdong provinces, etc. The branches of the Pearl River run across Humen, Jiaomen, Hongqili, Hengmen, Modaomen, Jitimen, Hutiaomen, Yamen and then go in the sea. The total length from its headstream to Modaomen i

11、s 2214 kilometers, its drainage area ranks only after Changjiang (Yangtze River), Huanghe and Heilongjiang. Its annual mainstream drainage volume ranks the first among all the biggest rivers in China. 3中央银行 游客们,河的北岸二层方形建筑是孙中山先生当年在中国首创的“中央银行”,现在是中国人民银行广州分行。它建于1924年8月15日,当年孙中山先生在广州南堤创立了“中央银行”,首任行长是宋子文

12、。中央银行成立后不断发展,先后设立20多个分支机构,为建设黄埔港、造纸厂、制革厂等筹集资金,解决了当时革命政府财政困难,支持了北伐,援助了省港大罢工。1929年2月,中央银行改名为“广东中央银行”。 3. the Central Bank of China Each vistor, the two-story square structure on the north side of the river is the former organization building of “the central bank of China” established by Dr Sun Yat-sen

13、. Now the building has been converted into the Guangzhou branchs office of Peoples Bank of China. It was built on Aug 15th, 1924 when Dr Sun Yatsan established the “Central Bank” at Nandi (the south bank) in Guangzhou city. The first appointed president was Song Ziwen. After its establishment, the C

14、entral Bank has set up more than 20 branch offices and this has financed the later construction of the Huangpu Harbor, the paper mill and the tannery -this helped to solve the financial difficulty of the revolutionary government and supported the Northern Expedition as well as backed the Guangdong a

15、nd Hongkong Strike against the warlords. In February of 1929, the Central Bank was renamed “the Central Bank of Guangdong”. 4海珠大桥、海珠广场 游客们,前面的铁桥是“海珠大桥”,它是广州第一座横跨珠江南北的大桥,建于1933年。大桥在国民党军队撤退时曾被炸毁,于1950年3月重建,并于1975年扩宽桥面,现桥全长436米,主桥长183米,宽33米。海珠大桥以其独具的建筑特色点缀珠江,是原羊城八景之一“珠海丹心”的组成部份。 海珠桥北面的广场就是“海珠广场”,广场因为地处

16、过去的珠江“羊城三石”的海珠石附近,又紧靠著名的海珠桥而得名。广场中心是一个花岛,广州解放纪念碑就矗立在“花岛”的中央。广场北面的“广东贸易中心大厦”是旧中国出口商品交易会的大楼,“广州宾馆”是1968-1976年中国大陆最高的建筑。海珠广场风光秀丽、景色宜人,是羊城八景之一,称“珠海丹心”。 4. The Haizhu Bridge and the Haizhu Square Each visitor, the steel bridge that spans the Pearl River in the front is Haizhu Bridge. It was the first bri

17、dge that first flied from south to north over the surface of the Pearl River in Guangzhou. The bridge was built in 1933 and destroyed by bomb when the Kuomintang troops retreated from the city. Later it was repaired in March, 1950. And in 1976 the bridge was widened to the present: 436 meters long t

18、otally, 183 meters long in its main bridge and 33 meters wide. The Haizhu Bridge is dotting the Pearl River with its unique construction feature and it is the component scene of the “ Loyal Heart of Haizhu (the pearl of the sea)” -one of the eight Most Famous Scenery Sites in Guangzhou. The square i

19、n the north of Haizhu Bridge is Haizhu Square. It got its name because it is located near Haizhu Stone-one of the “three great stones of the City of Goats (GZ)”, and its very close to the famous Haizhu Bridge. The center of the square is a beautiful flower island, in the center of which stands solem

20、nly the Guangzhou Revolutionary Monument. The “Guangdong Trade Center Mansion” situated to the north of the square is the former organization building of the Chinese Export Commodities Fair. The Guangzhou Hotel used to be the highest building in the mainland of China from the year 1968 to 1976. The

21、Haizhu Square is famous for its beautiful scenery and delightful view. It is known as one of the eight Most Famous Scenery Sites of Guangzhou city, the “ Loyal Heart of Haizhu (the pearl of the sea)”. 5解放大桥 游客们,我们前方象一道彩虹横跨珠江的便是 “解放大桥”,建于1994 年,于1998 年建成通车,桥的通航净高8.7米,全长978 米,宽25 米,其中主桥 长269米,它南接南华路,北

22、通解放路,是珠江南北两岸的主要交通枢纽。 5. JiefangBridge(the revolutionary bridge) The bridge ahead that resembles rainbow is the revolutionary bridge. It was built in 1994, and completed and came into operation in 1998. Its net height is 8.7 meters, the length is 978 meters and the width is 25 meters. It links Nanhua

23、 Road in its south to Jiefang Road in its north. It is the traffic pivot connecting the north bank and south bank. 7塔影楼: “日日凝妆珠海岸,经年憔悴深闭门。风光如许人何处,厌记江潮涨落痕。”各位游客,这首诗是辛亥革命志士陈少白先生所作的忆塔影楼,描述的就是我们现在看到的独立在西堤岸边的四层小洋楼。因位于珠江西提,塔在江水中留下倒影,故陈少白命名其为“塔影楼”。 陈少白是广东新会县人。擅长文学,能歌赋,善诗画,有才子之称。1889年在广州结识孙中山,二人从此成为挚友,后与孙中山

24、、尤烈、杨鹤龄一起共商革命大计,自称为反清四大寇。1895年参与在香港创设兴中会总部。广州起义失败后辗转英、日、新加坡、越南和港、澳、台地区宣传革命,筹措经费,全力辅助孙中山进行革命活动。1919年出资在沿江西路建一楼宇,取名为塔影楼,作为事务所及家居。1921年5月孙中山重返广州就任非常大总统时,受聘为总统顾问,协助孙中山督师北伐。此时孙中山先生曾在塔影楼二楼居住。 7. Pagoda Reflection Building “Gazing at the reflection in the Pearl River every day, it loses color with doors sh

25、ut for years. The landscape takes on a look as before while the owner is not here, and its tiring to remember the flowing and fallen marks of the tide.” Ladies and gentlemen, it is the poem written by Chen Shaobai, the fighter of 1911 Revolution, and it describes the four-story western building erec

26、ted by the Xidi bank. As its situated near Xidi wharf and reflected in the Pearl River, Chen Shaobai called it “Pagoda Reflection Building”. Chen Shaobai came from Xinhui County of Guangdong Province. He was excellent at literary and good at writing songs and poems, and drawing, so he was called “ a

27、 brilliant scholar” by others. In 1889 he made the acquaintance of Sun Yat-sen, and they became intimate friends. Later Sun yat-sen, You Lie, Yang Heling and he consulted revolutionary programs, and claimed to be “ four great anti-Qing bandits.” In 1895 he took part in establishing the headquarter o

28、f Developing 兴中会in Hongkong. And after Guangzhou Uprising was defeated, he continued to propagate the revolution in England, Japan, Singapore, Vier Nam, Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan successively in order to collect the buget, and assisted Sun Yat-sen in proceeding the revolutionary activities with all

29、 strength. In 1919 he invested to set up a building as his office and house at Yanjiang West Road, and called it “Pagoda Reflection Building.” When Sun Yat-sen returned Guangzhou to assume office as the President during the very periods, he was appointed as the consultant of the President and assist

30、ed Sun Yat-sen in Northern Expedition. At that time Sun Yat-sen lived at the second floor of Pagoda Reflection Building. 8. 人民桥、内环路 游客们,前方的是“人民桥”,它是在1967年5月建成通车,是广州市区第二座横跨珠江的公路桥。桥长701.2米,主桥长182米,宽18米,主航道净高8.7米,是我市交通的主要动脉。 和人民桥并排在一起的是内环高架路。近年来,广州市政府为了进一步缓解城市交通的拥挤状况,在市政路桥建设上狠下了一番功夫,自80年代起先后兴建了广佛高速公路、环

31、城高速公路、广深珠高速公路、广花高速公路;市区修建了人民路、六二三路高架路、广园路高架路,东濠冲高架路,以及广州大桥、海印大桥、洛溪大桥、江湾大桥、解放大桥、华南大桥、鹤洞大桥、丫髻沙大桥等跨江大桥和珠江过江隧道。2000年又建成了全长26.7公里的内环高架路,使广州公路交通拥挤状况有了很大的改善。内环路设有12座立交、13对匝道、双向4至6车道,7条放射性道路,与东南西北环城高速公路连接。8. The Renmin Bridge (the Peoples Bridge) and the Neihuan Overhead Road (the Inner Ring Overhead Road) Each visitor, the Renmin Bridge was completed and came into operation in May 1967. It was the second bridge that spans the Pearl River. The bridge is 701.2-meter long totally, and 182 meters long

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