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1、imaginative engagement.(07年1月老六级改错第10题) (2)Mass literacy is a relative new social goal.(06年6月六级改错第九题) (3)A good CV is your passport to an interview and, ultimate, to the job you want.(06年1月六级改错第二题) (4)She says efforts are continuing to complete end the disease.(05年1月六级改错第三题)complete要改成副词形式completely

2、修饰动词end。(5)The WHO has given multi-drug therapy to patients freely for the last five years.(05年1月六级改错第九题) (5)Culture is essentially to our humanness.(04年6月六级改错第8题)(6)Except for relative-isolated trouble spots like present-day Somalia(04年1月第三题)注意:A-A题错误有一种变体题型AN.所谓AN题型, 就是指A(adjective)与N(noun)之间的混淆,举

3、例如下:(1)Now what started in schools across the country is playing itself out on a nation stage and is possibly having an impact on the reading habits of the Ameri- can public.(07年1月新六级第十题) (2)Understanding the original of the negative attit- udes towards science may help us to modify them. (07年1月老六级第


5、ght等。相对性反义词。easy-hard,big-small,cold-hot,old-young,wide-narrow,love-hate等。按上下文语义,行中多用了not或no,或必须添上not或no。2.连接性词语。连接性词语虽属传统的语法题,但其用法主要依据上下文语义上的逻辑关系,即对上下文的理解。短文改错设计中的连接性词语的错误包括:并列连词。and,but,for,or等。1 主从连词。这类词较多,如:because,(al)though,if,unless,before,after,until,as,while,whereas等。2 连接性副词。however,moreove

6、r,besides,nevertheless,then,thus等。连接性介词。becauseof,despite,besides,insteadof等。这种错误一般得根据上下文判断得出,分析这么多年六级改错的逻辑错误,答案无一例外都是将文中某个用错的词(很多情况下是一个形容词)改成它的反义词或添上一个否定词,这里要求同学们掌握一些常用的否定词缀,如in-、un-等等,因为有的形容词加上否定词缀就变成了它的反义词,举例如下:(1)the leaders of our country are unconsciously sending the message that reading may b

7、e connected to desirable activities that(07年1月新六级改错第七题) (2)The task of learning facts and concepts, one at a time, makes learning laborious, boring and efficient. (07年1月老六级改错第八题) (3)But in the Information Age, no one can get by with knowing how to read well and understand increasingly complex materi

8、al.(06年6月六级改错第十题) (4)Initial impressions are vital, and a badly presented CV could mean acceptance, regardless of whats in it.(06年1月六级改错第三题) (5)the person who is unfamiliar with the arts, music, literature, philosophy, or history.(04年6月六级改错第六题) (6)Except for relatively-isolated trouble spots like pr

9、esent-day Somalia, and occasional years of good harvests, the worlds food crisis has remained just around the corner.(04年1月六级改错第四题) (7)Get someone to check for spelling and grammatic- al errors, because a spell-checker will pick up every mistake.(06年1月六级改错第6题)4.-ing型与-ed型改错题。此类题一般是动词后面少了ing或ed,这种题经常

10、出现,值得注意。-ing型改错题分两种情况:(1)介词后面或某些动词后面跟着的动词需要使用该动词的-ing形式(2)用一个逗号将一个动词与其逻辑主语分开,该动词需要用-ing分词形式,举例如下:(1)The House proposal would have barred the federal government from demand library records.(07年1月新六级改错第三题) (2)As a result, too many kids passed through school without mastering the printed page.(06年6月六级改

11、错第1题) (3)Here are a few ways to avoid end up on the reject pile.(06年1月六级改错第4题) (4)This modern treatment will cure leprosy in 6 to 12 months, depend on the form of the disease.(05年1月六级改错第8题) (5)Culture refers to the social heritage of a people- the learned patterns for thinking, feeling and acting th

12、at characterize a population or society, include the expression of these patterns in material things.(04年6月六级改错第一题)-ed型改错:(1)If you have to send one, make sure it is one taking in a professional setting(06年1月六级改错第九题)这里的one指代前文的photo,我们都知道照相用take a photo, (2)The rule here is to keep it factual and tr

13、uthful- exaggerations usually get find out.(06年1月六级改错第10题)-ed型改错从本质上说就是要能发现动词与其逻辑主语的关系,动词是施动者,而其逻辑主语接收动词发出的动作.这和被动语态实际上是一个道理,下面举几个被动语态的题:(1) The day the NEA report released.(07年1月新六级改错第2题)(2) Studies indicate that many girls are affecting as well-and not getting help.(06年6月六级改错第6题) 受到影响显然要用被动语态,所以af

14、fecting要改成过去式affected.值得注意的是,affect是改错命题专家比较偏爱的一个词,在05年1月的改错中考查了effect与affect的区别,大家对这个词要好好掌握。(3)The members of the alliance against leprosy plan to target the countries which still threatened by leprosy.(05年1月六级第10题) 5.单复数错误与主谓不一致错误。这个考点在六级改错中出现的也很频繁,同学们对这种错误也比较熟悉,做题时一定得仔细观察句子的主语:(1)Most education s

15、ystem neglect exploration, under- standing and reflection.(07年1月老六级第五题) (2)There is therefore a need for resources and methods of teaching that facilitates a deep under- standing of science in an enjoyable way.(07年1月老六级第九题) (3)New screening tests are identifying children at risk before they get disc

16、ouraged by year of frustra- tion and failure.(06年6月六级改错第8题) (4)physical object like cooking pots, computers and bathtubs.(04年6月六级改错第三题) (5)There is no guarantee that plant breeders can cont- inue to develop new, higher-yielding crop(04年1月六级改错第10题)6.指代错误与冠词错误。同单复数一样,解指代错误题也要关注指代的对象到底是单数还是复数:(1)During

17、 the 1980s culture wars, school systems across the country pulled some books from library shelves because its content was deemed by parents and teachers to be inappropriate.(07年1月新六级改错第9题)(2)As a result, children memorize processes such as mathematical formulas or the periodic table, only to forget

18、it shortly afterwards.(07年1月六级改错第7题) (3) At same time(06年6月六级改错第七题)(4) in first paragraph(06年1月六级改错第一题)(5) a number of leprosy cases around the world has been cut by ninety percent during the past ten years. (05年1月六级改错第一题)(6)The fast-growing populations demand for food, they warned, would soon excee

19、d their supply(04年1月六级改错第二题)7. 用法搭配方面的错误(介词短语的考查)。分析这几年的改错,这一考点几乎成了每次考试必考的知识点,但这个得靠各位的基本功了,因为事先无法知道要考查哪个介词短语.不过看看这几年考过的介词短语搭配,我们可以发现其实都是一些最基本的,不会出现生僻的:in every region, oweto, in detail, in effect, for the reason, cause damage to, deal with, for instance. 除此之外,强调句,同位语从句,定语从句,名词性从句以及时态和一些连词也常出现在六级的改错中

20、。1. 介词。介词主要涉及用法与搭配,是短文改错中出现频率最高,也是考生最易失分的一类题型,要在这类题型的辨错改错上有所突破,考生必须注意平时介词用法知识的积累。在改错中,请注意从以下几个方面辨认。1 介词与动词的搭配。accuse sb.of,chargesb.with,preventsb.from,prohibitsb.from,differfrom,contributeto等。2 介词与名词的搭配。counton,influenceon,improveon,beliefin,confidencein,advantageover,preferenceover,attitudeto,solu







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