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五年级下册英语教案UnitSpring Begins from March Part B陕旅版Word文档格式.docx

1、(1)课前热身师生一起说唱上一课时所设计的儿歌,达到激发学生兴趣和复习月份单词的目的。January, February,(手指表示1和2) one and two. (拍手)March, April,(手指表示3和4) three and four.(拍手)May, June,(手指表示5和6) five and six. (拍手)July, August,(手指表示7和8) seven and eight.(拍手)September, October,(手指表示9和10) nine and ten.(拍手)November, December,(手指表示11、12) the year is

2、 done.(拍手)(2)新课导入小游戏:我是小记者教师拿出所准备的麦克风,走到学生面前并介绍:T: Hello, everyone! I am a reporter. Now please answer my question: Which month is after . (月份)?Ss: Its . (月份).然后快速走到另一个学生的面前,用麦克风提问: Which month is before (月份), S1?S1:得到学生的回应后,接着对全班同学发问: Now do you know which season is after . (季节)? Its . (季节).多次轮流,让学

3、生在轻松愉快的氛围中复习月份和季节单词,为新课展示部分做铺垫。(1)新课展示Part B Lets learn more1. 建议教师可通过设计师生问答完成课文新授,可参考如下设计:(教师可把年历放大贴在黑板上或借助PPT展示年历以辅助完成问答) How many seasons are there in a year? Four. How many months are there in a year? Twelve. How many months are there in each season? Three. Great! There are four seasons in a yea

4、r. And there are twelve months in a year. So each season has three months. Which is the first season, then? Its spring. Which months are in spring? March, April and May. You are right. Spring begins from March. It is from March to May.板书句子:Spring begins from March. It is from March to May.用红色粉笔标出beg

5、ins from和from . to. What about summer?(引导学生作答)T& Summer begins from June. It is from June to August. When does autumn begin? Autumn begins from September. It is from September to November. What about winter? Winter begins from December. It is from December to February. And which month is New Year in

6、? New Year is in the first month. Its in January.教师补充: Its on January 1st.2. 听录音,整体感知短文。3. 教师提出问题,让学生带着问题通读课文,并回答问题。问题可参考如下:(1) How many seasons are there in a year?(2) Does each season have three months?(3) Is summer from July to September?(4) When does winter begin?(5) Which month is New Year in?4

7、. 教师再次播放录音,让学生跟读Lets learn more部分的内容并学习短文,引导学生在对话情景中猜一猜新单词each和begin是什么意思,并通过复习所学过含有字母组合ea的中单词(如teacher),以旧带新,让学生牢记each的读音。(2)巩固活动1. 教师播放Lets learn more部分的录音,让学生模仿其语音语凋跟读课文。2. 将学生分成四组朗读课文,前两句和最后三句集体朗读,而有关四个季节的句子则由每组读一句演。(1)新课展示Part B Learn to say(1) T: January is the first month of the year. And spr

8、ing is the first season ina year. Can you guess what does “first” mean?教师引导学生理解first的意思是“第一”,然后用同样的方法教授1-30中具有特殊变化的序数词。 Which season is after spring? Summer. So summer is the second season in a year. What is the next season? Autumn. Autumn is the third season. And the fourth season is winter. What i

9、s the first month in a year then? January. What about the first day of January? Its January the first.教师板书January 1st,展示Learn to say部分的日期卡片并领读。(2) 按照同样的方法一一引出其他九个日期的表达(3)播放Learn to say部分的录音,让学生听并跟读本部分的内容。2.Part A Lets talk I like to fly kites, and my favorite season is spring. Which is your favorite

10、 season? My favorite season is.教师板书句型:Which is your favorite season? 并再次讲解特殊疑问词which的意思。教师继续拿出麦克风逐一提问学生:教师请其他学生充当小记者,用麦克风提问大家: 教师出示春天的图片,并进行描述: My favorite season is spring, because spring begins from March. It is warm. The trees are green. The flowers are beautiful. The mountains are green,too. I c

11、an fly kites and plant trees.教师板书本课重点句型:Because . It is . The trees . The flowers . The mountains . I can.教师继续表述: I also like autumn. Because we have Teachers, Day on September the tenth. And I can receive many wishes.板书句型:I like . better. Because we have . on.之后提问学生: Which is your favorite season,

12、S2?S2: . is my favorite season. Why? Because.教学提示:在这里教师可以要求学生运用黑板上的句型进行回答,但是不一定非要用全部的句型,可以选择性地回答自己为什么最喜欢某个季节,教师也可对学生的回答进行适当补充。(2) 听录音,理解对话。教师提出一些问题,然后播放Lets talk部分的录音,让学生合上书听本部分的对话,然后回答问题。a.Which is Li Shanks favorite season.b.When does autumn begin?c.Is it cool in autumn?d.Does Alice like winter?e.

13、When are Christmas and New Year?教师在学生回答问题e时,可将英文日期的表达格式在这里适当地进行渗透,英文表示日期一般是按照“月份+日期的序数词”这样的格式,也可以按照“日期的序数词+月份”的格式进行表达,如:9月28日September the twenty-eighth / September 28ththe twenty-eighth, September / 28th, September12月5日December the fifth / December 5ththe fifth, December / 5th, December要表达在某个具体的日子时

14、,要用介词on。如:Christmas is on December 25thNew Year is on January 1st.(2)巩同活动1. 教师再次播放录音,让学生注意模仿录音中人物的语音语调跟读对话。2. 将学生分成两组,分角色读对话。操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)(1)表演时间1. 教师先让学生同桌两人一组练习对话3-5分钟。其间,教师可以在教室里巡视指导,如果冇学生落单,教师可以与其搭档,排练对话。2. 教师将秋天和冬天的图片贴在黑板的两边,鼓励学生借助黑板上的句型和图片提示创编对话,对Lets talk部分的对话进行改编。然后让学生两人戴

15、上Li Shan和Alice的头饰,表演对话。3. 教师对学生的表演进行点评,表扬并适当奖励勇于上台表演的学生。(2)日期播报1. 让学生读Learn to say部分的日期,教师纠正错误的发音,并提醒学生注意th的读音。2. 教师出示日期卡片,学生分组抢答。3. 学生拿出各自准备的日期卡片,两人一组互相读日期。(2)Part B Think and discuss1. 学生打开课本,翻到22页,先独自观察本部分的各幅图片,尝试简单描述。2. 将学生分成四人一组,运用句型When is Womens Day / Childrens Day /.? Womens Day / Childrens

16、Day / . is on .相互问答,讨论本部分各个节日的具体日期,最后填空。3. 教师巡视、检查学生的完成情况,并注意纠正英文日期的错误表达。4. 总结:教师就各个节日分别发问,随机选择学生作答,核对答案。参考答案:March 8th, June 1st, September 10th, October 1st, December 25th, January 1st(1)Part B Lets chant1. 教师播放本部分录音,让学生提前感知该歌谣的节奏。2. 教师启发学生理解歌谣中的生词 :merry, gay, far away等。3. 教师播放录音中的读词部分,让学生跟读Lets chant部分的歌词。教师可以逐句播放,以便学生能更好地学懂每一句。4. 教师播放录音中说唱的部分,让学生跟随节奏一起说吧歌谣,也可以采用男生一句、女生一句的方式,有节奏地说唱歌谣。5. 学生翻到课本22页,教师播放录音,学生边说吧歌谣边打拍子。小结Homework略。

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