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1、Ccome across Dpick out解析:选C有时候你在阅读中所遇到的生词的意思可以通过语境知道其含义。take down“记下”;look up“查阅”;come across“遇见”;pick out“找出”。下文中的“After coming across the word a few more times”也是提示,故C项正确。2A.sentences BwordsCtopics Dsurroundings选D根据“that is”可知,此空与contexts是同义词,与下文中的“The words around the unknown word”和“Your knowledg

2、e of the meaning of surrounding words”呼应,故D项正确。3A.unknown BabnormalCfamiliar Dnegative选A句子的语境可以告诉我们生词的词性。与上文中的“unknown words”呼应可知,此处是指生词,故A项正确。abnormal“不正常的”;familiar“熟悉的”;negative“负面的”。4A.unique BnaturalChelpful Dcommon选C利用段落的语境来确定生词也是有帮助的。与下文中的“Common _15_ and your knowledge of the parts of speech

3、 also help defining unknown words.”呼应,故C项正确。5A.correct BinconvenientCdifferent Dsatisfactory选A读者经常遇到麻烦,因为他们逐字理解句子而不是(理解)一个词的正确意思。根据空格前的“Readers often have trouble”可推知,读者没有理解一个词的正确意思,即A项正确。6A.cases BreasonsCeffects Dclues选D生词周围的词可以给你(提供)线索。与下文中的“Comparison clues”呼应,故D项正确。7A.translate BinterviewCconti

4、nue Dexamine选C一旦你知道了这个词是名词还是形容词,那么你就可以不必停下来去查这个词的意思而继续读下去。根据空格后的“without having to stop”可知,此处应用continue“继续”,故C项正确。8A.strangely BuncertainlyCpotentially Dfirmly选Dstrangely“奇怪地”;uncertainly“犹豫地”;potentially“潜在地”;firmly“坚定地”。根据空格前的“After coming across the word a few more times”可知,在生词出现的频率较高的情况下,根据语境,读者

5、就可以更加确定其具体的含义,故D项正确。9A.alike BmeaningfulCproper Dgreat选A比较性线索表明两个或多个事物是相似的。根据下文中的“The likeness”可知,此处表示事物的相似性,故A项正确。 BsimilaritiesCpossibilities Dpersonalities选B之所以可能作比较是因为认识的词和不认识的词之间有相似性。根据下文中的“The likeness”可知,similarity“相似性”,符合语境。11A.Popularity BConsiderationCExample DComparison选C例子线

6、索会通过举例来提示读者。与空格后的“an example”和“Example clues”呼应,故C项正确。12A.affected BadjustedCchanged Dintroduced选D例子线索通常通过以下词或短语来提出。affect“影响”;adjust“调整”;change“改变”;introduce“提出”。故D项正确。13A.focus BspendCcarry Drely选D另一种线索并不是靠具体的词来表明(生词的)意思的。与上文“textbased clues”形成对比,这种线索不是依赖上下文而得出词义的,故D项正确。rely on“依赖”,符合语境。14A.preven

7、ts BhelpsCtells Ddisplays选B你对附近的词的意思的理解有助于你了解一个词或一个句子的意思。故B项正确。15A.point BtasteCawareness Dsense选D常识和对词性的了解也有助于(读者)给生词下定义。固定搭配:common sense意为“常识”,符合语境,故D项正确。16A.mean Buse Ccontain Dcomplete选A“vehemently”是什么意思呢?与下文中的“You know what _17_ means”形成呼应,故A项正确。17A.angry BgratefulChappy Danxious选A你知道angry是什么意

8、思,而且你(也)知道人们在争辩时的感受。与上文中的“the angry driver”呼应,故A项正确。18A.act BsayCfeel Dthink选C根据上文中的“the angry driver”和空格所在句中的“how people _18_ when they argue”可推知,C项正确。19A.come BfigureCtake Dset选B由此你可以弄清楚“vehemently”与强烈的情感或紧张的情绪有关。come out“出现;出版”;figure out“弄明白”;take out“切除”;set out“出发”。20A.demand BambitionCattitud

9、e Demotion选Ddemand“要求”;ambition“野心”;attitude“态度”;emotion“情感”。与语境“or intense feeling”呼应可知,此处表示情感,故D项正确。.语法填空秦皇岛市高三质检)I was on my way to the Taiyetos Mountains. The sun was setting _1_ my car broke down near a remote village. Cursing my _2_ (fortune), I was wondering where I was going to spend the nig

10、ht when I realized that the villagers who had gathered around me _3_ (argue) as to who should have the honour of receiving me _4_ a guest in their house. Finally, I accepted the offer of _5_ 80yearold peasant woman who lived alone in a little house. While she was getting me settled into a tiny but c

11、lean room, the head of the village was tying up his horse _6_ my car to pull it to a small town some 20 kilometers away _7_ there was a garage.I had noticed three hens _8_ (run) free in my hostess courtyard and that night one of them ended up in a dish on my table. Other villagers brought me goats c

12、heese and honey. We drank together and talked _9_ (merry) till far into the night.When the time came for me to say goodbye to my friends in the village, I wanted to reward the old woman for the trouble I _10_ (cause) her. But she refused.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._“我”在去Taiyetos Mountains的途中车子坏了,这时热

13、情的村民帮助了“我”。1when考查连词。太阳正要落山时“我”的车抛锚在一个偏远的村庄附近。2misfortune考查名词。“我”咒骂自己的不幸。3were arguing考查时态。根据语境可知,此处表示“村民们围着我在争论谁能有幸邀请到我这位客人”,故用过去进行时。4as考查介词。as a guest “作为客人”。5an考查冠词。此处表示一位80岁的农妇。因为80的发音以元音音素开头,所以用an。6to考查介词。村长把他的马绑到“我”的汽车上,将汽车拉去一个小镇上的汽车修理厂。7where考查定语从句。a small town作先行词,所填词在从句中作地点状语,所以用where引导该定语从

14、句。8running考查非谓语动词。notice sb./sth. doing sth.“注意到某人或某物正在做某事”,此处表示“我”看到三只母鸡在女主人家的院子里跑着,结果晚上其中的一只就成了“我”桌子上的菜了。9merrily考查词性转换。修饰动词talked应用副词。10had caused考查时态。“带来麻烦”发生在“想报答”之前,为过去的过去,所以用过去完成时。句意:“我”想报答那位老妇人,因为“我”给她带来了麻烦,但是她拒绝了。练(二)第卷强化增分组块专练练规范)45分钟).语法填空银川质量检测)David will never forget what happened to hi

15、m the day before yesterday. He _1_ (eat) something at home when he received a strange phone call from a hospital. The caller said that his son _2_ (fall) to the ground unconscious on the way to school. It was he _3_ took him to the hospital. David hung up his cellphone and rushed to his sons classro

16、om, only to find him listening to the teacher attentively. He suddenly realized that he had been cheated, but he felt _4_ (relieve). Just at that time the phone rang again, saying, “Your son is in great danger and he needs _5_ immediate operation which costs 48,000 yuan. The doctors here say they wi

17、ll not operate _6_ your son until they receive the money.” When _7_ (ask) from where the caller had taken his son to hospital, the caller rang off. David gave a big smile and said, “What a pity!”If the cheater thought he could get money from David in such a _8_ (honest) way, he was wrong. Such phone

18、 calls are common these days. A few of them might have fallen victim to such tricks. Most parents are sensitive to _9_. It was really silly to cheat welleducated men like David.Believe it or not, its a true story. The _10_ (colleague) in his office can confirm it, such as Tom, Peter and so on.本文是一篇夹

19、叙夹议文。电话诈骗现象现已屡见不鲜,大卫就遇到过一次。有人骗他说他的儿子受伤入院,需要立刻交钱做手术。但是大卫识破了骗子的伎俩。作者认为,大多数家长对此类骗局很敏感,去骗像大卫这样受过良好教育的人很愚蠢。1was eating考查动词的时态。“be doing . when .”是固定句型,意为“正在做这时”,符合句意;由从句中的“received”可知,此处应用过去进行时,故填was eating。2had fallen考查动词的时态。因为从句谓语动词“fall”发生在主句谓语动词“said”之前,表示“过去的过去”,应用过去完成时。故填had fallen。3who/that考查强调句型。

20、就是他把他(大卫的儿子)送到医院的。分析句子结构可知,本句属于强调句,被强调的成分是句子的主语“he”。如果被强调部分是人时,可以用who或that。故填who/that。4relieved考查词性转换。他突然意识到自己被骗了,但是他感到如释重负。“felt”在本句中是系动词,其后应用形容词,故填relieved,意为“感到宽慰的,放心的”。分析句子结构和句子大意可知,此处泛指“一个手术”,空格处应填不定冠词,由于“immediate”的读音以元音音素开头,故填an。6on考查介词。operate on sb.是固定短语,意为“给某人做手术”。故填on。7asked考查省略句。分析句子结构可知

21、,本句属于省略句,从句省略了“the caller was”。由于动词“ask”与其主语“the caller”之间是被动关系,故填asked。8dishonest考查形容词。根据上段可知,打电话的人想骗大卫的钱。由此填dishonest,意为“不诚实的,骗人的”。9them考查代词。短语be sensitive to意为“对敏感”。由此结合上句可知,空格处缺少宾语them,代替前一句中的“such tricks”。故填them。10colleagues考查名词的数。根据句中“such as Tom, Peter and so on”可知,本句说的是好几个同事,应用复数。故填colleague

22、s。.短文改错太原市高三第二学段测评)One year ago, I had a special English lesson hold at the railway station. It was quite different from the regular English classes we were familiar to, for we had no textbooks, no blackboard or no fixed seats.Gathering at the entrance of the station, we told to collect as many Engl

23、ish words and sentences as possible here.Curious and excited, we walked around the station and looked everywhere, search for any information in English. Whenever an English word comes into sight, the class would burst into the cheers as if we had discovered a new world. With the Chinese translation and vividly pictures, we could figure out its meaning with ease.Now, this unforgettable lesson still encourages me to be an active learner where I go.答案:第一

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