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1、第一节 写作的一般要求第二节 写作的基本步骤第三节 写作的高分要点第四节 写作题型及其模板第一节写作的一般要求写作部分从形式、内容和语言上都有一定要求,概括如下:1.卷面:书写工整 + 结构清晰为得到更好的阅读效果,具体操作方法如下:1)用黑色签字笔,禁用蓝色钢笔/蓝色圆珠笔/铅笔。后面几类笔可能会造成卷面字迹不清。2)字体不能太小,以打印出的三号字为宜。 3)每段第一行要缩进4个字母,使段落划分更直观。4)修改要尽量不留痕迹,最好打草稿。如果没有带修正液,胶带,小刀等工具,在修改错误处时应从单词中间平着划一道直线,可用三角板或直尺找平。如下所示:Undoubtedly I hated Eng

2、lish, but I have to take and pass this test.2.内容和语言内容上:不要偏题语言上:语言准确、词汇高级、句式灵活语言的使用首先要准确,不要出现错误。词汇方面:选词要多样、高级,避免使用高频低级词汇。如good, think, in my opinion, for example, first, second等。各类文章都会高频使用的概念要记住其高级表达。句式方面:形式要灵活,长短句交替。不必刻意追求长句子。确保句式准确的前提下进行灵活表达。第二节英语写作基本步骤仔细审题:判断作文类型,确定配套词汇、功能句式和行文结构。(1分钟)细化提纲:整理思路,列出

3、题目提纲的细节,如例子,解决方案等。(5分钟)扩展成文:边写边注意基本语法结构的准确性,保证句子结构的多样化。(19分钟)誊抄全文:边抄边最主要的语法项目,减少档次失分。(5分钟)第三节英语写作高分要点一、语言准确在英语写作中我们应当避免以下学生经常犯的错误:1、词法错误(1)拼写错误 此类错误相当普遍,而且习惯一旦养成,较难改掉。下面是几个经常容易搞混淆或拼错的单词,多写几遍。environment 容易写成 enviromentgovernment 容易误拼成 govermentmodern 容易拼成 morden convenient 容易写成 convinentcolleague 容易

4、写出 collegebeginning 容易写出 begining benefit 容易写出 benifit(2)词语搭配错误 (Mistakes in Diction Collocation)英语比较讲究词语的搭配,中国学生英文写作中典型的搭配错误如下:(1) to learn knowledge()to acquire / attain knowledge()(2) to teach knowledge()to impart knowledge()(3) to make achievements()to scoreto record achievements()(4) to give sb

5、 a deep impression () to make a deep impression on sb()(5) to be independent from sb ()to be independent of sb()(6) to have difficulties(trouble)to spendto do sth ()to have difficulties(trouble)to spend doing sth ()(7) to improve peoples living level ()to improve the living standards ()to uplift the

6、 living quality of the people ()(8) to hope sb to do sth ()to expect(wish)sb to do sth ()(9) to survive in the car accident ()to survive the car accident()(10) to suit the needs of()to meet the needs of()(11) the price ofis expensiveinexpensive(cheap)()the price ofis highlow()(12) is goodharmful to

7、your body ()is goodharmful to you health ()(13) to train ones body()to do physical exercisehave physical training()(14) to get success()to achieve success()(15) to say the truth()to tell the truth ()(16) to say a lie()to tell a lie()(17) to receive an operation()to have(undergo)an operation() (18) t

8、o congratulate sb for his success ()to congratulate sb on his success ()(19) to be accused about bribery()to accused of bribery()(20) to be convinced about sth ()to be convinced of sth()(21) to build China to a more powerful country()to turn(transform)China into a more powerful country()(22) the tra

9、ffic is crowded()the traffic is busy(heavy)()(23) to look forward to do sth()to look forward to (doing) sth()(24) according to sbs opinion()in sbs opinion(according to sb) ()(25) welcome you to join us()you are welcome to join us()(26) to serve for sbsth ()to serve sbsth()2.句法错误(1)主语错误特别是当要表达的主语中包含有

10、动作的时候,有些学生就直接把动词原形放在主语的位置上。修正办法:绝大部分句子必须带主语。所以造句时应首先想到主语是什么。凡是带有动作的词语做主语时,正确的组句方法有两种:一是把动词变成不定式或“V-ing”形式;二是用it做先行主语,用动词不定式或名词性从句作真正的主语放在句子的后半部分。【例1】Study English is not an easy thing. ()To study English/Studying English is not an easy thing. ()It is not an easy thing (for us) to study English. ()【例

11、2】Keep a good mood is especially beneficial to a better interpersonal relationship. ()Keeping a good mood is especially beneficial to a better interpersonal relationship. () 【例3】Travel from Beijing to Guangzhou by plane takes three hours. ()It takes three hours to travel from Beijing to Guangzhou by

12、 plane. ()(2)断句错误 (Error in Punctuating)英语的句法规则是:两个句子之间如果没有修饰或限定关系,不应用逗号隔开,否则句子不能成立。许多学生很容易犯这样的错误。有的学生甚至连续使用逗号或者通篇文章“一逗到底”,这就犯了违反英语句法的大忌。修正办法:一是,当写出两个以上的句子时,要注意用句号或其它符号断句,而且要注意句首单词首字母的大小写;二是,当要写两个相互之间无修饰关系的句子时,可以使用分号“;”,可以使用“, and (but; so等)”,也可以把传达次要信息的那个句子变成状语从句或者独立主格。【例1】Human beings cannot exist

13、 without water, it is necessary to both our life and production. ()Human beings cannot exist without water for it is necessary to both our life and production. ()Human beings cannot exist without water. It is necessary to both our life and production. ()Human beings cannot exist without water; it is

14、 necessary to both our life and production. ()【例2】 Our natural resources are limited, under no circumstances should we waste them. ()Our natural resources are limited. Under no circumstances should we waste them. ()Our natural resources are limited so under no circumstances should we waste them. ()Our natural resources are so limited that under no circumstances should we waste them. ()(3)使用连接词“although/though”; “Because ”中的典型错误。许多学生使用“although/though”时,往往在主句中用“but”与之呼应;在使用“Because”时,马上与“so”联系在一起。这是很顽固的母语习得干扰

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