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1、 Helpfulness and caring. (乐于助人和关心他人。 Adaptability and sense of humor.(适应能力和幽默感。 Cheerfulness and friendliness. (乐观和友爱。 How would your friends or colleagues describe you? (你的朋友或同事怎样形容你? pause a few seconds. (稍等几秒钟再答,表示慎重考虑。They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply car

2、es for his family and friends. (他们说陈先生是位诚实、工作努力,负责任的人,他对家庭和朋友都很关心。 They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person. (他们说陈先生是位很友好、敏感、关心他人和有决心的人。二、销售英语1. 如何招揽顾客 一般程序:招呼问候寻找相关话题理出商谈头绪。所以,打招呼很重要,无论顾客有没有表现购买意愿,您都应该上前问候一句:“What can I do for you?”或“May I help you?”,也可说:“Can I be of

3、 any assistance?”,如果是熟客,可简单说声:“Good afternoon, madam, something for you?” 2. 如何打开话题 如果顾客不置可否或表现出不耐烦的样子,决不可轻言放弃,可以先说:“Everybody is welcome here, madam. Whether she buys or not.(这里欢迎任何人光临,买不买都没关系。)”,然后婉转地问:“Are you looking for something?”。3. 如何拉近距离 首先表达自己身份,甚至可以交换名片,然后说些常用客套话,为后来的推销铺路。一句:“Would you mi

4、nd my recommending?”十分有用。4. 如何游说购买 初次见面就开门见山、滔滔不绝的做法已经落伍。当你要说服顾客时,最好用“Well, let me tell you why.”作为解释商品用途、优点的开场白。5. 如何展示商品 可以说:“Please take a look at this.”或“That one, madam?(那个好吗?)”配合产品加以说明时,则用“As you can see, (正如您所见,)” 6. 如何拖延时间 争取时间以便长期抗战要有技巧,再心急也要说“Please take your time”(慢慢看/参观)或“Go right ahead,

5、 please.”(随便参观)。根据情况也可通过闲聊进入主题,让顾客有一定时间考虑。7. 如何选取工具 广告信函、海报、优待卷等都是销售的有效辅助工具,所谓“百闻不如一见”,一边看商品,一边听解释,才更易进入状况。所以“Ill send you our D.M.”(我会寄给您产品的广告信函)很有说服力。8. 如何利用店铺开张 店铺开张和周年庆典都是很好的宣传机会,销售重点在于“”(因为本店新开张),因此给予优惠,或进一步说明“If you would kindly recommend our establishment to your friends, the favor will be gr

6、eatly appreciated.”(如果您将本店介绍给您朋友,本店将十分感激。9. 如何劝客户抓紧购买 店铺出清存货时是购买价廉物美的货物的好时机,您可以说“I understand theres not much left over.”(存货不多。10. 如何接受电话预定 除非是熟客,双方足够信任,否则,餐馆、旅店通常的电话应对方式是“What time can we expect you ?”(您几点来? 11. 如何给客人菜单 餐厅里,引领顾客落座后通常递上菜单“Good evening, sir. Heres the dinner menu”捎待一会,再询问“May I take

7、your order ?”(您要来点什么?12. 如何引客人入座 可以先询问“How many people, please ?”(请问几位?)以及“Do you have a reservation ?”(您订位了吗?),接下来就应该“Where would you prefer to sit ?”(您喜欢坐哪?)而引客人入座了。13. 如何招呼顾客 应主动说“How do I address you?”,然后再进行下一步骤。14. 如何让顾客稍候 成功的推销是要建立良好长久的服务。忙不过来时,殷勤地一句“Would you mind waiting for a while?”(不介意稍候片

8、刻吧?)足以奠定成功的基础。15. 如何让顾客说“买” 双方谈得热烈的时候,说上一句“Its going to be the pride of our company.”(这将是本公司的荣幸。)可以收到意想不到的奇效。16. 如何促使顾客下决心 顾客犹豫不决时,您必须锲而不舍地游说,常用“Think about the advantages you will get.”(想想您能得到的利益)有利于出时顾客下决心购买。17. 如何取出样品 顾客只有直接接触产品才有可能激起购买欲,所以“I have some sample”必须手口并用才有效果。18. 如何针对多人游说 女性购物常常成群结队,所以

9、您要多角度揣摩消费者喜好。在叽叽喳喳的意见中,找出主要购买者,对她说“Please insist your taste and need.”(请坚持您的品位和考虑实际需要。19. 如何应付挑剔的顾客 挑剔的顾客主管意识极强,所以要避免正面争论,实在不行,记得说句“Im very sorry we couldnt help you, sir.”(很抱歉,我帮不上什么忙。20. 如何说明种类齐全 有时候,与其说得唾液横飞,不如用来阐明重点。客人想知道公司产品的种类时,肯定地说上一句“Various”就已足够。三、销售商务谈判Sales and Business TalkA: Im sorry to

10、 say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price. B: well, if you take quality into consideration, you wont think our price is too high. Lets meet each other half way. - 很遗憾你们报的价格太高,如果按这种价格买进,我方实在难以推销。- 如果你考虑一下质量,你就不会觉得我们的价格太高了

11、。- 那咱们就各让一步吧。m sorry to say that your price has soared. Its almost 20% higher than last years. Thats because the price of raw materials has gone up. I see. Thank you. - 很遗憾,贵方的价格猛长,比去年几乎高出20%。- 那是因为原材料的价格上涨了。- 我知道了,多谢。 How many do you intend to order? I want to order 900 dozen. The most we can offer

12、 you at present is 600 dozen. - 这种产品你们想订多少?- 我们想订900打。- 目前我们至多只能提供600打。 We have inspected the rice, and were surprised to know that the weight is short. We sell our goods on loaded weight and not on landed weight. I see. - 这些大米我们检验过了,重量不够,我们感到奇怪。- 我们出售商品是以装船重量为准,不是以卸货重量为准。- 我知道了。 The next thing Id l

13、ike to bring up for discussion is packing. Please state your opinions about packing. All right. We wish our opinions on packing will be passed on to your manufacturers. - 下面我想就包装问题讨论一下。- 请陈述你们的意见。- 好,我们希望我们对包装的意见能传达到厂商。 You know, packing has a close bearing on sales. Yes, it also affects the reputat

14、ion of our products. Buyers always pay great attention to packing. We wish the new packing will give our clients satisfaction. - 大家都知道,包装直接关系到产品的销售。- 是的,它也会影响我们产品的信誉,买主总是很注意包装。- 我们希望新包装会使我们的顾客满意。 How are the shirts packed? Theyre packed in cardboard boxes. m afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong

15、 enough for ocean transportation. - 衬衫怎样包装?- 它们用纸板箱包装。- 我担心远洋运输用纸板箱不够结实。 From what Ive heard, youre already well up in shipping work. Yes, we arrange shipments to any part of the world. Do you do any chartering?- 据我所知,你方对运输工作很在行。- 是的,我们承揽去世界各地的货物运输。- 你们租船吗? How do you like the goods dispatched, by r

16、ailway or by sea? By sea, please. Because of the high cost of railway transportation, we prefer sea transportation. s what we think. - 你方将怎样发运货物,铁路还是海运?- 请海运发货,铁路运输费用太高,我们愿意走海运。- 我们正是这么想的。 When can you effect shipment?m terribly worried about late shipment. We can effect shipment in December or earl

17、y next year at the latest. s fine. - 你们什么时候能交货?我非常担心货物迟交。- 我们最晚在今年十二月或明年初交货。- 那很好。四、如何用英语点菜?点菜有两种方式,一是a la carte(随意点菜),一是tabled hote或fixed price meal(份饭,套餐),后一种有几道固定的菜肴和饮料,价格也是固定的。它的优点就是方便快捷,点菜时只需指着菜单说:Please give me this one. (请给我来这个。We want two number eights, please. (我们要四份第八套餐。在点菜之前,一般先要份菜单:May I

18、 have a menu, please?(我可以看菜单吗?如果不急于点菜,可以在服务生问到:Can I take your order now?(你现在叫点什么吗?回答:Not quite. Could I have a few more minutes?(不,我可以再多等会吗?需要叫菜时,可以说:Please take my order. (请接受点菜。如果对当地的菜肴不熟悉,可以问:What is the specialty of the restaurant?(这家店的招牌餐是什么?Do you have any special meals today?(今天有什么特餐吗?What w

19、ould you recommend? I prefer something light.(我想来点清淡些的,你能推荐什么吗?也可以让同来的人替你作主,或是点重复的饭菜:Ill leave it to you. (我让你来点。ll have the same as that one. (我要一份和那个一样的。自己点菜可以更随意些,例如:A. Could you tell me how this thing is cooked?(能否告诉我这道菜是怎么做的?B. Lobster? Its steamed and served with our special sauce.(龙虾?蒸过后加上本店特

20、制的调味料。A. Is it good?(好吃吗?B. Sure. Its a most popular dish.(当然,很受欢迎的。A. I think Ill try some lobster, and give me some green salad together.(我想我来点儿吧。再给我一份蔬菜沙拉。B. We have three dressings for salad. Which one would you like ?(我们有三种沙拉调味汁,您要哪种?A. What kind do you have?(你们有什么?B. We have Italian, French an

21、d Thousand Island.(有义大利,法国和千岛的。A. Make it French please.(给我法式的吧。五、宾馆英语-预订房间1Id like to book a double room for Tuesday next week.下周二我想订一个双人房间。2Whats the price difference?两种房间的价格有什么不同?3A double room with a front view is 140 dollars per night, one with a rear view is 115 dollars per night.一间双人房朝阳面的每晚14

22、0美元,背阴面的每晚115美元。4I think Ill take the one with a front view then.我想我还是要阳面的吧。5How long will you be staying?您打算住多久?6Well be leaving Sunday morning.我们将在星期天上午离开。7And we look forward to seeing you next Tuesday.我们盼望下周二见到您。8Id like to book a single room with bath from the after-noon of October 4 to the mor

23、ning of October 10.我想订一个带洗澡间的单人房间,10月4日下午到10月10日上午用。9We do have a single room available for those dates.我们确实有一个单间,在这段时间可以用。10What is the rate, please?请问房费多少?11The current rate is $ 50 per night.现行房费是50美元一天。12What services come with that?这个价格包括哪些服务项目呢?13That sounds not bad at all. Ill take it.听起来还不错。

24、这个房间我要了。14By the way, Id like a quiet room away from the street if the is possible.顺便说一下,如有可能我想要一个不临街的安静房间。Dialogue A Room Reservations.Good afternoond like to book a double room for Tuesday next weeks fine, sir. A double room for Tuesday, September12th, with a front view or rear view? What A double

25、 room with a front view is 140 dollars per night, one with a rear view is 115 dollars per night. I think I How long will you be staying? We That will be five nights, sir. Thank you very much, and we look forward to seeing you next Tuesday. Good. Thats all settled then. Good-bye. Good-bye.Dialogue B

26、Advance Reservations. Can I help you? Yes, Id like to book a single room with a bath from the afternoon of October 4 to the morning of October 10. Yes, we do have a single room available for those dates. What is the rate, please? The current rate is $50 per night. What services come with that? For $50 youll have a radio, a color television, a telephone and a major international newspaper delivered to your room everyday. That sounds not bad at all. I Very good. Could you tell me your name, sir, please? Yes, it is Moore. How do you spell it, please?s M-O-O-R-E. M-O-O-R-E.

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