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1、When spring comes on, there will be flowers everywhere. 春天到来时到处都是鲜花。I was still in the forest when night came on. 夜晚来临时我仍在森林里。6 threatenwith 以威胁/恐吓The thief threatened him with a knife. 小偷用刀子威胁他。Then whole village is threatened with destruction. 整个村子面临着毁灭的威胁。7 surrounding adj. 周围的 The surrounding ar

2、ea of the village is very safe. The surrounding areas are threatened by flood. 8 destruction n 破坏,毁灭 Destruction pursues the great. 树大招风. Pride goes before destruction.骄者必败。9 not only but as well 不仅而且=not onlybut(also) He not only washed the car, but (also) polished it. He not only washed the car, b

3、ut polished it as well. 10 wash away 冲掉, 冲走, 洗掉A wooden bridge was washed away by the flood. 一座木桥被洪水冲走了。11 flood n 洪水,水灾Chinese people build Three Gorges Dam to control flood. 12 authority n (常用复数)当局,权威 The authorities refused to disclose the details of the airplane crash. Could I speak to someone i

4、n authority?13 grass-seed n 草籽 They planted grass seed on the desolate hills.他们在那些荒凉的山丘上撒播草籽。14 spray v 喷洒 She sprayed herself with perfume. Champagne sprayed from the bottle. 15 in huge quantities 大量地quantity单数时仅表示“数量”,既可以用于表示多也可以用于表示少They drank a large/great/small quantity of beer last night.昨天晚上他

5、们喝了大量/许多/少量的啤酒。quantity复数时表示“大量”He bought books in (large) quantities. 他大量地购书。He has quantities of books/stamps. 他有大量的书/邮票。16 take root 生根, 某种思想/想法等“扎根”This type of grass takes root easily. 这种草很容易生根。The idea has taken root in his mind. 这个想法已在他脑子里扎了根。17 in place of 代替、取代Jane answered the phone in pla

6、ce of Mary. 简代替玛丽接了电话。I used honey in place of sugar.我以蜂蜜代替糖。Wont you go in place of me? 你能代替我去吗?18 century n 世纪 We are living in the 21st century. 我们生活在21世纪。19 patch n 小片There are patches of cloud in the sky. 天空中有片片白云。What is that yellow patch on the wall? 墙上那块黄斑是什么?20 blacken v 变黑,发暗 The smoke has

7、 blackened the walls. 烟把墙熏黑了。 The dark cloud blackened the sky. 乌云使天空变暗了。Part 2 Structure and Vocabulary1. _ had they been fighting the forest fire? For nearly three weeks. A. How much B. How often C. What time D. How long2. The hills threatened the surrounding villages with destruction. The village

8、s _. A. were destroyed B. had destroyed C. might be destroyed D. could destroy3. If it rained heavily there _ floods. A. will be B. can be C. had been D. would be4. The planes _ nearly a month to plant the seed. A. did B. made C. took D. had5. The trees had been there _. A. since centuries B. before

9、 centuries C. for centuries D. centuries long6. Heavy rain would wash away the soil. It would _. A. clean it B. carry it away C. wash it D. wet it7. Large _ of seed were used. A. weights B. measures C. tons D. amounts8. The seed had already taken root. It had begun to _. A. grow B. root C. grow up D

10、. increase9. Pitches of green had begun to appear. There was green grass _. A. everywhere B. only in one or two places C. in one place D. here and there10. The grass had begun to appear in the soil. It had begun to _. A. point B. show C. seem D. point outPart 3 Grammar 一、过去完成时和过去完成进行时一、过去完成进行时构成: ha

11、d been+现在分词(1) 过去完成进行时用于强调某动作在过去更早的某一段时间内一直在进行,并对过去某一时刻产生结果。与它经常连用的表示时间的词有before, for, since, all day等:She was very tired. She had been typing letters all day. 她很累了。她整天都在打信件。(2)过去完成进行时可用来表示过去经常重复的动作:Jill was angry. Jim had been phoning her every night for a whole week.吉尔生气了。整整一星期,吉姆天天晚上都给她打电话。(3)在包含

12、间接引语的句子中,如果引述词是过去时态,则现在完成进行时要改为过去完成进行时二、过去完成进行时与过去完成时的比较它与过去完成进行时有时可以替换使用:Dan had worked/had been working for the firm for fifteen years when I first met him.我第一次遇见丹时,他已在该公司干了15年了。需要表示某个工作已经完成时,只能用过去完成时:When I got home, I found that Jill had painted her room.我回到家时,发现吉尔已经粉刷过她的房间了。(已完成)When I arrived,

13、 theyd already put the fire out.我到达时,他们已经把火扑灭了。(不可用过去完成进行时)When I got home, I found that Jill had been painting her room.我回到家时,看见吉尔在粉刷她的房间。(工作尚未完成)Exercise 11 They were sweating all over because they _ basketball for more than two hours. A were playing B were to play C were to have played D had been

14、 playing2 After searching for half an hour, she realized that her glassed _ on the table all the time. A were lain B had been lain C are lying D had been lying3 The bus came after I _ for about half an hour. A had been waiting B have been waiting C have waited D was waiting4 Do not disturb me. I _ l

15、etters all morning and have written ten so far. A write B have written C was writing D have been writing5 Even though they _ for twenty years, the two neighbors are not on good terms. A have been lived side by side B had been living side by side C have been side by side living D have been living sid

16、e by side 6 We fourthousandnewwordsbytheendoflastyearA hadlearned B have C learned D willhave二、易混淆词汇辨析controlcheckcontrol: 控制 check: 检查He controls a large business company.A mechanic checked my car engine.greatbiggreat: 伟大的,重要的 big: (常指规模,容积,重量,数量等)大The Parthenon is a great building.Skyscrapers are

17、big buildings.soilgroundsoil: 泥土,强调可以耕种的 ground: 地面Olive Trees can grow in poor soil.The ball fell to the ground.Exercise 2选择适当的词语填空。1. The inspector (checked) (controlled) my ticket.2. Nothing can grow in this poor (soil) (ground).3. Have you (checked) (controlled) those figures?4. Beethoven was a

18、(big) (great) composer.Part 4 写作练习一、根据课文内容回答下列问题。1. How long did it take the firemen to get the forest fire under control? 2. Had all the great trees been burnt or not? Was there danger that heavy rain would cause serious floods or not? Would the floods destroy the surrounding villages or not? (Now

19、thatwhich)3. Did the forest authorities order grass-seed to prevent this or not? For how long was it sprayed over the ground by planes? (To prevent thiswhich)4. Did it begin to rain or not? Where had the grass taken root? (By the time that)二、将以上答案组成一个段落,不要超过75个单词。_1. “一片片的绿草开始出现在这片烧焦的土地上,代替了多少世纪以来一直

20、生长在那里的参天大树”用英语如何表述?2. 过去完成进行时与过去完成时的区别你掌握了吗?3. 今天所接触到的几组易混词汇你都明白了吗?Exercise 3一、用括号中的动词的适当形式填空,选择一般过去时、过去完成时和过去完成进行时。After Howard Carter _(1. discover) Tutankhamens tomb, strange reports _ (2. appear) in the newspapers. Three of the people who _(3. take) part in the discovery _ (4. die) soon afterwar

21、ds. Though nothing _(5. happen) to Carter himself, newspapers _ (6. claim) that these people _(7. die) because of the “curse of the Pharaohs”. These absurd stories have been forgotten, but Carters great discovery remains. Archaeologists _(8. search) the Valley of Kings for years, but until 1922 noth

22、ing _(9. find).二、选词填空。1. “Can I _ your luggage, please?” said the Customer officer. (control / check)2. The policeman stood in the center of the square _ the traffic. (controlling / checking)3. The table was so _ that it wouldnt go through the door. (great / big)4. Shakespeare was one of the worlds

23、_ writers. (great / big)5. The _ here is excellent for growing vegetables. (soil / ground)6. The baby has thrown his toys on the _ again! (soil / ground)7. Some farmers _ their crops with chemicals. (spray / throw)8. At an English wedding, people often _ rice or confetti over the bride and bridegroo

24、m when they come out of the church. (spray / throw).一、单项填空1. The Blacks are new here. _ come from Canada. A. They B. Them C. Their D. Theirs2. _ the night of December 24, some people are used to staying up late. A. In B. From C. At D. On3. Winter _ my favorite season. I often go skiing in winter. A.

25、 am B. is C. are D. be4. _ did the class meeting last? For about 50 minutes. A. How soon B. How far C. How long D. How often5. I have been to many parks, and Disneyland is _ one. A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting6. There isnt _ in the classroom. Where are

26、 the students? They are playing basketball on the playground. A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody7. Must I finish the writing in class? No, you _. You can finish it after class. A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt8. Jason was ill yesterday, _ he didnt go to school. A. or B. but C. for D. so9. John, I _ your father for a long time. He is working in Chongqing now. A.

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