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1、service 8希望您在这里住得愉快。hopewillenjoystaywithushere. 9对不起,给您添麻烦。verysorrycausedsomuchtrouble. 10.如果您需要什么帮助,请及时告诉我。letmeknowifthereisanything. 11这边请。Thisway,please 12.请走这边。Wouldcarestepthisway,please 13不客气。Youarewelcome“NotallIt“smypleasure 14.为宾客服务是我们的荣幸。It“spleasureserveguests 15您先请。请跟我来。AfteryouFollow

2、,please. 16对不起,我马上就过来。Excuseme,Ibeinminute. 17能告诉我您的姓名吗 Mayname 18对不起,止您久等了;Sorrykeptwaiting. 19您能填一下这张表吗 pleasefillform 20您如何付账,是现金还是信用卡 Howgoingpay,incashorbycreditcard 21对不起,我能进来吗 me,maycomein 22.一直往前走。向左转、向右转。GostraightaheadTurnleft,turnright. 23您可以坐这部电梯到客房;maygoroomelevator. 24我马上为您查一下。Letcheek

3、you. 25请坐。Takeseatplease 26我来为您指路。I“llshowtheway27祝您旅途愉快。Havegood28祝您生意兴隆。wishbusiness 29.欢迎您下次再来。welcomenexttime 30希望再次为您服务。lookingforwardservingonceagain星级酒店初级英语服务用语1) Words and expressions for daily use(日常用语) after在之后 assure保证 about关于 afraid害怕 against与相对的 anything任何事 beg乞求 before在之前 behind在后面 beg

4、in开始 bitter苦的 bother打扰 book书,预定 ceiling天花板 clock钟 congratulations祝贺 Christmas圣诞 color颜色 complaint投诉 call呼叫,电话dark黑的,暗的 discount折扣 direction方向 downstairs下楼 day天,日子 date日期 delicious美味的 end终点 enjoy喜欢,享受 excuse借口 for为fully满的 greeting问候 good好的 guest客人 give给 get得到,达到 go去half半 how怎样 hotel酒店 happy高兴,快乐的 hop

5、e希望 house房子 hot热的 here这里 hour小时 help帮助 have有 it它 interrupt打扰know知道 think想 like喜欢 leave离开 last最后的,最近的 light灯,淡的 long长的 left左边 meet认识 massage按摩 message信息 mind介意,思想 madam女士 may也许 minute分钟 matter事件,麻烦 month月 meal餐number数字 name名字 night夜晚 nice美好的 now现在的 on在之上 order点单 pardon原谅,重复 point点 percent百分比 past过去的

6、pleasure愉快,荣幸 quarter一刻,季度 regulations规章 report报告 right对的,右边的 room房间 second秒,第二 stay停留 same一样的 season季节 sweet甜的 sour酸的 salty咸的 signature签名 sign信号,签 side边 see看见 service服务 step脚步,台阶 smoke烟,抽烟 sir先生tell告诉 table桌子 this这个 that那个 turn转弯 tour旅行 today今天 tomorrow明天 time时间 too也 taste品尝,品位 terrible糟糕的 take拿,取u

7、pstairs上楼 week星期 weekend周末 way路 worry担心 will将 wait等待 welcome欢迎 weather天气 yesterday昨天 year年2) Greetings 问候How do you do!Good morning/afternoon/evening!How are you (doing)?Nice to meet/see you!Welcome to Hongfu Hotel!3) Asking & inquiring 征询用语Would you like to leave a message 您需要留口信么?I beg your pardon

8、 您能再说一遍么?What do you think of our service 您觉得我们的服务怎么样?May I know your name/room number 能告诉我您的名字/房号么?May I take your order now 现在可以点菜了么?May I have your signature please/Please sign here.请签字。4) Arousing attention 提醒用语Mind your step. 请走好。After you. 您先请。Please dont leave anything behind.请带好您的随身物品。Please

9、 dont smoke here.这里不允许吸烟。Here you are. 给您。Be aware of the ceiling, sir.小心头顶,先生。5) Expressing good wishes祝福用语Congratulations! 祝贺你!Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!Happy new year! 新年快乐!Have a good time!祝您愉快!Have a nice trip!祝您旅途愉快!Enjoy your stay!祝您住宿愉快!6)Service sentences 服务用语Im at your service. 乐意为您效劳。Excuse m

10、e.打扰了。May I help you 我能帮您吗?Its my pleasure.这是我的荣幸。What can I do for you有什么可以为您效劳?Sorry to interrupt you.对不起,打扰一下。Service hours are:7:00-23:00.我们的营业时间是7:00到23:00。7) Expressing thanks 致谢Thank you. 谢谢你!Thank you very much.非常感谢!Thank you for telling us. 谢谢您告诉我们!Thank you for waiting. 谢谢您的等待!Answer回答:You

11、 are welcome. My pleasure.8) Apologizing致歉I beg your pardon, sir. (请客人重复时)Excuse me for interrupting. (不得以打扰客人时).Sorry to have bothered you (打扰客人后).Im sorry, A guest is waiting for me (中止谈话时用).Im sorry, The house is fully booked.(客满时用)Thats all right. It doesnt matter.9) Farewell 告别Good bye!See you!

12、Good night! 晚安!Hope to see you again! 欢迎下次光临!10) Directions 有关方向的表达How can I get to the 去XXX怎么走?Go upstairs/downstairs.上/下楼。Its on the second (third) floor.在二楼。This way, please. 请这边走。Turn left /right. 左/右转。It will be on your right hand side. 在您的右手边。11) About complaints 处理投诉用语Dont worry. 不要担心。I apolo

13、gize for this. 我为此事道歉。Im afraid its against the hotels regulations. 对不起,这不符合酒店的规定。ll report it to our manager. 我会把此事报告给经理。I assure you it wont happen again. 我保证此事决不会再次发生。Well give you a 10%(ten percent ) discount. 我们会给您打九折。Ill look into the matter. 我会调查一下。It wont be too long, sir. 时间不会太长的,先生。二) 迎宾(1

14、) Good morning/afternoon/ to our restaurant.早上(中午、晚上)好,欢迎光临。(2) May I help you, sir/madam?我能为您做什么,先生/女士?(3) Do you have a reservation, sir/madam?请问您有预订吗,先生/女士?(三) 点菜(1) Are you ready to order now?请问可以为您点菜了吗?(2) May I take your order now?(3) What would you like to start?请问先给您上些什么?(四) 征询意见(1) Is every

15、thing to your satisfaction?请问您对一切还满意吗?(2) Is everything all right with your meal?请问您对用餐还满意吗?(3) Would you care for another drink?请问您还需要一杯饮料吗(五) 致歉(1) Im terribly sorry for such a mistake.我为这样的鲁莽向您道歉。(2) Im terribly sorry, sir/madam. I must apologize.实在对不起,先生/女士,我很抱歉。(3) Is there anything else I can

16、do?我还能为您做些什么?(六) 结账(1) Would you like to have the bill now?请问您是现在结账吗?(2) Would you like to pay cash or by credit card?请问您是付现金还是用信用卡?(七) 送客(1) Thank you, sir/madam. We hope to see you again.感谢光临,先生/女士,希望再次为您服务。(2) Glad you enjoyed your meal. Good bye.很高兴您用餐愉快,再见。(六)餐饮部职位词汇酒店餐饮服务常用英语(上)1) What time wo

17、uld you like your table 您什么时间需要这张餐桌呢?2) A table for two 你们是两个人吗?3) For how many 几个人?4) Whos the reservation for 您为谁预订?5) You can sit where you like. 您可以随便坐。6) Is this table suitable 这张桌子合适吗?7) The waitress will be here in a few minutes. 服务员马上就来。8) Im sorry, there arent any tables left now. 对不起,没有空桌子

18、了。9) Im sorry,the restaurant is full now. 对不起,现在餐厅已坐满。10) We can seat you in twenty minutes. 二十他钟后才能安排您入座。11) Have you been served 有人为您服务了吗?12) Do you have a reservation, sir 先生,您预订了吗?13) Would you come with me, please 请跟我来,好吗?14) Could you please come with me,please 请随我来,好吗?15) Please step this way

19、. 这边请。16) Would you like to sit near the window 您喜欢靠窗坐吗?17) Where would you like to sit 您希望坐在哪儿呢?18) Ill be with you in a minute. 我马上就来。19) Would you mind sitting here in the corner 靠角坐您不介意吧?20) We are open from 6 in the morning to 11 in the evening. 我们的营业时间是从早上6:00到晚上11:21) We serve 24 hours. 我们24小

20、时营业。22) We are open round the clock. 我们昼夜营业。23) Service hours are:00 . to 9:00 . for breakfast; 11:30 . to 1:30 . for lunch ; 6:30 for dinner.餐厅供应时间是:早饭:7:00到9:00;午饭:11:30到下午1:30;晚饭:6:30到8:30酒店餐饮服务常用英语(中)1) May I have your name, please 请问您的姓名。2) Can you give me your name,please 我可以问您的姓名吗?3) Heres th

21、e menu. 这是菜单。4) Ill bring you the menu,sir. 先生,我给您拿菜单。5) Here are the menu and wine list. 这是菜单和酒单。6) Are you ready to order 您现在点菜吗?7) Would you like to order now 您现在点菜吗?8) May I take your order now 您现在可以点菜了吗?9) What have you decided on 您决定吃什么了吗?10) Would you like Chinese food or Western food 您要吃中餐还是

22、西餐?11) What would you like 您想吃点什么?12) What would you like to start with 您先来点什么?13) What would you like to follow 您下一道菜点什么呢?14) Would you like something to drink 您想喝点什么吗?15) What would you like for a drink 您想喝什么?16) Would you like to order aperitif 想要点开胃酒吗?17) Would you like an aperitif before lunch

23、饭前您想吃点开胃的东西吗?18) What kind of drink would you like 您要点什么饮料。19) What kind of juice do you want 您要茶还是咖啡?20) Will you have tea or coffee 你要喝茶还是咖啡?21) Do you like your coffee,black or white 您喜欢清咖啡还是牛奶咖啡?22) Would you like green tea or black tea 您喜欢绿茶还是红茶?23) Would you like to try MaoTaithe best Chinese

24、spirits 您想尝尝中国最好的酒茅台酒吗?24) Would you prefer Shanghai cocktail 您喜欢上海鸡尾酒吗?25) Why dont you try a glass of dry white wine 干吗不尝一杯干白葡萄酒吗?26) What kind of Chinese food do you want 您想吃哪种中国食物?27) What kind of vegetables would you like 您想吃什么蔬菜。28) We have steak,roast chicken and vegetables today. 我们今天供应牛排,烤鸡

25、和蔬菜。29) Todays special is roast leg of lamb. 今天的特别菜是烤羊腿。30) Everything is a la carte. 这里只能点菜。31) Would you like to dine a la carte or table dhote 您是吃点菜还是公司菜。32) We have a buffet. You can have all you want for $ 10. 我们有自助餐,您交十元钱可以随便吃。33) How would you like your eggs 您喜欢几成熟的鸡蛋?34) How would you like y

26、our streak, well done,medium or rare?您喜欢几成熟的牛排,是熟透的,还是适中的,还是半生的?35) How about trying some lobster 您是不是尝一尝大虾?36) I suggest you have a taste of Sichuan dishes. 我建议您尝尝四川菜。37) Id recommend this dish to you. 我愿意向您推荐一个菜。38) Im sure youll enjoy it. 我肯定您会喜欢它。39) Its delicious and worth a try. 它鲜美可口,值得一尝。40)

27、 Im sorry,there are no chops left. 对不起,没有排骨了。41) We havent any more lobster today. 今天的大虾已经卖完了。42) This is the soup you ordered. 这是您点的汤。43) We are short of help today. 我们今天人手少,44) Ill see about your order. 我会去看看您点的菜做得怎样了。45) Do you care for a dessert 您是不是想吃点甜食。46) What do you want for dessert 你要吃什么甜食

28、?47) Ill get you another one. 我再给您端一份来。酒店餐饮服务常用英语(下)What else do you want 您还要别的什么吗?2) Is there anything else 您还要别的什么吗?3) Could I serve you anything else 还需要我给您点什么吗?4) If you need anything else,just feel free to tell me. 如果您还需要别的什么,尽管告诉我好了。5) Whats the problem,sir 先生,出了什么问题?6) Ill take to the chef and see what he can do. 我去和厨师商量一下,看看他能否给予补救。7) If you dont like this dish, how about getting you another one 如果您不喜欢这道菜,是不是换个别的。8) Would you like

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