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1、t feel embarrassed or shy about protecting your personal safety. If you dont, who will? 保护你自己人身安全时,不要感到尴尬或害羞. 你不保护自己, 谁来保护你?Stay Away From High-Risk Situations远离高危情况 Stay on well-lit, well-travelled streets. Avoid unlit doorways and dark areas. 在照明良好, 易通行的街道上行走. 避免身处无照明的道路和光线暗淡的地方. Avoid being out a

2、lone, especially at night. 避免独自外出, 尤其在夜晚. Go shopping, jogging or travelling with a friend, if possible. If you do go out alone, stay in busy areas and avoid deserted streets. 尽可能和朋友一起去逛街购物, 慢跑运动, 或旅游. 如果你独自外出, 那么尽量在人多的场所,避免到偏僻的街道.t use shortcuts that take you down dark alleys or deserted paths. You

3、r personal safety is more important than saving time. 不要抄捷径走光线暗淡或偏僻的小路.你的个人安全比节约时间更重要.Be Aware and Alert时刻保持警觉 Always stay alert and aware of your surroundings. 时刻保持警觉,注意你周围的环境.t wear headphones - they keep you from hearing someone approaching 不要戴耳机-戴耳机将使你听不到周围的动静. Trust your instincts. If someone m

4、akes you uncomfortable, get away quickly. 相信你的直觉. 如果对某人感到不安, 则迅速离开他. When you go out, let someone know where youre going and when youll be back. 当你外出时, 应告知熟悉的人你的目的地及返回时间.Staying safe at home居家安全 Make sure your house or flat is secure. Always secure outside doors. Fit barrel locks top and bottom. If

5、you have to use a key, keep it nearby you may need to get out quickly in the event of fire. 确保你的寓所是安全的. 时刻紧闭外门.,闩上插销. 如果你用的是钥匙, 那么将钥匙放在易于拿取的地方 在发生火灾的时候你可迅速逃离. If other people such as previous tenants could still have keys that fit, change the locks. Dont give keys to workmen or tradesmen, as they ca

6、n easily make copies. 如果别人,比如你原来的租客,还拥有你寓所的钥匙时,请立即更换.不要把钥匙拿给工人或上门推销人员,因为他们可以轻易地复制. If you wake to hear the sound of an intruder, only you can decide how best to handle the situation. You may want to lie quietly to avoid attracting attention to yourself, in the hope that they will leave. Or you may f

7、eel more confident if you switch on the lights and make a lot of noise by moving about. Even if youre on your own, call out loudly to an imaginary companion most burglars will flee empty-handed rather than risking a confrontation. Ring the police as soon as its safe for you to do so. A telephone ext

8、ension in your bedroom will make you feel more secure as it allows you to call the police immediately, without alerting the intruder. 当你未入睡时听见房间里有异常动静, 此时只有你自己能够决定如何处理当时的情况.你可以静静地保持躺卧, 以避免吸引罪犯的注意力, 只希望罪犯快点离开. 或者你如果有足够的信心,你可以打开灯, 并且利用移动物品发出响声. 即使你孤身一人, 你也应该大叫一个假想同伴的名字 多数夜贼不会冒险对抗, 只会听到叫喊后空手逃离. 只要情况对你来

9、说是安全的话,就马上挂电话到警察局。在你的卧室安装一个电话将使你感到更安全,因为它能让你不惊动入侵者又可马上打电话给警察局。 Draw your curtains after dark and if you think there is a prowler outside phone the Police. 天黑以后要拉下窗帘,而且一旦你认为门外有小偷,就挂电话到警察局。 Use only your surname and initials in the telephone directory and on the doorplate. That way a stranger wont kno

10、w if a man or a woman lives there. 在你的姓名地址录以及门牌上仅使用你自己的姓或姓名简称。这样的话陌生人就不会知道住所里住的究竟是男人还是女人。 If you see signs of a break-in at your home, like a smashed window or open door, dont go in. Go to a neighbour and call the Police. 如果你看到有人闯入你家里的迹象,比如说一个打破的窗子或打开的门,先不要进出。到邻居家挂电话给警察局。 If you are selling your hom

11、e, dont show people around on your own. Ask your estate agent to send a representative with anyone who wants to view your house. 如果你出售你的房子,你不要就自己一个人带着别人看房子。要求你的地产经纪派一位代表陪同任何想看房子的人来看你的房子。 When you answer the phone, simply say hello; dont give your number. If the caller claims to have a wrong number,

12、ask him or her to repeat the number required. Never reveal any information about yourself to a stranger and never say you are alone in the house. 当你接电话的时候,只是简单地说:“喂”;不要说出你的电话号码。如果打电话的人自称打错了电话,要求他或她重复要拔的电话号码。永远不要向陌生人暴露你的任何信息,也千万不要说你独自在家里。 If you receive an abusive or threatening phone call, put the r

13、eceiver down beside the phone, and walk away. Come back a few minutes later and replace the receiver; dont listen to see if the caller is still there. Dont say anything an emotional reaction is just what the caller wants. This allows the caller to say what he or she wants to say, without causing dis

14、tress to you. If the calls continue, tell the police and the operator and keep a record of the date, time and content of each phone call. This may help the authorities trace the caller. 如果你接到骚扰性或威胁性的来电,把话筒放在电话机的一边,然后走开。过后几分钟回来并把话筒放回原处;如果打电话者还在线上就不要听话筒。什么也别说 - 打电话者正是需要一个易动感情的反应。这让打电话者有机会说他或她想说的话,而不会使

15、你难过。如果打电话者继续说,就告诉警察局及接线员并保留日期、时间及每一个来电内容的记录。这会对政府追查打电话者有帮助。* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Travel Wisely and With Caution明智又警觉地出游 The following information highlights examples of safety precautions you can take to help protect yourself, your family, and your property. This list is not meant to be all

16、encompassing. Moreover, a particular precaution may not be effective in all circumstances. 以下针对你如何保护你自己,你的家人,以及你的财产分别引用了一些生动的例子.但这些提示并不是对所有的情形都适用. 而且, 某些具体措施也并不是对所有情况都有效.Be Smart On Foot明智地徒步旅行 Plan your route and know where you are going, so you wont appear lost or confused. 计划好你的路线并且知道你要去哪里,这样你就不会

17、显得茫然或迷惑了。 If you often walk home in the dark, get a personal attack alarm from a DIY store or ask your local crime prevention officer where you can buy one. Carry it in your hand so that you can use it immediately to scare off an attacker. Make sure it is designed to continue sounding if it is dropp

18、ed or falls to the ground. 如果你经常在黑暗中走路回家,从自助商店里买一个个人攻击警报器,或咨询你的当地犯罪预防警官你能在哪里买到。把它拿在手里以便你能立即使用它来吓跑袭击者。要确保它的设计是即使跌落或掉到地上都会继续发出响声。 Carry your bag close to you with the clasp facing inwards. Carry your house keys in your pocket. If someone grabs your bag, let it go, If you hang on, you could get hurt. R

19、emember that your safety is more important than your property. 把你的手袋贴近你自己并让拉链钩面向里面。把你家里的钥匙放进口袋。如果有人抢你的手袋,随他去吧,如果你抓紧不放,你会受伤的。要记住你的安全比你的财物更重要。 When approached by a stranger, such as for directions, be alert. Project a no-nonsense attitude, keep your distance and move quickly. Never go near a car to an

20、swer a question. 当被陌生人靠近的时候,比如说问路的方向,要警惕。计划好毫无废话的说话态度,保持你和陌生人之间的距离并要迅速走开。千万不要向车辆走近或回答问题。t let yourself be distracted. Criminals often work in pairs - one person gets your attention while the other steals your purse, wallet or shopping bag. 别让你自己分心。罪犯们通常群体作案 - 一个吸引你的注意力而同时另一个偷你的钱包、钱夹或购物袋。 Know the ne

21、ighbourhoods in which you travel. Learn the locations of possible safe havens - police and fire stations, hospitals, and restaurants or stores that are open late. 要知道你旅行地方的邻近地区。如果有“安全避风港”之类的地方,要知道其方位 - 像警察局和消防队、医院、以及餐厅或商店这些晚关门的地方。 If you think someone is following you, switch directions or cross the

22、 street. Walk toward a busy store or restaurant or a lighted house and call the police. Avoid using an enclosed phone box in the street as the attacker could trap you inside. If you feel threatened, yell for help. 如果你觉得有人跟在你后面,改变方向或穿过街道。走向一间繁忙的商店或餐厅或一间着灯的屋子然后报警。避免使用大街上的电话亭,因为袭击者可以把你困在里面。如果你觉得受到了威胁,高

23、声叫喊救命。 If you are being followed, do not go home. Go to a busy well-lit area. 如果你已经被跟踪了,就不要回家。向一个繁忙的灯火通明的地区走去。 If a car is following you, turn and run in the opposite direction. While the car is turning around, youll have a chance to get away. 如果有一辆车跟随你,回头并跑向一个相反的方向。当汽车掉头的时候,你就有机会逃走了。 If you regular

24、ly go jogging or cycling, try to vary your route and time. Stick to well-lit roads with pavements. On commons and parklands, keep to main paths and open spaces where you can see and be seen by other people. Avoid wooded areas. If you wear a personal stereo, remember you cant hear traffic or somebody

25、 approaching behind you. 如果你有规律地进行慢跑或骑自行车运动,要尝试改变你的路线及时间。要去就去灯火通明有人行道的路上。在公共场所,保持走那些你可以看到有人或被别人看到你的主要的路径和开放的空间。避免去树木繁茂的地方。如果你戴着个人立体声,要记住你会听不到交通的声响或有人在后面靠近你。Be Cautious In The Car 在车里要保持警惕 Keep your car in good working condition. Make sure you have enough petrol to get where youre going - and back. 保

26、持你的汽车在良好的工作状态。确保你有足够的汽油载你去要去地方 - 包括返程。 Always keeps windows closed and doors locked when driving and keep any bag, car phone or valuables out of sight. 在行驶过程中车窗要一直关着,门也要一直都是锁好的,并把任何的手袋、汽车电话或贵重物品都放到视线以外。 Always close windows and lock the doors when you leave the car, even if youll only be gone a few

27、minutes. 当你离开车的时候车窗要一直关着,门也要一直都是锁好的,即使你来回之间只是几分钟的事。 If you think youre being followed, dont drive home. Drive to the nearest police station, fire station or busy store for help. 如果你觉得你被跟踪了,不要开车回家。驱车到最近的警察局,消防队或繁忙的商店求助。t pick up hitchhikers and dont hitchhike. 不要载路上要求搭顺风车的人,自己也不要在路上要求搭顺风车。Stay Alert

28、On the Bus, Underground or Train在公共汽车、地铁或火车上保持警觉 Use only well-lit, busy stops. Do not enter poorly lit tunnels or stairwells alone. Try to stay with a group of people. 只去灯火通明、繁忙的车站。不要一个人走入灯光暗淡的隧道或楼梯间。尽量和人群呆在一起。 When boarding, have the exact fare ready so you dont have to open your handbag or wallet in a crowd. 在上车的时候,把正确的车票准备好以便你不需要在人群中打开你的手袋或钱包。 On a bus, the safest place to sit is near the driver but away from the door. Try to choose an aisle seat so you can easily move if necessary.

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