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1、Other factors shown in the graph included time for meals and commuting to work.Otheractivitiesinclude gettingdress and doing household choressuch as doinglaundryand payingbills.As you can see, for Martin, commuting is taking a large amount of his time.If hecould reduce his commute time, he will have

2、 more time for other things. And it isnt justthe time.When the traffic is really heavy his commute is stressful.It willbe great ifhe can workfromhome one or two days a week. Helifewillbe more enjoyable.And we look at Emma s graph, we see she probably needs more sleep.Perhaps, she should spend a bit

3、less time socializing with her friends.On the other hand, socializing with her friend is something she really values.As for putting on makeup, she isnt willing to change that.For her, exercising, socializing and staying beautiful help her deal with the stressful work.In conclusion, Emma and Martin b

4、oth wish there were more hours in a day.This next graph shows how various factors compare important to 1350 jobs applicants.Applicants were between 20 to 25 years ago.They were asked to list which factors were most important for a good job.As the graph shows, money was the most important factor for

5、25% of the applicants.However, otherfactorsarealsoimportant.The second mostimportantfactor was the workenvironment.In other words, for many, money is everything.People want to like where they work.In fact, if we combine working environment and co-workers, the total is 35%.This is well above the 25%

6、for salary and benefits.Taking together, they are more important than salary and benefits.Career path is also important especially for younger applicants.They want to see that their job helps to build a successful career.For older workers, this may not be as important.Older workersoften putthehigher

7、value on thebalance betweenlife and work. What do you 3-1 vocabulary 领土、军事、政治、政权状态The government of a country is a control system.Governments make laws and provide services to their citizens.The land over which a government has controlled, is itsterritory/t?r?ri/领土 .A countrys territory has

8、boundaries /ba?ndri/or borders.When you leave or enter a countrys territory, you usually need a passport.The territory of a country is defined by its boundaries.s militaryprovides defense for its territory and its citizens.The military includes an army, an air force and a navy.The main purpose of a

9、military, is to defend a country from attack.A countrys criminal justice system includes the police, courts and prisons.Its purpose is to enforce the law and protect the people from criminal activities.A country social services system provides support to people in need.It provides basic health care

10、services and helps poor people support their children.-Anarchy /?n?ki/ n.混乱 ; 无政府状态 ; 无秩序autocracy/?tkr?si/ n.独裁 ; 独裁统治 ; 独裁政府 ; 独裁政体Oligarchyl?grki/ n.寡头统治的政府 ; 寡头政治的执政集团; 寡头统治的国家-A state of anarchy exits when a country has no effective government.In anarchy, there is nobody to make decisions or en

11、force the laws.An autocracy is the simplest form of government.In an autocracy, the government is controlled by single individual, known as autocrat.Whether or not an autocracy is successful, depends on the character and ability of the leader.In an oligarchy, a small group of people controls the gov

12、ernment.Membership in this group often depends on family connection, wealth or military power.In a republic, individuals are elected to represent the citizens.The power of government in a republic is limited by a constitution.A constitution is a written document that makes the rules for a government

13、 to follow.This limits the power of a government.A constitution defines the relationship between the government and its 3-1 dialogue谈论工作I hear you lost your job, is that right?Yes, thats right. I quit. I quit because the way my boss treats people.What happen.I was nt feeling good one day

14、 and he yelled at me. While I told him not toyell at对 .吼叫me, he threatened me.Is that all. Thats what bosses do.Sure, sometime maybe. But my treated everyone badly and I was tired of it. It was the less * The last str ?Yes, it reached the point where I couldn t take it anymore.I see. So now you d on

15、t have a job.Right, I don t have a job.But at least I don t have to deal with my boss thing. What are you going to do now?To be honest, I m not sure. but Ill fine something. Ill get a job even if it pays less thanbefore.Are you sorry for your quit.Yes and no. I guess I should have found another job

16、first and then quit.Why didnt you.As I said, he pushed me too far. There were some things that I just wont take.What about your wife.She isn t happy that I dont have a job but she understands. She knows I have temper.And she knows I wasn t happy working there.Well, I get some luck. My job isnt great

17、. but I likethe people I m working with and I likemy manager.Are you planning to stay there?I dont know.For now, it s ok. But of course it all depends on how things change.Well if you hear of any job openings, let me know, OK.Sure, send me your resume and Illlet people know youre 3

18、-2 listening朗朗 Lang Lang is one of the worlds greatestconcertkns?t/ pianist.His first contact with western music was when he was just 2 years old.He watched thecanton /k?nt?n/ in which a cat played a famous piece by Franz Liszt弗朗兹李斯特(匈牙利作曲家) . From this experience, he decided he wanted to learn to p

19、lay piano.When he was 3 and a half years ago, he started piano lessons.2 years later, he won first place in the piano competition.This early successgave hisfathergreat hope thatLang Land willbecame the worldgreatest pianist.When Lang Lang was 9 years ago, his father quit his job and took him to Beij

20、ing.They left everything behind including his mother who had to work.Lang Lang didn t want to leave her behind but his father insisted.His father wanted him to study at famous Central Conservatory of Music中央音乐学院 .When they moved to Beijing, they rented a flat in a poor area of the city.During this t

21、ime, Lang Lang practiced several hours a day.They started practicing at 5 oclock which upset his neighbors.They would oftenpound on敲打 his door and ask him to stop practicing.They were so angry that he often feared that they wouldbeat him up 毒打 .Lang Lang usually had piano lessons once a week to prep

22、are for theconservatory/k?ns?v?音乐学校 .Nearly 2000 students were applying for just 12 places at the conservatory.His lessons were expensive and very difficult, especially because of his piano teacher.His music teacher didn t like Lang Lang.He called his teacher professor Angry because she always gave

23、him a hard time.One afternoon, his teacher told him he had no talent and told him to go home.Hearing the news, his father screamed and seemed to lose his mind.His father told him that everything was destroyed and there was no reason to live.He ordered Lang Lang tojump off跳下来 the 11th-floor balcony.A

24、fter this, Lang Lang almost went crazy.He didn t want to play the piano anymore.For several months, he neither played the piano nor spoke to his father.Then some friendsencouragedhim toplay a piece forthem and he realizedhis great loveofpiano.For the next 19 months, he practiced hard and his father encouraged him.Finally, when he was ten, he was accepted into the Conservatory with a full scholarship.In 1995, when he was 13 years old, he played music by show * a

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