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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学六级模拟406 大学英语考试复习资料大学六级模拟406大学六级模拟406Part WritingDirections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should the State Interfere with Peoples Smoking Habits? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 问题:1. 1. 现在许多国家和地区纷纷颁布禁烟法令,

2、禁止公民在餐厅、酒吧、商店、办公场所等吸烟 2. 你对禁烟令是支持还是反对,并说出理由 Should the State Interfere with Peoples Smoking Habits?答案:范文 Should the State Interfere with Peoples Smoking Habits? Nowadays, many countries, such as France, Great Britain, have promulgated the prohibition of smoking at public places, including restaurant

3、s, bars, stores and workplaces, etc. It is reported that more countries and regions will approve the ban. The governments interference with peoples smoking habits has given much rise to controversy. As a non-smoker, I am in favor of the ban. It brings many benefits to us. Firstly, smoking is not onl

4、y harmful to the smoker himself, but also results in the diseases and deaths of non smokers. Scientists have proved that passive smoking is more deleterious than active smoking. Secondly, peoples smoking cigarettes in parks, gardens and at other recreational places makes the air polluted and the str

5、eets dirty. We can not enjoy the natural beauty and breathe fresh air due to smokers irresponsibility. In short, it is high time for the government to take some measures against smoking at public places. Whats more, the government should punish those violators severely to protect the non-smokers hea

6、lth.解析 Nowadays, many countries, such as France, Great Britain, have promulgated the prohibition of smoking at public places, _.It is reported that _._has given much rise to controversy. As a non-smoker, _. Firstly, _. Secondly, _. In short,_. Whats more,_. Part Reading Comprehension (Skimming and S

7、canning)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet I.For questions 1 - 4, markY (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in

8、 the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.For questions 5 - 10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Natural-gas Vehicles Kermit the Frog once said, Its not that easy be in green. Although he wasnt referring to cars, his observation s

9、eems particularly appropriate for the auto industry today: Designing, developing and marketing green cars has not been an easy task, which is why gasoline-powered vehicles still rule the road and fossil fuels still account for almost 75 percent of the worlds energy consumption. As gasoline prices so

10、ar and concern over harmful emission mounts, however, cars that run on alternate fuel sources will become increasingly important. A natural-gas vehicle, or NGV, is the perfect example of such a car - its fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly and offers a relatively low cost of ownership. Natural

11、Gas Basics The word gas is a confusing term because it is used to describe many different substances that are similar but not exactly the same. For example, the gas you put in your car is gasoline, one component of crude oil, or petroleum. Petroleum is a dark, sticky liquid mixture of compounds form

12、ed underground by the decay of ancient marine animals. Natural gas also comes from the decay of ancient organisms, but it naturally takes a gaseous form instead of a liquid form. Natural gas commonly occurs in association with crude oil. It is derived from both land plants and aquatic (水生的) organic

13、matter and forms above or below oil deposits. It is often dissolved in crude oil at the high pressures existing in a reservoir. There are also reservoirs of natural gas, known as non-associated gas, that contain only gas and no oil. Natural gas consists primarily of methane (沼气) and other hydrocarbo

14、n gases. Hydrocarbons are organic compounds composed only of the elements carbon and hydrogen. The hydrocarbons in natural gas are called saturated hydrocarbons because they contain hydrogen and carbon bound together by single bonds. Like gasoline, natural gas is combustible (易燃的), which means it ca

15、n be used in a combustion engine like gasoline. But cars that could burn natural gas didnt appear on the scene until the 1930s. From Field to Ford We extract natural gas trapped in underground reservoirs by drilling wells into the earth. A modern well. equipped with diamond-studded drill bits, can drill to depths approaching 25.000 feet. Throughout the 19th century, the use of natural gas remained localized because there was no way to transport large quantities of gas over long distances, in 1890, the invention of a leakproof pipeline coupling made it possible to transpo

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