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1、thatsheearly 三不用变引号的第三人称在变间引后去人称不变Sheme,Theywanthelphimtheywantedhim二时态变化宾语从句时态变化规如此:主现从不限;主过从四过即4种过去的时态:一般过去时;过去进展时;过去将来时;过去完成时; 客观真理,只用一般现在时。1.主句一般现在时,从句可用任意时态。2.主句过去时,从句用相应的过去时态。即一般现在时改成现在进展时改成一般将来时改成过去将来时;一般过去时、现在完成时、过去完成时改成过去完成时。3.主句过去时,从句是客观真理时,只用一般现在时。 Teacher told us: The moon moves round th

2、e earth.Teacher told us the moon moves round the earth.主句的时态 从句的时态 例句一般现在时 He says所需的任何时态 He says,he likes math very much . He says that he likes math very much 一般过去时 He said直接引语间接引语He said, “he is a student.He said that he was a student现在进展时过去进展时He said,“he is reading.He said that he was reading一般将

3、来时过去将来时He said,“he will go homeHe said that he would go home过去完成时He said,“he went homeHe said that he had gone home现在完成时He said,“he has gone homeHe said that he had gone homeHe said,“he had gone homeHe said that he had gone home(三)时间状语变化指示代词thisthesethatthose时间状语nowtodaytonightthis weekyesterdaylast

4、 weekthree days agotomorrownext weekthenthat daythat nightthat weekthe day beforethe week beforethree days beforethe next day/ the following daythe next week/ the following week地点状语herethere动词ebringgotake(四)连接词1从句为述句,常选择连接词that或将that省略,直接与主句相连。2从句为一般疑问句,常选择连接词if或whether。3从句为特殊疑问句,常选择what,when,where,

5、which,who,how等的疑问代、副词作连接词。注意:当who为主语时,句式为:who+谓语+其他连接词例句须知事项述句 that常省略 He said to me, “ you can help her.He said to me (that) I could help her.1. 连接词:2.引述动词said, said to sbtold sb,等一般疑问句if / whether.“是否He asked her, “ Do you love me?He asked herwhether she loved him.“述语序。3.去掉Do, Does, Did改变Are, Is,

6、Will, Can位置特殊疑问句特殊疑问词:what, who,why,how, which,whenHe asked his wife,“How are you?He asked his wife how she was.He asked me,“ What color do you like?He asked mewhat color I liked.“述语序2.去掉Do, Does, Did祈使句肯定ask(tell) sb. to do sthHe shouted, “ Lily, Close the door.He toldLily to close the door.1. 不用连接

7、词2. 不改变时态。3. 无须考虑语序否认ask (tell)sb. not to do sth.He said to me, “Dont be late.He asked me not to be late.1. 语序不变的有:What the matter with you? Whats wrong with you? 但Whats the trouble with you?的语序要变 1从句中有or / or not 。例:she asks whether he stayed 。2.只用 whether 2与不定式to do 连用。I cant decide whether to tel

8、l him the news 3) 在介词后。they are talking aboutwhether they can afford the new house 用法是有区别的,但当if/whether同时出现在选项中的时候,我们要选whether3.宾语从句语序:语述序,即:连接词+主语+谓语+其它。 或 连接词此时连接词充当主语+谓语+其它。述语序中: be动词、助动词、情态动词不能提到主语前。1can you tell me where is the hospital (错 can you tell me where the hospital is.(对2I dont know wh

9、ether does he speak Chinese (错 I dont know whether he speaks Chinese (对3I am not sure what can he do (错 I am not sure what he can do (对中考考点:时态、语序、连接词练习题一、填空,每空一词:1.“I am having supper, he said. He said that _ _ having supper.2.“Ive seen the film, Gina said to me. Gina _ me that she _ _ the film. 3.“

10、I went home with my sister, she said. She said that _ _ _ home with her sister.4.The teacher said, “The sun is bigger than the moon.The teacher said that the sun _ bigger than the moon.5.“I met her yesterday, he said to me.He told me that he _ met her the day _.6.“You must e here before five, he sai

11、d.He said that I _ to go _ before five.7.“I bought the puter two weeks ago, she said.She said that she _ bought the puter two weeks _.8.“Did you read the book last week? he said.He _ _ I had read the book the week _.9. He said, “You can sit here, Jim.He _ Jim that he _ sit there10.He asked, “How did

12、 you find it, mother?He asked her mother _ _ _ found it.11.“Where have you been these days? he asked.He asked me _ _ _ been _ days. 12“Do you know where she lives?He asked _ _ knew where she _.13.“Keep quiet, children. he said. He _ the children _ _ quiet.14.“Dont look out of the window, she said.Sh

13、e told me _ _ _ out of the window. 15.“Are you interested in this?He _ _ I was interested in _.二、选择:1. Our teacher asked us _ our dictionaries to school.A. bringB. brought C. bring D. to bring2. The teacher told the boy students _ football on the grass.A. not play B. not to play C. played D. playing

14、3. _ Tom didnt go to school?A. Do you know how B. Why do you know C. How you know why D. Do you know why4. She looks sad. Could you please tell me _ that prevents her from being as happy as before?A. what it is B. it is what C. how it is D. it is how5. Betty asked her sister _ to the railway station

15、 to see her off.A. not to e B. not to go C. to not e D. to not go6. The pupil asked his teacher _ round the earth.A. weather the moon goes B. that the moon wentC. whether the moon goes D. whether the moon went7. Mr. Li _ Wang Ling _ a taxi to the airport.A. asked; take B. asked; taking C. told; D. t

16、old; to take8. She asked him _.A. whose dictionary this is B. whose dictionary that wasC. whose dictionary is this D. whose dictionary that is9. Marys mother asked her _.A. that whether she had finished her homework B. if she has finished her homeworkC. if she had finished her homework D. that if sh

17、e had finished her homework10. Do you know _?A. what is he doing B. what he doingC. what he is doing D. what does he do now11. I dont know _ to learn English.A. when did he begin B. when he began C. he when began D. when he begins12. He asked me _.A. how would the weather be like tomorrow B. what th

18、e weather would be like the next dayC. how the weather would be like tomorrow D. what would the weather be like the next day13. You cant imagine _ when they received these nice Spring Festival presents.A. how excited they were B. how excited were theyC. how they were excited D. they were how excited

19、14. She told me that she _ by her relatives at the bus stop.A. had been seen off B. have seen off C. have been seen off D. had seen off15. Do you remember how many times _ to Australia?A. had you been B. did you go C. have you been D. you have been16. Can you guess _?A. what is that man B. who that

20、man is C. whom that man is D. who is that man17. More and more students and teachers have began to know _.A. how important the foreign language are B. how the foreign language is importantC. how important the foreign language is D. how important is the foreign language18. The hostess said that it _

21、time that they _ supper.A. was; had B. was; had had C. is; have D. is; have had19. The boss asked his secretary _ he had finished typing the report _.A. if; or not B. if; not C. whether; D. whether; not20. I wonder how much _.A. does he spend on his car B. did he spend on his carC. he spent on his c

22、ar D. he spent in his car答案一、填空1. he, was。在直接引语变为间接引语时,代词I要变为he;主句为过去时态,宾语从句通常要将时态往后推一个,即现在进展时am having变为过去进展时was having。2. told, had, seen。直接引语中的said to sb在变为间接引语时应改为told sb;现在完成时have seen改为过去完成时had seen。3. she, had, gone。直接引语变为间接引语时,人称代词I 应变为she;一般过去时went改为过去完成时had gone。4. is。直接引语变为间接引语时,假如直接引语为客观

23、真理,如此变为间接引语时时态不变。5. had, before。直接引语是一般过去时met,变为间接引语时应改为过去完成时had met;时间状语yesterday应改为the day before6. had, there。如直接引语中的谓语动词含有情态动词must,变为间接引语时用had to;地点状语here 相应地改为there。7. had, before。直接引语是一般过去时bought,变为间接引语时应改为过去完成时had bought;时间状语two weeks ago应改为two weeks before。8. asked, if (whether), before。当直接引

24、语是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时said应改为asked,然后加上连接词if或whether;时间状语last week 改为the week before。9. told, could。根据句意第一空应用动词told;直接引语中含有情态动词can,变为间接引语时应改为could。10. how, she, had。如果直接引语是特殊疑问句,变为间接引语时仍用how引导,疑问句语序改为述句语序,一般过去时改为过去将来时。11. where, I, had, those。直接引语是特殊疑问句,变为间接引语时仍用where引导,疑问句语序改为述句语序,现在完成时改为过去完成时,指示代词these相应

25、地变为those。12. if (whether), I, lived。直接引语是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时应用if或whether引导,人称you和动词时态lives也相应地变为I 和lived13. told, to, keep。如直接引语为肯定的祈使句时,在变为间接引语时,可使用ask tell, order sb to do sth这一结构进展转换。14. not, to, look。如直接引语为否认的祈使句时,在变为间接引语时,可使用ask tell, order sb not to do sth这一结构进展转换。15. asked, if (whether), that。根据所给的句子,直接引语是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,主句谓语动词应用asked;再用if或whether引导宾语从句,批示代词this相应地变为that。二、选择答案15DBDAB; 610CDBCC;1115BBAAD;1620BCACC

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