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1、_ 原告律师 地址;_ Form1 COMPLAINT ON A PROMISSORY NOTE 1.Allegation of jurisdiction. 2.Defendant on or about June 1,1935,executed and delivered to plaintiff a promissory notein the following words and figures(here set out the note verbatim);a copy of which is hereto annexed as Exhibit A;whereby defendant

2、promised to pay to plaintiff or order on June 1,1936 the sum of _dollars with interest thereon at the rate of six percent per annum. 3.Defendant owes to plaintiff the amount of said note and interest. Wherefore plaintiff demands judgment against defendant for the sum of _ dollars , interest ,and cos

3、ts. Signed: _ Attorney for Plaintiff Address: _ 关于已得款项的起诉状 2.被告于1936年6月1日从G.H.处得到应支付给原告的一笔款项 _ 美元,被告应将该款项偿付原告。 据此 (同格式1) COMPLAINT FOR MONEY HAD AND RECEIVED 2.Defendant owes p0laintiff _ dollars for money had and received from one G.H. on June 1, 1936, to be paid by defendant to plaintiff. Wherefor

4、e ( etc .as in Form1). 要求偿还债务并宣告欺诈性财产转让为无效的起诉状 A.B.,原告 诉 起诉状 C.D.及E.F.,被告 2.被告C.D.在或大约在_签发给原告一张本票以下述文字与数字作成:该本票副本见附件 证据A;在该本票中被告C.D.承诺或指示在_支付原告5000美元并附加年利息率为_%的利息. 1.被告C.D.欠原告该本票所载款项及利息。 2.被告C.D.于或大约于_将其所有财产,包括动产和不动产(或者详列)转让给被告E.F.以欺骗原告并妨碍、拖延原告取得由上述本票所证明的欠款。 因此,原告要求: (1)判决被告C.D.支付原告_美元及利息; (2)宣告向E.F

5、.转让财产的行为无效,判决对该财产的留置权; (3)判决被告支付诉讼费用。 COMPLAINT ON CLAIM FOR DEBT AND TO SET ASIDE FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE A.B.,Plaintiff v. Complaint C.D. and E.F.,Defendants 2.Defendant C.D. on or about _ executed and delivered to plaintiff a promissory note in the following words and figures(here set out the note

6、verbatim); a copy of which is hereto annexed as Exhibit A;whereby defendant C.D. promised to pay to plaintiff or order on _ the sum of five thousand dollars with interest thereon at the rate of _ percent, per annum. 3.Defendant C.D. owes to plaintiff the amount of said note and interest . 4.Defendan

7、t C.D. on or about _ conveyed all his property , real and personal or specify and describeto defendant E.F. for the purpose of defrauding plaintiff and hindering and delaying the collection of the indebtedness evidenced by the note above referred to . Wherefore plaintiff demands: (1) That plaintiff

8、have judgment against defendant C.D. for _ dollars and interest; (2) That the aforesaid conveyance to defendant E.F. be declared void and the judgment herein be declared a lien on said property; (3) That plaintiff have judgment against the defendants for costs. 原告: Plaintiff 住所: Domicile 法定代表人: Lega

9、l representative 职务: Position 被告: Defendant 案由 Cause of action 买卖合同纠纷 Sale and purchase contract dispute 请求事项 Claims 1. 判令被告向原告支付已发出货物 元人民币的价款以及 元人民币的利息,总计 元; 2. 判令由被告承担诉讼费用。 1. To order the Defendant to pay to the Plaintiff the due amount of RMB for the dispatched cargos, plus the interests of RMB

10、thereon, in the aggregate of RMB . 2. To order the litigation fees to be borne by the Defendant. 事实和理由 Facts and Reasons 被告原系原告在中国 地区各种产品的分销商。自1997年9月至1998年10月,原告向其发送了价值总计 元人民币的各种产品(见证据一)。 The Defendant was in fact a distributor of the Plaintiff for various products in the territory , China. The Pla

11、intiff had sent products in the aggregate of RMB to the Defendant from September, 1997 through October, 1998. (see Exhibit ) 上述每笔交易均由被告正式签署和接受(见证据二)。尽管原告多次催讨货款,被告仍未能清偿到期债务。 Each of the transactions mentioned above was duly assigned and accepted by the Defendant (see Exhibit ). Though the Plaintiff h

12、as repeatedly demanded the payment, the Defendant fails to liquidate the outstanding debts in due time. 原告认为,因原告与被告之间交易引起的债务应由中国法律管辖。被告在收到上述 货物之后拒付约定货款,给原告带来巨大经济损失(见证据三)。因此,根据中国有关法律规定,被告应承担支付违约金的相应民事责任。 It is the Plaintiff s position that any and all indebtedness as a result of the transactions betw

13、een the Plaintiff and the Defendant shall be under the jurisdiction of China s laws. The Defendant s refusal, after reception of the aforesaid products , to satisfy the agreed amount thereof resulted tremendous economic losses on the part of the Plaintiff (see Exhibit ). Therefore, the Defendant sha

14、ll, in accordance with related laws of China, assume corresponding civil liabilities of paying the breach penalty to the Plaintiff. 基于以上原因,根据中国人民共和国民法通则第106条和第112条、民事诉讼法第108条及其他适用法律、法规的规定,原告特向贵院提起本案诉讼。 By reason of the forgoing, in accordance with Articles 106 and 112 as set forth in the PRC General

15、 Civil Law, Article 108 as set forth in the PRC Civil Procedure Law and other applicable laws, regulations, the Plaintiff hereby files this case with the Court for your adjudication. 此致 人民法院 To: People s Court签名或签章 Plaintiff (signature or seal) 委托代理人: Agent ad litem: 年 月 Date: 附: ATTACHMENTS: 一、 原告营

16、业执照副本一份; 1. One copy of the Plaintiff s business license; 二、 法定代表人证明原件; 2. One copy of the original Certificate of the legal representative; 三、 授权委托书原件; 3. One copy of the original Power of Attorney; 四、 证据一:每笔交易发票; 4. Exhibit : Invoices of each transaction; 五、 证据二:每笔交易收据;及 5. Exhibit : Receipts for each transaction; and 六、 证据三:损失清单。 6. Exhibit : List of losses.

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