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America Culture test 美国文化考试题目文档格式.docx

1、6) _ The American economy is based on capitolism.7) _ Most of the Spanish Armada sank in a sudden storm off the coast ofEngland.8) _ Elizabeth dressed in a suit of armor and declared she had the stomach of aKing as the Spanish were abut to invade.9) _ Elizabeth I decided not to marry anyone but the

2、English people.10) _ Henry Tudor killed Richard III to end the War of the Roses and becomeHenry VII.11) _ The modern western Christian world is divided into two groups-Catholicand Protestant.12) _ The Church of England split into many diffeent groups of dissenters.13) _ The English reformation creat

3、hed the Church of England.14) _ North Carolina and Virgina were two colonies that did not have a religiousconnection to England.15) _ Writers who lived in Europe (Paris) to do their writing were called expatriots.16) _ Harriett Beecher Stowe, whose father was a famous Puritain minister,wrote a book

4、about American slaves from Africa called Uncle Toms Cabin.17) _ Moby Dick is a white whale.18) _ Herman Melville wrote Moby Dick.19) _ Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote a novel about the Puritains called The ScarletLetter20) _ Mary Tudor was known as Bloody Mary.21) _ Mary Tudor killed almost everyone in En

5、gland who could read and write.22) _ Henry VIII had a son named Edward.23) _ Emerson gave a famous lecture that criticised everything about Americanreligion ata)MITb)Boston Universityc)Harvardd)Yale24) _ Emerson was a minister in what religious groupa)Puritainsb)Methodistsc)Baptistsd)Catholics25) _

6、Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote Self-relince and another collection of essayscalleda)Transmissionsb)Puddin Popsc)Natured)Stuff26) _ Henry VIII needed something he and Catherine could not make.a)A comfortable chairb)Spoon of peanut butter and a can of cokec)Daughtersd)A son27) _ An unintended consequence i

7、s:a)nothing to worry aboutb)a way to keep things interestingc)a result that is unexpected and cannot be planned for at the time of the actiond)just the way things roll28) _ Which religious groups are not found america?a)Methodists and Catholicsb)Baptists and Buddistsc)Greek Orthodox and Lutheransd)A

8、ll these groups are found in America29) _ How were farmers affected by The Great Depression?a)They lost their farms and homes.b)They made greater profits.c)They received free automobiles.d)Farmers were not affected.30) _ Eli Whitney invented the:a)Automobileb)Handgunc)Cotton Gind)Telephone31) _ On w

9、hat street is the American Stock Exchange?a)Vanderbilt Streetb)Broadwy Avenuec)Wall Streetd)Fifth Avenue32) _ The Great Depression resulted in two events:a)stock market crash and bank failuresb)no more movies or popcornc)end of war and peaced)fewer jobs and cheeseburgers33) _ The Great Depression ha

10、ppened in what year?a)1955b)1918c)1929d)177634) _ In 1913, Henry Ford created the assembly line to make:a)automobilesb)Coke Zeroc)teapotsd)tuna35) _ As the Industrial Revolution reached America, it was expressed by twoindustries:a)textiles and cheeseb)guns and butterc)textiles and firearmsd)peanutbu

11、tter and crackers36) _ The basic economy of the United States of America was composed of twoelements. They were:a)agriculture and mechantsb)mechanics and snackmakersc)coffee and tead)dumplings and cabbage37) _ The U.S. Bill of Rights are:a)too many to mentionb)a way to get free chickensc)a list of r

12、ights and freedoms that are not mentioned in the Constiutiond)stupid38) _ Dividing the government into three groups creates a system of checks andbalances whose effect is that:a)no one branch of government can become too powerfulb)even more stupid things can be donec)nothing can ever get doned)it ta

13、kes two to tango39) _ The government of the Unites States of america is divided into threebranches. They are:a)Legislative, Executive and Judicaryb)Front, Back and Middlec)Black, white and Greyd)Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest40) _ Thomas Jefferson wrote a famous document that the American coloniesapproved

14、 and signed on July 4, 1776. It was the:a)Great American Shopping listb)Declaration of Independencec)Ben Franklins willd)The U.S. Constitution41) _ The Congregationalists founded which famous university?a)Harvardb)Yalec)Dartmouthd)Columbia42) _ The Uniterians founded what famous Ameican university?a

15、)Pittsburghb)New York Universityd)Brown43) _ The Puritains in Massachusetts divided themselves into two groups:a)The Unitarians and the Congregationalistsb)The Tom and Jerrysc)The Coffee and Teasd)The Fasts and Slows44) _ Rhode Island was settled by Roger Williams who was leader of the:a)Baptistb)Wa

16、rlocksc)Trollsd)Manchester United45) _ Pennsylvania was a religious colony settled by:a)Quakersb)Witchesc)Atheistd)Agnostics46) _ The colony, Maryland, was named after:a)Queen Victoriab)Queen Mary/Bloody Maryc)Barach Obammad)William the Conqueror47) _ Lord Baltimore, a Roman Catholic, created a gran

17、t for a colony in NorthAmerica for other Catholics calleda)Noneb)Rhode Islandc)Marylandd)Georgia48) _ Henry VIII was forced to kill his best friend because he would not sign heOath of Supremacy. The Oath of Supremacy made Henry VIII the head of thechurch and of the government. Hi friend who refused

18、to sign was:a)Robert the Bruceb)Sir Thomas Morec)Glen of Fiddichd)Sir Walter Raliegh49) _ New England, which includes Massachusetts, was founded by the:b)Frenchc)Germansd)Japanese50) _ Settled in 1607, the first of these colonies was:a)Californiab)Nevadac)Texasd)Virginia51) _ England began permanant

19、 setlements in North America in the:a)17 th centuryb)12 th centuryc)19 th centuryd)20 th century52) _ The 18th century author Crevecoeur writes a book Letters from AmericanFarmer, where he describes Americans as:a)troublemakersb)europeansc)a new race of mend)richCorrect answer not provided.connection to

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