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本文(西南财经大学经贸外语学院翻译硕士专业学位MTI毕业论文选题指南试行模板Word格式文档下载.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、(四)翻译调研报告,即对翻译政策,翻译现象,翻译产业等翻译相关问题开展调研与分析。并就调研目的、调研对象、调研方式、任务过程(受试的选择、调研的组织、调研数据的收集)、调研结果分析、调研的结沦与建议、参考书目、附录等。作出小少于15000字的报告。附:选题及论文实例 (论文的格式基本请参照MA研究生学位论文格式):论文序号论文题目1英汉视译过程中的显化现象之实证研究2实验报告带口间英语发主对数字口译质量的影响3从长期知识累和语音能力作为公众演技基本技能看其交替传译译员的重要性以第五十界国际小姐大会交替传译实践为个案研究4关于笔记对口译表现影响的实验报告以英汉交传为例5英汉数字口译困难实证研究6


3、的实证研究以四川大学MTI2010级口译班学生为例19关于交替传译中笔记特点与交替传译质量关系的实验报告20探讨汉英交替传译笔记中心理字符现象的实验报告-以合成记录培训手册的英汉翻译实践为例21学术论文翻译系列问题及解决以翻译两篇文本为例22社科论文的英泽翻译方法基于翻译“文化和宫廷感”的案例报告23用电子工具进行社科文本术语翻译以两篇社科文本英汉翻译为例24Get Rich through Business Leadership翻译报告252011年和2009年美国人权记灵英汉翻译的项目报告26浅谈中译英法律翻译以阿坝藏族羌族自治州生态环境保护条例和四川省湿地保护条例为例27非遗英译问题探析




7、准确度、完整性、流畅度和逻辑方面对受试者在三个测试中表现进行了具体的比较和分析。最后得出的结论是:交替传译中口译笔记是把双刃剑,笔记虽能帮助译员提高总体口译表现,但是如果过分依赖笔记则会导致精力分配的失衡,反过来影响口译质量。这也验证了根据吉尔模式做出的推测,据此建议口译练习者口译时不要过分依赖笔记而是要不断提高笔记的效率才能更好平衡注意力在不同任务中的分配从而不断提高口译水平。关键词:实验笔记影响交传口译表现吉尔模式An Experimental Report on the Effect of Note-taking on Interpretation Performance-A Case

8、Study of E-C ConsecutiveInterpretationIn recently years, interpretation study and research is receiving more and more attention. The development of science and technology has enabled growing exchanges among different disciplines and fields. An increasing number of interpretation researchers and scho

9、lars begin to combine interpretation research with relating disciplines like cognitive linguistic, psychology, neuro-linguistics and others. One of these prestigious scholars is Daniel Gile (1995), who established models for both simultaneous and consecutive interpretations-generally referred to as

10、Effort Model.One of the hottest studies around this model is note-taking for consecutive interpretation. Many researches mainly focus on emphasizing the functions and importance of notes from a theoretical perspective. Very few researches have been made as to how note-taking exactly influence the in

11、terpretation performance. In this respect, some assumptions have been made by the author according to Giles Effort Model. Then an experiment has been conducted to check against the above assumptions in order to find out exactly in what way note-taking influence interpretation performance in English

12、to “Chinese consecutive interpretation. There is no doubt that note-taking is extremely important to interpreters in particular in consecutive interpretation. Notes can act as a supplement for short-term memory, therefore, greatly reduce the brain burden, enhancing the interpretation performance. Bu

13、t are all effects of note positive? From “Gile Model” it is clear that note-taking is just part of effort-splitting factor. If too much effort is allocated to note-taking, available efforts for other tasks as listening comprehension, comprehension and short-term memory will be greatly reduced, bring

14、ing negative impact on general interpretation performance. This needs to be found out by carrying out a related experiment.Based on the collected data of the experiment, the author makes comparisons and analysis for all subjects performances among their 3 tests from both the perspective of figures &

15、 proper names and four aspects namely: accuracy, completeness, fluency and logic. It is concluded that note-taking in consecutive interpretation is a double-sided sword which can help enhance the overall performance of interpreters of bring downside effect on interpretation performance. Because depe

16、nding too much on note-taking can cause imbalance in distributing efforts for other tasks in interpretation, which just proved the assumption based on Giles Effort Model. Accordingly, interpreters are advised not to rely too much on notes, instead they are supposed to spend more efforts to improve t

17、he quality and efficiency of their note-taking to achieve better balance in effort distribution, thus constantly improving their interpretation performance.Key words: experiment, note-taking, effects, consecutive interpretation, interpretation performance, effort model,ContentsChapter One Introducti

18、on 11.1 Background if the Experiment 11.2 Descriptions of the Experiment 21.2.1Purpose and Significance of the Experiment 21.2.2 Contents of the Experiment 41.2.3 Organization of the Experiment 4Chapter Two Preparations and Process of Experiment 62.1 Advanced Preparations 62.1.1 Experimental Environ

19、ment 72.1.2 Selection and Grouping of Subjects 92.1.3 Variables Controlling 112.1.4 Anticipation of the experiment 132.2 Process of the Experiment 15Chapter Three Result and Analysis of the Experiment 163.1 Commons of Data 163.2 Summaries and Descriptions of Data 183.3 Analysis and Perspective of Fi

20、gures and Proper Names 213.3.1 From the Perspective of Figures and Proper Names 243.3.2 From Four Aspects 28Chapter Four Conclusion 304.1 Major Findings of the Experiment 324.2 Conclusions of the Experiment 344.3 Implications for Interpreters 36Chapter Five Limitations of the Study and Personal Gaining 385.1 Limitations of the Experiment 395.2 Suggestions for Further Study 415.3 Personal Gaining from the Experiment 43Bibliography 45Appendix 测试材料及答案 46Appendix 受试者录音文本样本 47

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