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1、2A句意: David,你的贷款申请已经被批准了。感谢上帝!我现在非常需要它。go through“(法律、合同等正式)通过;达成”,符合句意。3(2013邯郸二模)As soon as Tom had _ a little from his shock, his first thought was to get away.A. returned B. benefitedC. survived D. recovered3D句意:汤姆一从震惊中恢复过来一点儿,他的第一想法就是要逃走。return“返回;归还”; benefit“有益于”; survive“幸存”; recover“恢复”。故选D

2、项。4(2013杭州二中试一下考试)Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said, Japan should reflect on its history and think seriously about how to _ its neighbors.A. get away with B. get along withC. get behind with D. get over with4Bget away with“侥幸逃脱”; get along with“友好相处”; get behind with“落在后面”; get over with“完成;做

3、完”。B项符合句意。5(2013河北石家庄一模) Why was she unhappy yesterday? A call from home _ an attack of homesickness.A. set off B. set outC. set about D. set down5A句意:昨天她为什么不高兴?家里的一个电话引发了她的思乡之情。set off“引发;引爆”; set out“出发;着手”; set about“着手”; set down“写下;记下”。6(2013山师大附中模拟)_ about the student, the teacher called his p

4、arents to find out why he was so often absent from class.A. Concerning B. ConcernC. Concerned D. To concern6C考查分词作状语的用法。句意:因为担心这个学生,老师打电话给他的家长想查明他为什么如此经常的逃课。be concerned about“担心”。7(2013杭州高三模拟)At the news that she won the first gold medal in the Olympic Games, the excited fans hardly _ down.A. set B

5、. calmC. put D. take7B考查动词短语。听到她夺得奥运会首枚金牌的消息后,兴奋的粉丝们难以平静下来。calm down“平静下来”,符合句意。8(2013漳州月考)Bless your heart, I know you didnt break the vase _. Dont cry!A. on purpose B. by accidentC. on husiness D. by mistake8A句意:上帝保佑,我知道你不是故意打破花瓶的。别哭了!on purpose“故意地”; by accident“偶然地”; on business“出差”; by mistake“

6、无意地;错误地”。根据语境答案为A项。9Was that the second time that you _ the Summer Palace?A. visit B. are visitingC. had visited D. have visited9C句意:那是你第二次参观颐和园吗?在It/This is/was the first/second . that .句型中, that从句要用完成时态,意为“这是某人第一次/第二次干某事”。由于前面用了was,故从句用过去完成时态。10Because Jim doesnt eat on time, he often _ stomachach

7、e.A. recovers from B. suffers fromC. goes through D. looks through10B根据“吉姆不按时吃饭”可知“他经常胃痛”。suffer from“遭受,患病”; recover from“痊愈,恢复”; go through“经历;经受”; look through“浏览”。11Try not to begin making any comment about the idea until you have understood it _.A. strongly B. entirelyC. extremely D. freely11B句

8、意:尝试先不要开始评论这个想法直到你完全理解了这个想法。strongly“强烈地”; entirely“完全地;完整地”; extremely“极端地”; freely“自由地”。12When _ to read the text in the class, Jefferson kept _.A. asked; silent B. asking; stillC. being asked; quiet D. asked; calm12A第一个空考查状语从句的省略,由于ask和Jefferson之间为动宾关系,故第一个空用过去分词; silent“不出声的;不说话的”,符合语境。still“不动的

9、”,强调静止状态; quiet“安静的;宁静的”;多指不吵闹; calm指人“沉着,镇定”,指自然“无风无浪”。13(2013沈阳重点中学协作体高三预测)I just wonder _ that makes him so excited.A. why it is B. what is itC. how it is D. what it is13D句意:我只是在想是什么让他那么兴奋。wonder后的宾语从句含it is . that .强调句,且强调主语,应该用陈述语序,故选择what it is。14(2013成都二诊)I couldnt imagine _ difficult it was

10、for these badly injured victims to make it to the hospital.A. when B. howC. what D. where14B句意:我想象不出这些受伤严重的受害者到医院是多么的困难。在宾语从句中, difficult为形容词,应用how修饰,表示“多么”。15(2013北京西城一模)I am sure that if it came to that point, he would do _ is expected of him.A. what B. whenC. which D. as15A句意:我肯定如果事情到了那个地步,他会做人们期

11、望他做的事情的。空处引导宾语从句,并在从句中作主语,故选what。.完形填空(2013山东三模)It has been 3 years since John died in an accident. He was my big brother who _16_ looked after me when I was young. I am _17_ today for all of the special times we had as running partners, and times _18_ driving to different races, where we had so man

12、y _19_ about life in general. I _20_ these talks terribly at this time of the year.However, I am so happy he _21_ with me the _22_ of his faith. He was always so _23_ to people, and I had been with him many times _24_ we pulled over to help someone in need, sharing a smile and helping them get back

13、_25_ the road. So I was not _26_ when he told me of the time when he was _27_ in college. It was the end of the month. To make matters worse, it was Friday and he had no _28_ in his pocket for the weekend. Payday was Monday and he had no gas money to get home to _29_ my dad and no money to buy food

14、but he had faith that helping others _30_ helping yourself.On his way home from classes that day, as he was driving along, he noticed a guy ahead of him _31_ his lumber (木材) all over the road as he turned the corner. John _32_ right over and helped him load the lumber back into his truck. The guy wa

15、s so thankful and _33_ his hand to Mark, and in it was one hundred dollars. John couldnt believe his _34_. He told him that was unnecessary but the man _35_ and off he drove.I still think of John sitting there telling me that story, with tears in his eyes, and how faithful he was.,16A. hardly B. nev

16、erC. sometimes D. always17A. successful B. thankfulC. cheerful D. hopeful18A. spared B. wastedC. spent D. saved19A. questions B. argumentsC. differences D. conversations20A. miss B. rememberC. keep D. fear21A. shared B. toldC. offered D. had22A. record B. beliefC. story D. secret23A. careful B. help

17、fulC. powerful D. grateful24A. because B. whileC. until D. when25A. on B. forC. in D. from26A. pleased B. worriedC. surprised D. excited27A. never B. yetC. even D. still28A. food B. moneyC. paper D. key29A. change B. attendC. see D. persuade30A. means B. followsC. explains D. agrees31A. carry B. los

18、eC. arrange D. place32A. pushed B. movedC. pulled D. walked33A. raised B. heldC. offered D. shook34A. eyes B. earsC. mind D. feeling35A. complained B. apologizedC. regretted D. insisted16D联系作者对哥哥的思念之情,结合下文提到他乐于助人可知他“总是”照顾作者。选择D项。17B根据下文中提到的all of the special times we had as running partners等情节可以推知作者

19、对哥哥充满“感激之情”。B项正确。18C此处选spent用作times的后置定语,表示花费时间做某事。C项正确。19D联系下文中的I _20_ these talks terribly,说明作者经常和哥哥一起谈论生活。D项正确。20A作者怀念和哥哥在一起时的谈话。A项正确。21Ashare 表示“分享”故事,其它三项用在此处不合文意。22C作者很高兴,哥哥能和他一起分享有关他的坚定信念的故事,这里指下文中描述的哥哥帮助别人的事情。23B根据下文I had been with him many times . help someone in need可知,他总是乐于助人。24D有很多次,作者和哥

20、哥停下车来帮助那些需要帮助的人。先行词many times表示时间,when引导定语从句。用D项正确。25Aget back on固定短语,“回到”。此处表示哥哥把微笑和帮助带给他人,让别人回到正轨。26C作者对哥哥的乐于助人有所了解,所以当他说起在大学时期的一些事情的时候,作者并不感到吃惊。选择C项。27D那时他还在上大学。28B他那个时候还在上大学,到了月底,而且又是周五(星期一是发薪日),所以他身无分文。下文的no money是提示。29C他没有钱回家看望父亲,没有钱买食物。30A虽然身无分文,但是他始终坚信帮助别人就意味着帮助自己。31B根据下文中的helped him load th

21、e lumber back into his truck可知,在拐弯的时候木材掉了。32C他停下车,帮助卡车司机把木材重新装到车上。pull over“驶向路边;向路边停靠”,C项正确。33C卡车司机把手伸向Mark。offer sb.s hand“伸出手”,C项正确。34A司机手里是一百美元,Mark不敢相信他的眼睛。本题选择A项。35DMark告诉卡车司机没必要给钱,但是司机仍然坚持要给他。 .阅读理解三峡名校3月联考)That summer I drank every day, everywhere I went. I had a bottle in my drawer next to

22、me and a bottle next to my bed. I never did another drug, but I drank so much that my family finally asked a priest (牧师) for help. My father gave me a bottle of medicine for alcoholism that produces unpleasant symptoms when users drink alcohol. I drank while taking it, which made me very sick. And I

23、 still drank.When the priest came, he said, “Jimmy, doctors said that with your diseases and the amount of drinking youre doing, youd be lucky to live another six months . So your choice is either to stop drinking and live or to continue drinking and die within six months.”I said, “I know I cant sto

24、p, so guess Ill have to die.” The priest told my family what I said. My little brother who is like my soul mate (心心相印的伙伴), looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, “But we dont want you to die.” All I could think of was how desperately I had to get out of that room at that moment and have a dri

25、nk.But I finally stopped drinking. I was on the care team of my dentist Russell. A lot of people in New York knew him. At the time he was the most famous dentist in the city. He drank heavily and was also with AIDS, so I was selected to be on his care team. Everybody on the team was sober (清醒) but m

26、e. He went through dementia (痴呆) and died so quickly before my eyes. I stopped drinking and Ive been with the disease for 35 years now.36Why did the authors father give him the bottle of medicine?A. He wanted him to cure his illness.B. He was trying to keep him from dying.C. He thought the medicine

27、could make him sick.D. He believed it could prevent him drinking.37What did the priest mean by saying to the author “. youd be lucky to live another six months” in the second paragraph?A. The author would die after six weeks.B. The author was too lucky to live for six months.C. The author could hard

28、ly live for six months.D. The authors luck was only six months.38How did the author stop drinking?A. The dentist Russell helped him to stop it.B. He was persuaded by the dentist Russells death.C. His care team managed to inspire him.D. His little brothers soul saved him.36D根据第一段中的“My father gave me a bottle of medicine for alcoholism that produces unpleasant symptoms when users drink alcohol .”推测可知。作者的父亲给了他一瓶药,他相信这种药能够帮助作者戒酒。37C根据第二

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