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1、1What are the different ways in which organizations can be structured?Organizations often have either a tall structure or a flat structure.A tall structure usually has many levels or layers of management. It is hierarchical.A flat structure has fewer layers of management. This often results in more

2、individual responsibility.2What factors may contribute to the changes in an organization?It considers changes which have happened as a result of technology, new working practices and increasing globalization.Sociological, Technological, Economic, Ecological and Political factors may contribute to th

3、e changes in an organization.3. How have these changes affected people at work? How have the changes affected people personally?Effects on people at work:Positive:working with new technology, such as quicker communication , to be more convenient,efficient, increased efficiency, Work from home/teleco

4、mmuting.Increased job securityGoing to other country or place to work/Set up ones own business, developing his careerNegative:Bring more challenge and opportunitiesUnder great pressure, stressful and difficult, severe competition Effects on people personallyExperiencing a different lifestyleTravelin

5、gImproved salaryChange a job easily4How does an organization operate in a global market?(p22)In response to this growing global market, companies need to make changes to adapt.1)Building capacity-Businesses have attempted to remain competitive and commercially profitable on the global market. They h

6、ave also aimed to attain world-class performance.2)Investing in people-Focusing on developing the potential of each individual employee.3)Meeting customer expectationsSatisfying the greater choice as well as lower prices demanded by customers4)Strengthening the role of management-Promoting a vision

7、that everyone working in the company can understand.5. Advantages and disadvantages of working at home?Advantages:DisadvantagesNo traffic jams-Saving timeMore flexibleGet more free time.Fewer distractions.More work can be done.People feel isolated.Less human contactLess social activities.Find a bala

8、nce between working at home and working in the office. One cant work in complete isolation. One needs some contact with the outside world.Module 2 The Customer6 How important is a strong customer service policy to the success of the company?A companys success mainly depends on the customers . Withou

9、t a strong customer service, a company cant make living and survive for a long time. A strong customer service policy ensures the improvement of the customer service.7. What is a company supposed to do to improve customer service?Making everyone aware of how important a good customer service is.Trai

10、n the staff on customer care. Every one should learn to be more helpful, pleasant and friendlyProvide a friendly environment to get customers feedback quickly to meet their needs.8. About brand values, what should a company do to increase its brand value?The five brand values are: quality, friendlin

11、ess, innovation, value for money and choice.In order to increase the brand value, a company should provide the higher quality of products and service; train the staff to be more friendly and knowledgeable; innovate frequently; improve its service to a high level ; have various products available; ha

12、ve a good supervision system.9 How do you get customer feedback? How do you conduct the survey? How do you select the sample group of people? (Or how are you supposed to?)第一问:There are three ways of getting feedback from customers: in face-to-face interviews, on the telephone and through a written q

13、uestionnaire.第二问:Choose a sample of the target customers to ask questions relating to the data the company needs.conducting an interviewTelephone the customersHand out the companys questionnaires ,brochures or materials for the customers to fill in.Send emails or letter to the customers第三问:survey th

14、e sample group of people in their own home is often useful. There are three main types of survey: doorstep interviews, postal surveys and telephone surveys.10 What is Total Quality Management? What is the difference between TQM and traditional management?第一问:TQM stands for Total Quality Management.

15、Total means that everyone is involved in the final product or service to the customer. Quality is a objective rather than a subjective concept, we must understand it in the same way. We can measure and manage it. Management means TQM will not happen by accident. 第二问:The traditional idea of quality c

16、ontrol is of people checking finished articles to see if they come up to standard, rejecting those that dont and investigating problems when they happen. This is a reactive approach to quality-“Wait until something goes wrong and then fix it”.But TQM is quite different from that. It is a proactive r

17、ather than a reactive process.11 What is “cash flow”?The cash flow shows where cash comes from and where it goes over a period of time.12 How do you give a presentation about the companys financial performance?P141I should prepare well by writing out what I want to say and then practicing it. Howeve

18、r, it isnt a good idea to read it because I cant sound very natural and cant make eye contact with my audience. So I will talk from notes Ive made. In the presentation I will dress formally and prepare some visual aids to help me.Most presentations follow a similar structure and often use the same l

19、anguage. Normally it is divided into six parts: Greeting, Introducing the purpose of the presentation, Introducing the sequence of the presentation, Referring to visuals, Changing topic, and Summarizing and concluding.13 What should a business plan include? P150It usually should include:1) Executive

20、 summary2) Nature of the business3) Management of the business4) Sales and marketing5) Product and services6) Premises, equipment and vehicles7) Legal and insurance8) Financial planning-profit and loss9) Monitoring performance-cash-flow forecast10) Personal survival budget11) Assessing profitability

21、12) Contingency plans/risk assessment14 What is the business plan for?It helps a company to look back the performance in the past and anticipate trends and see opportunities before the competition does. It is for a company to ask for loan from bank and investment from shareholders or investors. It h

22、elps you to set up a new business. The cash-flow forecast is a document thats going to enable you to monitor and control your business.15 Could you tell some of the reasons why some businesses fail?Most of those companies go out of business because of working capital or cash-flow problems. Many smal

23、l businesses fail because they dont understand finance well.Increasing sales too quickly is one of the largest causes of small business failure.Your customers paid late. You couldnt pay your suppliers.Your suppliers stopped supplying you, You couldnt produce any more products. You didnt supply your

24、customers on time, They went to your competitors instead.You didnt pay your staff regularly, They left to find more secure jobs.You borrowed more money from the bank, You couldnt pay the interest. 作业216 What is the procedure of market research? How do you write market research reports ( in terms of

25、structure and language)?(按照结构和语言) Find the focus group to carry out the market research. Finish the questionnaire Prepare the market research reportsA market research report will usually contain the following sections: Introduction Aims The aim of this research is to. Methodology(the methods) This research was administered using a questionnaire by inviting (+人数) customers. Results/Key findings Conclusions and recommendations To sum up, 17 What is the proper attitude towards teamwork?Working in teams may: be motivating2

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