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外研版高中英语选修7 Module 4 Music born in America知识点整理二Word文档格式.docx

1、consist in. 在于 consist with . 与一致;符合 Her charm does not consist only in her beauty.她的魅力不仅在于她的美貌。 The report consists with facts. 这篇报道符合事实。(1)Computer systems_hardware h:dwe and software.A.consist of B.made up C.consist in consisted of(2)The class_50 considered of B.consists C.cons

2、ists of made of(3)The search group_11men,and at last they found the missing boy in the train.A.consisted by B.was consisted by C.consisted of D.was consisted of(4)The visiting group_famous football players.A.consists of B.makes up C.including D.insists of(5)American Indians_about five percent o

3、f the US population.A.fill up B.bring up C.make up D.set up(6)An excellent musician can not only sing songs wonderfully but also_songs and even play several kinds of musical B.compose C.perform D.act(7)The new plan_three parts,each of which is very important.A.composes of c

4、omposed of C.makes up D.makes up of(8)同义句转换:世界由七大洲组成The world consists of seven continents.=The world_seven continents kntnnt,=The world_seven continents.=Seven continents_the world.(9)The group shall_(compose)four students so that they can help each other with their English.(10)As we all know,the U

5、K is a large country_four parts.A.consisting of B.makes up C.consist of make up of(11)用consist短语的适当形式填空。a)Happiness does not _ how much money you have b)The delicious soup _ tomatoes, peas and meat. c)As we all know, theory should _ practice. d)The committee_ten member.e)What you say doesnt_wha

6、t you do.f)The beauty of Venice_the style of its ancient buildings.(12)Would you please tell us something about the Group of Eight(G8)?OK.G8 is an international organization_(consist)of the richest countries in the world,five of which are quite small and two of which are island states.(1)A (2)C (3)C

7、 (4)A (5)C (6)B创作歌曲 (7)B(8)is made up of is composed of make up (9)be composed of (10)A (11)a)consist in b)consists of c)consist with d)consists of e)consist with f)consists in (12)consisting你能告诉我们八国集团的一些情况吗?八国集团是一个国际组织,它由世界上最富有的国家组成,其中一个国家很小,有两个国家是岛国。8.decline n衰退;下降;减少;vt & vi拒绝;下降 be in decline处于

8、下降,衰退中 be on the decline在下降,在衰退 decline to do sth拒绝做某事 We are studying the decline of ancient Rome.我们在研究古罗马的衰落。 The number of tourists to the resort declined by 10% last year.去年到这个地区旅游的人数减少了10%。 His interest in computer games is now in decline. The town declined after the mine closed.衰落 Allen angril

9、y declined to discuss the matter.拒绝 (1)The number of tourists to the area_by 30% since the earthquake occurred. A.have been decreased B.has been fallen C.has declined D.have fallen (2)She declined_(have) lunch with her friend,saying that she wasnt feeling well. (3)Though their input投入,输入 is on decli

10、ne,they still spend much money on their new house. (改错) (4)阅读理解 Cities with a declining population may have to face the prospect(前景) of a shrinking tax base and a fall in land values.If there are fewer children going to school,teachers may be thrown out of work.When the pressure of population on hou

11、sing declines,prices also decline and the building industry is weakened.Faced with considerations such as these,the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population,rather than one which is stable or in decline. According to the writer,developed countries prefe

12、r_. A.a stand still population B.a fast increasing population C.a slowly growing population D.a steadily decreasing population (1)C decline和 fall作“下降,减少”讲时都是不及物动词。(2)to have (3)on改为in或者在第一个on后加the (4)C9.instant adj立刻的 n片刻 instantly adv立即 instance(=example)例子,情况 for instance例如 The instant/Instantly h

13、e reached the country,he started his search. (1)People all over the country felt shocked_they heard about the news_eight children were killed at the school gate. A.the moment;that B.when;which C.immediately;/ D.the second;what (2)He had a strange hairstyle and he_(instant) became the focus of attent

14、ion the moment he_(step) into the classroom. (1)A (2)instantly stepped10.advantage n优点;优势;益处 disadvantage n不利;缺点 have an advantage over优于某人,胜于 take advantage of利用 to ones advantage=to the advantage of sb对某人有利 be of advantage to sb对某人有利 to advantage有效地,有利地,显眼地Hang the picture somewhere where it will

15、show up to advantage.把这幅画挂在便于它显示较好效果的地方。 have an advantage of具有的有利条件 She had the advantage of a good education. In playing volleyball you have the advantage of being tall. (1)More and more people are signing for Yoga(瑜伽) classes,_advantage of the health and relaxation benefits. A.taking B.taken C.ha

16、ving taken D.having been taken (2)Shes got the job because she has the advantage_others of knowing more knowledge. A.over B.above C.against D.beyond (3)The dog may be a good companion for the old.However,the need to take it for walks may be a_.(advantage) (4)Television has many_(advantage).It keeps

17、us informed about the latest news and provides entertainment in the house. (5)It is a great_for a person to be able to drive when he is seeking a job. A.advantage B.chance C.benefit D.fortune (6)British students have a language_for jobs in the USA and Australia over our Chinese. A.chance B.ability C

18、.possibility D.advantage (7)Where is your daddy,Jenny? He takes_of the good weather to go out for a walk. A.benefit B.control C.advantage D.access (8)Being able to speak English fluently is your_when you look for a better job. A.chance B.advantage C.importance D.opportunity (9)Havent you learned of

19、the advantage you should_ others weak points in order to win the match?A.make on B.make of C.have to D.take of(10)The present situation is of advantage to him.(同义短语替换)(11)We should take full advantage of the advantages at present.(同义句转换)Full_ _ _ _ _the advantages at present. (1)A越来越多的人报名参加瑜伽课,利用其健康

20、和放松的益处。现在分词短语作伴随状语 (2)A (3)disadvantage (4)advantages (5)A (6)D (7)C (8)B (9)D短语:take advantage of 利用,题中Havent you learned of后是一个定语从句,先行词为the advantage,省略了关系代词that/which,从句中take后缺少宾语。根据短语所以用take of。(10)to his advantage (11)advantage should be taken of11.spread vt & vi(spread-spread-spread) (1)vt使伸展;

21、张开,展开,铺开 (常与out连用);摆好(餐桌),上(菜等) He spread a blanket on the bed.他在床上铺了一条毯子。 The bird spread its wings.鸟展开翅膀。 The table was spread for dinner.桌子已摆好,准备吃晚饭。 (2)vi(消息等)传开,流传 The news spread through the factory very quickly.消息很快传遍工厂。 The fire spread from the factory to the house nearly.火势从工厂蔓延至附近的房舍。 (3)n

22、蔓延,传播 They took steps to prevent the spread of infuenza.他们采取措施阻止流感的传播。注意:spread表示“消息、谣言、知识等的传播”时,是不及物动词,因此没有被动语态。可以和get around/round/about替换。 spread out展开;张开;散开spread sth over sth把某物铺在上 spread sth on sth在上涂 spread sth with sth把某物涂在上 spread to sth蔓延到某物 lease spread my bread with some apple jam. The b

23、oy spread out a carpet.这个小男孩展开了一块地毯。 I want to spread butter on pieces of toast.我想要在烤面包上抹黄油。 (1)Papermaking began in China and from here it_to North Africa and Europe. A.spread B.grew C.carried D.developed (2)Please spread the tablecloth_the table. A.on B.onto C.over D.above (3)Soon the fire_(spread

24、) from the riverside to the mountain. (4)He_the rumor ru:m 谣言here and there that the price would go up. A.spread B.scattered C.expanded D.extended (5)How did you know it?Well,the news_all over the town. A.was spread B.spread C.was spreading D.had been spread (6)_its wings,the bird headed for the isl

25、and.(spread) (7)A broad smile spread_Jacks face when he eventually gained a scholarship. (8)As civilization_(spread),more and more people have realized the importance of preserving保持 rare animals from dying out. (9)We spread white covers over the bowls_(keep) flies away. (10)According to the World H

26、ealth Organization,health care plans are needed in all big cities to prevent the_(蔓延,传播)of AIDS. (11)The game was a great success in the United States and it soon_(spread) to Australia and then to other English-speaking countries. (12)She had to work deep into the night,otherwise she couldnt have sp

27、read the messages_all the relevant有关的 people successfully. (13)Contrary to what many people think,HIV cannot_(spread) through mosquitoes,a cough or sneeze. (14)I was still sleeping when the fire broke out and then it_(spread) quickly. (15)With the rapid growth of population,the city_(spread) in all

28、directions in the past five years. (16)完形填空 In the dining room of my grandfathers house stood a massive(巨大的) grandfather clock.Meals in that dining room were a_for four generations to become one.The table was always_with food from wonderful family recipes(食谱) containing love as the main ingredient(成分).And always that grandfather clock stood like a trusted old_,sharing our happiness. B.time D.situation A.filled B.cleared C.spread D.left A.friend B.guard (1)A造纸术起源于中国,并且

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