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本文(高中英语必修1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero教学安排及6课时参考教案附反思Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高中英语必修1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero教学安排及6课时参考教案附反思Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、第六课时 表达课(说写) 把 wring 和 Project 整合起来可定位为一节表达课,学生通过写和说来表达自己的观点和想法。第七课时 总结 适当讲解本单元的配套练习,师生共同总结本单元所学知识。第一课时Warming up第一步:通过问学生一些问题引入本课的话题:1. Who do you think is the most powerful student in you class?(以身边同学为例,引发学生兴趣,调动学生对该话题的讨论积极性)2. What qualities do you think he has? Or can you use some adjectives to

2、describe him/her? (回忆所学过的关于描述人的形容词:honest, humorous, hard-working, quick-minded, co-operative, smart, tall, handsome, easy-going, ready to help others, etc)3. Can we say that he/she is a great person? Why?(通过讨论,引发学生对伟人所具品质的思考);第二步:个人活动,完成问卷调查表。教师可酌情自己加一些问题,如:Do you love your parents?Do you always do

3、 housework at home?Are you ready to help others anytime anywhere?Do you always try your best to get along well with the people around you?Do you easily give up doing some difficult tasks?第三步:两人活动,交流以上问卷调查中的个人资料后总结,教师可用以下问题提示:What qualities does your partner have?Is he/she a great person?Will he/she

4、be a great person in the future?第四步:个别学生向全班介绍同伴的品质。Pre-reading学生合上书本,教师展示一些名人图片,如 Abraham Lincoln, Bill Clinton 等,让学生猜他们分别是谁;教师念一些名人身平事迹,再让学生把这些事迹与人物对应;学生看书上名人的照片并阅读书上的人物介绍,不懂的地方向老师请教,教师酌情讲解一些词汇,如 principle, fight等;学生两人讨论:在所有这些人物中,你认为哪些是伟人,哪些是重要人物,并谈谈你的区分标准;第五步:联系身边的实际情况,学习讨论伟人和重要人物的区别,如重要人物班长和伟大人物白

5、求恩之间的区别。Great person: has a great idea; always helps others; unselfishly gives up something to achieve his/her goal, etc.Important person: plays an important role in some field, organizations or great events.Homework1. Pre-view Reading on page 34;2. Underline the new words and phrases and some parts

6、 you find difficult to understand.第二课时Reading& Comprehending学生浏览Exercise 1 的题目,以对本文的主要内容有一定了解;学生阅读课文,完成 Exercise 1;老师与学生一起讨论 Exercise 1 的答案,了解学生对文章的理解,遇到 False 的题,让个别学生解释为什么不对并改正;学生阅读全文,完成 Exercise 2(老师告诉学生关于一些年代的信息,如 1942,1944,1950 和 1954 课本中是没有的)并要求学生记忆相关的信息,随后要向大家介绍Elias 的生平);师生一起讨论 Exercise 2,并邀

7、请一些学生向大家简要介绍一下本文主人公;第六步:学生根据自己的理解划分课文段落,并概括段落大意。Suggested Answer:Part I paragraph 1-2 The life of Elias before he met Nelson Mandela.Part II paragraph 3-5 The change of Elias life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did.Homework:1. Learning about language on page 35;2. Using words and expre

8、ssions on page 70, workbook.第三课时Learning about languageDiscovering useful words and expressions核对表格内容和填空练习的答案;两人活动,一个同学说出单词的英文解释,另一同学说出相对应的单词;填空题由学生念出答案。以列为单位,一人念一句,这样不仅可以调动同学们的课堂参与积极性,还可以培养他们断句的能力,加强写作中的衔接意识;Discovering useful structures学生读下列句子并找出规律:The mines where I got a job were 9km from my home

9、.The reason why I got a job was because of my hard work.The time when I joined the ANC Youth League was late at night.The government building where we voted was very grand.The date when I arrived was the 5th August.五句中关系副词 where, why, when 都可以用介词加关系代词来替换,如The mines in which I got a job were 9km from

10、 my home.The reason for which I got a job was because of my hard work.The time at which I joined the ANC Youth League was late at night.The government building in which we voted was very grand.The date on which I arrived was the 5th August.学生找出课文中的定语从句,并分析每句的关系代词或关系副词的使用情况,看看自己是不是对每句话的关系词的选择都无异议,如有问

11、题,可跟同桌讨论;师生一起分析本文中出现的定语从句,挑出一些比较难理解句子一起探讨。如:Today we have reach a stage where we have almost no rights at all.We were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight against the Government.教师指导学生归纳定语从句的语法,尤其是由关系副词引导的定语从句;(可由关系代词 who, that, which, whom;关系副词where, w

12、hen, how, why 等引导并简要概括何时用关系代词何时用关系副词)学生完成 Exercise 2 并核对答案;做 Exercise3 的游戏,活跃课堂气氛,以了解学生对定语从句的掌握程度。Learning about vocabularywillingbe/ seem/ look/ sound willing to do sth;E.g He seems willing to help us.fightfight against; fight with; fight forE.g. This increased their determination to fight against

13、that dirty war.They fought with each other against their enemies.They are fighting for freedom and independence.adviseadvise sb (not) to do sth; advise sb against doing sthE.g They advised her not to act in haste.=They advised her against acting in haste.advise doing sthE.g She advised holding an En

14、glish party this weekend.advise that sb/sth (should) doE.g I advised that he (should) come at once. positionin a position to do sthE.g Im not in a position to help you right out of positionE.g This chair is out of position. Please put it back in position.fearfor fear that/ofE.g For fear of a

15、ccidents, please drive slowly.She was worried for fear that the child would be hurt.rewardin reward(of)E.g We got nothing in reward for our kindness.He is presented with a gold watch in reward of his services.1. Using structures on page 71, workbook;2. Pre-view Reading on page 38.第四课时ReadingThe REST

16、 OF ELIAS STORY教师介绍一些有关罗本岛的信息:罗本岛共关押过包括南非前总统曼德拉、现任总统姆贝基之父等3000多名黑人运动领袖和积极分子。因此,罗本岛被视为南非黑人反对种族隔离、争取民族自由解放的象征。罗本岛于1996年9月被政府宣布为国家博物馆,成为著名的瞻仰地和旅游胜地。1999年12月,罗本岛被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。学生先看课本的问题,然后在十分钟内读完文章并完成练习;师生一起讨论分析答案;学生回答问题:When did Elias lose his job?Does Elias like his present work?讲解重要的词汇,如: come to

17、power, in reward, be proud to do sthE.g He came to power three years ago=He has been in power for 3years.I gave the boy 3 Yuan in reward.Im proud to give you a speech.Reading task问学生一些问题? Do you like Bill Gates? Do you think he is a great man?规定学在一定时间内阅读文章,然后小组讨论共同完成文章后的表格;自由讨论“the Bill Gates in my

18、eye”;学生自由发言。1. Translation sentences on page 71, workbook;2. Write your own composition: the Bill Gates in my eye.第五课时Listening Using language学生阅读练习的问题(教师可作简单的提示),如 ANC Youth League听录音,完成选择题;全班对答案或同桌之间讨论答案;精听录音,可重复学生认为难的部分;小组讨论:1. What disadvantages did Elias have in finding a job?2. Is it fair to t

19、reat others badly for things they cannot change, like sex, the colour of skin or eyes or the race one belongs to?3. Are there any people in Guangdong Province that are not treated fairly? Why do you think they are looked down upon? As a high school student, what can you do to change this situation?个

20、别同学与大家分享他们的想法。Listening task老师手持一手提袋(或身边任意物品)问学生:What do you think of the handbag? Do you think it is beautiful?教师提示:对相同的事物不同人有不同看法(Different people may have different point of view from others. Maybe that is why the police question different people to get accurate evidence);学生先浏览要求课本题目,然后播放录音,并提醒学生

21、做笔记;学生先讨论问题答案,然后师生一起讨论,教师不公布正确答案;再次播放录音。师生共同讨论正确答案;如学生对答案有异议,可再次播放录音。Summing Up on page 40.第六课时Writing学生讨论问题:1. What do you think is the purpose of this passage?2. Do you think Elias tells his story well? Give a reason.3. What is the tone of Elias story? Do you think you like him because of the way

22、he tells his story?通过对这些问题的讨论,学生可对两篇 reading passage 的篇章结构,陈述的顺序及语气等有一定了解,这对他们之后的写作有很大帮助;学生讨论已学的关于曼德拉的事迹并阅读关于曼德拉的身平事迹( On page 39);小组活动,讨论:Imagine now Mr Mandela is in prison. As a high school student who is against racial discrimination, will you do something to save him? What can you do and what w

23、ill you do to persuade the government to free him?小组代表汇报讨论内容;写一封信给 The President of South Africa;先让学生整理思路,列好提纲,做好写作的准备;二十分钟内完成写作;个别学生宣读自己的作文,其余同学学习其中精彩的部分。学生范文Dear President,I am writing to ask you to free Nelson Mandela. Here are some reasons why I think he should be free.As we all know, people wit

24、h different colors should be equal. Nelson Mandela devoted all his life to realize this dream. I n1994, he founded the ANC Youth League to call on people to struggle for their rights to vote. In 1952, he opened a law office to help the poor black people in Johannesburg on their problems. The black p

25、eople loved him.In 1962, Mandela encouraged people to use violence against anti-black laws to get their rights, so he was sentenced to five years hard labor. One year later, as one of the leaders of the ANC, he led them to blow up the government buildings to realize their dream of making black and w

26、hite people equal, so that he was again sentenced to prison for life on Robben Island until now.I think, what he did was for his people, his country, not for himself. He has an unselfish and brave heart. As he is a great man, you should set him free. Best wishes!Yours truly,Mary SmithProject教师提问:Do

27、you think there is a great person in your hometown? What did he or she do to make you believe that he or she is a great person? Can you tell us something about him/ her?可提示列举一些伟人以打开学生思路, 如王若飞( 贵州),毛泽东(湖南)叶剑英(广东)等;分成四人小组讨论写下一份报告;学生代表宣读报告。1. Prepare for the words dictation;2. Hand in your group report

28、 on the great person in our hometown.第七课课时Summary老师先让学生 brainstorm, 回忆本单元所学过的词汇,学生边说老师边把它们写在黑板上,并分成四大组:Group 1: hero quality willing republic principle prisoner continue lose heart in trouble out of workGroup 2: fee youth league stage vote position accept violence as a matter of fact blow upGroup 3: equal blanket guard educated terror fear cruelty put in prison come to powerGroup 4: reward right(n.) criminal president sentence(v.) sincerely set up b

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