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The Sound Of Music音乐之声剧本Word下载.docx

1、M: Oh, please Mother, do let me ask for forgiveness. If it will make you feel better. Yes. Well you see, the sky was so blue today and everything was so green and fragrant. I just had to be a part of it! And you know those birds kept meeting me higher and higher as though it wanted me to go right th

2、rough the clouds with it. Child, suppose darkness had come and you were lost? Oh, Mother, I could never be lost up there. Thats my mountain, I was brought up on it. It was the mountain that led me to you. Oh? When I was a child, I would come down the mountain and climb a tree and look over into your

3、 garden. Id see the sisters at work and I would hear them sing on their way to Vespers, which brings me to another transgression, Reverend Mother. I was singing out there today without permission.Reverend other: Maria, it is only here in the abbey that we have rules about postulant singing. I cant s

4、eem to stop singing wherever I am. And whats worse, I cant seem to stop saying things. Everything and anything I think and feel. Some people would call that honesty. No, but its terrible, Reverend Mother. You know how Sister Beth always makes me kiss the floor after we had a disagreement? Well latel

5、y Ive taken to kissing the floor when I see her coming just to save time. Maria, when you saw us over the abbey wall and longed to be one of us, that didnt necessarily mean that you were prepared for the way we live here, did it? No, Mother. But I pray and I try and I am learning. I really am. What

6、is the most important lesson you have learned here, my child? To find out what is the will of God and to do it whole-heartedly. Maria, it seems to be the will of God that you leave us. Leave you? Only for a while, Maria. Oh, please, Mother, dont do that. Please dont send me away! This is where I bel

7、ong. Its my home. My family. Its my life. Are you truly ready for it? Yes, I am. Perhaps if you go out into the world for a time, knowing what we expect of you. You will have a chance to find out that you could expect it from yourself. I know what you expect, Mother, and I can do it. I promise I can

8、! Maria. Yes, mother. It is Gods will. There is a family near Salzburg that needs a governess until needs a governess until September. September?! To take care of seven children. Seven children? Do you like children Maria? Oh yes, but seven. I will tell Captain Von Trapp to expect you tomorrow. A ca

9、ptain? A retired officer of the imperial Navy. A fine man and a brave one. His wife died several years ago. Living in the dorm with the children, and I understand he has had a most difficult time managing to keep a governess there. Er. Why difficult, Reverend Mother? The Lord will show you in His ow

10、n good time.(Maria, with her bag and guitar in hands, walks sullenly out of the abbey.)M (singing): What will this day be like, I wonder.What will my future be, I wonder.It could be so exciting to be out in the world, to be free.My heart should be wildly rejoicing, Oh, whats the matter with me?ve al

11、ways longed for adventure, to do the things Ive never did. Now here Im pacing adventure, then why am I so scared?(Oh, help.)I have confidence in confidence alone, Besides which you see, I have confidence in me.(English哈里路亚!伯尼丝修女(以下简称“伯”):院长嬷嬷院长嬷嬷(以下简称“嬷”):伯尼丝修女。伯:我怎么也找不着她。嬷:玛丽亚吗?她又不在修道院了。修女A:或许我们应该在



14、们时,这并不就意味着你得准备着象我们这样生活,是吗?不,嬷嬷!我祈祷着,并且努力着,而且,我在学习 ,真的。孩子,你在这儿学到的最重要的一课是什么?去发现什么是主的意愿,并全心全意地去执行。玛丽亚,这似乎是主的意愿,要你离开我们。离开你们?玛丽亚,只是暂时离开。嬷嬷,求求您不要这样做!请不要把我送走!我属于这儿,这儿是我的家,有我的亲人,是我的生命。你真的为此准备好了吗?是的。或许,如果你去外面的世界过一段时间,了解了解我们对你的期望。你也就有机会来发现你自己的期望。嬷嬷,我知道您的期望,我能做到的,我发誓我能做到。玛丽亚是的,嬷嬷。这是主的意愿。萨尔斯堡附近有个家庭需要一名女家庭教师,工作到


16、对自己充满信心(In front of the Von Trapps house, Maria wonders at its grandeur. She knocks at the door. A man appears.) Hello, here I am!m from the convent. Im the new governess, Captain. Franz: And Im your butler, Fraulein. Oh, well, how do you do? Hmm. Wait here, please. (While waiting, Maria enters a ha

17、ll. It is such a magnificent hall, that she cant help dancing. The Captain appears.)Captain (Short for C): Why do you stare at me that way? Well, you dont look at all like a sea captain, sir. C:m afraid you dont look much like a governess. Turn around, please. What? Turn. Hat off. Its the dress. You

18、 have to put on another one before you meet the children. But I dont have another one. When we enter the abbey, our worldly clothes are given to the poor. What about this one? The poor didnt want this one. I would have made myself a new dress but there wasnt time. I can make my own clothes. Well, Il

19、l see that you get some material. Today, if possible. Now, Maria. Fraulein Maria, I dont know how much the Mother has told you? Not much. Youre the twelfth in a long line of governesses, who have come to look after my children since their mother died. I trust that you will be an improve

20、ment on the last one. She stayed only two hours. Whats wrong with the children, sir? There was nothing wrong with the children, only the governesses. They were completely unable to maintain discipline. Without it, the house cannot be properly run. Please remember that, Fraulein. Yes, Sir. Every morn

21、ing you will drill the children in their studies. I will not permit them to dream away their summer holidays. Each afternoon they will march about the ground, breathing deeply. Bedtime is to be strictly observed. No exceptions. Excuse me, sir. When do they play?ll see to that they conduct themselves

22、 at all time with the utmost orderliness and decorum, Im placing you in command. Yes, sir.(Captain blows his whistle. After slamming of doors, the children appear on the terrace in a line, and then walk down one by one.) Now, this is your new governess, Fraulein Maria. As I sound your signals, you w

23、ill step forward and give your name. You, Fraulein, will listen carefully. Learn their signal so you can call them when you want them. Liesl: Liesl.Frederick: Frederick.Louisa: Louisa.Kurt: Kurt.Bargitta: Bargitta.Marta: Marta.(The youngest girl steps forward.) And Gretl. Now, lets see how well you

24、listened. Oh, I wont need to whistle for them, Reverend Captain. I mean, Ill use their names. And such lovely names. Fraulein, this is a large house. The grounds are very extensive. I will not have anyone shouting. You will take this, please. Learn to use it. The children will help you. Now, when I

25、want you, this is what you will hear. No, sir. Im sorry, sir. I could never answer to a whistle. Whistles are for dogs and cats and other animals but not for children and definitely not for me. It would be too humiliating. Fraulein, were you this much trouble at the abbey? Oh, much more, sir. Excuse

26、 me, sir, I dont know your signal. You may call me Captain. (Captain leaves.) At ease. Well now that theres just us. Would you please tell me what are your names again and how old you are?m Liesl. Im sixteen years old and I dont need a governess.m glad you told me, Liesl. Well just be good friends.m Frederick. Im fourteen. Im impossible. Really? Who told you that, Frederick? Fraulein Josephine. Four governesses ago.m Bargitta. You didnt tell me how old you are, Louisa.m Bargitta, shes Louisa. Shes thirteen years old and youre smart. Im ten and I think

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