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选修八Unit 2 Cloning精讲巧练Word下载.docx

1、Japanese differs greatly from French in pronunciation.【拓展】 difference n. 差异, 差别;different adj.不同的如:There are many differences between living in a big city and living in the country.They sometimes have different ideas about living, working and playing.常见词组:be different from 与不同make a difference 有很大差别

2、, 有很大的关系【随 时 练】Thoughts of westerners differ much _ easterners in a number of ways.A. betweenB. between those C. from D. from those ofKey: Dundertake【原句回放】The procedure is difficult to undertake, of course. (P11)【点拨】 undertake vt. to agree to be responsible for a job or project and do it表示“ 从事,着手做,承

3、担”,undertake to do sth。 许诺做某事;undertake that 保证The lawyer undertook the case without a fee.I undertook to teach the children English.I cant undertake that you will make a profit.【拓展】undertaking n. 表示“任务,事业;许诺”如He was required to give a written undertaking not to disclose the details of their contrac

4、t.Organizing a wedding is a major undertaking.【随 时 练】The thirty-storey building is one of the most challenging engineering projects they have ever _.A. undergone B. underlined C. underground D. undertakendisturbing【原句回放】Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill. (P12)【点拨】dist

5、urbing adj. making you feel worried or upset 表示“令人不安的,令人烦恼的”,常用来修饰物;disturbed adj. 表示“被扰乱的, 不安的”,常用来修饰人。如:It is very disturbing that there has been an increase in crime in the last six months.I am very disturbed by the complaints that have been made against you.They are very disturbed children who n

6、eed help.【拓展】disturb vt. 表示“扰乱, 弄乱,打扰”。The host was quite annoyed when he found out that his things on the bookshelves had been disturbed.Im sorry to disturb you with this question.I have heard some bad news that has disturbed me very much.【随 时 练】However, at times this balance in nature is _, result

7、ing in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.A. troubled B. disturbed C. confused D. puzzled Bcast down【原句回放】Cloning scientists were cast down to find that Dollys illness was more appropriate to a much older animal.(P12)【点拨】cast down:feeling unhappy and depressed,表示“使沮丧, 低沉, 使下降”;be cast down=feel

8、 discouraged.He was much cast down by the failure of the experiment.Dont be so cast down. Just keep up your spirits.【拓展】castvt. 表示“扔;投;掷;脱落”。As soon as they reached the fishing area, the fishermen cast their nets into the sea.Every year the snake casts (off) its skin.相关短语:cast away丢弃, 使失事, 使漂流cast o

9、ff 放弃;丢弃cast out 赶走, 驱逐【随 时 练】We were _by the storm on an island without food or water.Acast away B. cast off C. cast out D. cast aside Aobjection【原句回放】On the other hand , Dollys appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination.(P12)【点拨】 objection n.

10、 a statement that shows that you disagree with a plan 表示“反对,异议, 拒绝之理由”,have/take/ feel an objection to对提出异议;对表示反对My main objection to the plan is that it costs too much.I feel a strong objection to getting up early.Have you any objection to my opening the window?【拓展】 object vi. 表示“反对, 拒绝”,后面常跟介词 to或

11、against ;vt. 表示“提出来反对”,可接that引导的从句; 也可用作n. 表示“物体, 宾语, 对象”,如unidentified flying object (UFO) 不明的飞行物, 飞碟。However, others strongly object to developing private cars.I object that he is too young to take that position.Tell me the names of the objects in this room.【随 时 练】We _to punishing a whole group fo

12、r one persons fault.A. complain B. object C. oppose D. resistforbid【原句回放】Governments became nervous and many forbade research into human cloning.(P12)【点拨】 forbid vt. to state that sth. is not allowed, according to a rule or law 表示“ 禁止,不准”,其过去式和过去分词是:forbade, forbidden, 用法如下:forbid sb. to do 禁止某人做某事;

13、 forbid doing禁止做某事。Smoking is forbidden in the concert hall.Most of the parents agree to forbade their children to smoke.【拓展】区别:forbid, ban, prohibit三者都含“禁止”的意思。forbid系常用词, 指“命令某人不做某事”。ban 语气较重, 指权威机关“正式禁止”, 含“严厉谴责”之意,只能用事物作其宾语。prohibit指“通过法律或政府法令禁止”, 如:The doctor forbids him to smoke.Ban atomic and

14、 nuclear weapons!禁止原子武器和核武器!The soldiers were prohibited from leaving camp after dark.【随 时 练】The students are forbidden, unless they have special passes, _ after 11 p.m.A. to stay out B. from staying outC. staying out D. not to stay outaccumulate【原句回放】Some countries such as China and the UK continue

15、d to accumulate evidence of the abundant medical aid that cloning could provide. (P12)【点拨】 accumulate to get more and more of sth. over a period of time, 表示“积累, 堆积”;强调“经过一段比较长的时间由少到多的积累”,使用范围较广。The company has accumulated great wealth within a few years.However, as the evidence began to accum

16、ulate, experts from the London Zoo felt obliged to investigate.然而,随着这种迹象越来越明显,来自伦敦动物园的专家们被迫开始了调查。【拓展】 accumulation n. 表示“积聚,累积量”;accumulative adj. 表示“累积的,渐增的”。The accumulation of knowledge can make us more intelligent.There are large accumulations of snow on the street.His disease resulted from the

17、accumulative effects of eating too much.他的病是由于长期饮食过量造成的。【随 时 练】The snow is beginning to _ in places to the south and east of London and we could see around 5 to 10 cm in rural areas, especially over the hills.A. fall B. accumulate C. winning D. losingin favor of【原句回放】Is it in favor of cloning or aga

18、inst cloning?(P12)【点拨】in favor of :to support a person or an idea, etc that you believe it is right, 表示“赞成;有利于”,其反义词be against.The score was 80 to 78 in favour of the guest team.The exchange rate is in our favour today.常见短语:vote in favor of sth. 投票赞成(某事)【拓展】favor vt.n. 表示“赞同,赞成;偏袒;偏爱”in sbs favor 对某

19、人有利do sb. a favor 帮某人个忙The delay might actually work in our favor.延迟事实上也许对我们有利。Will you do me a favor and phone for me?【随 时 练】I dont like to ask people for help as a rule(通常) but I wonder if you could _ me a favor.A. make B. do C. find D. getobtain【原句回放】Meanwhile you will obtain a lot of information

20、. (P18) 【点拨】obtain to get sth. you want or need, especially by going through a process that is difficult, 表示“得到,获得”。obtain sth. by doings sth. 通过做某事获取某物I havent been able to obtain that book.The facts had been obtained from thousands of students in their first year of university study by aski

21、ng such questions as these.【拓 展】 区别:get, obtain, acquire, gain都含“得到,获得”的意思。get指“以某种方法或手段得到某种东西”;obtain是较正式用语, 常指“通过努力工作、奋力或请求而得到所需的东西”;acquire强调“经过漫长的努力过程而逐渐获得”; gain往往指“通过努力或有意识行动而获得某种有益或有利的东西”。Did you get my telegram last Sunday?He obtained experience through practice.We should try to acquire good

22、 habits.I hope you will gain greater success.【随 时 练】After questioning the man for six hours, the police _ the information they wanted.A. seized B. recovered C. appealed D. obtained【such as/ such as用法】【原句回放1】Sadly the same arbitrary fate affected other species, such as cloned mice. (P12)【原句回放2】Some c

23、ountries such as China and the UK continued to accumulate evidence of the abundant medical aid that cloning could provide. (P12)【点 拨】such as 用来罗列同类人或物中的几个例子,译为“诸如”,可置于被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,其后边不能用逗号。而for example,强调“举例”说明,而且一般只举同类人或物中的一个作为插入语,且用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。such as 用来引导定语从句,as译为“正如,好像”,且在从句中充当主语或宾语; such

24、 that 表示“如此以至于”,引导的是结果状语从句,such常用来修饰名词,常见句型:such a/an +adj. + 可数名词单数,或such +adj. + 不可数名词/可数名词复数。Many of the English programmes are well received, such as Follow Me, Follow Me to Science. English is spoken in many countries, such as Australia, Canada and so on.There are many kinds of pollution, for e

25、xample, noise is a kind of pollution.【链 接 高 考】【考 例1】These houses are sold at such a low price _ people expected.A. like B. as C. that D. which【答案与解析】B. as 表示“正如,好像”,引导的是定语从句,作expected 的宾语。【考 例2】 His plan was such a good one _ we all agreed to accepted it.A. so B. and C. that D. as【答案与解析】C. 考查“such t

26、hat“结构,表示“如此以至于”,修饰名词。【考 例3】My English teachers humor was _ make every student burst into laughter.A. so as to B. such as to C. such that D. so that【答案与解析】B, 句意是:我的英语老师的幽默可以让每个学生都捧腹大笑,本句可以理解为:My English teachers humor was such that he made every student burst into laughter. 如果状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致,可变为不定式结构。写作进行时翻译下文,尽量运用本单元学过的词汇及短语。暑假期间,我从事一项关于家乡水资源的研究,结果发现河水被附近的一家工厂污染了。我立刻把这个令人不安的消息告诉了这家工厂并禁止他们污染水源,然而,他们对我的建议提出了异议,没有理睬。我很灰心,决心收集证据来证明我是正确的。此外,我还借助于媒体的帮助,使更多人们来关注。最后政府开始采取措施来阻止河流被污染。写作过程:审题:_列出相关词汇短语:谋篇(即句型,连接词):_写作: _

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