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1、我国长期受计划经济的影响,城乡差距明显。在农村的中小学,由于经济、社会文化发展的极不平衡,导致国家的音乐教育政策方针不能很好地在农村中小学实施。各级农村教育管理部门的轻美育的观念较为严重。Influenced by planned economy for a long time in China, the disparity between urban and rural areas. In rural primary and secondary schools, due to the uneven economic, social and cultural development, caus

2、es the national music education policies cannot be well implemented in rural primary and secondary schools. Rural education management departments at all levels of aesthetic education concept is more serious. 导致农村各级教育管理部门轻美育的原因主要是中考和高考两个“指挥棒”。同时在全国统一的高考录取中,各地的录取分数也是不一样的。升学录取中存在着学校的等级之分重点与普通,这样就“造成了全

3、国不同地域考生之间受教育权的不平等”。只有考试升学的科目才是“主课”,音乐、体育、美术等科目都是“副科”、“小三门”,对这些科目视作可有可无。The cause of rural education management departments at all levels light aesthetic education mainly two baton exam and the college entrance examination. At the same time in the unified national college entrance examination admissi

4、on, around the admit a mark is not the same. Entrance admission exist in hierarchical key and ordinary schools, thus caused the national educational inequality between different regions the examinee . Only entrance exams subject is core classes, music, sports, art, etc are less important, small thre

5、e, for these subjects as a dispensable. (二)音乐教学师资严重缺失,兼职教师是音乐教学一线的主体(2) music teaching the teachers lack, part-time teacher is the main body of a line of music teaching 农村中小学音乐教师严重缺失,教师队伍的建设也是提高教学质量的基本保障。据调查,我国现有农村中小学90多万所,其中音乐教师才10万人即便是按每校配备1位音乐教师计算,以我国现有音乐院校的培养速度,60年后才能满足这一需求。Deficiency in rural p

6、rimary and secondary school music teacher, the teacher team construction is also a basic guarantee to improve the quality of teaching. According to the survey, in China there are more than 90 rural primary and secondary schools, including 100000 people in the music teacher didnt even calculated at e

7、very school is equipped with a music teacher, to train speed of existing music colleges and universities in our country, 60 years later to meet this demand. 那么现行农村中小学缺额的80多万又是如何完成课表上的音乐课的呢?兼代便成为首选方式。兼代音乐课的老师首先是本校之内其他科目的任课老师,他们大都懂一点音乐理论的师范类老师,我国恢复高考后的人才断层期,国家招收“初师生”、“中师生”,在他们学习中,“小三门”变“大三门”,重视音体美教学技能

8、的培训。这部分毕业生现在仍然有在教学一线兼代艺术课的。其次,兼带音乐课的教师是音乐爱好者,他们至多会一门乐器,能大致拼凑出不太复杂的简谱,看着音乐课本和参考书,就给学生“唱”音乐课了。还有一种音乐老师,他们没有丝毫的音乐基本知识和技能,甚至连对音乐感兴趣都谈不上,只是充当了素质教育、音乐课堂的牺牲品。上级来检查,课程表上、音乐课堂上有个音乐教师了,至于学生受教育与否姑且不论。音乐课表的音乐课其实是上的其他科目,音乐课名存实亡。据调查,全国农村中小学现有音乐教师的学历合格率仅仅只是30%。So the current funding gap of more than 80 rural prima

9、ry and secondary schools and how to accomplish whats on the schedule of music? And has become the preferred way. And generation of music teacher first is the teacher of other subjects within the school, most of them know something about music theory of normal universities, teacher talent fault perio

10、d after restore the university entrance exam in China, the country recruited at the beginning of the teachers and studentsteachers, in their study, change big three, attaches great importance to the music, the training of teaching skills. This part of the graduates now is still in the teaching line

11、and generation of art classes. Second, and the music teacher is a music lover, they will as much as a musical instrument, can generally pieced together not too complex chords, watching music textbooks and reference books, will give students sing the music class. There is a music teacher, they dont h

12、ave any music basic knowledge and skills, even not interested in music, just as the victim of quality education, music class. Superior to check, on schedule, there is a music teacher, music class, as for the students by education or whatever. Music music schedule is actually on the other subjects, m

13、usic in name only. According to investigation, the existing music of rural middle and primary school teachers qualifications the percent of pass is only 30%. (三)音乐教师的待遇差(3) the music teachers treatment is poor 在应试教育为主的农村中小学,一切都围着“主科”转,对待“新课标”教育管理者们依旧是置若罔闻。在一份调查材料中有一组数字显示“70.4%的教师对于实施素质教育感到迷茫;69%的学校依

14、旧把学生的考分作为衡量教育的唯一尺度;55.3%的农村小学课程未开齐全(含课表上有但实际没上的)音乐课和美术课”等。In the exam-oriented education to give priority to rural primary and secondary schools, all around major, treat education the new standard of the managers is ignored. In a survey material has a set of digital display 70.4% of the teachers can

15、 be confused for the implementation of quality education; 69% of schools are still the students test scores as the only measure of education; 55.3% of rural primary school curriculum has been is complete (including the schedule) on but not on music and art, etc. 音乐教师的待遇低下主要表现在以下几个方面:1. 教育机构的管理者不重视。2

16、. 同行们的轻视。3. 社会环境中音乐教师没有受到应有的尊重。农村特有的人文环境导致“台上的音乐家是天才,隔壁的音乐家是疯子”的意识普遍存在,音乐教师也自然成了“下里巴人”。Music teachers low treatment is mainly manifested in the following aspects: 1. The managers do not take the education institutions. (2) counterparts of contempt. 3. Social environment music teacher hadnt been the

17、respect they deserve. The special rural cultural environment lead to stage musician is genius, next to the musician is nuts consciousness is widespread, music teachers naturally became the item. (四)教师音乐素质低,科研意识淡薄(4) teachers music quality is low, the scientific research consciousness 由于农村学校的音乐授课教师多是

18、兼代老师、音乐爱好者,所以就很难有较高的专业素质。Because of music teaching in rural school teachers are teachers, music lovers and generation, so it is difficult to have higher professional quality. 一方面,一部分专业的音乐教师因为教学环境、所受待遇等问题,根本就无法安心、钻心从事音乐一线的教学工作。另一方面,也许是平衡一下音乐教师的“低贱”身份;15%的专业音乐教师改行教授了其他学科;只有10%的专业音乐教师还坚守在原来的音乐教学岗位。On t

19、he one hand, part of professional music teachers for the teaching environment, the problem such as treatment, cant secure, linger-sometimes constantly engaged in a line of music teaching. Perhaps, on the other hand, balance beneath identity of teacher of music; 15% of professional music teachers, a

20、professor at the other subjects; Only 10% of professional music teachers still stick to the original music teaching jobs. (五)教学设备极其贫乏,教学效果严重受到影响(5) teaching equipment is very poor, the teaching effect is seriously affected 按照2002年国家教育部印发的九年义务教育阶段学校音乐教学器材配备目录标准,直至2007年的现在,经调查,农村中小学97%的学校没有专门的音乐教室,上课只

21、能在上文化课教室里。由于教学班集中,一个班级上音乐课,整个学校都知道唱了、欣赏了什么歌曲!钢琴的普及率在农村的高级中学里只占5%!绝大多数的中小学上音乐课还是只用一个破旧的、不断维修的脚踏风琴。至于说音乐教室、钢琴、功放音箱、多媒体都只能是农村音乐教师的梦想。According to the 2002 national ministry of education issued by the nine year compulsory education phase catalogue of school music teaching equipment is equipped with stan

22、dard, in 2007 until now, after investigation, 97% of the schools have no special music of rural middle and primary school classroom, the class can only in the math teaching in the classroom. Due to focus on classes, music lessons in a class, the whole school knew about sang, appreciate what songs! P

23、iano penetration in the rural areas accounts for only 5% of senior high school! The vast majority of primary and secondary school music lessons or just a shabby, continuously maintenance of solid organ. As for music, pa speakers, multimedia classrooms, piano. Can only is the dream of the music teach

24、ers. “巧妇难为无米之炊”,纵使专业音乐教师使尽浑身解数,也难以收到预想的教学效果。One, even if professional music teachers to exert all ones skill, also hard to receive expected teaching effect. (六)不开音乐课的中小学仍然大量存在(6) dont open music lessons in the elementary and middle schools still exist in large quantities 教育部制定的“全国学校艺术教育10年发展规划”中明确指出

25、,艺术课程的开课率“至2005年,农村学校达到90%,处境不利地区的学校达到70%”。由于农村中小学教学条件的限制、师资的匮乏、教管部门行政职能上的不作为、农村特有的文化氛围等等因素导致了具体而实际的开课率只能达到30%。换言之,中国80%以上人口数的农家学子里只有三分之一的孩子可以享受到音乐课。Formulated by ministry of education national school art education 10 year development plan explicitly pointed out that art classes rate to 2005, the ru

26、ral schools reached 90%, 70% disadvantaged areas of the school. As a result of the limitation of rural primary and secondary school teaching conditions, the lack of teachers, teaching department in administrative functions as a unique cultural atmosphere in the rural, and so on factors led to the specific and practical classes rate can reach 30%. In other words, China more than 80% of the population in peasant students only one-third of the children can enjoy the music. 二、 由农村音乐教育现状而引发的思考与对策Second, by rural music education present situation of thinking and countermeasures (一)加强各级教育机构的

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