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1、24.Make fast the head/stern line and the spring.挽牢头/尾缆和倒缆。25.Lower one messenger rope to the mooring boat from portside.自左舷松下一根引缆给带缆船。26.Lower one slip wire to the mooring boat from starboard side.自右舷松下一根回头缆给带缆船。27.Walk out the port anchor chain on the water surface.松出左锚锚链到水面。28.Unshackle the port a

2、nchor from the chain before three oclock afternoon.下午3点以前把左锚从锚链上卸下来。29.Heave the port/starboard head/stern line.绞直左/右舷头尾/缆。30.Give a good rope to the tug boat from starboard/port side.从右/左舷卸下一个质量好的缆绳给拖船。31.You must make the tug line fast on the bitts.你必须要把拖缆牢固地挽在缆桩上。32.Slack away the head/stern/ tug

3、 line.松出头/尾/拖缆。33.Let go the head/ stern/tug line.解头/尾/拖缆。34.Let go the spring /the breast line.解到/横缆。35.Tell the bosun to have both anchors stand-by.请告诉水手长准备双锚。36.Be ready for heaving the starboard/port anchor.准备绞右/左锚。37.put windlass into gear.准备绞锚。38.Heave away the anchor.起锚。39.Slack away the star

4、board/port chain.松出右/左锚链。40.Let go one shackle of starboard/port anchor into water.抛右/左锚一节水。41.Let go one shackle of starboard/port anchor on deck.抛右/左锚一节在甲板上。42. Hold on the chain.把锚链刹住。43.Where is the chain leading?锚链什么方向?44.Up and down: leading ahead; leading after; leading to port; leading to st

5、arboard; anchor leading abeam; chain across ships head; anchor is foul; anchor is aweigh; anchor is up; anchor is clear.锚链垂直;锚链向前;锚链向左;锚链向右;锚链打横;锚链绕过船头;锚链绞缠;锚离底;锚出水;锚清爽。45.Is the chain tight?锚链紧吗?46.Chain is very tight/chain is slack.锚链很紧/锚链不紧。47.Carpenter! Slack off the brake.木匠,松开刹车。48.Captain/ ch

6、ief officer, anchor is dragging.船长/大副,船在走锚。49.The chain is broken.锚链断了。50.Secure the chain.把锚链刹住。51.Is the anchor holding?锚抓底了吗?52.How many shackles are out?锚链抛出了多少?53.Lift/lower the derricks of No.3 hatch.升起/放下3号舱的吊杆。54.Please swing the boom overside.请把吊杆甩到外档。55.The crane at hatch No.1 is out of or

7、der. Please have it repaired.1号舱的起重机坏了,请给予修理。56.The cargo runner at hatch No.5 is worn out, Please replace it. 5号舱的吊货钢缆已磨损,请给予更换。57.Please swing the derricks outboard. We want to use the shore crane.请把吊杆甩到外档去,我们要用岸吊作业。58.How many tons can your ships jumbo lift?你船的重吊能吊几吨?59.My ships jumbo can lift th

8、irty-five tons?我船的重吊可员35吨。60.Take off the cover of No.2 Hatch, please!请开启2号舱盖板。61.Open/close the hatches, please!请开/关舱!62.Dont stand under the load.不要站在吊货杆下。63.Get out of the way! Its dangerous here.请走开,此地危险。64.No smoking here. We are Loading / unloading dangerous cargo.此处严禁吸烟。我们正在装/卸危险品。65.Dont sta

9、nd here; the hatch hasnt been covered yet .请不要站在这里,舱口还未盖上。66.Its going to rain , close the hatch at once.水手长,快要下雨了,立即关舱。67.Foreman, its raining. Stop discharging the cargo.工头,下雨了,请立即停止卸货。68.Would you let me know the lifting capacity of your ships crane.你能否告诉我,你船起重机的负荷量?69.Excuse me, let me ask the c

10、hief officer.请见谅,让我去问问大副。70.Tallyman, l find some cargo has been damaged, please dont load them into the hold.理货员,我发现有些货物已经损坏,请不要入舱。71.Put these torn bags on deck, they should be sewed up.理货员,把这些破包放在甲板上,他们需要缝补。72.The casks should be rehooped.这些木桶应当重新加固。73.Chief officer, I found some torn bags in Hat

11、ch No.3.大副,我在3号舱发现一些破包。74.Please open Hatch No.3 and No.4 before six oclock tomorrow morning.请在明天早晨6点以前开启3号舱和4号舱。75.Close all the hatches after completion of loading/discharging tonight.今晚停止装卸工作后,关闭所有的货舱。76.The rain has stopped. Please open Hatch No. 1and No. 2.雨停了,请开启1号舱和2号舱。77.At two oclock this a

12、fternoon, a floating crane will get alongside my ships port / starboard side. Please make the rubber fender ready.下午2点,将有一艘浮吊停靠在我轮的右/左舷,请准备好橡皮靠把。78.My ships port/starboard side has a dent, it was caused by the floating crane.在我轮左/右舷有一个凹形,这是由浮吊引起的。79.Chief officer, my ships port /starboard headline w

13、as broken, it was caused by the passing oil tanker.大副,我轮左/右舷的一根头缆被经过的油轮磨损而破裂。80.When the cargo in Hatch No.2 has been completely discharged, please clean up the hold.水手长,当2号舱的货卸完后,请把货舱打扫干净。81.Please go to Hatch No. 4 and No. 5 to check if anything has been moved.请到4号舱和5号舱检查一下,看看货物有无移动。82.Is the deck

14、 cargo lashed up?甲板货绑好了没有?83.All the deck cargo is secured.所有的甲板货都绑扎牢固。84.Chief officer, the oil tanker has come, which side should get alongside?大副,油轮已经来了,靠哪一弦?85.The port authority strictly prohibits dumping garbage overboard.港口当局是严禁向外舷外倾倒垃圾的。86.In Hatch No.1, there is lots of rust. Please have it

15、 chipped and scraped, then give and new paint.在1号舱里有许多铁锈,请把铁锈刮干净后重新油漆。87.Its gloomy and damp today. Please stop painting out doors.今天又阴又湿,请停止室外的油漆工作。88.It is windy and the sea is quite rough. Shall we have a break for one day?外面风浪很大,我们能否休息一天?89.Please repaint all the life buoys of our ship.请把我轮所有的救生

16、圈重新油漆。90.Lower the starboard / port gangway, secure guardrail and fix the safety net under the gangway.放下右/左舷硬梯,固定好扶手栏杆和舷梯下的安全网。91.Do to the open bridge and take off the compass cover.到露天驾驶台把罗盘罩取下。92.The fore anchor / masthead light was out of order. Please tell the electrician to repair it at once.

17、前锚灯/前桅灯坏了,请电工马上来修理。93.Captain, which side is to get alongside? Starboard / port side.船长,哪一舷靠泊?右/左舷靠泊。94.We will arrive at the berth in half an hour. Please tell the crew to get prepared.还有半个小时抵达泊位,请通知船员做好准备。95.Put the rat guards on all the mooring ropes.水手长,在所有的系缆绳上放置夹鼠板。96.The fog is quite heavy. B

18、osun, Please send one sailor to keep lookout at the bow.水手长,下大雾了。请派一名水手到船头?望。97.You should send a well-experienced hand to weld up zhe cracked piston crown.你们应当派有丰富经验的人来焊补裂开的活塞顶.98.It is most handy to use an oxy-acetylene cutter to cut this plate.用氧炔切割枪来割这块板最方便。99.Please hoist up a flag “I require a

19、 tug”.请挂上一面“我需要一艘拖轮”的信号旗。100.How many gangs are going to work in each hold?每个舱要开几个工班?二、出入境常见英文标识机场指示牌机场费airport fee国际机场international airport国内机场domestic airport国际候机楼international terminal国际航班出港international departure国内航班出站domestic departure入口in出口exit; out; way out进站(进港、到达)arrivals不需报关nothing to decl

20、are海关customs登机口gate; departure gate候机室departure lounge航班号FLT No (flight number)来自 arriving from预计时间scheduled time (SCHED)实际时间actual已降落landed前往departure to起飞时间departure time延误delayed登机boarding由此乘电梯前往登机stairs and lifts to departures迎宾处greeting arriving由此上楼up; upstairs由此下楼down; downstairs银行bank货币兑换处mon

21、ey exchange; currency exchange订旅馆hotel reservation行李暂存箱luggage locker出站(出站、离开)departures登机手续办理check-in登机牌boarding pass (card)护照检查处passport control immigration行李领取处luggage claim; baggage claim国际航班旅客international passengers中转旅客transfer passengers中转处transfer correspondence过境transit报关物品goods to declare贵

22、宾室V.I.P. room购票处ticket office付款处cash出租车乘车点Taxipick-up point大轿车乘车点coachpick-up opint航空公司汽车服务处airline coach service租车处(旅客自己驾车)car hire男厕mens; gent gentlemens女厕women lady免税店duty-free shop邮局post office出售火车售rail ticket旅行安排tour arrangement行李牌luggage tag机票飞机票(指限定条件)endorsement/restrictions旅客姓名name of passe

23、nger旅行经停地点good for passenger between订座情况status机票确认ticket confirm承运人(公司)carrier座舱等级class(fare basis)机号plane No.机座号seat No.非吸烟席non-smoking seat出(入)境卡姓family name名First(Given) Name国籍nationality护照号passport No.原住地country of Origin (Country where you live)前往目的地国destination country登机城市city where you boarde

24、d签证签发地city where visa was issued签发日期date issue街道及门牌号number and street城市及国家city and state出生日期date of Birth (Birthdate)偕行人数accompanying number职业occupation专业技术人员professionals & technical行政管理人员legislators &administrators办事员clerk商业人员commerce (Business People)服务人员service无业jobless签名signature官方填写official us

25、e only签证birthdate编号control No.签发地Issue AtIssue Date(或On)签证种类visa type (class)日期、数字、符号一月JAN二月FEB三月MAR四月APR五月MAY六月JUN七月JUL八月AUG九月SEP十月OCT十一月NOV十二月DEC年year(s)1993年6月12日12.Jun.1993Jun.12, 1993(1)公共场所名称Names of Public Places自行车存放处Bike Park衣帽(存放)间Check(/Cloak) Room收发室Dispatcher s Office倒垃圾处Dump太平门Emergenc

26、y Door(/Exit)传达室Gate HouseGentlemen/For Gentlemen问讯台Information Desk问讯处Inquires/ Inquiry Office休息室Lounge行李存放处Luggage Depositary夜间服务窗Night-Service Window停车场Parking Place阅览室Reading-room客厅Recepting Room售票处Ticket (/Booking) Office卫生间Toilet候车(机)室Waiting-room(2)货物装箱标志Marks and Signs on Packing-boxes下部BOTTOM小心CAUTION压缩气体COMPRESSED GAS腐蚀品CORROSIVES重心CENTRE OF GRAVI

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