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译林牛津高二模块五Unit3 词汇和语法下学案文档格式.docx

1、类似用法的动词还有:address (向.发表演说); brief(向.作简要介绍)。 E.g. He addressed an audience of 10,000supporters. 他向一万名支持者发表了演说。词汇2.figure out 计算出,弄懂,弄明白【教材原句】He is always working in his lab, trying to figure out all the mysteries that make him puzzled. 他一直都在实验室里工作,努力弄明白所有那些让他迷惑的奥秘。1.They cant figure out how much mone

2、y will be needed to push ahead with the project. _2. I cant figure out how he succeeded in finishing his work in such a short time. _1. 计算出; 2. 琢磨不出【链接】figure sb to be _ 料想某人是 figure in _把.考虑在内figure on _ 预料到,计划 be good at figures _ 擅长计算have / keep a good figure _有/ 保持好身材词汇3. burn out 耗尽,筋疲力尽;烧坏,烧掉,

3、烧尽【教材原句】Im totally burnt out. 我完全累垮了。1. If he works so hard regardless of his health, he will be in danger of burning himself out. _2. The hotel was completely burnt out. _1. 把他自己累垮; 2.烧毁了 burn up _被烧毁,被烧掉(通常指烧掉除建筑物以外的东西)burn away _烧掉,烧光 burn down _烧毁 the ground _把.烧为平地 burn with anger _怒火中烧b

4、urn off _ 烧掉,消耗掉burn ones bridge/ boats _破釜沉舟误区警示:burn up, burn away, burn down 这三个短语既可以用作及物动词短语,也可以用作不及物动词短语;但burn off 一般只用作及物动词短语词汇4. relation n. U (人或事物之间的)联系,关联,关系;C (人、团体,国家之间的)关系,联系【教材原句】Public Relations Manager 公关部经理 1. The cost of this project bears no relation to the results. _2. Relations

5、between the two countries have improved recently. _1.此项目的费用与其成果不相称; 2.两国之间的关系relation 作“国家、公司、组织等之间的正式关系,人或团体之间的关系”讲解时常用复数形式in relation to (= about ) _ 相对某事物而言,关于某事物E.g. This months production of that factory has decreased in relation to last months. relate vt. 把.联系起来 vi.有关,涉及(常与介词to连用) wi

6、th _ 把.与.联系起来be related to _ 与.有关系 E.g. 1. I cant relate what he does to what he says. 2. The breakthrough in cloning that scientists have made is related to their hard work. 词汇5. Follow in ones footsteps 效仿某人;继承某人的事业,步某人的后尘【教材原句】.but this does not mean that we should follow in his steps. 但这并不意味着我们应

7、效仿他们。1. Your brother committed a crime. You shouldnt follow in his steps. _2. She works in education, following in her fathers footsteps. _1. 你不应该步他后尘; 2. 继承父业as follows _ 如下 follow the fashion _赶时髦follow the rule _ 遵循这条规则 it follows that. _ 其结果是follow ones advice _ 听从某人的忠告 注意下面句子中的followed与followin

8、g的不同:1. The teacher entered the classroom, followed by his students. 那位老师走进教室,后面跟着他的学生。2. The teacher entered the classroom, following his students. 那位老师跟在他的学生后面走进教室。词汇6. majority n. 大多数,过半数【教材原句】I am sure that if you conducted a survey among UK citizens, it would show that the majority of people wo

9、uld not support this type of scientific research. 我敢确定如果你在英国民众中作调查,调查将显示大部分人不支持这种科学研究。1. Among the members of the committee those who favour the proposed changes are in the majority. _2. The majority of people believe smoking is harmful to health. _3. The majority is / are doing its/ their best to h

10、elp solve the problem of climate change. _1. 占大多数; 2.大多数人; 3.多数人be in the/ a majority _构成大部分,大多数the majority of 后跟名词复数作主语,谓语动词用复数;后跟单数名词做主语,谓语动词用单数; the majority 单独作主语,若强调整体,谓语动词用单数;若强调个体,谓语动词用复数minority n. 少数,少数民族,少数派be in the/ a minority _ 占少数,成为少数派 词汇7. in summary 总的来说,概括起来【教材原句】In summary, I ins

11、ist that you take the opinions of the people of the UK in to consideration, and end this practice immediately. 总的来说,我坚决主张你应该考虑英国人民的意见,立即结束这种做法。【例句研读】1. In summary, your error of judgment led to the failure of investment. give/ make a summary (of)_ 做(.的)摘要to sum up (=in sum)_ 总体来说a small/ large sum o

12、f money _一小笔/ 一大笔钱take. Into consideration 把.考虑在内under consideration _在考虑中,在研究中in consideration of _ 考虑到,顾及 _ 把.看做.consider doing sth _考虑做某事consider sb. / sth.(to be)+ adj./ n. _认为某人/ 某物(是).E.g. 1. I always take fuel consumption into consideration when buying a car. 2.When the developing

13、economy, we have to take environmental protection into consideration. 词汇8. reliable adj. 可靠的,可信赖的 【教材原句】Through cloning, we can thus make sure that we will have a reliable supply of high-quality food for years to come.通过克隆,我们可以确保在未来几年内我们会有可信赖的,高质量的食物供应。1. He wont let you down, hes reliable. _2. The

14、engines performance is not very reliable. _3. Our information comes from a reliable source. _1. 他不会让你失望,他值得信赖; 2.这台发动机的性能不是很稳定; 3.我们的消息来源可靠rely on/ upon 信赖(后若接that 从句,则要先加it.)词汇9. Brief adj. 短暂的,简短的【教材原句】For example, cloned animals are not very healthy-they nearly always live brief, painful lives co

15、mpared with ordinary animals. 例如,克隆出来的动物不是很健康,它们几乎总是活得很短暂,很痛苦。To be brief _简明扼要地说 in brief _简单地说,简言之E.g. 1. To be brief, he was happy with the result. 2. In brief, he is no longer a stranger here. 【单词积累】briefly adv. 简洁地,简要地,短暂地,暂时地词汇10. confirm v. 证实,证明,确认【教材原句】Therefore, we cannot confirm that food

16、 from cloned animals is really safe for human to eat.因此,我们不能证明人们食用由克隆动物产出的食物是真正安全的。1. What you have said confirms my opinions. _2. Has everyone confirmed that theyre coming? _3. It has been confirmed that the 31st Olympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro. _1. 证实了我的看法; 2. 他们是不是每个人都确认过一定会来? 3. 已经确

17、定 confirm sth. _证明/ 确认某事 confirm that. _证实It has been confirmed that _ 已经确定词汇11. in favour of 赞成,支持【教材原句】Would anyone say that development should be stopped in favour of nature? 有人会说难道为了保护自然就应该停止经济发展吗?1. It strikes me that nobody is in favour of the changes. _2. In summary, Im in favour of the propo

18、sal. _1. 支持这些改变; 2.我赞成这个提议be in / out of favour (with sb)_(不)受(某人)赏识的,(不)受(某人)欢迎的in ones favour _ 有助于某人,对某人有利do sb. a favour/ do a favour for sb _帮某人忙do sb. a favour to do sth. _帮助某人做某事win ones favour _赢得某人的好感find favour with sb. _ 得宠于某人,受某人青睐ask a favour of sb. _请某人帮忙 ask sb. a favour _请某人帮忙E.g. 1.

19、 Could you do me a favour to tell Kelly I cant make it? 2. The idea may find favour with old people. 词汇12. From the point of view of sb. (=from ones point of view) 依照某人的观点,根据某人的观点【教材原句】From the point of view of some people, we are only doing what humans have always done, using nature to meet our own

20、 needs. 根据有些人的观点,我们只是在做人类一直在做的事情,利用自然满足我们自己的需求。E.g. From my point of view, the theory that was put forward by the scientist is not quite scientific. to the point _恰当,中肯 off the point _ 离题to the point of (doing) sth. _达到某种程度be on the point of doing sth. When ._正要做某事,这时.There is no point (in) doing _做

21、.没有意义in ones opinion/ view _在某人看来E.g. You can stick to your own point of view, but in my opinion, its not worth the effort you will make. Meet ones needs (=meet the needs of sb./ satisfy ones needs) 满足某人的需要E.g. 1. The government is trying to meet peoples needs. 2. The charity exists to meet the need

22、s of elderly people. 词汇13. frighten vt. / vi (使某人) 感到恐惧,使害怕,惊吓【教材原句】While many people are excited about these new technologies, these same technologies frighten others. 当许多人为这些新技术兴奋不已时,这些同样的技术也让其他人害怕。1. We were frightened by the cloned monster. _2. The childrens shouts frightened off the birds. _3.

23、He frightened me into keeping silent. _4. He drove at a speed which frightened Laura to death. _1. 我们被那头克隆的怪物吓坏了; 2.吓跑了鸟; 3.恐吓我要我保持沉默;4.让劳拉吓得要死frighten away/ off _将(人或动物)吓跑frighten sb. into/ out of doing sth _吓得某人做/ 不敢做某事frighten ab. To death _ 把某人吓得要死frightening adj. 令人惊恐的,表示使人产生惊恐的感觉,常用来修饰事物;frigh

24、tened adj. 受惊吓的,害怕.的,常用来修饰人,表示自身感到惊恐词汇14. have an effect on 对.产生影响/ 起作用【教材原句】No one knows what effects the GM material might have on the food chain. 没有人知道转基因物质会给食物链带来什么影响。1. Poor nutrition will have a bad effect on your health. _2. My point of view has an effect on his choice of profession. _1. 产生不好的影响; 2.影响在短语have an effect on 中,effect 前面可以加一些修饰语,on 也可以用upon替换。如:have a good/ bad effect on 对.有.好/ 坏的影响; have little/ no/ a great effect on 对.几乎没有/ 没有/ 有很大的影响, have a positive effect

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