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1、掌握生词、词组、句型得用法。(2)过程与方法通过开展小组活动以及提问讨论得方式,引导学生积极与人合作,相互学习帮助,培养团队意识;通过同学与老师之间得交流,在教学过程中提高语言表达能力,初步培养学生活学活用得能力。( 3 ) 情感态度与价值观了解世界文化得多样性以及增强对本国传统特色文化得保护意识,增强跨文化交际能力。3、 教学重难点:重点:了解世界各地各种得节日名称、起源以及庆祝方式等;学习并掌握本课单词以及短语。二 说学情 “节日”就是学生既熟悉又比较感兴趣得话题,因此可以激发学生得求知欲 ,更深层次得理解本课内容。但由于课文也涉及到西方文化,学生学习与理解有一定难度。 三 说教法学法 1

2、、教法基于本课题得特点,决定采用以任务教学法为主,以问答法、讨论法为辅得教学方法。2、 学法学法上,我提倡“把学习得主动权还给学生”,教会学生主动预习、自主思考、系统小结;同时进行“自主、合作、探究”得学习方式,具体为讨论法、朗读法与勾画圈点法。3、 Teaching aids(教具):多媒体与常规教具。四 教学过程:Step1 Warming-up1. Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls 、Happy New Year、2. Talk about winter vocation: Good morning 、Happy New Year、设计意图:

3、通过谈论新年,从而引入本单元得话题:festivals around the world、Step2、Leading-in(导入)首先通过幻灯片展示几幅图片,均为一些与节日有关得图片,要求学生对以下问题进行思考并讨论:1. 说一下图片中都展示得就是哪个节日?2. 人们在节日中都做什么?3. 您还知道中国得或外国哪些节日?人们怎么来庆祝这些节日?1. 通过谈论中外得不同节日,既让学生了解了中国得风俗习惯,唤起学生得爱国情感与民族自豪感,又了解到世界文化风俗,加强跨文化意识。2. 要求学上用英文进行讨论并回答问题,能够锻炼学生得口语能力。Step3 Fast Reading(快速阅读)要求学生对R

4、eading部分进行快速阅读,了解文章大意,并回答以下问题:1. 文中介绍了几种节日?分别就是什么?2. 您喜欢哪一种节日?为什么?通过快速阅读,锻炼学生得阅读技巧,使学生通过快速阅读了解文章大意,为进一步学习做铺垫。Step4 Intensive Reading(精读)要求学生对全文进行详细阅读,并完成以下任务:1. 划出本单元得重点词汇、短语及句子。2. 回答问题:在不同得节日中,人们就是怎样庆祝节日得?Step4 Analysis of important knowledge points(重点知识解析)1. 教师讲解总结重点词汇、短语得用法。Take place, in memory

5、of, dress up, play a trick on, look forward to, day and night, as though, have fan with, turn up, keep ones word, hold ones breath, set off, remindof Parking lot2. 重点句子解析(讲解由大屏幕所展示得重点句子,分析句子结构,句子含义,句子中得词语)使学生全面,牢固地掌握本单元重点知识,并能学以致用。Step5、 Group workFestivals are created: 设计一个节日,包含以下内容:When the festiv

6、al take place?What the festival is for ?What the people do at the festival?What the people eat at the festival?而通过让学生自己创造一个节日,达到让学生运用已学知识进行创新运用得能力。Step6 Homework(作业)1. 要求学生将课上所讲得单词及词组在课下进行复习,达到背诵及运用得效果。2. 完成课后练习。五 板书设计Unit1 Festivals Around the WorldReading: Festivals and celebrationsKinds of the fe

7、stivals names of the festivals countriesFestivals to honor people Harvest festivals Spring festivals必修3unit1说课稿二A demonstration of the teaching plan of SeniorEnglish for China Book 3 Unit 1Festivals and celebrationsThe lesson I am going to conduct is Senior English for China Book 3 Unit 1 Festivals

8、and celebrations、 Personally I define this activity as a demonstration or explanation of the teaching plan、 My demonstration is made up of 5 parts、 The first part: an analysis of the teaching materials、 The second: About the teaching methods、 The third: About learning methods、 The fourth: About the

9、teaching procedure or the arrangement of the teaching steps、 The last: About the blackboard design、 Let me first e to the analysis of the teaching materials、 The whole unit talks about festivals of many kinds around the world、 The reading passage briefly describes four different kinds of festivals、

10、To deal with the reading text, we cant skip the warming-up and pre-reading, because the warming-up and pre-reading provide both the teacher and students with a necessary preparation for the reading text、 So personally I think it might be better to arrange the lesson into a bination of warming-up, pr

11、e-reading and reading、 Certainly the focus should be placed on reading、The teaching goals are designed as the following:1、 To provide the students with information about the festivals around the world as much as possible、 This will mainly be done in the warming up in the form of pictures and video t

12、ips of celebrations of festivals、 The Criteria of the New Curriculum encourage teachers to guide the students to develop a sense of cross-cultural understanding、 To cultivate this ability, we need first to present enough materials for the students to acquire the knowledge of different cultures, beca

13、use knowledge is the basis on which cross-cultural understanding and ability is formed、2、 Through different reading activities, the students are to gradually build the ability of information acquiring and information processing、 It is important to make sure that the students are aware that festivals

14、 exist everywhere and that many festivals celebrate similar ideas and important cultural events、 This is also a good opportunity for both the teacher and students to pare and contrast cultural practices in china and other cultures、 The students are to sum up or abstract the intention, the meaning an

15、d functions of festivals、 Meanwhile it is important to let them know that we human beings need to have things in life to celebrate and rest for a while from daily struggles、3、 The students are to learn some new words and expressions in the reading、 Certainly the language points will be dealt with th

16、oroughly in the following class、 They are not the major focus of this class、The focus of the lesson is to help the students totally understand what the text is about、 And this goal will be achieved through different reading activities and checked by the prehending exercises、The most difficult part o

17、f the lesson should be how to help the students to sum up the reasons and functions for festivals、 But anyway I do not expect that they can express their ideas fully and clearly enough、 So long as they participate willingly, the teaching goal shall be more or less achieved、 About the teaching method

18、sThe teaching aid includes the textbook, a ppt、 with pictures and video tips of celebrations of festivals and the blackboard、Task based learning approach will be mainly employed in conducting this lesson、 The lesson follows certain stages、 In each stage the students are assigned a clear task、 The st

19、udents will be given pre-task, central-task, time for report and practice、 For example, I will introduce the topic and give the students clear instructions on what they will have to do and might help the students to recall some knowledge that may be useful for the task、 The task will be pleted in th

20、e form of presentation of pictures and video tips of festivals and celebrations, pair work, group discussion, individual reading and report of their work、Whatever method I employ, I think the most important point is to create an active, friendly and relaxing atmosphere、The most important point of th

21、is part, according to my understanding, is to guarantee the reading time、, because the process of reading can not be omitted、 Without enough language input, we can not expect any efficient language output、 So I will arrange 15-20 minutes for the students to read through the text in class、 Next let m

22、e briefly focus on learning methods、 Teaching methods and learning methods can not be separated、 They are actually closely related together、 The students will be given clear tasks in each different stage、 The task will be presented in the form of discussion report and scanning or skimming for inform

23、ation、 The students will strengthen their language skills through listening, speaking, silent reading and reading aloud、 They will also be encouraged to organize their ideas logically by answering the prehending questions、 The teaching procedureStep 1 An introduction of the topic, including learning

24、 tasks of this class、Step 2 A ppt、 shows the pictures and video tips of the related materials、 This is a good means of guaranteeing the volume of the class、 And in this part the students are to discuss the questions and report their discussion、 It is intended to have students start thinking about th

25、e variety of events and festivals that are celebrated in China, and to connect them with seasons of the year and reasons for celebrations、Step 3 Listening for general idea of each section, for listening should e first in the four basic skills、Step 4 Fast reading to answer the questions listed on the

26、 ppt、 This is a period arranged for the students to skim the text and further grasp the main idea of the text、Step 5 Careful reading to finish Ex、1-2 in prehending、 In this process the students will acquire the detailed information of the text and fully understand it、Step 6 Reading aloud for the stu

27、dents to strengthen their understanding of the reading material, and meanwhile gradually develop a sense of the English language、Step 7 A discussion to plete Ex、3、 This part serves as a summary of the reading text、 Any opinion is wele、Step 8 Homework Read the text、 Blackboard design必修3uni1说课稿三Teachi

28、ng plan for Unit 1 book3Good morning, teachers、 Its my great pleasure to be here because I can share my lesson with you and I can learn a lot from it、 Ill begin my lesson from the following four parts, the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods and the teaching procedure、First

29、ly, let me talk about the teaching material、 The content of my lesson is the reading passage festivals and celebrations of Unit 1 Festivals around the world、 This passage is about festivals and celebrations、 By studying this passage, well enable the students to know that festivals exit everywhere, a

30、nd many of festivals in different countries celebrate similar ideas、 As we all know, the reading passage is the center of each unit、 If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit、After studying the teaching material, I think the teaching aims are as the f

31、ollowings:1、 Knowledge aims:(1) The Ss can master the usage of the important words andexpressions、(2)The Ss can use the _ (grammar) in the proper situation、Make students know about the festivals all over the world and the detail of the festivals, such as origin, content, and the date of the holiday festivals、2、 Ability aims:(1) Students can talk about festivals and celebrations in English(2) To impro

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