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九年级英语Its wasteful to throw away paper and metal教案Word下载.docx

1、 3、情感目标:引导学生提高环保意识Teaching keys;(1) 句型: Its wasteful to throw away glass, paper and metal Its also at home that we save energy and recycle.We should stop the factories from polluting the river.(2)语法:掌握前缀,后缀构词法。Teaching difficulties: 1.some ideas on how to protect the environment.2.强调句的初步掌握。知识点拨-:一Ke

2、y words:1.waste n./v. 意为“浪费”e.g 1) We shouldnt w_ water and electricity.2) You shouldnt play computer games. Its a w_ of time.2.wasteful adj 意为“浪费的”e.g 1) Its w_to throw away paper.3.pollution n. 意为“污染”,不可数名词e.g 1) Air p_is a serious problem. 2)we must stop the p_of our beaches. v. pollute eg. Water

3、 p_is a serious problem .We shouldnt p_ water.4.hopeless adj 意为“希望渺茫”的,在句中作定语或表语。1) He is really a _man. 他真是一个无可救药的人。 【帮你归纳】hopeful 反义词,意为“有希望的”hopelessly 副词,意为“没有希望的” 拓展-less是表示“少的,不足的”等否定意义的后缀 eg useless无用的 homeless 无家可归的 careless 粗心的 helpless 无助的5. throw away 扔掉, 抛弃(某物) eg.1)不要将你的玩具扔掉.Dont_拓展thro

4、w away是 “动词+副词”构成的短语,人称代词作宾语 时,代词应放在中间。eg.不要把它们扔掉。 Dont_【帮你归纳】throw about 乱扔(东西) throw at 投向 throw back 掷回 throw by 扔掉 throw off 迅速脱掉,摆脱 throw aside 把.扔在一旁。二Key sentences :1.Everyone agrees we must be careful about the environment. 【帮你归纳】 1)agree (that)+宾语从句2)agree to do sth3)agree with sb/what sb s

5、aid/ ones opinion.4)agree to/on sthe.g我不同意你说的话。 I dont_ _ _you said. Do you agree_(start)next Sunday?我们在这项计划上没有达成一致意见。 We dont_ _ the plan.2. be careful with/about/of 小心/谨慎地对待 eg. 1)_ _ _the ice on the road.小心马路上的冰。2)_ _ _the knife, it may_ your hand.当心小刀,它可能会切着你的手。3.Its also at home that we save en

6、ergy and recycle【解析】这是一个强调句,在英语中我们常用It is/was.who/that 结构来突出强调句子某一成分(一般是句子的主语,宾语或 状语)。在这个句型中,it没有词汇意义,只是引出被强调的 成分。如果被强调的成分是表示人的词用who或that连接都可以。如果是其它成分,则一律用that来连接。强调句的句 型结构是:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who. e.g 1) It was Jane who/that helped me.是简帮了我(强调主语Jane)2)It was me that Jane helped. 简帮助了我 (强调主语me)3)I

7、t was_ _I _a singer in the street. (我是在昨天在街上遇到一名歌手的) 4.We should stop the factories from polluting the river. 【解析】stopfrom doing sth意为“阻止做某事”,from后必须 接V-ing形式,其同义短语为preventfrom doing sth和keepfrom doing ,其中keepfrom doing中的from不可省 略,其它两个都能省略。e.g 1) The rain stopped them from_(go) out.2) Please_ the ch

8、ildren _ _ in the river. 请不要让孩子们在河里游泳。3)_ 没有什么能阻止我们去那里。5.Such as turning lights off, so we dont waste electricity. Such as“例如”用来列举同类人和物中的几个例子。e.g Peter has many hobbies ,_ _ _football, swimming and fishing.( 彼得有很多爱好,比如踢足球、游泳和钓鱼)【妙辨异同】such as 与for examplesuch as 用在句中时,表示举例,一般列举同类人或事物中的几个例子,as 后不用逗号。f

9、or example 用来举例说明某一论点或情况,一般只举同类人或物中的 “一个”为例,其后用逗号与其它成分隔开eg. Some animals_ pandas and bears live in this mountain. A. for example B. such as C. likes D. above all当堂达标一、根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。1.The iron is an important m_.2.Water p_is becoming more and more serious.3.Everyone should protect out living e_.4.Ha

10、rry Potter has a lot of r_ all over the world.5.Its h_for the enemies to win the battle.6.We should not w_waster and electricity.7.This machine can translate sunshine into e_.8.Paper can be r_to use again.9.Lucy tried and tried but nothing had ever happened so she felt very h_.二、选择填空( ) 1. We should

11、_ students_computer games.A.stop; from B. stop; from play C.stop; from playing D. keep; from doing( ) 2.We are_that he will win. A. hopes B. hope C. hopeful D. to hope( ) 3.Both Jim and Kate_ in Beijing now. They both_from; come B. are; come C. is, comes D. are; comes ( )4.It was becaus

12、e of bad weather_ the football match to beput off. A. so B. so that C. why D that三、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.乱扔东西不是一个好习惯。_ not a good habit_ _ things _.2.我昨天是在操场上捡到那个钱包的。 _ _ on the playground _I picked up the wallet yesterday. 3.我喜欢很多水果,比如苹果和香蕉。 I like lots of fruit,_ _apples and bananas.4.什么也不能阻止我们去北京。 Nothing

13、 can_ us_ _to Beijing.5.在家中我们也能节约能源,例如关上灯。 We can also _ _at home,_ _turning lights of 能力提升一、用词的适当形式填空1.You cant let him help you. Its _(hope).2.Do you care for the _(environment)problem.3.Its_(waste) not to turn off the lights when you sleep.4.We should stop the factories from_(pollute) the river.5

14、.We may sell the waste for_(recycle).6.The room must be_(keep)clean.7.We are looking forward to _(reuse) the paper and the metal.二综合填空 Henry was worried. This was his first time to go traveling by air. He did not know h_ to find his seat, so he went to the air hostess and asked, “Could you help me?

15、I cant find my seat.” The air hostess s_ him the seat and told him to sit d_ and fasten the seat belt. She told Henry not to m_ about when the plane was going up. And she also said that Henrys ears might feel a little s_, but he didnt need to worry about it b_ many people felt like that. When the pl

16、ane was f_ very high, Henry could stand up and walk round. He could e_ read books, newspapers or see films. The air hostess would b_ food and drinks. Henry could e_ the flight and arrived home soon.三、动词应用(必要时加助动词或情态动词)。 Tom is a boy of fifteen. His parents _(die) two years ago, and he had to make a

17、living by himself. Now he _(work) as a servant at Mr. Jacksons. He works hard and Jackson is pleased with him. Mr. Jackson enjoys _(plant) all kinds of trees. There are many kinds of precious(珍贵的)trees in his garden. The week before last Mr. Jackson _(bring) a few trees home, planted them in the gar

18、den himself and watered them every day. Some days later, he had to _(leave) for another city. Before he started, he said to Tom, “_(take) good care of the plants when I m out. Some boys of our neighbors always want _(steal) them.” “_(not worry) about them , sir,” answered Tom. “I _(try) my best to w

19、atch them.” Six days passed and Mr. Jack son came back. As soon as he saw Tom, he asked, “_anyone _(come) to steal the trees?” “No, sir,” said Tom. “I pulled them six days ago. Now they have been hidden for nearly a week!” 语法苑 前缀、后缀构词法 加前缀、后缀是英语中最常见的扩充词汇的方式,也是学习英语必须掌握的构词法。比如,我们学会care,就能掌握careful,car

20、eless,carefullycarelessly.下面我们介绍几个常见的前、后缀动词或形容词表示“再”如:rewrite, reuse,recycle,retell,rebuild,reusable(adj可重复使用的)表示“无,不”后面常加形容词,如: incorrect, impossible, impolite3.un-表示“不,无”,后面常加形容词,如: untrue,unhappy, uncomfortable, unusual4.dis-表示“不,无”后面常加动词或形容词,如: dishonest(adj),disagree, disappear,

21、dislike5.-able表示“可能,易于,适合于”,构成形容词,如: comfortable, enjoyable,eatable(可吃的)6.-ful表示“充满的,具有性质的”构成形容词,如: helpful, hopeful, powerful, useful, careful, beautiful7.-less与ful 相反,表示“少的,不足的”构成形容词,如: helpless, hopeless, useless, careless, homeless【巩固练习】一用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.We should be_(thank)to our parents.2.Readin

22、g English for half an hour every day is very_(help) to us.3.Its_(use)to say so much to him.You cant change his idea.4.we hope this milk is _(harm)to babies.5.We should do our best to help the children who are_(home)6.Its a _(wonder)picture.I have never seen it before.7.The computer is very_(use)for you to learn English.8.Be _(care)when you cross the street.9.Which is _(enjoy),traveling by train or by plane?

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