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1、5、答翻译或写作题时,必须用黑色签字笔在答题卡上答题。6、注意字迹清楚,保持卷面整洁。7、考试结束时将试卷和答题卡放在桌上,不得带走。待监考人员收毕清点后,方可离场。= 未经批准,本试卷任何单位或个人不得保留、复制和出版,违者必究。医护英语考试办公室Section I Listening Comprehension (30%)(25 minutes) Directions:This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English in nursing contexts. You will hear a

2、selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B, and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you may first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension sectio

3、n, you will have 4 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto your Answer Sheet. If you have any questions, you may raise your hand now, as you are not allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear 10 short dialogues. For

4、each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, orD, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 10 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue only once.Example:You will hear:W: Which clinic do you want to register with?M: I

5、dont know which clinic. I have a rash all over my body. It itches badly.You will read:Which clinic should the patient register with?A The dermatologic clinic. B The medical clinic.C The surgical clinic. D The dental clinic. From the dialogue we know that the man has got skin disease. The dermatologi

6、c clinic is the right clinic treating such a problem. Therefore, you should choose A on the Answer Sheet and mark it in your test booklet. Sample Answer: BCD Now look at Question 1.1. What does the nurse insist?A that the man walk himselfB that the man be discharged nowC that the man use a wheelchai

7、rD that the man stop working out2. What does the patient say about his bowel movements? A His trouble has worsened recently. B He used medications sometimes.C The problem has been on and off. D The condition started two months ago.3. What does the doctor say about the boy?A He needs some X-ray pictu

8、res.B A fracture is possible.C He is ready to see him now.D The treatment will be simple.4. What does the doctor say about the womans son?A His condition will soon become stable.B Theres some growth in his stomach.C He has swallowed something unusual.D He has eaten too much of some fruit.5. What doe

9、s the man think they should do?A Ask the patient to lose weight. B Let another department treat the patient.C Give the patient the help she needs. D Report the case to the police. 6. What do you learn about the woman in labor?A No relative is allowed to be in the labor room.B The babys father can st

10、ay there with her. C Her mother is usually there with her.D She usually asks for someone being there. 7. What does the doctor want the woman to consider?A Ways for birth control. B Health need of the baby.C Avoiding some medicines. D Her prenatal care. 8. What makes the woman feel bad?A She has to t

11、ake care of some rude patients.B She doesnt know how to do certain things.C She cant always do what she thinks is right. D She hates people who yell at her all the time.9. What does the woman mean?A The nurse has not done her job well.B The doctors demand is reasonable.C There has all been a misunde

12、rstanding.D The patient has not been cooperative.10. What can you infer from the dialogue?A The man had lost his temper.B The man had no time to help.C The woman had been blamed by her boss.D The woman tried to protect her patients. Part B Youre going to hear one long dialogue and one short talk. Be

13、fore listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. Then mark your answer on your Answer Sheet. You will

14、hear each piece only once.Questions 11-15 are based on a dialogue between a man and a nurse.11. What do you learn from the beginning of the dialogue?A The patient has lost her appetite.B The patient has trouble passing water.C The patient has high blood pressure.D The patient is found having a tumor

15、.12. When did the woman find her problem?A When people told her she was thin.B When she took a physical examination before her marriage.C When she felt pressure on her chest.D When she noticed changes in the stool.13. What do you know about the woman?A She lives with her parents. B She does advertis

16、ing.C She works as a secretary. D She has an adopted child.14. Why cant the woman answer the question put to her?A Because there is nothing unusual.B Because she finds it embarrassing.C Because her parents never mentioned that.D Because there is no way she could know.15. What seems to be on the woma

17、ns mind?A The growth could be malignant.B The surgery could be dangerous.C The doctor could be lying to her.D She could lose her job afterward.Questions 16-20 are based on a talk about professional nurses.16. What does the passage imply about professional nurses?A Their duties are very heavy.B Most

18、of them work in the hospitals.C Their task has changed over the years.D The best assist in the operating room.17. What does the talk say about the patients daily care?A Its an important part of the nursing job.B It always changes from one day to the next.C It is under the supervision of the head nur

19、se.D It is mainly concerned with feeding and bathing.18. What information about a patient should a nurse give the doctor?A The patients general view on health and illness.B The patients attitude to the treatment he is given.C The patients general condition and on-going changes. D The patients habits

20、 of eating and exercising.19. What is especially important to the nurse?A. Knowing the physical needs of the patients.B Giving timely treatment of the sickest patient.C Talking and playing with lonely patients.D Having the patients well-being in mind. 20. What aspect of nursing is the talk mainly ab

21、out?A Nurses training. B Nurses responsibilities.C Nurses required qualities. D Rewards for nurses.Part C: Note-taking and Gap-fillingYou will hear a talk. Before your listening, you will have 30 seconds to read the text briefly. You may take notes while you are listening; check your answers when th

22、e talk is read the second time. Be sure to write your answers in the corresponding spaces on your Answer Sheet. You will hear the talk twice.There are three main types of anemia: 1) anemia caused by the loss of blood, 2) anemia caused by destruction of the red blood cells, and 3) anemia caused by de

23、fective blood formation.A _21_ bleeding, as from an ulcer, results in anemia due to blood loss.Anemia due to the destruction of red blood cells _22_, as in the case of sickle-cell anemia. Destruction of the red blood cells may also be caused by poisons, _23_, or blood parasites.Anemia of the third t

24、ype may be a nutritional or a _24_. A diet lacking in iron, an element _25_ of hemoglobin, causes anemia. Even when iron is present in the diet, anemia will result if the metabolism is faulty so that the body _26_ utilize iron in the formation of the hemoglobin molecule.When cancerous growths or sca

25、r tissue take up space in the bone marrow, where _27_ are produced, fewer red cells can be formed, and anemia results. Radiation from X-rays or _28_ can also destroy the cells of the marrow, so that red blood cells can no longer be made.Some types of anemia can be _29_ by adding liver, iron, or vita

26、min B to the diet. Sometimes _30_ are necessary. Serious anemia may result in death.Section Use of English (15%)(15 minutes)Part A Vocabulary and StructureThere are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices, marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best compl

27、etes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.31. The psychologists view health as _ the normal functioning of the mind.A privately B primarily C precisely D presently32. A key factor involved in the transmission of HIV is the _ of exposure to an infected partner.A linka

28、ge B process C persistence D likelihood33. The platelets are those cells responsible for the bodys normal _ mechanism.A shaving B clogging C blocking D clotting34. People can sometimes stop ordinary _ by breathing deeply or by holding their breath for a while.A flushes B hiccups C sneezing D reflexe

29、s35. Various drugs alter pulse rate; for example, digitalis decreases the pulse rate; _ increases it.A barbiturate B saline C atropine D aspirin 36. Finally, _ substances tend to remain in the lungs for long periods of time, where they may cause serious local reactions either immediately or later. A insoluble B indigestible C uncontrollable D insidious37. The nurse

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