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1、!Preparation is everything!With good preparation andplanning you will betotally confident and less nervous. And your audiencewillfeel yourconfidence.Youraudience,too,beconfident.theybe confidentin you.And thisgive you control. Control of your audience and of yourpresentation. With control, you will

2、be in charge andyour audience will listen positively to your message.ObjectiveBefore you start to prepare apresentation, you should ask yourself: Why am I makingthis presentation? Do you need to inform, to persuade,to train or to sell? Your objective should be clear inyour mind. If it is not clear i

3、n your mind, it cannotpossibly be clear to your audience.AudienceWho am I making this presentation to?Sometimes this will be obvious, but not always. Youshould try to inform yourself. How many people? Whoarethey? Business people? Professional people? Politicalpeople? Experts or non-experts? Will it

4、be a small,intimate group of 4 colleagues or a large gathering of400 petitors? How much do they know already and whatwill they expect from you?VenueWhere am I making this presentation? In asmall hotel meeting-room or a large conference hall?What facilities and equipment are availabble? What are the

5、seating arrangements?Time and lengthWhen am I making this presentationand how longitbe?Willbe 5 minutes1 hour?Just before lunch, when your audience will be hungry,or justafterlunch,when youraudiencebe sleepy?MethodHow should I make this presentation? Whatapproach should you use? Formal or informal?

6、Lots ofvisualaidsonlyafew?youincludesomeanecdotes and humour for variety?ContentWhat should I say? Now you must decideexactlywhat youwantsay.First,shouldbrainstormyourideas.You willno doubtdiscover manyideas that you want to include in your presentation.But youmust beselective. Youshould include onl

7、ythatrelevantyour audienceand yourobjective.You shouldexcludeallotherYou alsoneed to create a title for your presentation (if youhave not already been given a title). The title willhelp you to focus on the subject. And you will prepareyour visual aids, if you have decided to use them. Butremember, i

8、ngeneral,less is betterthanmore (alittleis better than a lot). You can always give additionalduringquestionspresentation.StructureAwellorganisedpresentationwith aclear structure is easier for the audience to follow.Itthereforemore effective.organisepointsyou wishto make inlogicalorder.Mostpresentati

9、ons are organised in three parts, followedby questions:BeginningShortintroductionweleaudienceintroducesubjectexplainstructurepresentationexplainrulesforquestionsMiddleBodypresentsubjectitselfEndsummarise yourpresentationthankaudienceinvite questionsQuestions and AnswersNotesWhen you give your presen

10、tation, you shouldbe - or appear to be - as spontaneous as possible. Youshould not read your presentation! You should be sofamiliar withand withyou wantdeliveryou do notneed toread a text.Readinga textboring!Reading a textmake yourgo to sleep! So if you dont have a text to read, howcan you remember

11、to say everythingyou need tosay? Withnotes. You can create your own system of notes. Somepeoplemake noteson small,A6 cards.Somepeoplewritedown justthe titleeach sectiontheirtalk.Somepeople write down keywords to remind them. The noteswill give you confidence, but because you will havepreparedyour pr

12、esentationfully,you may noteven needthem!RehearsalRehearsala vitalpartpreparation.leavetimeto practisetwoor threetimes.have thefollowingbenefits:you will bee more familiar with what you want tosayyouidentifyweaknessespresentationyouablepractisedifficultpronunciationsyou will be able to check the tim

13、e thattakesandmakeanynecessarymodificationsSoprepare,prepare!Prepareeverything:words,aids,timing,equipment.Rehearse your presentation several times and time it.Is it the right length? Are you pletely familiar with all your illustrations? Are they in the right order?Do you know who the audience is? H

14、ow many people? How will you answer difficult questions? Do you know the room? Are you confident about the equipment? When youhaveansweredthesequestions,be aconfident, enthusiastic presenter ready to municatethe subjectto an eageraudience.EquipmentEasilyyour mostimportantpieceequipmentis.YOU! Make s

15、ure youre in full working order, andcheck your personal presentation carefully - if youdont,will!overheadprojector(OHP)displays overhead transparencies (OHTs or OHPTs). Ithas severaladvantages over35mmslideprojector:can be used in daylightthe user can face the audiencethe user can write or drawdirec

16、tlyon the transparencywhilein usethewhiteboard(morerarelyblackboardGREenboard)usefuldevice for spontaneous writing - as in brainstorming,for example. For prepared material, the OHP might bemoresuitable.Thedusterused for cleaningwhiteboard. It is essential that the duster be cleanto startwith.You may

17、 considercarryingown dusterjustcase.Markersareusedwritingon(delible-canremovethe ink)flipchart(indelible- you cannotremove theink).Theyare usually available in blue, red, black and green.Again,its a good ideacarrya spare set ofmarkersin case you aregivensome used ones whichdo notwell.Agood workmanne

18、ver blames histools.consistsseveralleavesof paperflip or turn over. Some people prefer the flipchartto the whiteboard, but its use is limited to smallerpresentations.The Slidewhichmust be usedin a darkened room - adds a certain drama. Some slideprojectorssynchronisedwithaudioaudio-visual (AV) presen

19、tations. These projectors aretypically used for larger presentations. The majoritytake35mmslidesor transparencies(as seen here),6x6cmslidesalsoavailable.Transparencies are projected by an overhead projectoror a slide projector onto a screen - in this case afoldingscreencan be packed up and transport

20、ed.notebook puterincreasinglybeingdisplaygraphicsis oftenconjunctionanprojector,actuallyprojectsimage fromputerontowallscreen.Handoutsany documents orsamplesyou handoutor distributeto yourNotenotusuallygoodideadistributehandouts before your presentation. The audience willread the handouts instead of

21、 listening to you.DeliveryDeliveryrefersto theway in whichor performgiveis a vital aspect of all presentations. Delivery is atleastascontent,especiallyin amulti-cultural context.NervesMost speakers are a little nervous at thebeginninga presentation.So itis normal ifyou arenervous. The answer is to pay special attention to theFirstimpressionscount. This is the time when you establish a rapportyour audience.During this time, try tosp

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