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1、V PP P NP Det Nmove towards the window phrase structure trees for each of the following sentencesa ) The jet landed. InflP(=S) NP Infl VP Det N Pst V The jet landedb) Mary became very ill. NP Infl VP N Pst V AP Deg AdjMary became very illc)The apple might hit the man. Inflp(=S ) NP VP Det N Aux V NP

2、 The apple might hit the manOR InflP(=S) Det N V NPThe apple might hit the mand) He often reads detective stories. N Qual V NPHe often reads detective storiesOR InflP(=S) NP Infl VP Pres N Qual V NP Adj N He often reads detective storiese) The teacher turned off the light. NP Infl VP Det N Pst V prt

3、 NP The teacher turned off the lightf) The teacher turned the light off. Det N Pst V NP Prt Det N The teacher turned the light off following sentences all contain embedded clauses that function as complements of a verb, an adjective, a preposition or a noun. Draw a tree structure for each sentence.a

4、) You know that I hate war. InflP(=S) CP N V C S N V NP N You know that I hate warOR CP C InflP(=S) NP Infl VP N Pres V C S NP VP N V NP You know that I hate warb) The children argued over whether bats had wings. Det N pst V PP P CP C S NP VP V N The children argued over whether bats had wingsc)Hele

5、n put on her clothes and went out. pst N VP Conj VP VP NP V Adv V Prt Det N Helen put on her clothes and went out NP Infl VP Pst N VP Conj VP VP NP V Adv V Prt Det N Helen put on her clothes and went outd)John is eager to please. Inflp(=S)N VP V Adj Prt VJohn is eager to pleasee)John is easy to plea

6、se. Inflp(=S)John is easy to pleasef) Mary is fond of literature but tired of statistics. N VP Conj VP VP NP VP NP V Adj Prt N V A Prt NMary is fond of literature but (is) tired of statistics N Pres VP Conj VP VP NP VP NP V Adj Prt N V Adj Prt NMary is fond of literature but (is) tired of statistics

7、g) Gerry cant believe the fact that Anna flunked the English exam. InflP(=S) N Aux Neg V NP CP Det NP C S N NP Infl VP N Pst V NP Det Adj N Gerry can not believe the fact that Anna flunked the English exam derivations of the following sentences involve the inversion transformation. Give the deep str

8、ucture and the surface structure trees for each of these sentences.a)What will you talk about? CP C S NP Infl VP V PP P N you will talk about what NP C SN Infl NP Infl VP VP PP V P NWhat will you e talk about eb) Would you come tomorrow? Deep structureCP C S NP Infl AdvP N V Adv you would come tomor

9、row Surface structure NP Infl AdvP Infl N V Adv would you e come tomorrowc) Can you pass me the newspaper?Deep structure NP Infl NP NP N V N Det Nyou can pass me the newspaper Surface structure Infl NP Infl NP NP N V N Det NCan you e pass me the newspaper d) What was Helen bringing to the party? NP

10、Infl PP NP NP N V P N Det N Helen was bringing what to the partyNP C S N Infl NP Infl PP N V P what was Helen e bringing e to the party of the following sentences contains a relative clause. Draw the deep structure and the surface structure trees for each of the sentences.a) The essay that he wrote

11、was too long. Det N CP pst V AP C S Deg Adj NP Infl VP N Pst V NP The essay he wrote that was too long Surface Structure Det N CP V AP C S Deg Adj NP NP Infl VP N N Pst V NP N The essay that he wrote e was too longb) The dog that he keeps bites. Det N CP V C S NP Infl VP N Pres V NP The dog he keeps

12、 that bites Surface Structure Det N CP V C S NP NP Infl VP N N Pres V NP The dog that he keeps e bitesc) Herbert found the man she loved. N Pst V NP CP Det N C S NP N Pst V N Herbert found the man she loved whoSurface Structure NP Infl VP N Pst V NP Det N S C NP Infl VP NP NP N N Pst V N Herbert fou

13、nd the man (whom) she loved ed) The girl whom he often quarrels with majors in linguistics. Det N CP V PP P NP NP Infl VP PP N Qual VP NP V P N The girl he often quarrels with whom majors in linguistics C S Det N CP V PP P N NP NP Infl VP N N Qual VP NP The girl whom he often quarrels with e majors in linguistics

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