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本文(新北师大版初中英语八年级上册Unit 6 The Unexplained16 Natural Abilities 优质课公开课教案Word文件下载.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

新北师大版初中英语八年级上册Unit 6 The Unexplained16 Natural Abilities 优质课公开课教案Word文件下载.docx

1、词汇:Lesson 16: natural, sense, smell, taste, touch, amazing, relax, disappear, search, yard, fence, strangely, noise, wake1 按义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)的要求分类:五级词汇:natural, sense, smell, taste, touch, relax, search, yard, strange, noise, wake课标外词汇:amazing, disappear, fence, strangely,按照话题分类:Feelingsandmoods: s

2、ense, smell, taste, touch, relax Nature: disappear, search, yard, fence, strangely, noise, wake, natural策略:读前预测; 读中通过关键词获取主要信息通过并列句、上下文语境猜测词义功能:表示惊奇第一课时First Period教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 通过阅读获取事件发生的时间,地点,人物等基本信息。2. 分析采访者的四个问题并将问题回位到文章的正确位置,说明理由。3. 依据获取的信息,完成采访稿,口头描述两个小故事。4. 体会交流的重要性以及了解动物的本能,尊重爱护动物。教学

3、过程教学活动设计意图互动模式&时间Lead in Step 1 Ss look at the pictures, and choose the animals who have natural abilities. T asks Ss What animals do you think are amazing? What makes them amazing? T will say,“They have natural abilities, so they are amazing animals.” Teacher writes down the title on the blackboard

4、.1. 激活学生已有知识储备,调动兴趣,引出文章主题。2. 通过问答,拓展孩子们的知识面,为最后输出做准备。帮助学生初步了解令人惊奇的动物们。3. 引入本课话题,教授新词汇。CWIWPW5Pre-readingStep 2 T shows two pictures ,asks them to read the title and leads them to predict what happened to the animals Ss read the text and check their prediction. 教师引导学生阅读题目,观察图片,并对故事情节进行预测,激发学生阅读的兴趣。检

5、查预测,为阅读做好准备。3While-readingStep 31st reading Ss read the passage carefully to get the key information. WHEN? WHERE? WHO? WHAT? Main idea: Ss check the answers.2nd reading Ss read the passage again and write the correct questions in each blank. Ss check the answers in class and tell the reasons.3rd re

6、ading Ss read the passage again, answer the interview questions using their own words. Ss check the answers in class.1.通过第一遍快速读,获取故事发生的时间,地点,人物,结果,从而总结出文章的大意。同时,处理部分词汇,如:disappeared, ran after, 为阅读扫清障碍。2通过第二遍细读文章,理清文章脉络,将记者采访的话语放到文章中恰当的位置,由学生们说出理由。3通过第三遍细读,获取关于事件发展得的细节信息。通过教师设计的细节问题,引导学生内化文章中的主要信息和语

7、言,并运用自己的语言表达出来。16Step 4 T asks Ss to have a deep thinking. How did the dog find his way back home? Why did the horses and dog act strangely? Ss listen and read the text with the recording. Teacher ask Ss to ask and answer in pairs according to the passage.内化文章信息, 培养学生的推理能力。模仿正确的语音语调,强化语言和信息。 借助学案, 同

8、伴之间问答,内化文章信息。Post-readingStep 5 Ss work in groups of four, choose one story and make an interview. Ss finish writing the reports for their newspapers Ss work in pairs reading the report and choose the best speaker to come to the front to share his passage.在语言和信息方面检查和落实本课的教学目标为学生创设真实语境,并以第三人称形式叙述两种令人

9、惊奇的动物的奇特表现。GW15Homework1. Retell the stories2. Polish your story.板书Amazing AnimalsSetting: Tom and his family were returning What were you doing when it happened?Development: Were relaxing, werent feeling well, was taking for, ran after, disappearedWhat did you do?Searched for, gave up, went home, E

10、nding: were having lunch, heard, was back Pam was at her aunt an uncles homeWhat was happening on the farm?Development : Were working, became noisy, tried to break, What happened then?Kept acting strangely, started shaking第二课时Second Period1. 通过复习课文及例句,观察,发现,归纳总结过去进行时的构成规则,语意和语用功能;2. 在情境中,when引导的时间状语

11、中使用过去进行时。3. 运用过去进行时描述放学后精彩瞬间。4. 通过分享放学后的精彩瞬间,培养学生享受生活,享受每一时刻的意识;5.正确读出辅音/r/连读。Review and language in use Ss think of the topic they talked about last period and review the two interviews by filling in the blanks to remind them of what they learnt last period. Ss focus on the important expressions in

12、 the answers.1. 通过谈论上节课所学话题并运用过去进行时填空,来复习采访信息和引出过去进行时的学习。2. 引导学生关注答案中的表达法。8 T shows Ss some of the answers with the following expressions: were returning from a trip were relaxing werent feeling very well was taking Paddy for a walk were having lunch were working in the yard were running aroundT ask

13、s Ss to observe the phrases and find the common things.T leads Ss to focus on the structure of the sentences.T Explains the differences between past simple and past continuous by giving examples.Ss do Ex. 5. Its about past continuous tense.Ss discuss and check the answers with the whole class.1. 通过关

14、注和对比答案中的表达法,体会它们的语意和语用功能。2. 通过接触、体验,学生自己归纳、总结过去进行时在when引导的时间状语中的用法并体会它们的语用功能。3. 通过新的语境检验学生是否理解。10Function and language in useT asks Ss to talk about their daily activities with past continuous.What were your families doing when you got home?T asks Ss to guess and write sentences about what your part

15、ner was doing at these timesSs read the sentences aloud and check their guesses.T encourages Ss to think of more activities that can help their lives colorful and meaningful.Ss work in pairs to ask and answer. Check their guesses.在句子中运用过去进行时。在与本课对话相关的实际情景中,进一步巩固过去进行时在when引导的时间状语中的应用。 给学生们创设真实情境。练习不同

16、时间状语引导下,正确运用过去进行时猜测朋友的日常活动验证猜测。对话中运用 过去进行时7 T shows some pictures and asks Ss to give a report to share the wonderful moment.创设语境,进一步在文段中巩固过去进行时。PronunciationStep 6 T leads Ss to focus on some phrases, such as Were they ,Were Ann and James, etc. Ss find out the pronunciation of the linking “r” sound

17、 between two words. T helps Ss to get the correct pronunciation. Ss listen to the sentences in Ex. 8 and focus on the sound and the rule. Ss listen to the recording and try to repeat. T asks some of the Ss to read in front of the class.1. 回顾本课话题词汇,并预测将要练习的r连读。2. 帮助学生掌握这个r连读的正确发音方法。3. 学生在不断的听读练习中,进一步巩固这个连读的发音。1. 完成课本 Workbook P112 EX. B &C。2.把课上讨论的精彩瞬间写在作文本上。

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