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应本二Unit 4电子教案 2Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、n. U 礼仪;社交礼节 座位安排是根据礼节来安排的。 我们要遵守适当的礼节。 议定书;协议 The statesmen signed a protocol.2. Business communication and relationships are not as casual in nature as they may be in the United States. in nature: 本质上;实际上;究竟e.g. My work is very specialized in nature. What in nature do you mean? The following are s

2、ome of the phrases and expressions with nature:1against nature违反自然;反常All these activities are against nature. 所有这些活动都是违背常理的。2(get, go, etc.) back to nature回归自然;返璞归真She was very anxious to get away from cities and back to nature. 她特别渴望离开城市,回归自然。3by ones (very) nature按其固有的性质;就其本质He was by nature affec

3、tionate. 他生性温柔亲切。4a call of nature (委婉说法)内急,需要去洗手间Im afraid I have to answer a call of nature. 抱歉我要去趟洗手间。5in the nature of things理所当然地;必然地Many have already died, and in the nature of things many more will die. 很多人已经死去,更多的人势必也将会死去。6second nature第二天性;习性Planning ahead had always come as second nature t

4、o her. 预先计划一直是她的习惯。3. Specific methods of communication along with behavior are expected from any visitor. As a visitor, you should communicate as well as behave in the ways of the French people.when in Rome, do as the Romans do. along with: 除以外(还);与同样地 工厂倒闭时,她和成百上千的其他人一样失去了工作 她和其他二十位同学很愿意提供帮助。expec

5、t sth. of/from sb.: 期望或要求某人做某事对你们的雇员,你们还有什么别的要求?你的工作的水准没有达到我们要求的水平。Note: Do not confuse expect, wait for, and look forward to. When you are expecting someone or something, you think that the person or thing is going to arrive or that the thing is going to happen. e.g. We are expecting rain When you

6、wait for someone or something, you stay in the same place until the person arrives or the thing happens. e.g. Whisky was served while we waited for him When you look forward to something that is going to happen, you feel happy because you think you will enjoy it. e.g. I always looked forward to seei

7、ng her4. Here is a small guide that is likely to help you in your effort to learn more about the way the French conduct their business, and how you can fit into this culture. Effort (to do sth.) means an attempt to do sth. especially when it is difficult to doThe company has laid off 150 workers in

8、an effort to save money In their effort to learn English well, they spend a lot of time fit into:(使)适合,与融为一体e.g. I fear I will not fit into any future society. A square thing does not fit into a round hole. Notes to Para. 25. As a visitor, it is your job to respect these opinions and refrain from ra

9、ising such issues throughout your interaction with them. refrain from doing sth.: 控制不做(某事);忍住,避免 She refrained from making any comment. 演出时请勿吸烟。6. Be diplomatic. 你要讲求策略。diplomatic: a. 1) 有手腕的;讲究策略的;圆滑的;婉转的 She is very direct. I tend to be more diplomatic, I suppose. 你在处理这一情况时,必须圆滑。2) 外交的;外交官的 正在努力通过

10、外交途径解决争端、避免战争。to break off/establish/restore diplomatic relations with a countryDo not point fingers at political and historical figures.他与我们紧密配合以完成这项艰难的任务。警察劝罪犯与警方合作。Notes to Paras. 3-47. It is important that you adhere to this level of formality in order to make an impact. You should behave accord

11、ing to the principle of formality so as to make a good impression on your business partners.adhere to sth.: 1) 遵守,遵循(规定或协议) 协会所有成员都必须遵守一套严格的行为规范。 他们未能遵守我们原定的协议。 她遵守严格的着规定。 2) 支持,拥护,持有(观点或信仰) e.g. He urged them to adhere to the values of Islam which defend the dignity of man. 他坚持他在会上所说的话。 3) 黏附;附着 多数

12、人都依附于父母的教会。impact: n. 1) C 影响;作用他的出现必须让人眼前一亮。When an executive comes into a new job, he wants to quickly make an impact. 2) U 撞击;碰撞;冲击力e.g. A running track should be capable of absorbing the impact of a runners foot landing on it. 8. The manner of your communication will dictate how far your allianc

13、e with them goes. The way in which you communicate with the French business partners will have significant influence on your co-operation with them. dictate: vt. 1) 决定;影响;支配control/influencee.g. Of course, a number of factors will dictate how long an apple tree can survive. The films budget dictated

14、 a tough schedule. 2) 口述,口授e.g. Sheldon writes every day of the week, dictating his novels in the morning. alliance: n. C 联合;结盟e.g. What will be the effect of the alliance between IBM and Apple?Notes to Para. 59. Enlisted here are some dos and donts you should follow when conducting business meeting

15、s with the French. 下面列出的是在法国举行商务会议时应注意的事项。 Enlisted here actually mean “listed here”. It has another meaning which is to join the military. Three thousand men were enlisted (3000名男子应征入伍。).取得,赢得(帮助) I had to cut down a tree and enlist the help of seven neighbors to get it out of the garden!The queen

16、has also enlisted his two daughters in the effort to avoid the press. dos and donts: 行为准则,须知e.g. It wont do to hedge your pupils in with a thousand dos and donts. 10. It is important that meetings be scheduled at least two weeks in advance. schedule: vt.(在时间上)安排,计划e.g. A presidential election was sc

17、heduled for last December. No new talks are scheduled. 秘书正在设法安排这个月的约会。他被迫调整了自己的日程安排。一切都按计划进行。这将比原计划晚几个星期完成。in advance:预先,事先e.g. I like to map out the whole week in advance. 产生(问题);造成(威胁、危险等)pose a problem or a danger这可能会给煤炭(coal)产业的就业造成威胁。他身体不好,对将来造成严重的问题。 提出;陈述 If you pose a question, you ask it. I

18、f you pose an issue that needs considering, you mention the issue. When I finally posed the question, Why? he merely shrugged. the moral issues are posed by new technologies. VERB 调查;打探;探究;探听 If you probe into something, you ask questions or try to discover facts about it. 他们越调查他的背景,他们就越困惑。He didnt

19、like the media probing into his past.强迫;向施加压力 If you are pressurized into doing something, you are forcefully persuaded to do it. 不要迫于压力马上做出决定。他觉得她正试图对他施压。VERB (尤指经与他人讨论)最后确定,最终敲定 If you finalize something such as a plan or an agreement, you complete the arrangements for it, especially by discussing

20、 it with other people. 8 月里三国谈判人员最终敲定了协议。在所有细节最后确定下来之前我们无可奉告。他们还没有和政府达成最终交易。11. They may take time to take decisions, and you will have to be patient throughout the process. take time to do sth.:花费时间做某事e.g. It will take a little time for the rain to sink into the dried earth. It will take time and m

21、oney to get the project to get off the ground. Please pay attention to the difference between take time to do sth. and take your time to do sth. (doing sth.). The former means “(sb.) spend time doing sth.”, and the subject must be it; the latter means “to use as much time as you need without hurryin

22、g (从容不迫,慢慢来)”. For examples: It takes me one hour to pack. 我花了一个小时整理行李。Take your time packing, for we still have one and a half hour. 慢慢整理行李,我们还有一个半小时。12. You are free to voice your opinion and defend your position, but keep in mind that the final decision will be taken by the top brass of the compa

23、ny. 13. 表达,吐露(观点或感情)Voice here is not a noun but a verb. If you voice something such as an opinion or an emotion, you say what you think or feel. 有些科学家表示了担忧,认为这种病可能传染给人类。Some scientists havevoiced concern that the disease could be passed on to humanskeep in mind: 记住 e.g. Keep the people in mind and

24、place hopes on them. We must keep this lesson in mind. brass: n. 1) 高层人物;高级军官e.g. The brass are reluctant to fraternize(associate) with the enlisted men. 2) U 黄铜e.g. The instrument is beautifully made in brass. Notes to Para. 614. Women too should preferably dress conservatively in business suits, t

25、hough dresses in pastel shades can be worn. 女士也最好穿西装,保守一些,不过也可以穿浅色连衣裙。preferably: ad. 更好地,更可取地You should do some exercises, preferably, in the open. You may come, preferably, in the morning. conservatively: ad. 保守地;因循守旧地e.g. It is conservatively estimated that not less than half a million people die

26、d in the famine(shortage of food). pastel: a. (色彩)淡的,柔和的e.g. The rooms were decorated in delicate pastel shades. shade: n. C (色彩的)浓淡,深浅,色度 e.g. Emerald green and olive green are shades of green. The walls were painted in two shades of green. 15. Just remember not to go overboard. 只不过要记住,不要过分装饰。go ov

27、erboard:做得过分,过火e.g. He has a tendency to go overboard at their parties. What do you think causes the police to go overboard, to use excessive violence?2. Period Three: Step One: Post-reading interactionAfter the text teaching, the instructor can have the students listen to the recording of the whole

28、 text and see if they have any questions. Then go on with the interaction activity (if necessary).This step shall take not more than 18 minutes. Step Two: Working with words and phrases Ask students to do Exercise 4 for the consolidation of text learning. While checking the answers, make explanations when necessary. This step shall take 10 minutes. Step Three: DiscussionProceed to Exercises 5 to enhance students oral English. Divide students into groups of 4 to 6 for the discussion task. Some of the answers to the questions in this section are

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