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1、 to begin with, in addition, last but not least。第 三 段 (两 句 ):文中已经做出要求:第一句话写文中要求的内容,不要展开论述,因为字数有限;第二句话, 根据要求表示感谢或期待回信。文中未做出要求:表示感谢 + 期待回信。赫 感 谢 :My thanks to you for your generous assistance are beyond words.Words fail me when I desire to express my sincere gratitude to you for your kind consideratio

2、n for my requirement/application/complaint.I take the opportunity to show my heartfelt appreciation for your generous assistance you rendered me.期待回信:I am looking forward to your reply.I look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.Your prompt attention to mywould be highly appreci

3、ated.当然也可以按照我们前面应用文不同书信类型的常用表达来写第三段,这样更具有针对性。 比如邀请目的第二段就可以写 We would be looking forward to your coming with great pleasure. (我 们非常髙兴地期待着你的到来。)再写期待回信: We are waiting for your reply.(3)落款:在右下角写Yours truly和 人 名 (如 : Li Ming )。 Yours truly后面加逗号。麵 Directions:You have bought an air-conditioner from the de

4、partment store, but soon it does not work very well. Now write to the department store to1) tell them what is wrong with the machine,2) complain about the inconvenience it has brought about, and3) express your wishes that it should be repaired as soon as possible.2 .私人书倌( 1 ) 称呼Dear Bob / m y friend

5、,问候语 + 写作目的问 候 语 : How are you getting on with your life recently?你最近生活过得怎么样? It is great to hear from you again.十分髙兴再次收到你的信。參 H o w are you getting along with your life?你生活过得怎么样? Nothing could have given me greater pleasure than to get news of you!没有什么事比听到你的消息更使我高兴了。 You have no idea h o w happy I

6、was to receive your letter.你想象不到我收到你的信有多么高兴。 Thank you for the expressions of joy at my recent promotion in office.感谢你为我最近的晋升而髙兴。写作目的:I am writing the letter, to be frank, in order to.( 同公务书信,inorderto后面的内容文中一定已经做出要求,按要求写。同公务书信,第二段写什么内容,文中一定做出了要求,按要求来写就行。需要注意的是因 为小作文字数要求比较少,就 不 用 有 “起承转合”的结构了,直接论述就行

7、。t0 begin with, in addition last, but not least。第 三 段 :第 一 句 话 :写文中要求的内容,不要展开论述,因为字数有限。第二句话:祝福语。文中 未 给 出 要 求 :第一句话:期待回信。祝福语: % All tiie luck in the world to y。祝你幸运无比。 Please bring m y best wishes to your family.谨向你家人致以最好的祝愿! With m y best wishes/regards.谨致以最好的祝愿。 I hope that things are going well wi

8、th you.祝你一切顺利。 Give m y regards to your parents.请代我向你父母致以问候。 I wish every success for your career in the future.祝你事业有成。 Wish you good health and lots of happiness.祝你健康幸福。 G o o d luck to you!祝你好运! Best wishes from all of us for.我们大家向致以最美好的祝愿。3 .告示类( 1 ) 标题N O T I C E写作 目 的 + 具 体 论 述 (文中一定做出了要求 1Our

9、notice is toFirst,second., third写作目的常用表达: So and so is/are requested to note that.受命通知 So and so takes pleasure in announcing that很高兴宣布 So and so has/have the honor to announce.很荣幸宣布 It is hereby proclaimed/announced/made public that.我们要通知的事情是 This is to notify/notice/announce that.这篇告示是为了欢 迎 加 入 +

10、联系方式Welcome to join us.AVe are waiting for your coming.If you intend to join us, please call us at 136 x x x or email us at x x x .( 3 ) 落款:单位名字图画作文1.第一段写法第一段固定模式,即描述图画并且写出图画的寓意。该段的模板性不强,只是推荐了一些描 述图画和表达寓意的句型。(1 ) 第一、二句话:用主语从句引出对图画的描述What seems self-evident is that.显而易见.What has been found is that.显而

11、易见 / 众所周知.What proves beyond dispute is that毋庸置疑 / 显而易见.What seems universally acknowledged is that.普遍认为 / 众所周知.What has been widely accepted is that普遍认为 / 众所周知.What is generally agreed proves that.普遍认为 / 众所周知.对图画的描述分为三种情况: 一幅图一个主体,两个动作:In the easy and simple cartoon, sb.(定语 / 同位语),doing sth.(次要动作)(

12、定语 / 状语),is doing sth.(主要动作)(定语/状语) 一幅图两个主体,两个动作:In the easy and simple cartoon, sb. 1 (定语 / 同位语)is do& g sth. 1 (定语 / 状语),and/but sb. 2(定 语 /同位语) is doing sth. 2 定语或状语 两 幅 图 :In the former picture, sb. 1 (定语 / 同位语)is doing sth. 1 (定语 / 状 语 ),and/but in the latter one, sb. 2 (定语/ 同位语)is doing sth. 2

13、 (定语/状语)( 2 ) 第三句话:引出寓意的过渡语Personally, what the picture conveys is far beyond a new fashion trend and carries culturalimplication.The fact/story that. indicates that.The symbolic meaning of the cartoon is quite self-evident.The message conveyed in the picture seems to be that.The picture has reveale

14、d,as is k n o w n to us all/in recent years,a current social phenomenon that The picture does reflect a thought-provoking social phenomenon that.It is apparent that the author of the drawing tries to reveal us.The picture conveys a deep concern as to sth.(不好的现象)+ 定 语 (which has aroused an adverse in

15、fluence in our society).The purpose of the picture is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the phenomenon of sth. Its symbolic meaning, which is quite obvious, should be taken into account more seriously.It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about the importance/seriousn

16、ess of sth., which. We can deduce from this picture that the drawer is trying to attract our attention to sth” which( 3 ) 第四句话:表达寓意We should do sth.We should never do sth.Sth. is very important.Sth. is very serious.虽然第四句话需要表达这个意思,但是不能用这么简单的句型。推荐使用: 被动 as. as.比较结构 sothat 比喻无论选择这四个句型中的哪一个,都要求在主谓中间加插人语

17、2 . 第二段写法第二段一般都是分析问题,所以该段以分析原因或讨论一个问题的好处或坏处为主。比如:如果是孝敬父母的话题,第二段就论述孝敬父母的原因;如果是污染的话题,第二段就写污染的 危 害 ;如果是合作的话题,第二段就论述合作的好处。当然,有时候提纲中明确规定要举例,此 时的原因分析就以举例的方式展开。第二段写法分为两种: 举例与否均可的原因分析。 一定要举例的原因分析。下面分别论述这两种情况:( 1 ) 纯 原 因 分 析 段 (没有例子)首 句 :引出原因分析The majority of people would agree that the issue has its deep ro

18、ots as follows.Personally, it is my belief that some reasons could account for such a phenomenon.If proceeding unchecked, the problem will undoubtedly cause many problems.On the surfece of it, this may seem to be ridiculous, but if thinking again, we would point out some reasons.It is superficially

19、plausible, but when subjected to analysis, it really has its fundamental reasons.If we let this situation continue as it is, we do not know what will happen about peoples relationships in the future.You may criticize for/blame fo r.( 不好的现象,比 如 说 不 诚 实 ) , but the causes/roots of the problem/phenomen

20、on go far deeper.It is not an easy task to find the reasons for the complicated phenomenon.There stand at least two reasons, I think, for the phenomenon of.Recognizing a problem, on the other hand, is the first step in finding a solution.第二句:具体论述推荐句型:not only. but also.( 最好写成倒装)The evidence thatmani

21、fests thatalthough 引导的让步状语从句which引导的非限制性定语从句the more. the more.if引导的虚拟语气(反面论证)( 2 ) 举例段的写法表示举例的总起句Examples to prove the view are abundant. The most persuasive one is the case of sb. who.This can be illustrated by the example of sb. who.Such stimulating/less impressive cases/stories are not rare in o

22、ur daily life.To examine it, lets return to the example of sb./sth.There exist too plentiful cases like this in the routine of our life to list. However, the most impressive one is about myself.Although so abundant cases can support m y simple view, the following one is the most favorable. 中间句:具体例子

23、尾 句 :总结句So the case vividly clarifies a truth that. has played a crucial role in our success/life.If there were no., sb./sth. would do sth. 3 .第三段写法需要注意的是,第三段具体措施写得越准确,分值就越髙。因为现在模板化很严重,所以基 础好的学生最好自己写措施,以防内容太空洞导致分值不髙;对于基础差的学生,自己写几乎没 有可能性,所以推荐了以下内容,以供参考和使用。So crucial/grave isthat it proves it is time

24、to attach great importance to it.Therefore, it is high time that effective measures should be taken to solve the problem.Therefore, it is imperative to take drastic measures to reverse this disturbing trend.To promote., quite a few actions could be adopted.Accordingly, it is vital for us to derive p

25、ositive implications from these thought-provoking drawings. If we do not desire the trend to become a reality one day in the future, positive steps must be taken to put an end to right now.In order to promote the idea of., tremendous tasks have to be accomplished.To improve/put an end to the negativ

26、e situation, m y suggestions are the following steps.There is, as a matter of fact, little doubt that immediate action is required to be adopted.W e can say this and w e can say that,but the most important thing is not to say, but to do.Having recognized the problem, it follows that we must develop

27、a plan of action.具体方案或总结,一般一至两句话,太长会显得文章结构不够完美。采取具体方案的主体一般为:政府、集 体 (企业或家庭)、个人。需要注意:三个主体最好只选择一到两个主体采取措施。并且采取的措施要尽量具体化,具 体可操作性越强,写作效果就越好。怎么让年轻人自信?如果你写 it is quite necessary that teenagers and youngsters should have confidence.也可以,但是 这个措施就很空洞,没有操作性。英语表达越具体越准确,分值就越髙。如果你写 it is quite necessary that teena

28、gers and youngsters should take part in more activities to show themselves in front of strangers.就很具体,有操作性了。不准确,没有操作性。如果你写 w e should cultivate the awareness that rubbish must be classified not only at h o m e but also in public places,就很具体、准确了。k 就是自己写作和模板的区别。但是对于中文表达就有问题的同学,可以使用下面推荐的表 达 :(1 ) 政府 Pe

29、oples awareness must be heightened through education and publicity. Weshouldappealtotheauthoritiestomakestrictlawstocontrol.Authorities, in coordination with the press, are obliged to( 2 ) 企业、学校或家庭It is quite necessary that responsible companies should restrain themselves from doing sth.Elders cannot have failed to educate their kids to do sth.It is quite ur

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