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高一英语阅读理解强化训练附解析Day 84文档格式.docx

1、1. Which best explains the authors purpose for the text?A. To record the days events in a journal. B. To encourage readers to use alarm clocks. C. To explain to readers why planing is important. D. To entertain readers with a story about a girls misadventure(不幸遭遇). 2. How does this school day compar

2、e to most days for Mandy?A. It is worse. B. It is a total disaster. C. It is about the same. D. It is better than most. 3. Why does the author ask a question in the second paragraph?A. To show Mandys inner thoughts. B. To quote(引述) what Mandy asked in class. C. To find out if the reader understands

3、the text. D. To show the type of question Mandys teacher gave her. 4. What lesson does Mandy learn?A. Dont delay necessary chores(日常事务). B. It is important to wear clean clothes. C. Too much preparation is better than too little. D. There is no point in doing homework at the last moment.Passage 2Tra

4、de has a pretty bad name in some quarters. Trade robs poor people of a proper living, and keeps them trapped in poverty. There is a widely held popular view that trade is unfair. Though many claim that a freer trade would change the current indecent reputation of world market, the cure-all free trad

5、e is the dream of most textbook economists. In fact, “free trade” has been used successfully by powerful countries to land their mass-produced goods on fresh overseas dumping grounds and squeeze out local household businesses and craftsmanship. At home the story is different. Large firms have little

6、 appetite for free trade and competition in their own backyard. They prefer to enjoy the advantages and protections for which they have carefully earned. Free thus fierce competition has little appeal for those who understand that they will make more profit if they can corner the market, whether at

7、home or abroad. By contrast, making trade fairer is about addressing both outcomes and processes of trade. Fairness is not just moral request. It affects behaviour. Actually the concept of fairness increases steadily as societies achieve greater market uprightness: Businessmen from upright societies

8、 are willing to punish those who do not play fair, even if this is costly to themselves. Fairer trade rather than freer trade could partly mend mal-administering of resources in certain areas. Though thought of as evil economic policies in the west world, carefully planned special preferences and pr

9、otectionism could be used intelligently to help to block the economic robbery of the rich class in African countries, and to improve the lives of the bottom billion. Fairness is also important in the control of trade. The current International trade negotiations have resulted in rules favoring the p

10、owerful. The rules are made in negotiations in which the countries in control call the shots, and do not always do so in good faith. Industrialized countries were often found to have obtained definite and far-reaching commitments from developing countries, in exchange for vague promises, such as to

11、liberalise agriculture, which they have not kept. On the other hand, the essence of the fair trade lies in the promise that every party benefit from the business, rich or poor, powerful or weak. Making trade fairer is important to avoid a further public hate against trade. It is also important so as

12、 better to balance trade goals with other important national goals such as environmental and social protection. Finally, the so-called free trade system needs to be made fairer so that it does not block competition, and crush innovation and business spirit. It needs to offer a more level playing fie

13、ld to commercial newcomers and competitors in rich and poor countries alike. 1. Free trade is a concept at rich countries service to_. A. open up new markets abroadB. define trade in the economic textbooksC. dump pollutants in poor countriesD. learn the skills from local household businesses. 2. The

14、 key mechanism of fair trade is_. A. punishing the rich countries when they cheat the poor countriesB. making sure that rich countries provide more chances for poor countriesC. promoting special preferences and protectionism in poor areasD. guaranteeing the common interests of all the dealers3. The

15、underlined word “mal-administering” in the passage is closest in meaning to_. A. macro-managementB. overall collectionC. uneven distributionD. negative mining4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Large firms earn huge profits from free trade on domestic markets. B.

16、 Honest dealers would sacrifice their own interest to discipline the dishonest. C. Special preferences and protectionism are occasionally adopted in western countries. D. A fairer trade helps to ease competition between the rich and the poor. Passage 3You drive down the highway with your family or f

17、riends in the car, camping equipment and spare clothes in the back. Your windows are down and the wind is hitting you in the face. These are the makings of a classic US road trip. Road trips are quite common in the country, especially during the Thanks-giving holiday, which is the busiest travel tim

18、e of the year in the country for families and friends who want to get together. And for students, going on a road trip is traditional after graduating from high school or college with their schoolmates. It usually involves traveling great distances across the US and camping out whenever possible. De

19、stinations are different depending on where in the country someone is located. But they all show the same kind of adventure. Popular spots to travel to include Yellowstone National Park, the Grand Canon. However, the most famous of all road trip journey is travelling across the US on Route 66. Route

20、 66 begins in Chicago and ends in Los Angeles. The route goes past many of the lesser-known states. However, its the bizarre(稀奇古怪的)and wonderful small attractions that draw many road trippers to them. The attractions one sees on these trips are quite strange and very difficult to explain to non-Amer

21、ican. They are filled with gas stations that still look like they did back in the 1950s and small restaurants known as mom and pop restaurants where you can eat a greasy cheeseburger with a delicious milkshake. Route 66 is also filled with quite unusual, but still fascinating wonders. Deep down, US

22、road trips show the spirit of freedom and openness. The idea is that if you have a car, you have freedom to escape, to discover, to find yourself, to lose yourself. Its a powerful call, one that is part of the US identity and culture. It is a must-do for anyone who plans to spend time in the US to s

23、ee the country and all of its wonders. An old sayingIts not the destination, its the journeybest explains what the experience of a road trip truly offers. 1. The first paragraph is designed to _. _A. present the topic B. list some factsC. raise a question D. give an example2. What attracts US road t

24、rippers most on Route 66? _A. Lesser-known states. B. Mom and pop restaurants. C. Gas stations and delicious foods. D. Strange attractions and fantastic wonders. 3. What is the authors purpose in writing the text?A. To introduce US road trips. B. To spread American culture. C. To stress the importan

25、ce of a road trip. D. To attract US road trippers to Route 66. Passage 4 A hospital has been forced to ban Pokemon Go players from the site after a monster hub was found in the A&E department. Royal Stoke University Hospital discovered that its casualty unit(急诊室) is on the same spot as a Pokemon Goq

26、ymwhere players can train their newly caught Nintendo creatures. The University Hospitals of North Midlands Trust agreed last week that patients can play Pokemon Go on wards(病房) because walking around is healthy. But the Trust has been forced to post a warning on its website about public access to A&E. It said if Pokemon Go becomes a major annoyance it would ask Nintendo which decides on the locations of the virtual gyms according

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