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1、s pocket“窃取某人口袋中的东西”pick out 选出;挑出pick out a new bikepick out a beautiful tie for sb.3.advice为不可数名词,a piece of advicegive advice on .就给某人提出建议My teacher gave me some advice on how to learn English well.4.turn into“把变成”;有时表示“改写;翻译”如:You are able to turn failure into success.Can you turn it into Japane

2、se?三、常用词语和句型1.practise 实行,实践。You should practice what you tell others to do.Practise doing练习。He is practising playing the common “共同的,共用的”We had all things in common at that time.The swimming pool is used in common by all the children in the school.3.make records/make a record“录制唱片”She li

3、kes making records of her songs.4.on the other hand另一方面I want to go to the party, but on the other hand I ought to be studying.5.beat(n.)一击;有规律的敲击声a drumbeat鼓点声a heartbeat心跳声beat(v.)敲打The rain was beating against/on the deck.beat(v.)表示连续的拍打四、日常交际用语Maybe we could .?Well, but what about .?Can I ask yo

4、u for some advice?I suggest (that) .What can you suggest?Maybe it would be better to .Have you considered doing .?Thats a good idea.Can you help me .?How about .?s a good idea/suggestion.Unit 12 Art and literatureReview the Attributive Clause复习定语从句的用法。关系代词:指人:who, whom, whose, 指物:which, whose, 指人或物:

5、that1.关系代词在从句中作主语,如:The woman who/that came to see me is a friend of mine.2.关系代词在句中作宾语,如:Where is the boy (who/whom/that) I saw this afternoon?3.关系代词whose, of which在从句中作定语。Here comes the man whose mother is a doctor.This is the house of which the door broke last night.4.在句中作状语,由when, why, where来引导。T

6、hat is the day when I met him.That is the place where I was born.That is the reason why she was late for school.1.share(属于或由某人做的)部分,一份,如:We gave each of the five children an equal share.股份;股票Do not part with the shares on any account.无论如何不要放弃这些股票。(常与in连用)共用;分摊;共有We shared the sweets. 我们分吃了糖果。They sh

7、are their joys and sorrows. 他们同甘共苦。e across“(偶然)遇见或发现”I came across an old friend of yours the other day.I came across the new book here.3.sound like听起来像;feel like感到像;smell like闻起来像That sounds like a good idea.What does the perfume smell like?The material feels like about to . when “正要做突然”

8、;We were about to leave when it started to rain.1.trick戏法;把戏;花样。I can do magic a trick on sb.恶作剧,开某人玩笑。Children will play a trick on their teacher.2.treat“对待;看待”treat . as .把当作You should treat him fairly.The old man treated the boy as his son.treat请客;款待Whose turn is it to treat next?3.ha

9、ve trouble (in) doing sth.= have problems (in) doing sth.= have difficulties (in) doing sth.The little child has trouble in dressing in trouble 处于困境中It seems he is in trouble.trouble sb. to do sth.What is troubling your mother?4.believe后可跟名词,表示“相信”;后接从句或复合宾语时,表示“认为;料想;相信”I believe his wor

10、ds.We believe that she will succeed.believe in表示“信奉;信仰”和信任(have trust in)They believe in God.I believe in having plenty of exercise.5.What does sb./sth. look like?=What is sb./sth. like?类似句型还有:What do you think of sb./sth.?How do you like sb./sth.?How do you find sb./sth.?What shall we do?Would you

11、like to .?d like to .Maybe we could .d prefer to .Which do you prefer, . or .?Cant we ?There are several things we could do.UNIT13 Healthy eating一、课文背景知识随着社会的不断进步,人们对吃什么以及怎么吃也越来越讲究。过去,人们主要的奋斗目标是一天三餐饭能吃饱就不错了。现在,人们不仅吃主食而且还吃零食以补充所需的养料。十多年以前,人们争着在街上买肥肉,然而,今天街上的肥肉没人要,因为肉制品多了,因为生活水平提高了,更因为人们更加了解了体内所需的营养物质


13、食物。有机蔬菜是指生长过程中没有使用对人体和环境有害的化学药品的蔬菜。因为我们有如此多的东西供选择,因此许多商家对我们吃什么就提出了一些建议。书刊杂志和电视媒体向我们介绍不同保健类型需要的食物和药品,然而,真正比较好的选择是花时间和钱买好的食品并且保持饮食的平衡,多锻炼。人们应该更多地了解自己的身体以及我们身体所需的养料,以便我们对生活中所面临的机遇和挑战有充分的准备。二、疑难详解1. Choosing what to eat is no longer as easy as it once was. 我们在选择吃的东西方面,现在不像过去一样简单了。问as在此处作何解释?答作连词,表示比较。又如

14、:My hometown is no longer the same as it was. 我的家乡同过去不一样了。2. if we want to keep up with the high pace of modern life, we had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat. 如果我们要跟上现代生活的步伐,我们最好学会正确的选择吃什么以及怎么吃。问如何分析此句?答这里if引导的是条件状语从句,we had better .是主句,what and how we eat 是宾语从句做about

15、的宾语。keep up with 赶上,跟上,had better最好。3. When we choose what to buy and eat, we had better think if the food will give us the nutrients we need. 当我们选择我们想要买和想要吃东西的时候,我们最好想一想这些食物是否提供了我们所需要的 营养。问这个句子中有三个从句,对吗?答对。when., 是时间状语从句;if.是宾语从句;we need是定语从句。4. Some nutrients help build our body and amke it strong

16、er. 一些食物有助于我们增强体魄。问build our body and make it stronger 一起做help的宾语吗?答是的。5. Caicium, which is found in eggs, milk and other dairy products, is good for our bones and teeth.问which is found in eggs, milk and other dairy product 是定语从句吗?而且引导词which在从句中作主语,代替calcium。6. Other nutrients help keep our body fun

17、ctioning well. 其他的营养物有助于我们的身体正常运转。问function在这里作动词吗?在这里“起作用”等的意思。7. But the choices we make are not just about nutrion. 但是,我们做出的选择不仅是营养方面的。问we make 又是定语从句?make choices 是“作出选择”的意思。引导词which/that 作宾语,可以省去。8. Eating habits become part of who we are: people become vegetarians either because they believe i

18、t is healthier not to eat meat or because they so not think we should kill animals for food.饮食习惯成了我们信仰中不可分割的部分;问这么长的句子,怎么分析?答主句是:Eating habits become part of who we are. Eather., or. 引导两个because 原因状语从句。9. We also make choices based on how the products are grown or made: environmentally friendly food

19、s, or eco-foods, are made by companies who have tried to use green and clean ways to make the foods. 我们对产品的作出的选择还决定于生产和加工方式,要是环保性的或者说是生态性的食物,是厂家用绿色而又清洁的方式生产出来的食物。问此句是否定语从句中套定语从句。that are grown without chemicals 做vegetables 的定语;that can be harmful to human beings and the environment 做chemicals 的定语。11

20、. If our diet includes foods from all the food groups, in the right amounts, we so not have to buy any supplements. 如果我们食物品种多,数量恰当,我们就不需要买任何补给品。问请解释此句中的if结构和do not have to 相当与needt。12. The same goes for crash diets that some companies say will make us lose weight fast. 对于一些公司所宣称可以让我们减肥的减肥餐也如此。问that

21、some companies say will make us lose weight fast 起什么作用?答定语从句。that 在从句中作主语代替“crash diets。13. Instead of eating expensive diet foods or going on unhealthy diets, we can simply try to eat less fat and sugar and exercise more. 我们不需要去吃那些昂贵的固定饮食或者不健康的饮食, 只需要少吃脂肪和糖, 多锻炼就行了。问请问intead of 介词短语?答instead of 是介词

22、短语, 表示“代替”的意思。14. The best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits. 保健的最好方式是养成健康的饮食习惯。问这句话的主句究竟是什么?答The best way is to develop healthy eating habits 是这句话的主句 to make sure that we will feel and look fine 不定式短语做定语, 修饰the best way.15. We ought to learn more a

23、bout our body and the fuel it needs so that we can make sure that we are well prepared for the challenges and opportunities in life.我们应该更多地了解自己的身体以及我们身体所需的养料, 以便我们对生活中所面临的机遇和挑战有充分的准备。问so that 是什么意思?答so that 是“以便”的意思,常引导结果状语从句。16. That means that sandwich or a salad is a good choice, but a chocolate

24、bar or a bag of patato chips is not. 也就是说,要选择三明治和色拉之类的而不是选择巧克力和炸土豆条。问如何分析此句句子 成分?答“That 是主语, “mean 是谓语, 后面整个that引导的两个并列从句是宾语,第二个从句“is not 后省略了a good choice.三、本单元高考热点归纳与拓展概述本单元重点语法是 had better,should 和 ought to 等情态动词的用法。象其他的情态动词一样,had better, should 和 ought to 后面跟动词原形。ought to 与 should 都表示“应该”的意思。had

25、 better 表示“最好”的意思。You had better get some rest.你最好休息一会儿。You had better not eat fruit that isnt ripe. 你最好不要吃没有成熟的水果。You should/ought to be careful with fruit. 你们应该小心水果。You should not/ought to eat so much junk food. 你不应该吃这么多垃圾食品。经典解析例:1.I didnt hear the phone. I_asleep. (1989年全国高考题) A. must be B.must

26、have been C.should be D.should have been简析:答案B。从 didnt 可知是过去的事情。“当时我一定睡着了”。表示对过去的事情进行肯定推测要用must+have+动词的过去分词。而 shuold have been asleep 则表示过去该睡着而没有睡着,与前面的意思不相符。2.He _ you more help, even though he was very busy. (1990年全国高考题) A: might have given B: might give C: may have given D: may give答案A。从was可知是对过

27、去的事情表示推测,应该用情态动词+have+动词的过去分词,排除B、D。根据“当时他非常忙”的事实,他可能给你更大的帮助的可能性很小,所以选 might 比选 may 好。3.Could I borrow your dictionary? Yes,of course you_. (1992年全国高考题) A.might B.will C.can D.should答案C。文句中用 could 是委婉地提出要求,答句中从 of course 可知道,应该非常肯定地同意,所以用can。4.Its nesrly seven oclock. Jack _be here at any moment. (1

28、995年全国高考题) A.must B.need C.should D.canmust一定;need需要;should可能,该;can能。5.write to me when you get home. (2001年春季高考题) _. A.I must B.I should C.I will D.I can前者发出请求。后者表示应允“我会的”。will用于第一人称,表示有意识的行动,表现为意愿,意志等。透视情态动词的考试不仅如此,在阅读等方面,它会经常出现。掌握情态动词的用法关系到我们能否正确理解文章大意的问题,直接影响着我们的做题。四、本单元生词详解1. sweet swi:tadj. 填的,甜味的;芳香的,新鲜的;悦耳的,动听的;亲切的,温柔的,温和的;惬意的/n. 糖果;甜食;布丁;(餐后的)一道甜食例

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