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1、go skating,fine, whose3.字母i在单词中的发音课前准备光盘、卡片、图片、PPT等课时分配第一课时:Story time第二课时:Fun time和Cartoon time第三课时:Sound time, Song time,Checkout time和 Ticking time第四课时:WorkbookUnit5 Seasons (Story time)时间教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写season, spring, warm, summer, hot, autumn, cool, winter, cold。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写 In spring, it

2、is warm. We go boating。3.能在老师的指导下有感情地朗读本首诗歌。4.能表达四季的气候特征及人们相应的活动。重点1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写season, spring, warm, summer, hot, autumn, cool, winter, cold2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写 In spring, it is warm. We go boating难点1. 能在老师的指导下有感情地朗读本首诗歌。2. 能表达四季的气候特征及人们相应的活动。PPT,卡片教 学 流 程教 学 调 整Step1 Warm up1.Greeting.2.Play a game: Li

3、sten and guess.T: Do you like listening to music? Yes, I like it too. Now lets play a game about it. When you listen to the song, if you know the name of the song, please tell me as soon as possible.3. 学习season What can you find among them? Yes, they are all about seasons.(学习season) As we all know,

4、therere seven days in a week. How many seasons are there in a year, do you know? Yes, therere four. Lets look at the pictures. How beautiful!Step 2 Presentation1.Learn about the seasons.Look at the picture, what can you see in it ?Can you guess which season is it? Now its spring.(学习spring) Its warm

5、in spring. We can do many interesting things in spring.(学习warm) It is warm, I fly kites. What else can we do in spring? Just use this sentence structure.(教授句型 It is ., I .)生举例 In this season, it isnt hot, or cold, either. It is yellow. The farmers like this season. Which season is it? Yes, its autum

6、n.(学习 autumn)And its cool. Here “cool” means 凉爽的.We know it has another meaning, it is 酷的,漂亮的。We have learned about it last term. Do you remember? What can we do in autumn? 生使用所提供的句型举例。 Listen! Can you guess which season is it now? Yes ,its summer.(学习 autumn)In summer, its very hot. I think., some g

7、irls like summer, because they can wear nice skirts, right? What can we do in summer? White is the popular color in this season. And its the last season of a year. Its winter.(学习winter)Sometimes it snows, so the ground turns white. We can make snowmen.(学习snowmen,并讲解它的原型)生使用所提供的句型举例。2.Story timea) Re

8、ad and complete the form. Just now we talked about the seasons. Our friends are talking about it too. Who are they? Lets watch the cartoon. What are they talking about? Lets open your books and turn to P32. Read it by yourselves and try to complete the form .Check the answers. How is the weather in

9、spring?/ What do we do in spring?b) Read Story time Now its your reading time. Read the poem by yourselves.What do you think of the poem? Yes, the poem is beautiful. So we should read it beautifully. Now lets read it after the tape.Step3 Consolidation All of the four seasons are very pretty. But I l

10、ike summer best. Because It is hot. I eat a lot of fruit. I wear nice skirts. I have a summer vacation. How about you? Which season do you like best? Write it down and try to share with us.Step4 Homework1. Read and recite the poem with emotion.2. Choose one season and compose a poem.3. Preview Fun t

11、ime and Cartoon time.板书设计spring warm fly kites/go boating summer hot eat ice creams/ go swimming autumn cool have picnics/ go climbing winter cold make snowmen/ skating反思Unit5 Seasons( Cartoon time和Fun time) 时间1.能听得懂,会读,会说,会写单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool, cold.2.能听得懂、会读、会说句子:We

12、like spring/summer/autumn/winter. In, it is warm/cool/hot/cold. We(具体活动)3.自由地表达每个季节的气候特征和在每个季节里通常做的事情。4.能够读懂Cartoon time 部分内容,体会其中的趣味性。1.会介绍四季的气候特征并表达在每个季节里通常做的事情。2.能够读懂Cartoon time 部分内容,体会其中的趣味性。卡片, PPTStep1 Free talk and revision1.Play a game How are you today? Is it hot today? Is it summer now?S:

13、 Fine, thanks./ Yes. / No. Boys and girls, today firstly lets play a game. Im going to show you some words or pictures. Please try to guess what season it is.(PPT显示游戏内容)Ss:(学生根据老师出示的单词或图片猜季节)2.Review the text Well, we all know that therere four seasons in a year. And we do different things in each s

14、eason. Here I have some cards. Can you read them?(黑板上先翻出春天卡片 spring, warm, fly kites, go boating) 读卡片。 Yes. Now can you try to finish the rest of three according to Story time? Good! Now lets talk about the four seasons according to them.In spring, it is warm, we fly kites, we .In summer, it is hot,

15、 we eat ice creams, we .In autumn, In winter, 3. Actually, every season is colorful, lets enjoy a poem about seasons. Do you like it?Among the seasons, which season do you like best? What do you do?Look at the boy. He likes winter best, and he has a season card of winter.Step2 Make a season card1.Do

16、 you want to have a season card?But how do we make it?Look! It concludes two parts: Your pictures and your poem.Lets read it.2.What can we write on the season card?Now please discuss in groups: What sentences can you write?3.You have already finished the pictures at home, now its your turn to compos

17、e the poem and try to introduce your season card to your partner.4.Now lets show your card and talk about it in class.Step3 Cartoon time What about Sam? Which season does he like? Guess! Why? How do you know that? Yes, he likes winter. Hes flying to Australia. Because he doesnt like hot days. He lik

18、es cold days.1.But what happened to Sam and his mum?A.Sam lost his bag.B.Sam lost his jacket.Lets watch the cartoon and choose the correct one.2.Whose bags are they?Please read the story and match the pictures.Whose bag is it?(指向第一个包)What about this one?3. Good! Well, boys and girls, lets learn the

19、story together.指导朗读。Act in four.Step4 SummaryTicking time :I can talk about activities in each season.I can read and act the cartoon.Step5 Homework1.Read and act “Cartoon time”.2.Introduce your season card to your parents.Its a fine day today.Its It is I I likeUnit 5 Seasons(Sound time, Song time,Ch

20、eckout time和 Ticking time)1.复习巩固本单元的知识点,在日常交际中熟练运用所学句型2.会唱歌曲 A sunny day3.字母i在单词中的读音4.能在教师的引导下客观地对自己的学习情况做出评价。2.字母i在单词中的读音光盘、PPT教 学 调 整 Step1 Free talk It is spring. Its warm. I go rowing in spring. What can you do in spring? I fly kites in spring.I like spring.Step2 Presentation1.(出示图片)Look,do you

21、know them? They are Tom,Mary and Mike. They like spring too. Because they all like the kite.2. T: Look at the sentence. These words all have the letter i. Look at my mouth, try to imitate. S: Read one by one. T: Read the sentence.3.T: Can you find other words?4.Tom,Mary and Mike like singing too.Lis

22、ten to the song: A sunny day Can you sing the song? Lets try together. Can you make a new song according to your picture? Lets try.小组内编唱歌曲。Step3 Checkout time学生根据出示的季节进行30秒不间断的描述。 Try to say more: I like it because I drink / eat/ use I usually/often/ sometimes 2.Ss match and say.Its spring. ItsIn sp

23、ring, I Its summer.In summer, I Its autumn.In autumn, I Its winter.In winter, I 学生在小组内尽量试着多说句子。Step4 ConsolidationThink and writeI like best.It is .I . .Step5 Summary & Evaluation1.T: What can we learn from this lesson? I can 2.T: Good, we can do so many things. Discuss in groups, see how many stars

24、 have you got together?Step6 Homework1.Read Unit4 after the tape.2.Try to write a new poem about the seasons. Tom, Mary and MikeAll like the kite. Mike Chinese kite like time white (Workbook)能够在真实语境中熟练运用句型In ,it is . We .PPTStep1 Revision1.Sing the song:2.利用单词卡片复习本单元单词。 Boys and girls, Im going to s

25、how you some words or pictures. Please try to guess what season it is.(PPT显示游戏内容)Step2 Practice(Workbook)A Listen and circle先要求学生仔细看图,用英语说一说每幅图的意思,再播放录音。1b 2a 3b 4aB Listen and write先读一读短文,并根据自己的了解说一说昆明的气候,再听录音,根据所听内容补全短文。C Look and say先让学生看图讨论,然后根据图1的例句对其余图片进行描述。D Read ,guess and write先要求学生读句子,根据描述猜猜是哪个季节,然后把季节单词写在横线上。1 spring 2 summer 3 winter 4 autumnE Read and order 学生先读单词,口头完成句子,然后再把句子写下来。要提醒学生注意标点符号以及首字母大写。F Look,read and write先让学生看图描述不同季节、天气以及人们的活动,然后引导学生读一读小诗并根据图意把小诗补充完整。Step3 Homework 1.Finish the exercises.2.Recite Unit 5

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