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1、结合话题的书面写作part one summary回忆并归纳课文要点lesson 1 shows us how vikings arrived at americain the article the writer informed us stories how three people found greenland and newfoundland lesson two mainly deals with the importance of protecting the sea by analyzing the problems and causes as well as the solu

2、tionspart two 重点词汇如果。怎么办 独立,独自不止一个 去航海之前老早就 多达被迫去做 被称作为成功做到再一次 朝。方向撒谎 覆盖着大雪处理 靠打鱼为生共7页,当前第2页1234567轮流做 浪费时间做。做。是浪费时间 选择做part three 重点词汇1 long before 很久以前 e.g.我很久以前就认识他。 i knew him long before. -在你认识他之前很久我就认识他。i knew him long before you do.他们到了很久你才来。they arrived here long before you came.很久以后你才最终意识到这

3、个问题。it was long before you finally realized this. -before long 不久我们不久就会知道这件事。well know this before was / will be long /时间段before 从句 区别判断下列短语in search of 为了寻找 search for寻找 search sb. / sp.搜查某人/某地警察正在那所学校搜查那个杀人犯.the police are searching that school for the murderer.part four key sente

4、nces1.the vikings were the first europeans to reach-他总是最后一个想到问题的解决办法. he is always the last to work out the solution to the problem.2. there were as many as 10,000 vikings living -湖边有一个很高的树. there is a tall tree standing by the lake.3.this time with only 25 ships of which only 14 made it to greenlan

5、d.此次比赛我班获得了18 枚金牌,其中12枚是男生获得。our class won 18 gold medals of which 12 were won by boy students.4. and sailed to what is believed to be the - 我们的学校建在过去被认为是废墟的地方.our school is built in what was believed to be wasteland.5.he found himself in an unknown land from where he eventually reaching -他醒过来的时候发现自

6、己竟躺在屋顶上,从那里他可以看到整个乐从镇。when he woke up, he found himself lying on the roof from where he could enjoy the view of the whole lecong town.part five 课文语法填空the vikings were a group of people _ ancestors came from scandinavia. they controlled the seas _ the 8th and 10th centuries ad. by around 900 ad, ther

7、e were many places in northern europe _ the vikings chose to live. in 982 ad, when a man _(叫) eric the red decided to set sail further west, there were as _ as 10,000 vikings _(live) in iceland. eric _(force) to leave iceland because he had committed a murder, _ which he got into trouble.he persuade

8、d somepeople to go with him to greenland, this time with 25 ships, _ only 14 made it. in the year 1002, when eric the reds son leif was planning a trip further west, biarni was the man _ whom leif discussed his plans. leif _ biarns directions and sailed to _ is believed to be the coast of present-da

9、y canada. he then sailed further south to an island _he named vinland but is now_ (know) as newfoundland.共7页,当前第3页1234567part six topic writing假设你是 li xia上次有幸参加了学校组织的一次去匝坡的旅游,对匝坡海边的污染感触颇深.现你写信给佛山日报反映这一问题.内容要点如下:1)问题:水质每况愈下,游客丢的垃圾到处可见,如矿泉水瓶子,垃圾袋等,甚至水面上也漂着这些垃圾. 还有一些游客傍晚在海边烧烤;有些居民捕杀海里的鱼,导致鱼大量减少2)你的建议:l

10、esson 3-4 重点词汇 复习目标:帮助学生掌握该课中重点单词的用法及在语境中的熟练运用 复习重点:词汇复习 复习难点:重点词汇在句中的运用part one revisionpollute n. _ industrial n. _ agricultural n. _ chemical 化学 _ ban v-ed. _ intelligence adj. _ _(过渡捕捞) _(谋生) solution _ the question v. _practice 1. with the rapid development of society, our city is seriously _ (

11、pollution) by the _ (industry) and _ (agriculture) waste. it is time for the government to carry out some _ to _ the problem (solve). for example, _(过渡捕捞) should be _ (ban).2. the greens _by selling furniture.3. the _ dolphin is humans good friend.4 the beauty of the city is very_ (迷人) to me.5 watch

12、ing tv can be very _(教育).6 his only chance of _( 生存) was a heart transplant.7 this ruler is 2 metres in _(长)8 这个池塘宽约2米. this pond measures about 2 metres across.9 他是一个公认的大好人. he is recognized as a very good man.10 at his words his heart _ to the bottom.听了他的话,他的心一下子沉了下去。part twp key words1 attract 吸引

13、,引起.注意力/兴趣 attract ones attention吸引某人的注意力e.g. bright lights attract moths- tourist attraction 2. measure 尺寸 措施, 测量,尺寸是共7页,当前第4页1234567- make sth to ones measure根据某人的尺寸做take measures to do sth采取措施做 it measures 3 metres in height 3. trick - play a trick on sb.戏弄某人trick sb. into doing sth. 骗某人做某事 gramm

14、ar “比较”的用法1 . its three times as big underwater.= its three times as big underwater (as it is above the water).= its twice bigger underwater (than it is above the water).两者相比(甲乙),用 “as +原级 + as”表示。汤姆和杰克一样高。 tom is as tall as jack.她能够做得和她哥哥一样好。she could do as well as his brother.2. 两者相比(甲乙),用 “比较级+ t

15、han” 表示。这个房间比那个大。this room is bigger than that one.她的书比我的书贵。her book is more expensive than mine.4. 表示“几倍于时”,用“倍数asas”来表示,也可以用“倍数比较级+than”表示。 这种飞机飞得比那种快两倍。 this kind of plane flies twice faster than that kind. this kind of plane flies three times as fast as that kind.5. 表示一方随另一方程度变化时,用“the+比较级, the

16、+比较级”结构。你吃得越多,就会变得越胖。the more you eat, the fatter you will be.你学得越多,懂的就越多。the more you study, the more you know.6 表示三个或三个以上进行比较,其中某一方超过其他几方面的用“_”如:她是我们班最好的学生。 she is the best student in our class.比较级用法总结二者间的比较: “as +原级 + as”“not (so) +原级+ as”“比较级+ than” “倍数asas”或“倍数比较级+than” the+比较级 (of+the +two)三者之

17、间的比较:the +最高级+比较范围practice我们的教室比你们的大三倍。共7页,当前第5页1234567our classroom is three times larger than yours.our classroom is four times as large as yours.1) lucy的连衣裙与lily的一样漂亮。lucys dress is _ _ _ lilys 2) 这个会议没上次的重要。this meeting is _ _ _ _last one.1) 过去她家是村里最穷的。 her family _ _ _in her village in the past

18、.2)他是家里兄弟中最年轻的。 he is _ _of the brothers in the family.3)mary 比jenny重两公斤。 mary is _ _ _ than jenny.1)在“比较级+than”这一句型中,作为比较对象的成分不能省略:判断正误: 在冬天北京比广州更冷。in winter its colder in beijing than in guangzhou. in winter its colder in beijing than guangzhou. 2)形容词比较等级前一般可用much, even, a lot, a little, a bit, 等状

19、语修饰,如:月亮比太阳小得多。 the moon is _ _ _ the sun.这本书比那本书厚一点。 the book is _ _ _ than that one.task four topic writing 为了推动人们的环保意识,广州海洋馆将于儿童节那天免费对外开放,时间从上午9点到下午7点.参观的地方有海底世界,海洋剧院,北极世界等.参观券有限,先到先得,而且先到者还有礼物派,越早越好哦.lesson 4教学目标:掌握本课重点词汇、短语、句型及其用法。描述自己的海上经历或难忘经历。 运用复习的短语、句型进行写作。part one wordshorrible v. _ n. _

20、adj. _ _ terrify n. _ adj. _ adj. _ _ survive n. _ _ 忽然,突然_ 痊愈_ 尖叫 _ sink _ _ 接某人,捡起 _able (op). _ ( _ ) recognise adj. _part two phrases有一天突然,忽然被覆盖靠近,在附近朝着的方向在那一刻在的边缘越来越近以极大的速度潜入海底使结束,得出结论沉入底部不久之后最后,最终捡起,接载某人part three language points in the text1. happen to sb. 某人发生昨天他发生车祸了a car accident happened

21、to him yesterday.共7页,当前第6页1234567happen to do sth 碰巧做某事it happened that碰巧她昨天逛街时碰巧遇到了以前的同学。she happened to meet her former classmate while shopping yesterday. 2.all at once , the sky was covered with dark clouds and in less than a minute we were in a terrible storm.all at once 突然间,刹那刹那,他的名字跃入我的脑海all

22、at once, his name came into my covered with 被覆盖峨眉山顶终年积雪the top of the mount emei is covered with snow all the year round.6. on the edge of 在的边缘不要把杯子放在桌边,可能掉下来dont put the glass on the edge of the table; it may fall off.7. at great speed以很高速度8. i noticed that.我注意到我注意到他离开得很早 i noticed that he

23、left early.9. tieto把系到 把狗栓在柱子上 tie the dog to that post. tie your shoe-laces 系上你的鞋带10.i tried to make my brother understand,. 那使我的眼睛很痛 that makes my eyes you can see, i did escape. did在这里起强调作用,对谓语进行强调。如:i did come here yesterday.在祈使句中,也借用助动词do强调说话人的祈使语气。 一定记得代我向你妈妈问好。do remember me to you

24、r mother.请来参加我的舞会。do come to my party, please. 12. bring to a conclusion结束她以一个有趣的故事结束谈话. she brought her talk to a conclusion with a funny story.13. carried me to an area where the other fishermen were. 关系副词where引导的定语从句这是我住的地方。this is the place where i live.practice: translate the following sentences:1 他朝着学校方向跑去了。 2. 世界上很少国家承认台湾是独立的国家。3 在黑暗中,那个黑影吓了她一跳。她很恐惧以致于尖叫起来。4. 布朗夫妇很幸运能从海啸(tsunami)中生存下来六、基础写作 写作内容结合本单元句型,并运用部分重要词组,表达以下我的经历:1去年十一月部分教师去三亚三日游,我第二次见到大海。(a 3-day holiday, for the second time)2我们在海滩上沐浴阳关,游泳,拾贝壳,照相;(on the beach, pick up)3次日起航去一

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