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1、 Bodal y arrasoArutecosArchitect: Jun Bordllo uiz y rniso arasco RdrueLctn: Yecl, ucia, SpinProject collaboratos: Aonio osGc Aat, Ls Requ urra, Cosmn DagomSructrl Engir:Alfoso Snche NavroErgy onsutig fr: ETRS Consultr ydificacin . lectriciy and Fiepoteio Eniner: JDIngniera S.Lein, entain and Ar cndi

2、tiong Egne:ergioFerndmzAcoustics ad Teeconcation ineer:Anoi J. Aranda GnzlzPoject Ya: 2020 211Client: City ouncilo ecaBuilt area:2404 m2NATURAL EIRONMN VELOMENT ROET DATTite: Develpnt f the natur vionmet the outher slope of E cero dl Castilo de Yla (Mrca)rcitctrlfrm: ordallo y arasorquitectosAchitct

3、s:Jun Bordllo uiz y Frcisco CarcRodrguezLocaion: Ycla, Mura, Sinoject cllboratos:Antoioos Garca Amat, Vcria Hidalo Vlleas, TaaviKar, Dniel Guara Luna, Landsap: enado Pez CanoProjectear: 200 2011Cnt: C Council of Yerojet rea: 160.300m2POJECTDSCRIPTONAs if we were titoeing.Fm henderstning f te loatio

4、s big natural park surroned by th iy of Ye, it drives n intevnio trtegyih a aim: To hieve th ntrouf the acivitith noimac,bulig a newsymbticrelionhp wree maninhbits th forst ith iolene and t lascae obtansusabilty After viitingtheloaion westat hat the bestopion s aninteventio itutrnsmng the forest, ke

5、ein a responible nervntio strategy, rspectin the foresta voidn bg fellingor erthworks which maybek th contuity o the vegetation erand naral cycles. Lon oodarpets bl a neworkof pas th a treedesign crossig tpk and inserting thurbanacivity io it. It is ade up f rwhichcotiute temultifuntonal builin, trn

6、k whi costitueshe main ph, sothematic branhs secondary thsand sme activit node by way of relaxatio andlsre aescontaning tree uniue witha natal din t enable difrnt usaes (ports, games,rlaxao, bi-elh fines .)Pinewood i ud wih a doube urpose:1Represetatve: Themi instryof thecity(ecla i the olest frnit

7、firo pai).Cnetually is the mnufactre ofthne which makesu the inewo of the Park. he rojet is carriedout usingiffeent ine byprouct as sips, plans,los, que tber, ark, cips, woodwool.2 ectnic: Th cosrutonwit wdlet us intevnei e akwtou tranformng it.Te iteention mp sreuced ad e mlemenation foorntiminizd,

8、 bein ostly devlpd on alrady esting pths softad widin rc covs the Prksperieter alloing sport appliations ad t celbrae the Cross deYcla, unq eventf this on. t is esgned to eblethe race teevisoerag witha lowr number of ameras,odrt slope adlowimact. Wpropshe rpleme f ines,keeing itorigial nmber,and col

9、oufu plntis of idigenouandmatc buses aron nodes.The psitioeeted to esabish he buildn iintended to geneate a ler pece aturb level as the Park atey andt mnml ipact onthe exsing tees. Thebuling is funcionally diged asa fexible ontaner wihoble rtitins aale t thespecifirquirmnt of he equipmen.We areoin o

10、r a comrehensive sustiabedsi inorprting i nd passimeasures Theprjectsappearae chrarized yis soar rtection, lattce mdeofne wodnogs, dgned anclculated t optmie the buiings eeg neds throught h ar.his aturallaticemde of wooden los geertes sun ashadein theinterio ares and tcnfigursanaural tmospherenerati

11、ng h feing of bein uroundd bypine.INNOVATIO OEPThispojectiseviagd as great nfrsrucure withatre dign whic stimulaes atural landape geeratig e mnmal possible imac t coene rutes and actvties in miima fotpin, irpoati e use ofaive tecnologistoevelop the naural eviroet a rawaterhavsing stem to water the i

12、odcedindigenou uspeies power byphtvltac oar eney.Passive adactvystes are deeloped iside he utnctionCene. It requires 50 ess than a sanarbling ant il he firs unie iling o Spa ith te GBC RE certiftion. A rmeterzed hadig ystem alclatdo optimizethe ildigs energ needs, a lattce wit 31 wooen os sa symblf

13、teactin. The xnive e of oodenproduct,bioonsruti srategy, esearch he ffent ssibilitis o th mterial inthe siteqipment and constructiv esgn The “ighow th”concept of thisoposal ombins the usf igh technoloyinhe design tols nd fci sned with local orial and aforabe aterial.SOCAARIATONeprpse the tervnionf t

14、he collcve eeriene within a natusetting which treasures th memoryof the city. building nabe tspatial reconfigaion throughmobil artiis to cary ou intereneratioal socal ativities and loca assoiatos ctiviis n the par, there i a sport cicit daptedtolevied srts evet.Didactic ladscaping with ey-catchng co

15、lousnsmel.In te cometitionwe taken into accunte eihbourhoo ssociatiosandenvrnenta oanisatinsa ell s hectria ofthoeEuropea enitis ubsdiingth prjc.NVIRONMETQLIY AND SURCE EFICINYTe bulding ms ess than 50 of O2comped to onentonal one, 15of mtrals is cycled, it gerateclse to 10%of he nergy itconsmes and

16、 it reue 95of wter. It as a solarllector system intratd ino ternroof, ainaer harvestn system toreuse waer for Par waerng and rus o grey ae. Airconiiningdighing systesare poer-effiintand inteligenctro yms. Ithas ahigh thrmal ulaio leve thanks t te ue oagnrof, rgon gas e glazing and wode eclosure,ig o

17、ustic nsuatio lvl lattcefacadoptmizd o eneg saving n aglss urin almaximzing nauallhtin t use ecyedmaterial with lw enironent imt d great urablity, sucha lowclnke ceent wit hgaditio ll, recyle steel nd pine ood flooingTe Park miniizete envronena ootprint snce i takeuasall area, it inorporates a la ma

18、rking sstean t uses no-annan recycld ehnolcal ood,pinerkin te rexatonand eisurarea andpine wodin the site equmentCONOMIC ASPECTTis rojeis sd by Eurpean undshich qre plannin, tnsparencyand instttional coordnatio for eprject develment. It hsbeen selectd by regial institutions through a pbiccompetion o

19、 ieas publily dplayd,whch llws pulc prticitin in its develpmet. he so maufced wo ina tocharcterizd bhvin a iny based ono,te posibily for ticiation oflocl mpiein the constuctio rocess and the suppor tthe lcalecnom.ENVIROMENTA IMPACTThis prject has a r esign with lw nvironenal impat nd it evels anexte

20、nive f pine wood hich lins ithe ocl inty d thatural envinment pne fores whichsalo repeted an deeloed.A ndscaping rtratiois carrid uthroughhe irdcto finigno buses and res wtdifeentsmellsand lours n acoprehenivesytem o rainwaer harestin ndwatering.Thbuiing ojects inards atural aospe ndtesurudin andcap

21、evoking theflingof bing surroue bypines.MAIAReinoced cncre, eiromenalyindly cncrete HOCI,rycled steel - w misioncutainwll, woenlogs, technologcalwood - reen roof-recycle plaste hees, las a mobie als rainage, gey waer system nd anwatank, smat light, photovolaic els- indutrial prqut, rsn panels, wod w

22、ool panels - pie lanks, lo, bak and chps slar mas.FURTER RELEVAT Y FGUREatti314 woden coums, 95 m2 lw mssion curanwall,1124 mgreenroof,65 m3rinrtank, 49 uits ecologcal eqimnt,548 ees pnte,18 us pated, 2221 ml chnologial woo aths, 15 mlsprsruit如果我们踮着脚尖YCLA是大城市中的一个大自然公园,该项目主要目的是降低引入活动干预,建立一个新的共生关系。设计师访问场地后,更是明确应该保持一个负责任的干预策略,尊重森林和避免大的砍伐或土方工程,尽可能不破坏植被和自然循环系统。穿插在公园中的木栈道与城市动线相连,端头是一个多功能建筑。道路支线保持天然设计风,在不同的节点有不同的功

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