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人教版英语九年级全一册教案Unit6 SectionA1a2dWord下载.docx

1、 It was invented by.What was/is it used for.? It was/is used for.从活动和内容上看,2a要求学生听对话谈论三项发明,并按所听顺序为其排序;2b需要学生听懂发明的用途,补全表格。2c要求学生结伴谈论听力中的发明用途。2d作为示范性对话,介绍了生活中随处可见的小发明-拉链。【通过本单元的学习学生需掌握哪些综合技能】通过本单元的学习使学生学会谈论各种发明的历史,熟练使用被动语态。教学目标语言知识目标:1.熟练使用以下词汇、短语和句型:单词: heel, scoop, electricity, style, project, pleasu

2、re, zipper, daily, website, pioneer, list, mention短语: be used for,think of,have a point句型:When was the telephone invented?I think it was invented in 1876.What are they used for?Can you help me think of an invention?Is it really such a great invention?Think about how often its used in our daily lives

3、.The pioneers of different inventions were listed there.At that time,it wasnt used widely. 2.听说训练: 通过对听力材料的深度挖掘,提高口语技能。情感态度价值观目标:通过听说训练,让学生了解各种发明的历史,增加常识了解,也培养激发学生的创造力,希望能够自己设计创造发明。教学重难点教学重点:1.掌握Section A 1a-2d所有重点单词,短语和句型。2.一般过去时的被动语态。 教学难点:一般过去时的被动语态建议教法情景交际法,任务型教学法,听说课的“3P”教学模式 :P-呈现(语言输入)P-操练(1.

4、机械操练2. 听力训练)P-运用(语言输出)设置情景意义操练 设计听后活动任务,先模仿再迁移总结,听后设置任务提升学生语言运用能力教学流程(详见相应教学活动设计) 教学评价1.本课时的目标设计清晰可操作,活动的设计紧扣目标要求并与目标达成一致。 2.听中的活动设计遵循语言规律,由易到难逐层递进,充分体现语言输入到语言输出的完整过程。 3.听后的活动设计体现对文本内容的深度挖掘和文本再构,体现了对学生思维品格的训练与培养。步骤过程措施(教师活动与学生活动) 目的 持续性评价DELC41预备与激活先期知识Step 1Greeting and Leading in ( 3mins )T: We ha

5、ve inventions everywhere. Inventions make us live easily and happily. Without inventions,our lives will be much more difficult. Do you know the four great inventions in ancient China?(Show the four inventions on the screen) Do you know when they were invented and who invented them? Today,we will kno

6、w about a few inventions and talk about the history of them.(Show the pictures of four inventions on the screen:a car,a TV set,a telephone,and a computer.) 通过对中国古代四大发明,了解中国文化,激发学生兴趣,同时引入世界上一些重要的发明,引入本堂课课题。1.通过课前的预习,培养学生的“IIQEE”学习策略2.学生是否能整体感知本堂课内容。附:教学活动设计DELC52获取新知识Step2Pre-listening(听前) (3 mins)St

7、ep 3While-listening(听中)(7mins) Do you know when the telephone was invented?Ss: It was invented in . How about the car/computer/TV? It was invented in 1a Look at the things below. In what order do you think they were invented? Discuss them with your group. Then number them 【1-4】(1= first, 4 = last).

8、A: I think the TV was invented before the car.B: Well, I think the TV was invented after the car.Check answers :42131b Listen and match the inventions with the the years aloud2.listen and check answers:d a c b3.follow the tape G 感 知核心句型:The telephone was invented in .为后续听力做准备和铺垫,培养学生听前预

9、测和聚焦关键信息和关注细节问题的听力策略培养学生听前预测和聚焦关键信息和关注细节问题的听力策略学生是否能熟悉核心句型1.学生是否能听懂目标词汇与基本句型。2.学生是否能用目标词汇回答问题。3.学生是否能通过听音模仿朗读课文DELC63深度加工知识Step 4Post-listening(听后) (5 mins)1c pair work T: Lets practice the conversation with your partner. When was the telephone invented? B:I think it was invented in 1876.进一步巩固听力内容,拓

10、展学生思维结合听力内容,进行目标句型学习与操练。学生是否能用目标词汇和句型创编新的对话。Step 5 Pre -listening(听前)(3mins) We have learned about some useful inventions, then we will see some special inventions in 2a. Can you guess what they are used for ? They are used for 结合听力内容,进行目标句型的结合与操练学生是否能用已学的目标词汇或句型回答问题Step 6(听中)(7 mins1. Listen and nu

11、mber the inventions in 2a.2. Check the answers with the class:3 1 23. Listen again and complete the chart below in 2b.4. Ss listen and then play the recording for the Ss to check the answers: changing, in the dark, serving1. 通过听力练习巩固并检测学生所学的目标词汇及句型是否掌握。2. 通过听力原文听音模仿,进一步巩固所学的目标语言。1.学生是否能听懂目标词汇及句型2.学生

12、是否能通过听音模仿朗读课文。Step 7Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b. A: What are they used for? They are used for . Ss make their own conversations with his or her partner. Then let some pairs act out their conversations. 创编新的对话,巩固拓展学生词汇及语言能力。学生能运用所学目标词汇,创编新的对话DELC74评价学生学习Step 8Role-play Step

13、9Language points1. Let Ss read the conversation in 2d . 1)判断正误 T或F;2)根据对话内容填空;3)回答问题。1)Is the subject for Pauls school project “inventions that changed the world.”?(F)2)Roy advise Paul to talk about the_zipper3)When was the zipper invented?And who invented it?The_zipper_was_invented_by_Whitcomb_Juds

14、on_in_1893.2. Let Ss read the dialogue in 2d. 3. Let Ss practice the conversation in pairs. Then try to act out the conversation in front of the class. Some key points1. I think the TV was invented before the car. 这是一个think后面跟了一个宾语从句。因为主句是一般现在时态,从句根据句意用了一般过去时态。 was invented意为“被发明”,此结构为一般过去时的被动语态。一般过

15、去时的被动语态的结构为“was/were + 及物动词的过去分词”。These trees were planted last year. The toy car was bought yesterday. 2. What are they used for?be used for sth. /doing sth.意为“被用来做某事”,表示用途或目的,后接名词或动名词,相当于be used to do sthClothes are used for keeping (= to keep) warm. Wood can be used for building (= to build) hous

16、es. The stick is used to write on the blackboard.3. invent做动词,意为“发明,创造”,指发明以前没有的新东西。当物做主语时,常用被动语态。invention名词,意为“发明物”,可数名词;inventor名词,意为“发明家,发明者”,可数名词。Edison, a great inventor, invented many great inventions during his life.1.通过阅读Role play,学生能通过寻找细节,达到掌握对话大意。2.通过模仿朗读,以及表演对话,达到语言真实运用的目的。3. 有能力的学生可以在对

17、话原文的基础上创编新的对话,并进行表演,进一步培养巩固学生英语学习兴趣,也检查学生是否掌握当堂课要求达到的教学目标学生是否能掌握对话大意,是否能举一反三,熟练运用目标句型。Step 10 SummaryStep11 Exercise 1.Ss remember what they have learned and say the key Words by a mind-map.3.Do some exercise一、单选1.The pen _ to you by Nancy,so you can ask her. Thank you. I will ask her. AgaveBwas giv

18、en Cwas giving Dhad given2._invented the car? Sorry,I dont know. Lets ask the teacher. AWhatBWhenCWhereDWho3.These kinds of glasses_ well. Awere not sold Bwont be sold Care not sold Ddont sell4.When _ the TV _? In 1927. Adid;invent Bwas;invented Cwere;invented Ddo;二、翻译下列句子1.我们的教学楼是去年建成的。2.这些花是她上个月种的。3.笔是用来写字的。4.你确实很有道理。5.他没有给我提过这件事。3. Homework1. Remember the key words and sentences. 2. Try to recite 2d and think about other inventions.培养学生学会总结归纳并形成判断的思维品质,培养学生们小组合作意识,学会向别人求助,取长补短,养成一种良好的学习习惯。通过思维导图总结,培养学生的总结能力,通过练习,回顾本堂课重点句型。

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