1、约束力是指联合国决议对成员国具有法律效力。安理会决议和联合国国际 法庭的判决是具有约束力的;而联合国大会和经社委员会的决议不具有约束 力。Bloc国家集团Bloc Leader集团领导者A bloc leader is the delegate who plays the leadi ng role in a bloc.在一个国家集团中充当着领导者的代表。CCaucus磋商Caucus is a form of discussi on in formal debate, in which delegates may discuss a subtopic more specifically. T
2、here are two types of caucus: moderated caucus and un-m oderated caucus.磋商是正式辩论过程中一种深入讨论议题的方式。磋商分为两种类型:有 主持核心磋商和自由磋商。Chair主席Chair is a member of the dais who is resp on sible for moderat ing debate, tim ing, ruli ng on points and moti ons, and impos ing the rules of procedure.主席是负责主持辩论、计时、裁决问题及动议,并执
3、行会议流程的主席团 成员。Committee 委员会Crisis危机Crisis, to which delegates must resp ond immediately, is an emerge nt matter or un expected eve nt that happe ns duri ng a conferen ce. Usually desig ned by the dais before the conferen ce, a crisis may be related to the topic being discussed on the floor. The forms
4、 of crisis in clude n ews report, official docume nt from intern ati onal orga ni zatio ns, video profile, or directive from embassies or gover nmen ts.危机是会议进行当中,各国代表需要立即处理的突发性事件。模联会议中 的危机一般由主席团在会前设置好,事件可能与代表们讨论的议题相关。事件 的形式有若干种,可能是突发事件的新闻报道,可能是国际组织的文件,可能 是相关人员的视频资料,也可能是外交官派出国政府发来的外交指令等。DDais主席团Usual
5、ly con sisted of a Chair, a Director and a Rapporteur, a dais is a group of people in charge of a Model UN conferen ce.主席团由主席、会议总监和主席助理组成,负责组织模拟联合国的会议。Delegate 代表Represe nting an UN Member State, an observer or an intern ati onal orga ni zati on, delegate is a pers on chose n or elected to express v
6、iews in a Model UN conferen ce.代表是模拟联合国会议中受委托或指派表达意见的人,可以代表一个联合 国成员国,一个观察国,或一个国际组织。Delegatio n 代表团Delegatio n is a group of delegates represe nting the same UN Member State, an observer or an intern ati onal orga ni zati on in a Model UN conferen ce. Delegatio n is also used to describe the delegate
7、s from the same participat ing group, e.g. the same high school or college.代表团是指模联会议中,在不同委员会代表同一个成员国或观察国的全体 代表。代表团也指来自同一参与团体的所有代表,例如来自同一高中或大学的 全体代表。Director会议总监Director is a member of the dais who is in charge of oversee ing delegates role-playi ng, docume nt writ ing and topic researchi ng.会议总监是负责监
8、督代表角色扮演、文件写作及议题调研的主席团成员。Draft Resolution 决议草案Draft Directive 指令草案FFaculty Advisor 指导教师Faculty Advisor is a teacher or faculty resp on sible for advis ing stude nts to run a Model UN club and training a delegati on.指导教师是负责指导学生运营模拟联合国社团并训练模联代表团的教学人 员。Flow of the Debate 会议流程Flow of debate is the order
9、in which eve nts proceed duri ng a Model UN conferen ce.会议流程是模联会议中事件进行的顺序。Formal Debate正式辩论The sta ndard type of debate at a Model UN conferen ce, in which delegates speak for a certa in period of time in the order based on the speakers list.在一个模联会议中标准形式的讨论。代表按照发言名单确定的顺序在规定 时间内进行演讲。Friendly Amendmen
10、t 友好修正案GGavel 槌Global Village 地球村Global Village is an activity in which delegates can display differe nt cultures of the coun tries via exhibiti ons.在模联会议进行过程中举行的展示各国文化的活动。HHead Delegate首席代表Head delegate is the chief represe ntative of a Model UN delegati on.首席代表是一个模联代表团中的领队。IIn favor of 支持In favor
11、is to agree to pass a moti on. There must be over half of the delegates in favor of a moti on in order to pass it.即支持该动议通过。当超过半数的与会代表支持该动议通过,主席团才能 予以执行。LLobby ing 游说Lobby ing is a form of advocacy with the inten ti on of in flue ncing decisi ons made by other delegates duri ng a conferen ce.游说是一种通过陈
12、述观点来影响会场内他国代表意见的行为。Member State 成员国A country that has ratified the Charter of the Un ited Nati ons and whose applicati on to join has bee n accepted by the Gen eral Assembly and Security Coun cil. Curre ntly, there are 192 member states. The on ly intern ati on ally recog ni zed state that is not a
13、member state is the Holy See.一个批准了联合国宪章、并且加入申请已经被联合国大会和安理会接受的 国家。目前联合国一共有192个成员国。唯一一个国际承认的非成员国家是教廷 梵蒂冈。Moderated Caucus有主持核心磋商A type of caucus with a specific topic and restricted total time, moderated Caucus en ables delegates to focus on detailed problems in a short period of time.一种有特定主题、限总发言时间的磋
14、商形式。有主持核心磋商可以让代表 在短时间内关注更为具体的问题。Motion动议A suggesti on made by a delegate to cha nge the curre nt process. A moti on might refer to a caucus, an adjo urnment, an in troductio n to a draft resoluti on, or closi ng the debate.由代表提出的改变现有会议进程的建议,需要全体代表投票表决。这些动 议的内容可以是进行磋商、休会、介绍决议草案或者进入投票阶段。Motion to Clos
15、e Debate 动议停止辩论Motion for a Moderated Caucus动议有主持核心磋商动议Delegates make a moti on for a moderated caucus in order to set a discussi on on a specific topic. To motio n for a moderated caucus, delegates are required to propose topic, total time and the speak ing time for each delegate.代表通过动议有主持核心磋商来进行议题
16、的深入讨论。有主持核心磋商讨 论的主题、总时间、各代表发言时间由提出此动议的代表提出。Motion to Set Speaki ng Time动议更改发言时间Delegates propose a motio n to set the speak ing time for the purpose of sett ing or cha nging the amount of time each delegate has to speak in the speakers代表可以通过动议更改发言时间,来重置每位代表在发言名单中的发言时 间。Motion to Suspend the Meeting
17、动议暂停会议Delegates propose a motio n to suspe nd the meeti ng for the purpose of ending a sessi on and hav ing a break.代表动议暂停会议可以结束会议的一个阶段,并使会议进入休息时间。Moti on for an Unm oderated Caucus 动议自由磋商A moti on for an unm oderated caucus is usually proposed un der the purpose to set a free discussi on so that th
18、e delegates can excha nge ideas with other delegates in your bloc. Delegates n eed to set the total time for an unm oderated caucus in the motio n.提出自由磋商动议的代表需要规定时间。一旦动议获得通过,在规定时间 内代表可以离开座位,更为密切地和盟友们交换意见。MUNer模联人People who have participated or are participati ng in Model UN activity.曾经参与过或正在参与模拟联合国活
19、动的人。OObserver观察员On the floor被讨论状态Operative Clause行动性条款PPage意向条Pager意向条传递者Parliame ntary Procedure 议会议事程序Parliame ntary procedure is based on the con siderati on of the rights: of the majority, of the min ority, of in dividual members, of abse ntee members, of all of these groups take n together.基于平衡
20、原则,为保护各种人和人群的权利 (包括意见占多数的人,意见占 少数的人,甚至是每一个人,以及没有出席会议的人) 而制定出的议事规则,即为议会议事程序。Placard国家牌A piece of cardstock with a coun trys n ame on it that a delegate raises in the air to an swer the roll call or sig nal to the Chair that he or she wishes to speak.一块写着国家名称的硬纸板,代表举起它回应点名或向主席示意希望发 言。Point问题A request
21、raised by a delegate for in formatio n or for an acti on relati ng to that delegate. Examples in clude a point of order, a point of inquiry, and a point of pers onal privilege.代表提出的关于信息或者相关行动的要求。包括程序性问题、询问性问题 和个人权利问题。Point of Order组织性问题Point of Inquiry咨询性问题A point of inq uiry (also known as a point
22、of parliame ntary procedure) can be made whe n the floor is ope n (i.e. whe n no other delegate is speak ing) in order to ask the chairpers on a questi on regard ing the rules of procedure.当代表对于会议程序有不明白的地方时,可以在台上没有代表发言时举牌 向主席咨询。Poi nt of Personal Privilege 个人特权问题Position Paper 立场文件Preambulatory Clau
23、ses 序言性条款The part of a resoluti on that describes previous acti ons take n on the topic and reas ons why the resolutio n is n ecessary. It beg ins with a participle or adjective (e.g. noting, concern ed, regrett ing, aware of, recalli ng, etc.).决议中描述之前与议题有关的行动以及决议的必要性的部分。一般以分词 或者形容词开头。Prese nt到/出席Pr
24、ocedural Questio ns 程序性问题QQuorum法定人数RRapporteur主席助理A member of the dais whose duties in clude keep ing the speakers list and tak ing the roll call.主席团中负责发言名单和点名程序的成员。Resolutio n 决议A docume nt that has bee n passed by an orga n of the UN that aims to address a particular problem or issue. To the UN,
25、a resoluti on is the equivale nt of a law.联合国机构通过的用于解决一个特别的问题或争议的文件。在联合国相当 于法律。Right of Reply 答辩权Roberts Rules of Order罗伯特议事规则After Gen eral Henry M. Robert brought the publicati on of Pocket Manual of Rules of Order to the ord inary societies in 1876, Robert Rules of Order has bee n recog ni zed as
26、 a time-tested method of con duct ing bus in ess at meet ings and public gatheri ngs in world wide. It can be adapted to fit the n eeds of any orga ni zati on. Today, Roberts Rules of Order n ewly revised is the basic han dbook of operati on for most clubs, orga ni zati ons and other groups in clud
27、ing Model Un ited Nati ons.自 首次出版,由罗伯特将军编撰的罗伯特议事规则已成为世界上最广受承认的议事规则标准,也是模拟联合国规则流程制定的蓝本。无论对于 议事专家、还是新上任的协会主席来说,它都是高效、有序、公平的会议的有 力保障。Roll Call 点名Roll Call Vote唱名表决Rules of procedure 议事规贝 USSeco nd附议Second is to agree with a motio n being proposed. Many moti ons must be sec on ded before they are brough
28、t to a vote.赞同一个被提出的动议。很多动议必须有附议才能投票表决。Secretariat 秘书处Secretariat is the orga n in charge of conference affairs; no rmally it con sists of Director of Academics, Liais on (Delegate Coord in ator), Director of Logistics, Director of Tech no logy etc.秘书处又称组委会,主要负责模拟联合国会议的学术及会务组织工作,通 常由学术总监、代表联系人、会务总监、技术总监等人员组成。Secretary Gen eral 秘书长The supreme leader of the Model UN con fere nee, in charge of the secretariat and dais.模拟联合国会议的最高负责人,掌控组委会及主席团的各项工作。Sig natory附议国Simple Majority
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