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1、4.2 P/N: 17726 X YY 部件编号17726: Family number for 1253C X: Product Classification:7- Bulk Packing 5-Finished goodsYY: Sequence Number4. Mechanical Specification物理参数4.1. 尺寸长(mm)宽(mm)高(mm)195 重量2.300.05kg4.3. 安装螺丝4*M6孔径尺寸4*7.2(0.15)mm孔间距尺寸133.3(0.1)mm130.3(0.1)mm4.4. 线路连接 Bus Bar B+ B+ an

2、d series pump controller field (S1)B+和串励泵控控制端(S1)B- B-M-series pump controller (A2)串励泵控制器(A2)Note: (1) The other side of (A1) and the other side of field (S2) should be connected.(2) The dimension of installation hole on Bus Bar is: 8.50.13mm, Connect screws: M8注意:(1)A1应该和另一端S2连接。(2)安装孔尺寸:8.50.13mm,

3、螺丝:M8Low Current Connector小电流连接Mating connector: Molex Mini-Fit Jr. 39012145 with 5556 pin公母接插件:Molex Mini-Fit Jr. 39012145型插头、5556型端子J114Pin1KSI(钥匙开关输入)2POT HIGH 电位器高端3POT WIPER 电位器中点4POT LOW 电位器低端5INTERLOCK 互锁6STATUS LED 状态LED7CAN LOW CAN低端8SS19SS210SS3/LOAD HOLD VALVE DRIVER SS3/负载保持阀驱动11SS412LIF

4、T LOCKOUT上升锁止13CONTACTOR COIL接触器线圈14CAN HIGH CAN高端J24PinRX 数据接收GNDTX 数据发送+12V5. Electrical Specification电气特性5.1. PWM operating frequency: 15.6KHzPWN 工作频率:15.6KHZ5.2. Electrical isolation between Bus Bar and heat sink: 500V ac (minimum)接线铜条与散热片电气隔离:500V ac(最小值)5.3. KSI input voltage: 互锁开关输入电压1253C-4x

5、xx14.046.5V5.4. MAX KSI input current (no contactors engaged):最大钥匙开关输入电流(接触器未使用时): 70 mA without programmer; 150 mA with programmer未编程时70mA,编程时150mA5.5. logic input voltage逻辑输入电压 15.0V 高 1V低5.6. Logic input current: 逻辑输入电流Sink current: 1mA 灌电流:1mA5.7. Status LED driving capability:状态LED驱动能力: 5mA 灌电流

6、:5mA5.8. Contactor driving capability: 接触器驱动能力 2A 灌电流:2A5.9. Under voltage / Over voltage protection欠压/过压保护型号欠压 (可编程)过压减小关断过压关断1621V/24V2432V/36V1417.5V/24V21.026.5V/36V32V/24V46.5V/36V*cutback voltage is inter-clamped with cutoff voltage减小电压与关断电压互相影响。5.10. Current Rating额定电流额定电池电压(伏)电流限制(安培)2 分钟电流1

7、 小时电流1253C-440124/36V4001256. Diagnostics and Troubleshooting诊断与检修Diagnostics诊断6.1.1. Programmer Diagnostics编程器诊断The 1311 programmer presents complete diagnostic information in plain language. Faults are displayed in the Faults menu and the status of the controllers inputs/outputs is displayed in th

8、e Monitor menu.Accessing the Faults History Menu provides a list of the faults that have occurred since the diagnostic history was last cleared. Checking (and clearing) the diagnostic history is recommended each time the vehicle is brought for maintenance.1311编程器以明了的文字显示所有诊断信息。当前所有故障都在诊断菜单中显示,控制器输入/

9、输出状态显示在监视菜单中。查看历史故障菜单,会显示上次未被清除的诊断历史故障。在每次维修时应检查并清除历史故障。 6.1.2. LED Diagnostics LED诊断An external Status LED can be connected to the 1253 controller. It displays fault codes when there is a problem with the controller or with the inputs to the controller. During normal operation, with no faults prese

10、nt, the Status LED flashes steadily on and off. The period for On is about 0.13s and the period for Off is about 4.54s. If the controller detects a fault, a 2 digit fault identification code is flashed continuously until the fault is corrected. The fault code flashing sequence consists of two flash

11、sequences separated by a delay. For example, code “3,2” welded main contactor appears as:外部状态LED与1253C 控制器相连。当控制器发生故障或控制器输入有误时将显示故障码。在正常运行时,无故障出现,状态LED亮灭闪烁稳定。周期大约是亮0.13秒,熄灭4.54秒。如果控制器检测到故障,2位故障标示码将连续闪烁直到故障被排除。故障码闪烁有两个单独的闪烁时序通过延时组成。例如,故障码“3,2”主接触器粘连将显示: (3,2)(3,2) (3,2)In each digit, the periods for

12、LED on or off are about 0.13s and the period between these two digits is about 1.1s. The delay which separates the fault code is about 3.57s. 每位故障码LED亮灭周期大约是0.13秒,两位故障码之间间隔1.1秒。两次独立故障码之间大约延时3.57秒。The codes are listed in the following table.故障码如下表所示:状态码解释LED 灭常亮no power or defective controller未通电或控制器

13、损坏controller or microprocessor fault控制器或微处理器故障0,1 controller operational; no known faults控制器正常工作;没有已知故障1,11,21,31,4EEPROM故障由于 MOSFETS损坏导致硬件故障电机短路未使用2,12,22,32,4under voltage cutoff欠压关断lift lockout上升锁止顺序错误故障(启动锁止)加速器故障3,13,23,33,4由于线圈短路导致接触器线圈过流主接触器粘连precharge fault预充电故障找不到主接触器或主接触器不吸合4,14,24,34,4low

14、 battery voltage电池欠压over voltage 过压温度保护,过温或低温若有多个故障同时存在时,故障指示灯只显示一种故障。Troubleshooting 检修 6.1.3. Programmer Diagnostics编程器诊断The detection of a fault causes the controller to operate in a manner that is safe in the presence of that fault. Depending on the severity of the fault, the response can range

15、from reduction of the current limit to complete shutdown the power drive section of the controller. According to the different conditions, the faults can be self cleared or by cycling the KSI.For suggestions about possible causes and solutions of the various faults, refer to the following troublesho

16、oting table.检测到故障时运行控制器在一定程度上是安全的。 依据故障的严重程度,控制器会作出从减小电流限制到完全关闭控制器驱动电源范围内的响应。根据不同的状况,故障可能会被自动清除或者KSI循环。根据提示的可能故障原因并解除各种故障,请参考以下检修表:编程器显示LED 代码故障清除方法故障现象可能的原因EEPROM FAULTModify any programmable data with programmer用编程器调整所有可编程参数1) 无PWM输出1) EEPROM 数据丢失或损坏2) EEPROM 校验错误HW FAILSAFE硬件故障Cycle KSI循环KSI2) 主接

17、触器开路1) MOSFET 短路2) 电机接线开路MOTOR SHORTED1) 电机短路UNDERVOLTAGE CUTOFF低压关断Battery voltage exceeds the setting value for deep under voltage增大电池电压到最低电压设定值1) 电池电压 overvoltage shutdown threshold电池电压过压关断临界值2) 在充电时操作THERMAL CUTBACK关断温度Tested temperature -25工作温度1) reduce current limit when over temperature当过温时电流极限减小2) reduce current limit to 50% when under temperature当低温时电流极限减小到50%1) 温度85 或 -252) Excessive load on pump motor泵电机超负荷工作3) Improper mounting of controller控制器散热底板安装不当4) Operation in extreme environments在恶劣环境下工作5) 温度传感器损坏编程器编程器菜单序号参数范围默认值级别调整幅度含义TEMP CB SETPT过温关断设定值025562FactoryTEMP CB RATE过温关断率0

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